white7e ppt ch10

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Jonathan R. White

Rosemary ArwayHodges University

Chapter 10:Terrorism in Israel and Palestine

Palestine Liberation Organization

PLO – Palestinian Liberation Organization:o Secular organization

o Yasser Arafet – its leader and founder (1964)

o Attempted to establish a government for displaced Palestinians

o Purpose was to create a political organization to help form a multinational alliance against Israel

o Looked to Arab governments to jointly launch a war against Israel

Palestine Liberation Organization

FATAH:o Yasser Arafat formed Fatah in 1959o Purpose was to create a guerrilla organizationo Advocated use of small unit tactics and

terrorist actionso Proposed terrorizing unfortified Israeli civilian

targets after Six Day War defeat Merged Fatah into PLO in 1964 Media coverage of Fatah attacks raised

PLO status throughout the Arab world

Palestine Liberation Organization

Fatah after Karamah:o After Fatah’s attack on Israel, Israel

respond with force.o In 1968 Israeli Defense Force (IDF) tanks,

infantry, helicopters and artillery raided the Palestinians in the village of Karamah (refuge center housing Fatah members - fadayeen).

o Fadayyen fought back and Israeli army had to retreat.

Palestine Liberation Organization

PLO Expelled:o As it grew, the PLO identified more closely

with militant Arab states and organized its base in Jordan.

o Concerned about the growing influence of foreign nationals, Jordanian King Hussein ordered PLO to stop attacking Israel.

o Arafat defied Hussein’s order. In 1970 Hussain ordered Marital Law. Arafat and Hussain signed a ceasefire.

Arafat and the PLO fled to southern Lebanon.

Palestine Liberation Organization Black September and Munich:

o Black September was a splinter group of the PLOo Formed after King Hussein’s September attack

Black September began planning a strike against Israelo With the help of German terrorists, Black September

attacked Olympic Village in September 1972.o Took most of the Israeli Olympic team hostageo Killed those who attempted escapeo Botched rescue attempt by Germans ended when

terrorists machine-gunned down their hostageso In October, Arab terrorists hijacked a Lufthansa jet

and demanded release of the Munich terrorist – Germans capitulated.

Palestine Liberation Organization

1982 Invasion of Lebanon:o PLO becoming potent force in southern Lebanono Iran joined fighting after Islamic revolution of 1979o Established new terrorist organization called Islamic

Jihado Endemic civil war raged in Lebanon

Operation Peace for Galileeo IDF forces invaded Lebanono PLO retreat from Lebanono Fighting in Lebanon continued with a new group:

Hezbollah – an umbrella-style organizationo Israel's fight with PLO shifted from Lebanon to

Palestinians areas in Israel

Yom Kippur/ Ramadan War caused shift in Middle East terrorism

1967 – 1973 PLO characterized by internal splintering

Several groups split from Arafato Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestineo Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestineo Popular Front for the Liberation of

Palestine, General Commando Sabri al Banna - Abu Nidal Organization

Factionalism in Palestinian Terrorism

Abu Nidal Organization Abu Nidal:

o Created rebel organization called Black Juneo Jointed Fatah for the purpose of regaining a

Palestinian homelando Became disillusioned with Fatah and Arafato With Iraqi assistance built an infrastructure to

support his terrorist organizationo Moved his operations to Damascus in 1983o In 1987 Moumar Gadhafi brought Abu Nidal

to Libya▪ From there Abu Nidal organization operated as private


Abu Nidal Abu Nidal:

o Operated on the international level▪ Particularly ruthless – terrorists became noted for

the brutality of their attacks

o Changed the face of Middle Eastern terrorism▪ Increased activities in Europe▪ Created a large terrorist group▪ Immersed himself in the Lebanese Civil War▪ Terrorism become the meaning for existence

o Began working as a mercenary for foreign governments

Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) o Secular group arising after Yom Kippur Waro Small group that emerged in Egypto Influenced by militant Salafismo Disillusioned with the Muslim Brotherhood

