white paper for ico portal - fruture · economies and aid in carbon sequestration. by reducing this...

Post on 16-Oct-2020






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Fruture www.fruture.org Cover Abstract At Fruture, we are bringing agriculture to the 21st century by growing fruits and vegetables in the most sustainable way. By combining new growth methods with a decentralized business model that uses blockchain technology to ensure produce traceability and global scalability transparently. Furthermore, our team is using innovative technology to grow indoors. This technology helps us control all variables such as water, light, temperature, and nutrients. Diminishing the inherent risks and saves up to 95% of the water compared with traditional farming. We will use solar energy to power our farms, making us environment-friendly. We propose an interactive and user-friendly platform, where you decide what to grow. At every harvest, you will receive a reward. The "proof of production" concept calculates your rewards. Also, blockchain provides produce traceability and distribution transparency, which is crucial in a decentralized operation. This project can potentially solve world hunger by scattering resources and reach every corner of the world. Our goal is to build a full farm to fork automation and a trusted community where you can interact with other farmers and consumers around the world. So that is it. The future of crop production, distribution, and consumption are Fruture. Introduction

Mission: Provide a full farm to fork platform to achieve transparency and traceability in the production of Agricultural Products. Generating a bridge between growers and consumers to help close the gap between them. Vision: Provide every corner of the world with fresh produce by scattering the world’s resources to mitigate starvation and world hunger.

Overwhelming problems

Geographical Limitations “Satisfying increased demands on agriculture with existing farming practices are likely to lead to more intense competition for natural resources, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and further deforestation and land degradation.” (FAO, 2017) Today, agricultural land represents 11% of the total surface of the globe, but this is 36% of arable land suitable for crop production. Not all of the 64% remaining is suitable for rain-fed crop production. Only 30% of the world's land surface is ideal for rain-fed crops. Other areas

have limitations due to different factors such as slopes, logistical inaccessibility, or ecological challenges. For example, 90% of the suitable untapped land for farming is located in the Sub Saharan Africa region, Latin America and the Caribbean areas and suffer from restrictions such as ecological fragility, low fertility, toxicity, lack of proper infrastructure (Access limitations) or high disease incidence. In addition to this, the world has lost one-third of its arable land in the past 40 years. This loss is due to pollution or erosion as a result of intensive unsustainable agriculture. Today's intensive farming crop yields are obtained due to the heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides. This practice has a massive impact on soil and water. Intensive farming doesn't provide the proper management to replenish the earth with organic matter, structure, or water holding capacity. Fertilizer and pesticide runoffs contaminate underground water, damaging its pathways and ending up in the oceans. Major water pollution and usage

“Water-quality degradation may also have severe direct impacts on productive activities, including agriculture.”(FAO and IWMI, 2017) Today, agriculture accounts for 70% of the use of freshwater and farming contribute to water pollution with nutrients, pesticides, salts, sediment, and organic matter, which drastically affect water quality worldwide. Low-quality levels events, due to agricultural contamination, have started to show in different large masses of water like lakes, rivers, and shores all across the world.

Farming Uncertainties Farmers across the world are always at risk. There are five categories in which these risks fall. The most significant ones are those that affect crop yield or production output levels. Weather is the leading risk farmers face, due to unpredictable weather conditions such as freezing temperatures, drought, hail, or even excessive rainfall during harvest or planting season. These events critically damage crops, turning them completely to waste or dramatically reduce the finished product quality. Even though farmers might plan their crops to avoid freezing temperatures or heavy rainfall, current climate change makes this even harder. Global warming has generated a change in climate patterns. Known seasonal weather patterns for agriculture are experiencing unexpected changes and unexpected adverse weather conditions. Additionally, an increase in plague and plant diseases has been linked to global warming. Furthermore, other risks may affect farming practices or production continuity, such as marketing, legal, or financial risks. Logistics Footprint With globalization, the international food trade has grown during the past decades. Nowadays you can get a kiwi grown in New Zealand from your local marketplace in the United Kingdom. A

global food trade model was born with globalization, thus making food travel long distances before consumption. Food miles have a direct impact on the environment and the food you consume. Food miles make up to 11% of greenhouse gas emissions in the life cycle of agricultural products. Even though this isn’t a significant factor, reducing it can bring along benefits. Studies done across the globe showed that food travels 1500 km on average until it is consumed. Due to food miles produce shelf life is profoundly affected. Spending time on transportation and distribution centers makes our food less fresh. A shorter expiration date increases the amount of waste from the unconsumed product. Furthermore, this creates the necessity to apply additives and to alter produce genetically stretch the shelf life. Packaging residues Food packaging is the most common solution to help preserve the integrity of produce during its distribution. Since the distance traveled by food has changed over the years, so has the packaging used to protect it. “Behind the scenes, plastic is endemic throughout the grocery supply chain: from the fields of plastic polytunnels used to grow fruit and vegetables through to the packaging used in transportation." (EIA, 2018). Plastic is a problem known worldwide, from our oceans filled with plastic to distorted landscapes. Today only 17% of the plastic produced is recycled, and agro products have a direct impact with single-use plastic.

