why gather - part 1

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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Why gather?

Models: How to do church?

Ecclesiology: What is the church?What is the church


“An unchurched Christian is a grotesque anomaly. The New Testament knows

nothing of such a person. For the church lies at the very centre of the eternal purpose of God. It is not a divine

afterthought. It is not an accident of history. On the contrary, the church is

God's new community.”John Stott

The Living Church

“Why gather?”

“It’s not just about going to church!”

“The Sunday gathering isn’t the church. It’s

something the church does.”

“Churches are the people, not the meeting.

It doesn’t matter whether they meet or not, they’re still the


Paul, Silas and Timothy,

To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

Grace and peace to you.

1 Thessalonians 1: 1



gathering, assembly, meeting

“The Sunday gathering isn’t the church. It’s

something the church does.”

“Churches are the people, not the meeting.

It doesn’t matter whether they meet or not, they’re still the


‘If… Demetrius and the artisans with him have a complaint against anyone, the courts are open,

and there are proconsuls; let them bring charges there against one another. If there is anything further you want to know, it must be settled in the regular assembly. For we are in danger of

being charged with rioting today, since there is no cause that we can give to justify this commotion.’ When he had said this, he

dismissed the assembly.

Acts 19: 38-41

‘If… Demetrius and the artisans with him have a complaint against anyone, the courts are open,

and there are proconsuls; let them bring charges there against one another. If there is anything further you want to know, it must be settled in the regular assembly. For we are in danger of being charged with rioting today, since there is

no cause that we can give to justify this commotion.’ When he had said this, he

dismissed the assembly.

Acts 19: 38-41

‘If… Demetrius and the artisans with him have a complaint against anyone, the courts are open,

and there are proconsuls; let them bring charges there against one another. If there is anything further you want to know, it must be settled in the regular assembly. For we are in danger of

being charged with rioting today, since there is no cause that we can give to justify this commotion.’ When he had said this, he

dismissed the assembly.

Acts 19: 38-41

Surely church is more than just a meeting?

‘So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and of the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing

of our God: be careful to follow all the commands of the Lord your God, that you may

possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants for ever.’

1 Chronicles 28: 8

“Why gather?”

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