who stole my power? and the easy way to reclaim it!

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


    Ienoloty Ajana oo

    Xfa \tane G Raxep1

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


    Xfa \tane G Raxep1

    @ Ienolot Ajana

    Dkcgol Noie Laclf ) \recjep


    Egcon= ienolotBienolotajana+lag

    Jkaxokh atfep| o| oktennohekle: jkaxokh aup|eni o| tpue

    xo|dag+ Gc|tepokh atfep| o| |tpekhtf. gc|tepokh aup|eni o|

    tpue raxep+

    { Nca'T}u

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


    Larpohft 0232 ` Ienolot Ajana

    Cnn pohft| pe|epyed+ Ka rcpt ai tfo| `aaj gc `e perpaduled. |taped. ap tpck|gotted ` ck

    geck|xfetfep cudotap. hpcrfol. gelfckolcn. ap eneltpakolxotfaut xpottek repgo||oak ai `atf

    ru`no|fep ckd cutfap. evlert ok tfe lc|e ai `poei evleprt| u|ed ok lpotolcn cptolne| ckd peyoex|+

    Ukcutfapo}ed perpadultoak ai ck rcpt ai tfo| xapj o| onnehcn ckd o| ruko|fc`ne ` ncx+

    O\@K= ?86'3'4493'9064'0

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


    Tfo| `aaj o| dedolcted ta g gatfep

    Fenek Ajana xfa pco|ed ge ta `e tfe

    rep|ak O cg tadc+

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!



    G |oklepe hpctotude hae| ta tfe rearne xfa gcde tfo| `aaj ra||o`ne+ Tfe cpe Enekc @apo||ayc. Pcmc Fopejep. ckd Pey+ Ip

    Lc|gop Doje iap tfeop eklaupchegekt ckd `enoeye ok ge ckd iap

    tcjokh tfe toge ta pecd tfe iop|t dpcit ai tfe `aaj+ O xaund cn|a

    noje ta tfckj \ukcgotc iap fep fenr ok pe|ecplf ckd g |ak.

    Mu`onckt. iap fo| fenr xotf gcku|lport rpercpctoak+

    G |relocn tfckj| hae| ta g fu|`ckd ckd lfondpek iap tfeop

    |urrapt ckd eklaupchegekt tfpauhfaut tfe |tche| ai tfo| `aaj

    deyenargekt. g xakdepiun tecg ai edotap| ckd de|ohkep|. g

    gc|tepgokd hpaur. g |egokcp cttekdee| ckd ipoekd| iap tfeop

    fenr ckd g Cuktoe Jcte Uhalfujxu iap fep eyepnc|tokh |urrapt+

    O naye au cnn+

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!



    OKTPADULTOAK 3 Lfcrtep 3+ NOIE CPEC\ 5 Lfcrtep 0+ \OV FUGCK KEED\Lfcrtep

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


    O fare aup xo|dag xonn hpax xotf aup raxep. ckd teclf

    u| tfct tfe ne|| xe u|e aup raxep tfe hpectep ot xonn `e+

    { Tfagc| Meiiep|ak


    Xfct O iokd raxepiun o| c rep|ak xotf tfe lakiodekle ta `e

    fep axk |eni+

    { Arpcf Xokipe

    Gonnoak| cpaukd tfe xapnd tfponn ta xctlfokh Arpcf| ok|ropokh

    TY |fax|+ Xf| tfct1 Tfe |elpet o| |ogrneArpcf ckd fep

    hue|t| ekhche. edulcte ckd egraxep xotf onnugokokh ok|ohft|+ 45

    gokute| ai coptoge xotf peipe|fokhn ra|otoye rearne lck `aa|t c

    rep|ak| detepgokctoak ta ayeplage add| ckd `e ok lfcphe ai fo|ap fep noie ta jeer ak hpaxokh rep|akcnn ckd rpaie||oakcnn+

    Xfek au |ee atfep rearne |fokokh iaptf tfeop `e|t sucnotoe|.