When thinking in single-use plastic, the packaging is the first thing that comes across your mind. Moreover, there are stages in the life cycle of agricultural products that contribute to plastic pollution. “In other areas of the world, Texas (United States) for example, the disposal of plastic agricultural items such as drip irrigation tubing is an environmental problem identified even among growers. “(Green Source DFW, 2018). Agriculture still has areas of opportunity to help mitigate the use of plastic. Food waste & Scattering problems For many people, food is something that is guaranteed. That is not the case for everyone. Scattering food is still a challenge; undeveloped countries still lack the proper infrastructure to assure food safety. These infrastructure problems involve proper agricultural equipment for transporting and storing. However, food is not reaching some places, and it is also being wasted somewhere else. Food waste is a critical factor in achieving a sustainable food system. The life cycle of food involves different stages. Each one of these stages has a contribution to food waste and is also responsible for GHG emissions. "The results of the study suggest that roughly one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, which amounts to about 1.3 billion tons per year. This inevitably also means that huge amounts of the resources used in food production are used in vain and that the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the production of food that gets lost or wasted are also emissions in vain.” (FAO, 2011).

Our current food system is not sustainable. It allows that large quantities of food, with high resource input and ecological footprint, go to waste. Instead, it should be promoting more effective pathways to help relocate waste resources into regions where food scattering is a primordial concern.

Technology Adoption Technology adoption in agriculture has two main views in research and development. On one front, the development of technology is directed to generate better crop yields. The other side focused on creating technology that helps control the use of current agricultural resources.

Agriculture has been able to adopt much modern technology to help increment yields across the world, but better farm output is not the only route to go. Consumers across the globe are procuring the consumption of produce that provides this type of information. Currently, agriculture has faced the necessity to manage better its resources and provide better traceability of its products, but technology adoption on this matter is on the low side. This type of technology represents a cost for producers since it doesn’t provide a direct output gain. The lack of adoption of this technology shows that there is a big gap in communication between consumers and producers, rendering limited visibility for consumer needs and producers capabilities.

A quick introduction to solutions for these issues

Growing vertical, sustainable and controlling all variables Changing the way we grow our food is the key to many different concerns we encounter today in agriculture. Migrating to technologies that have less ecological footprint does not mean that quality nor output has to be sacrificed. Using modern cultivation methods makes growing food vertically possible. Soilless growing methods eliminate the need for large areas of arable land, granting the ability to go up. These methods will bring the farms closer to the cities. Mitigating issues like food miles, food waste, food scarcity, and the usage of plastic. Bringing the farms near the city will help to activate local economies and aid in carbon sequestration. By reducing this distance, end customers save at least 20% on transportation costs, reflected in the final product price, while getting fresher products with fewer additives for food preservation.

Soilless growing methods help save up to 92% of water usage while avoiding fertilizer and pesticide runoffs. These methods help preserve the planet ́s natural freshwater sources and decrease water usage. By consuming produce that saves and does not pollute fresh water sources, you help to break the vicious usage-pollute water cycle that threatens food and water safety goals for 2050.

By using a greenhouse with the capacity to control weather conditions reduces production risks and achieves constant production throughout the year. Using soilless cultivation methods with inert substrates creates the necessity to add nutrients in precise quantities, this is beneficial, supplementing the nutrients that plants require allows us to keep control over what is being used by each crop to produce a reliable output.

Full Farm to Fork efficiency Our current food systems have many deficiencies that generate waste, disinformation, and higher costs for consumers. Technology nowadays allows us to quickly gather information automatically throughout industrial processes to perform data analytics and identify areas of opportunities. Data science presents new ways of analyzing and collecting data beyond the readily available information. Having access to this information in agricultural processes like supply, growth, distribution, and consumption will provide insight to generate more efficient workflows to preserve quality, freshness, and costs.

