why organizations fail to change

Post on 08-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    8 Reasons WhyOrganizations Fail

    To Change James Saliba

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    By far the biggest mistakepeople make when tryingto change organizations is

    to plunge ahead withoutestablishing a high enoughsense of urgency in fellowmanagers and employees.

     The error is fatal becausetransformations always failto achieve their objectiveswhen complacency levelsare too high.

    Error #1Allowing Too


    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    #ajor change is often saidto be impossible unless thehead of the organization is

    an active supporter. $nsuccessful transformations%the president% divisiongeneral manager% ordepartment head plusanother &ve% &fteen% or&fty people with acommitment to improvedperformance pull togetheras a team.

    Error #Failing to Create

    a !ower"ulCoalition

    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    'ision plays a key role inproducing useful changeby helping to direct%

    align and inspire actions.(ithout appropriatevision% a transformatione)ort can easily dissolveinto a list of confusing%

    incompatible and time*consuming projects thatgo in the wrong directionor nowhere at all.

    Error #$n%erestimating

    the !ower o"&ision

    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    !hange is usuallyimpossible unless mostemployees are willing to

    help% often to the point ofmaking short*termsacri&ces. +eople will notmake sacri&ces% even ifthey are unhappy with thestatus ,uo% unless theythink the potential bene&tsof change are attractiveand transformation ispossible.

    Error #'$n%er

    Communicating the&ision

    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    -ew initiatives fail far toooften when employees%even if they embrace a

    new vision% feeldisempowered by hugeobstacles in their paths.ccasionally% theroadblocks are only in

    people/s minds and thechallenge is to convince

    them that no e0ternalbarriers e0ist. $n othercases% the blockers arevery real.

    Error #(!ermitting

    O)stacles to *loc+the &ision

    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    1eal transformation takestime. !omple0 e)orts tochange strategies or

    restructure businesses risklosing momentum if thereare no short*term goals tomeet and celebrate. #ostpeople won/t go on thelong march unless they seesomething compellingevidence within si0 toeighteen months that the journey is producinge0pected results.

    Error #,Failing to Create

    -hort.Term Wins

    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    2fter a few years of hardwork% people can be temptedto declare victory in a majorchange e)ort with the &rstmajor performanceimprovement. !elebrating awin is &ne% any suggestionthat the job is donegenerally is a terrible

    mistake. 3ntil changes sinkdown deeply into the culture%which for an entire companycan take 4 to 56 years% newapproaches are fragile andsubject to regression.

    Error #/0eclaring &ictory

    Too -oon

    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

  • 8/19/2019 why organizations fail to change


    !hanges sticks only whenit becomes 7the way we dothings around here%8 when

    it seeps into the verybloodstream of the workunit or corporate body.3ntil new behaviors arerooted in social norms andshared values% they arealways subject todegradation as soon as thepressures associated withthe change e)ort areremoved.

    Error #8eglecting to

    Anchor ChangesFirmly

    Source: eading !hange by John "otter

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