why new year's resolutions don't work! - john di lemme

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Why New Year’s

Resolutions Don’t Work!


Let’s Break Down the Word

“NEW YEAR” to Reveal Why

Resolutions Don’t Work…

N: No CommitmentThere’s No Real Commitment

Behind Resolutions. You Make

Them Because Society Tells

You to Not Because You are

Committed to Them.

E: Easy ExcuseYou can Come Up with an Easy

Excuse to Quit on Your Resolutions,

Because Everyone Knows that Most

People Don’t Make It to the End of

January Anyway.

W: WillingYou Must Be Willing to Pay the Price

for Success. Resolutions are Not

Backed by Commitment So the

Likelihood that You will Willingly Pay

the Price to Achieve Those Goals is

Slim to None.

Y: YOUR GoalsResolutions are Typically Based on

a Trend of Goals Compiled by

Popular Culture – Lose Weight,

Make Money, Etc. These are Not

YOUR Goals that You have a Deep

Desire to Achieve.

E: Eager & ExcitedPeople Get Excited About Their

Goals and Dreams and are Eager to

Achieve Them. But when You Think

About Sticking to Your Resolutions,

There’s Usually a Sense of Dread

and Anxiety. That Won’t Work!

A: ActionYou Must Take Daily Action Steps in

Order to Achieve Your Goals &

Dreams. Most Resolutions are

Written Down But Never Followed

Through With or Taken Seriously.

No Action = No Results!

R: ResolutionResolution is Defined as Something

Resolved or Achieved. Realistically,

Your Goals & Dreams will Take

Longer than a Year to Achieve.

Some Goals Even Take a Lifetime.

Don’t Set Yourself Up for Failure!

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