    `an|teped ` tfe iclt tfct tfeye fcd ta ayeplage tfeop axk

    repleoyed nogotctoak| ok apdep ta |ulleed. ot geck| tfct au. taa.

    lck gcje ot `oh toge#

    Arpcf Xokipe o| kat aup trolcn |tap ai pch| ta polfe| ckd

    icge+ @ut. ot dae| |fax xfct| ra||o`ne xfek au crrn |eni'

    tpck|lekdekle ta ayeplage tfe add|+ Ot cn|a |fax| c deer

    jkaxnedhe ckd ukdep|tckdokh ai |eni ok iohupokh aut xfct ot tcje|

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


    Ienoloty Ajana 0

    iap c rep|ak ta ayeplage fupdne| ta laktokue hpaxokh ckd

    |ulleedokh xotf tfeop noie+ _au ckd O gc kat `e Arpcf ap atfep

    icgau| rearne gektoaked ok tfo| `aaj `ut xe cnn fcye |cge

    ratektocn| ckd hoit| c| tfeg+ O fcye xpottek tfo| `aaj ta eklaupche

    au ta peclf xotfok au ckd |ee aup tpue ratektocn| ckd hoit|

    xcotokh iap au ta `pokh iaptf ckd |foke iap aup|eni ckd tfefohfe|t haad ai eyepake+

    Iannax ge ckd eg`cpj ak c rep|akcn maupke ai uklaggak

    |eni'do|layepoe|. ckd `elage c fepa ak noie| `cttneioend tfct au

    dodkt tfokj ra||o`ne `eiape#

    Tfct| tfe xc noie o| geckt ta `e noyed ckd ekmaedxotf

    lakiodekle. fake|t crrpeloctoak ai |eni ckd atfep| ckd utono|okh

    ake| ratektocn raxep ipag xotfok ta tpck|iapg lfcnnekhokh autep

    loplug|tckle| okta xok'xok'xok ckd |ulle||iun autlage|+

    \a. au gohft c|j. xf o| tfo| |ogrne ckd raxepiun |elpet |a

    xenn foddek ipag tfe pe|t ai u|1 Net ge |fcpe xotf au tfe |tap

    ai. Tfe Nottne|t Had+

    Ot xc|kt nakh citep tfe Had| fcd lpected fugckjokd tfct tfe

    `ehck ta pecno}e tfeop go|tcje+ Tfe lpectupe| tfe fcd lpected

    xepe |a cdert. |a |jonniun. |a iunn ai lupoa|ot ckd tfe |ropot ai

    eksuop tfct ot xc| akn c gcttep ai toge `eiape tfe xaund |tcpt

    ta lfcnnekhe tfe Had| tfeg|enye| iap |urpegcl+

    Ta ek|upe tfeop rpe'egokekle. tfe Had| fend c ncphe

    lakiepekle ta do|lu|| tfo| o||ue+ Had| xepe |uggaked ipag cnn

    ayep tfe jkaxk ckd ukjkaxk xapnd|+ Tfe de`cte| xepe nakh.

    detconed. ckd |aun'|ecplfokh+

    Cnn tfe Had| xepe yep lnecp c`aut ake tfokh+ Tfe doiiepekle `etxeek tfeg ckd tfe gaptcn| xc| tfe doiiepekle `etxeek tfe

    sucnot ai tfe pe|auple| tfe fcd+ Xfone fugck| fcd tfeop eha|

    ckd xepe laklepked xotf tfe evtepkcn. gctepocn c|relt| ai tfe

    xapnd. tfe Had| fcd |ropot |aun. ckd ck ukdep|tckdokh ai tfe

    xapjokh| ai tfe okkep |eni+

    Tfe dckhep xc| tfct |aakep ap nctep tfe fugck| xaund xckt

    |age ai tfct okkep xecntf. taa+

  • 8/8/2019 Who Stole My Power? And The Easy Way To Reclaim It!


    Ienoloty Ajana

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