why b2b selling needs to change to align with b2b buying - and headline guidance for effective...

Post on 08-May-2015






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The Internet and Search has been a game-changer for buyers who can now educate themselves and research their options. B2B sellers need to develop new sales and marketing strategies in response. This presentation outlines the changes in B2B buying and B2B selling in particular the role of social media to help sales people to identify new opportunities through research, monitoring and search through B2B social networks. This is the first section of 3 that were presented to a business owners, sales and marketing professionals and managers in Bristol in October 2013.


Why and How is B2B selling changing?

Social Media Strategies for B2B Sales

Part 1 of ‘Social Media – is it a Game-Changer for B2B Sales?

Mark Stonham

Twitter @MarkJStonham #LinkedWin

Social Media Strategy for B2B Sales

Conversational not Salesy

Inform, Educate, provide Insight, Entertain

Be Memorable!

Curate - as well as Create

Invite people to take ‘the next step’.

To learn more about how you can use LinkedIn to

generate leads and opportunities …

Contact Mark Stonham Email mark@wurlwind.co.uk Follow @markjstonham Connect on LinkedIn

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