why extract wisdom teeth? here are the reasons

Post on 03-Aug-2016






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A troublesome wisdom tooth is removed not just because of the pain caused by it. Find out the other reasons stating why wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Visit http://wisdomteethsydney.com.au


T o p R e a s o n s fo r Wis d o m T e e th E x tra c tio n


Wisdom tooth is the last tooth to erupt and develop in your mouth. Wisdom teeth begin to cause trouble such as pain when it doesn’t have enough space to position itself. Wisdom teeth removal is performed due to the following reasons:


Frequent Gum InfectionsIn some cases, wisdom teeth erupt only partially due to lack of space. This means the rest part of the teeth is covered by the flap of gum tissue. The space below the gum flap becomes hard to clean, thus promoting bacterial growth & infections.


Tooth DecayWisdom tooth sometimes erupts in tilted position towards the adjacent teeth. This leads to a slit-like opening that deposits food particles, thus causing decay of both wisdom tooth and the adjacent one.


Gum DiseaseDeposit of food particles between the wisdom tooth and the second molar tooth can lead to gum diseases and even bone loss.


Pressure UlcersWhen wisdom tooth erupts in the wrong direction, it can cause pressure on the neighbouring teeth. This can result in its misalignment. Wisdom tooth growing towards the inner side of the cheek can rub against it to cause ulcerations and pains.


These are some of the significant reasons that explain why wisdom teeth have to be extracted. Visit your dentist to have your wisdom teeth removed soon.

Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery offers wisdom teeth extraction procedures in a safe and comfortable manner. For more details,

Visit www.wisdomteethsydney.com.au or call 1300 260 677.


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