who is lord krishna

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Lord Ranchod


9/10/2015 Why is Lord Krishna called Ranchod?

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Blog by Vivek Kumar


Why is Lord Krishna calledRanchod?

Jun 12, 2015       View as Slideshow(http://www.speakingtree.in/slideshow/why-is-lord-krishna-called-ranchod)



1. Krishna has many names

Krishna was sporty and his leelas extend in various fields involving various individuals. Some ofthem are with the milkmaids of Vraja while some involve the Pandavas. He has acquired a lot ofnames based on these Leelas.

2. Names from Rakshasas

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However, he also gets many names from Rakshasa--the ones that he killed or liberated. Forexample, Madhusudan. He got this name because he is the slayer of demon named Madhu.

3. Ranchod

Ranchod is a name given to Krishna due to a very distinct leela that he did. It literally means theone who flees the battlefield. We will discuss the story behind this name in this article.

4. Jarasandha friendship with Kalyavan

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Jarasandha was furious with Lord Krishna, who had killed Kamsa. To seek revenge from Krishna,Jarasandha forged a friendship with Kalyavan.

5. Who was Kalyavan?

It's believed that Kalyavan was the son of Sage Sheshirayan and the apsara Rambha.

6. Story behind his birth

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Sage Sheshirayan performed severe penance to propitiate Lord Shiva. Lord Siva blesssed himwith a boon of a son who would not be defeated.

7. Krishna had a strategy

Because this king could not be defeated, Krishna thought of a strategy saving the city of Mathurafrom another war. He flees the battleground and moves towards mountains away from thepopulace and the army.

8. Kalyavan follows him

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Not leaving the enemy to escape from his net, Kalyavan follows Lord Krishna to those mountainsand caves. He had marked Lord Krishna's distinct yellow cloth as the spotting point.

9. Sage Muchukund

Now, in one of the caves in those mountains, there slept a sage of ancient times who had notwoken up. The story says that he had helped gods in the war against demons, and in the boon hehad asked for sleep, because he felt tired. He also asked that if somebody happened to wake himup, he may get burnt from the light that would emerge from his eyes.

10. Countering the boons

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Krishna knew both the boons given to Kalyavan and Muchukund. He put the yellow cloth on thesleeping sage and hid himself behind a boulder.

11. Kalyavan mistook Muchukund as Krishna

Kalyavan mistakenly assumes that Krishna is lying there because the sage had his cloth on--hetries to wake him up. When the sage wakes up, he burns Kalyavan because of his boon.

12. Lord Krishna appears before the sage

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Lord Krishna appeared before the sage and blessed him for helping him kill a demon. He alsoblessed him with his vision and asked him to move to Badri Ashram.

13. The significance

Ranchod seems to be a negative name, but very strategically, Lord Krishna used this name toexecute a plan where no armies collided by the enemy was killed.

14. Hailing with this name

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Like Makhan-chor, where people accuse Krishna lovingly of stealing their butter, Ranchod becamean endearing name and Lord Krishna became famous with this name owing to this incident.

15. What're your thoughts

What're your thoughts on this name? Have you heard it before or is it the first time you arecoming to know this story? Share your views with us.

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9/10/2015 Why is Lord Krishna called Ranchod?

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2 months ago

2 months ago

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2 months ago

2 months ago

Vinay Tandon (http://www.speakingtree.in/vinaytandon)

The strategy in the story needs to be followed in corporate world where army is money,.

Rahul Tyagi (http://www.speakingtree.in/bhagwantyagi)

Krishna had a lot of names ...some by love and some by jealous

Prem Singh Rathore (http://www.speakingtree.in/prem9)

Nice Article. Thanks

Ashish Trivedi (http://www.speakingtree.in/ashishtrivedi)

I read this story earlier. How cleverly Lord Krishna killed Kaalyavan

Surya (http://www.speakingtree.in/drsacha)

Thought Krishna left battle and moved to Dwarka. Hence called so.

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