Free Learning Platforms Learning Management systems have been more noticeable as the digital era blossoms, a high number of online learning platforms, for academic or business training, have been developed in recent years. Since internet connection is becoming more available (4.1 billion internet users in December 2018), Open Educational Resources or OER are targeting low-income communities with access to the internet to assist them with proper access to quality education and knowledge without the need of a textbook and where teacher-training programs are not optimal. Providing knowledge is vital in boosting agriculture as an industry and disrupting current food systems with better ones.

Reduce the gap between digital and tangible worlds by using UX friendly platforms Nowadays, the use of digital tools to bring the tangible and digital world together is more popular. Currently, we stand in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution. Here technologies are characterized for reducing the gap between physical and digital worlds in real-life scenarios. Thanks to robotic automation and user-friendly digital platforms for work collaboration and information sharing. "Many industries are seeing the introduction of new technologies that create entirely new ways of serving existing needs and significantly disrupt existing industry value chains.”(Weforum, 2016). Generating powerful agricultural platforms will shorten the gap while providing tools and communication to the sector.

Introduction to Fruture

Frufarms www.frufarms.org Intro Frufarms are here to improve the way we produce our fruits and vegetables. Being conscious that agriculture is the principal source of water usage and pollution, to achieve sustainability, changes must be done using modern methods of growth. We intend to save 91% of the water, prevent contaminated water runoffs, and make pesticides unnecessary. Frufarms achieve sustainability as they can pack more plants in less area without using any soil; all this added up with a variable controlled environment. Frufarms Growing Technology Nowadays using soil on land still seems to be the correct way of growing crops, we can see that all technological advancements in agriculture are mainly focused on the automatization of traditional farming. Only a few efforts are dedicated to completely change how produce is grown, even though new methods have shown better, faster, and cleaner results. Frufarms will be packed with growth technology to make everything as efficient, clean, and sustainable as possible. Thanks to Hydroculture, this can be achieved. Hydroculture has several different growth techniques. These techniques all look alike, but on a fundamental level, they become incomparable to one another. Aeroponics Aeroponics is a variant of hydroculture. From a mist of water, plants can absorb nutrients without the use of soil; instead, it uses an inert medium that does not provide any nutrients and its role in offering anchorage and retaining moisture for the plant. Hydroponics Hydroponics is another variant of hydroculture. Instead of having a mist of water with nutrients sprayed on the roots, they sit on a small reservoir of running water with nutrients.

These two growing methods allow us to measure what the plant needs and consumes for it to have a stressless growth environment, therefore, growing in less time and providing better crop yields. Greenhouse Infrastructure Frufarms will grow its produce inside a greenhouse infrastructure that protects against extreme weather conditions, plague, and other common issues of open sky crops. This infrastructure uses a combination of a hot galvanized steel frame for sturdiness and a transparent heavy-duty polymer that allows us to utilize sunlight as well. This steel frame architecture is designed to withstand high-speed winds, and the heavy-duty polymer will provide shelter for heavy rain and hail. Besides its sturdy construction, Greenhouses also provide electric deployment of partial shade, insulation and ventilation systems, controlled from a central console, for simple and reliable use. This infrastructure will complement other systems to generate a fully controlled environment for a sustainable farm to flourish. Geothermal Climate Control The geothermal climate control system works as an underground air conditioner. A buried heat exchanging piping system uses average subsoil temperature of 20°C to cool down air on hot weather and warms up it in cold seasons. This Geothermal climate control system has semipermeable clay sections that dissipate excess humidity to prevent water buildup and fungal growth. A maintenance hatch is built for underground inspection and prevention of issues to assure long term usage of the system. Air is filtered on the system's intake to prevent dirt accumulation and uses a tamper-resistant device to keep out pests and insects. This technology provides a simple, low energy consumption, low maintenance, and long-lasting alternative to standard high energy demanding cooling systems, to reduce cooling costs and carbon footprint.

Coco coir & other inert substrates Frufarms growth methods use inert mediums to avoid any alteration on the plant's nutrient supply, and the coco coir is a soil-like substrate that complies with this requirement, but it also has other characteristics that make it a perfect choice.

