who wants to be a millionaire? recycling edition

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Who Wants To Be A Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?Millionaire?



Question 1

How much household waste

do we produce in a year?

A A 1 million tonnesB B 28 million tonnesC C 100 million tonnesD D Not too much

How much household waste

do we produce in a year?

A A 1 million tonnesB B 28 million tonnesC C 100 million tonnesD D Not too much


Question 2

How big would the forest have to be to provide the UK with paper

all year?

A A Size of Scotland

B B Size of Bristol

C C Size of Wales

D D Size of our School

How big would the forest have to be to provide the UK with paper

all year?

A A Size of Scotland

B B Size of Bristol

C C Size of Wales

D D Size of our School


Question 3

How many times could we cover Bristol City’s pitch with rubbish

we throw away in a year?

A A 280 TimesB B 28 TimesC C 28,450 TimesD D 2,840 Times

How many times could we cover Bristol City’s pitch with rubbish

we throw away in a year?

A A 280 TimesB B 28 TimesC C 28,450 TimesD D 2,840 Times


Question 4

Which of the following is reusing paper?

A A Placing in a recylce bin

B B Placing in a dustbin

C C Making paper mache

D D Giving it to a teacher

Which of the following is reusing paper?

A A Placing in a recylce bin

B B Placing in a dustbin

C C Making paper mache

D D Giving it to a teacher


Question 5

Which way of buying milk makes the least amount of


A A 4 pint plastic bottle

B B 1 pint plastic bottle

C C 1 pint glass bottle

D D Cardboard carton

Which way of buying milk makes the least amount of


A A 4 pint plastic bottle

B B 1 pint plastic bottle

C C 1 pint glass bottle

D D Cardboard carton


Question 6

How many years does it take a single aluminium can to


A A 20 to 40 years

B B 80 to 100 years

C C 60 to 80 years

D D 0 to 20 years

How many years does it take a single aluminium can to


A A 20 to 40 years

B B 80 to 100 years

C C 60 to 80 years

D D 0 to 20 years


Question 7

How long does it take a plastic bag to decay in


A A 500 years

B B 250 years

C C 100 years

D D 25 years

How long does it take a plastic bag to decay in


A A 500 years

B B 250 years

C C 100 years

D D 25 years


Question 8

What happens to your rubbish after the bin men collect it?

A A It is burnt

B B All recycled

C C Goes to Landfill

D D Blasted into space

What happens to your rubbish after the bin men collect it?

A A It is burnt

B B All recycled

C C Goes to Landfill

D D Blasted into space


Question 9

Which of the following cannot be composted?

A A Plastic milk bottle

B B Banana peel

C C Pizza Box

D D Lawn cutttings

Which of the following cannot be composted?

A A Plastic milk bottle

B B Banana peel

C C Pizza Box

D D Lawn cutttings


Question 10

If you recycle a tonne of paper, how many trees are you saving?

A A 10 Trees

B B 30 Trees

C C 17 Trees

D D 5 Trees

If you recycle a tonne of paper, how many trees are you saving?

A A 10 Trees

B B 30 Trees

C C 17 Trees

D D 5 Trees


Question 11

How many plastic bottles are used each day in


A A 15 Billion

B B 10 Billion

C C 5 Billion

D D 1 Billion

How many plastic bottles are used each day in


A A 15 Billion

B B 10 Billion

C C 5 Billion

D D 1 Billion


Question 12

Recycling one aluminium can saves enough energy to run a

TV for how long?

A A 1 Hour

B B 3 Hours

C C 5 Hours

D D 2 Hours

Recycling one aluminium can saves enough energy to run a

TV for how long?

A A 1 Hour

B B 3 Hours

C C 5 Hours

D D 2 Hours


Question 13

If all the wind was harnessed around our coast, how much

power could it supply?

A A All our energy needs

B B X2 our energy needs

C C X3 our energy needs

D D Half our energy needs

If all the wind was harnessed around our coast, how much

power could it supply?

A A All our energy needs

B B X2 our energy needs

C C X3 our energy needs

D D Half our energy needs


Question 14

What was Bristol’s recycling rate in 2006?

A A 10%

B B 25%

C C 12.4%

D D 22.4%

What was Bristol’s recycling rate in 2006?

A A 10%

B B 25%

C C 12.4%

D D 22.4%


Question 15

In 1950 the world made 5 Million tonnes of plastic. How

much do they make now?

A A 80 Million

B B 10 Million

C C 20 Million

D D 26 Million

In 1950 the world made 5 Million tonnes of plastic. How

much do they make now?

A A 80 Million

B B 10 Million

C C 20 Million

D D 26 Million


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