"who is this man?" quotes about jesus

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Insightful and inspiring quotes about Jesus of Nazareth by the famous, infamous and unknown. The quotes beg the question offered by Jesus Himself, "Who do you say that I am?"


Friday, September 26, 14

Quotes about Jesus by the famous,




Friday, September 26, 14

"I have read in Plato and Cicero sayings that are very wise and very beautiful; but I never read in either of them: ‘Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden’."

St. Augustine


Friday, September 26, 14

"By a carpenter mankind was made, and only by that carpenter can mankind be remade."

Desiderius Erasmus


Friday, September 26, 14

"I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison, Alexander, Caesar. Charlemagne, and I myself have founded empires; but upon what do these creations of our genius depend? Upon force, Jesus alone founded His empire upon love; and to this very day millions would die for him."


Friday, September 26, 14

"If Shakespeare should come into this room, we would all rise; but if Jesus Christ should come in, we would all kneel."

Charles Lamb

Friday, September 26, 14

"I am poor and feeble, persecuted and vulnerable, Yeshua conquered me, and with the New Man he honored me, He delivered me from the poverty-stricken self with his great love, he cherishes me."

Daniel Zion, Chief Rabbi of Bulgarian Jews, WWII

Friday, September 26, 14

"I have a great need for Christ. I have a great Christ for my need."

Charles H. Spurgeon


Friday, September 26, 14

“I shall say to Hindus that your

life will be incomplete unless you

reverentially study the teachings

of Jesus…Make this world the

kingdom of God and his

righteousness and everything will

be added unto you.”



Friday, September 26, 14

“The gospel of the entire New Testament is that you can have new life now in the Kingdom of God if you will trust Jesus Christ.”

Dallas Willard


Friday, September 26, 14

"My life's horizontal started focusing when Jesus Christ introduced me to vertical fine-tuning."

Nancy White Kelly


Friday, September 26, 14

"When I nominated Jesus as my supreme ecologist, years of inner pollution became instantly biodegradable."

Donald R Brown


Friday, September 26, 14

“ ’Thou are a teacher come from God’, said Nicodemus of Jesus.

Jesus was more − He was God come to teach."

D.G. Barnhouse


Friday, September 26, 14

“Man's ultimate destiny depends not on whether he can learn new lessons or make new discoveries and conquests, but on his acceptance of the lesson taught him close upon two thousand years ago."

Inscription at the Eastern Entrance of Rockefeller Center, New York City


Friday, September 26, 14

“The central thing about the kingdom of Jesus Christ is a personal relationship to Himself, not public usefulness to men.”

Oswald Chambers


Friday, September 26, 14

"If Christ comes to rule in the hearts of men, it will be because we take him with us on the tractor, behind the desk, when we're making a sale to a customer, or when we're driving on the road."

Alexander Nunn


Friday, September 26, 14

"All that I had, He took; all that He has, He has given me in Jesus Christ."

Sudobh Sahu


Friday, September 26, 14

“As a child I received instruction both in

the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew,

but I am enthralled by the luminous

figure of the Nazarene. . . . No one can

read the Gospels without feeling the

actual presence of Jesus. His

personality pulsates in every word.”

Albert Einstein


Friday, September 26, 14

"A man who can read the New Testament and not see that Christ claims to be more than a man, can look all over the sky at high noon on a cloudless day and not see the sun."

William E. Biederwolf

Friday, September 26, 14

"The name of Jesus is the one lever that lifts the world."



Friday, September 26, 14

“Who do you say that I am?”


Friday, September 26, 14


Friday, September 26, 14


Simply Follow Jesus exists to engage others to explore with us the mystery of the knowledge of truth hidden in Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 26, 14

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