PIJ founders:o Fathi Shekakio Abdul Azizo Bashir Musa

Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Fathi Shekakio Longed to take direct – military – action against

infidelso Supported Iranian revolutiono Left Egypt in 1981 with Aziz and Musa to settle in

the Gaza Stripo Advocate of umbrella-style organization and the

suicide bomber (Hezbollah innovations)o Discovered that small groups are virtually invisible

for enemies, and for that reason let his group split.▪ The U.S.A. Department of State sees the structure of PIJ

as a pillar of strength.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad PIJ terrorists gained power through group’s

hidden structureo No infrastructure or visible means of support

▪ Invisibility partially due to growing number of groups claiming the name Islamic Jihad

o Impossible to fight a non-organization o Not concerned with claiming credit for operations

▪ 1987 First Intifada – PIJ joining street fights▪ 1993 Oslo Accord promises peace in Middle

East - Fathi Shekaki joins a new Rejectionist Front

Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Shekaki was assassinated in Malta in 1995. Shekaki’s succesor, Ramadan Abdullah Sallah,

maintained Shekaki philosophy. In 2001 PIJ launched a suicide bombing

campaign:o Sought deeper ties to Hezbollah and Hamas

Department of Justice (DOJ) believes PIJ has an organized network of financial supporters including some within the U.S.o U.S. government claims to have uncovered a PIJ

financial and administrative network at a Florida University.

Hamas and the Rise of Religious Organizations

Palestinian Muslim Brothers would become the nucleus of Hamaso Hamas formed in 1987o Tied to Sheik Ahmed Yassino Wanted to steer the resistance movement along a

religious courseo Hamas Charter published in 1988 – declares

Palestine as a God-given land from the Jordan river to Mediterranean Sea

o Hamas reflects non-violence ideas against fellow Palestinians

o Hamas opposes PLOo Hamas maintains political wing to oversee internal

and foreign affairs

Hamas and the Rise of Religious Organizations

Struggles for Leadership:o Yassin was jailed from 1989 to 1997o Musa Abu Marzuq took over Hamas

▪ Strategy more violent than Yassin’s▪ Launched savage suicide bombings in Israel▪ Created ‘outside’ leadership basing Hamas

outside of Palestine territory

o In 1997 Yassin was released from prison and while under house arrest he gradually reasserted control over Hamas.

Hamas and the Rise of Religious Organizations

In 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmud Abbas brokered a limited ceasefire, asking Hamas, the PIJ and related groups to end their campaigns.

Arafat and PIJ dominate Palestinian politics In 2006 Fatah lost its position and Hamas won

the election.o The U.S.A and UE did not recognize Hamas’s victory.o 2007 - Hamas had driven Fatah from Gaza and

Abbas dissolved the government and formed a new one without Hamas.

o 2008 - Operation Cast Lead: Israel assaults Gaza.

The Future

In March 2004 Israeli helicopters fired three missiles at Yassin.o Hamas announced his replacement with Abdel

Aziz Rantisi.▪ Israeli assassinated Rantsi in the same manner as

Yassin. A new leader was appointed but his identity is

kept in secret. o There is a suspicion the new leader (Khalid

Mashal) acts outside of Palestine from Damascus.

o It is suspected that he may develop an international orientation and present a threat to the U.S.

The Future

Reuvan Paz

Hamas is:

Shifting targets and focus Strong Sunni organization Palestinian extension of the Muslim Brotherhood Influenced by militant Salafi Puritanism Supported by Saudi sympathizers Closer to the revolutionary Shi’ites in general Falling into Hezbollah orbit

Matthew Levitt

Hamas is:

Engaged in anti-America rhetoric Refused to join al-Qaeda and the international Jihad because its focus is on Israel International Disincentives for attacking the West Militant theology behind Hamas may encourage individual terrorists to take action against the West

al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Brigades) formed to put Fatah at the center of the new Intifada.o Began as secular groupo Increasing use of Jihadist rhetorico First secular Palestinian group to use suicide tactics

▪ Suicide bombing became the most important tactic of all the Palestinian terrorist groups

Brigades recognize Israel’s right to exist.o Intend to stop Israeli incursions and attacks in

Palestinian areaso Punish Israel for each attack

al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ effective tactics:o Drive-by shootings o Snipers o Ambushes o Kidnap-murderso suicide bombings

Brigade suicide bombers were frightening for two reasons:o They were secularo Sought out crowded civilian targets

Purpose is to kill and maim as many victims as possible in the most public way possible

al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Leadership in the Martyrs Brigades

o Al Aqsa has little centralized structure▪ Its strength comes from the fact that small cells are able to

operate without a strong leader▪ Administration is pushed to the lowest operational level▪ Cells function almost autonomously▪ Effective because they operate in a network▪ Effective without centralized leadership

o Al Aqsa is suspected of being associated with Fataho Marwan Barghouti is the commandero Arafat pays the expenses and set the agenda (Israelis

report)▪ There is no evidence that he has control over the organization

Violent Jewish Fundamentalism Jewish Fundamentalism:

o Involved in terrorist violenceo Militant Judaism is based on the biblical

notion that God has promised to restore the state the Israel

Rabbi Meir Kahaneo In 1968 created the Jewish Defense Leagueo Involved in several terrorist incidents in the

U.S.o Formed the militant group – Kach o Assassinated in 1990 in the United States

Violent Jewish Fundamentalism

Kahane Chai:o Combined politics and biblical literalism to demand all

Arabs be expelled from Israel’ occupied territorieso Involved in threatening Palestinians o Threatened to attack Arabs and Israeli officials seeking

peaceo Committed to stop any peace proposal recognizing

territorial rights of Palestinians

Gush Emunimo fundamentalist Israeli settlement in Palestinian territory,

gets political support from Israelo Same set of beliefs as violent fundamentalistso Rhetoric appears normative compared with violent

rhetoric of other groups

Violent Jewish Fundamentalism

Problems with Jewish militant extremism:Hanauer: o Extremists claim the exclusive right to determine

the truth.o They advocate an ideal order

▪ Gush Emunim and Kach claim the Messiah can come only when the existing order is purified.

o National identify of Israel and its political legitimacy can only be determined through religion.

o All current events are defined within a narrow set of beliefs that define a limited worldview and identify only a few people as being chosen by God.

Controversial Counterterrorist Policies

Many Israeli police and military units have established excellent reputations in counterterrorist operations.

Tactical operations are second to none.o Mossad – Israeli intelligence serviceo Shin Beth – Domestic Israeli security

serviceo IDF – Israeli Defense Forceo Israeli police – able to handle bombs,

kidnappings, snipers

Controversial Counterterrorist Policies

International controversyo Bulldozing

▪ Purpose is to destroy the family homes of suicide bombers

▪ Suspected leaders in militant groups and others were targeted

▪ Farms and other areas were bulldozed

o The Wall▪ Condemned by the international community, a

concrete and barbed-wire barrier cut through Palestinian areas.

▪ Construction reduced suicide attacks▪ Construction separated Palestinians from their jobs,

families and services

Controversial Counterterrorist Policies

o Invading Lebanon▪ First invasion, 1982, to rid south of the PLO, ended

with 18 year occupation and the creation of Hezbollah.▪ 1993 offensive in Lebanon to disrupt Hezbollah

operations▪ Operation Grapes of Wrath: destruction of bridges,

power plants, and other infrastructure▪ Attempt to create a wedge between Lebanon and

Hezbollah▪ July 2006 another invasion ▪ Israeli Air Naval and IDF attacked Lebanon with an

attempt to destroy Hezbollah; they defended its action saying the Lebanon government was unable to disarm and confront Hezbollah on its own.

Controversial Counterterrorist Policies

Selective Assassinationo Paz

▪ might internationalize the conflicto Bayman

▪ is publicly transparento Krauthammer

▪ Israelis feel that harsh policies must be implemented to deter terrorism.

▪ U.S. repeatedly has taken the stance that Israel cannot be condemned for harsh measures until the international community also condemns Palestinian terrorism.

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