Coco coir is a fibrous waste byproduct of the coconut industry, it is lightweight, compressible, durable and has a uniform composition that makes it easy to process, cheap to obtain and easy to transport. Everything in between the shell and the outer coating of the coconut is coco coir. Coco coir has a high water-holding capacity that also provides excellent drainage for proper root aeration; it also can retain nutrients that promote healthy root growth. Since the coco coir is an inert material, it is also insect neutral; most pests don't like coco coir as a medium to generate colonies. Even though the coco coir seems to have everything covered, for some specific crops, it needs to be mixed with different inert substrates to provide additional drainage or anchorage. LED lighting Frufarms will harness the power of the sun to make plants grow, but sunlight is not adequately available throughout the day, and it's not constant throughout the seasons. This uncertainty is why a LED lighting system will work as a complementary light source to aid in sunrise, sunset, lousy weather conditions, and short days. LED lights will also assist in providing light in areas where upper canopies block natural light. The widespread use of LED lighting systems is thanks to their low energy consumption, high luminosity output, long-lasting diodes, compact form, and resistant materials. One of the characteristics that are not commonly known is wavelength selectivity to make LEDs of specific light wavelengths. It provides a particular advantage over any other artificial light source. Even though plants grow better under sunlight, they don't use the whole light spectrum, in fact, plants only use blue (400-520 nm), red (630-660 nm), small amounts of green (500-600 nm) and yellow (570-590 nm) light wavelengths for photosynthesis. Green energy supply Even though Frufarms are designed to have a low energy consumption, they will run strictly on green energy supply. Whether it is produced on-site or obtained through a local electricity network with offsite production. This energy is not limited to any specific technology or any particular vendor for offsite production. Seeds and Nutrients Seeds used in Frufarms will be locally sourced and won’t use GMO products. Since greenhouses and the technology surrounding it will provide an optimal growth environment, specialized seeds with genetically added resistance for drought, plague, or disease become unnecessary. Frufarms will have a variety of different plant nutrients to provide the necessary food for each type of crop in all of its stages of development. Sustainable and organic nutrients will be implemented to all of our plants to be able to provide yields with the highest standards of quality. Frufarms will be able to accurately measure the quantity of nutrients deployed in the feeding solution to avoid nutrient burn in crops, to avoid over-usage, and reduce nutrient costs. IoT Smart Data Gathering and Analysis

Internet of Things is the next-generation application of the way we share and gather information. As it's commonly known, the Internet is a network that is formed by connecting computers globally. It provides data highways to share information over the network from one place to another. Right now, content across the Internet is available thanks to humans, but humans have limited time and accuracy for data gathering of real-world scenarios, making this process costly and not very accurate. When Internet capabilities expand from connecting computers to connecting several small electronic devices Internet of Things is born. Using sensors, actuators, and other smart devices to sense and respond to the information, we can reduce waste, losses, and costs of real-life scenarios, while providing more accurate data for analysis. Frufarms equipped with IoT sensors will provide visibility over standard variables that affect crop development. These variables include temperature readings of greenhouse environment, nutrient solution and ambient temperatures, interior and exterior relative humidity, water conditions like total dissolved solutes (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC) and pH, sun radiance and LED luminance. All this information will provide the Frufarm´s management team with information to accurately detect and correct deviations on conditions to maintain an optimal growth environment, maximize yields, and reduce waste. These devices will be sensing and storing data throughout the lifecycle of the produce. All this data gathering will be stored on a reliable and transparent blockchain to help users know all the history of their food throughout the farm to fork lifecycle.

IoT enables Frufarms to implement wireless mobile workstations equipped with scales, barcode scanners, and printers to keep close track of production yields and accurate traceability for plant site owners.

Distribution Range Frufarms will be limited to supply its produce in a specific range to reduce produce's distribution carbon footprint, final consumer costs, and food waste by properly utilizing produce shelf life. This radius will be limited to 500 km, as the project develops this radius will be shortened as possible keeping in mind local production and consumption of agricultural products. Nowadays, distribution and shipping make anywhere from 40% to 50% of the final product price, tending to make fresh produce more of a luxury than a commodity. Growing and consuming food locally, has the potential of improving consumers diet by providing lower cost and fresher produce with local availability. Remote Farming Platform Have you ever considered the possibility of growing different types of crops and have a secondary income, but stumbled upon the fact that you need a viable piece of land, mostly located outside the city, agricultural knowledge and a lot of time and money to do so, well you are not alone. People across the world stumble upon these obstacles when planning to invest in agriculture, but technology can help clear this gap, and you can start growing fruits and vegetables without having to lose focus on your daily life activities. Frufarms will offer an online leasing platform for remote farming where users will be able to rent plant sites to generate produce and gain rewards from their plant site’s production. Offering a dynamic and easy to use platform, people across the world will be able to grow crops on Frufarms plant sites and have access to the process of it. Users will be able to select from different types of agricultural products to grow. The platform will offer snapshots of crop development from seedling to harvest and a live feed of the greenhouse where their crops are handled. Every time a plant site generates produce and is sold to local distribution channels, like Frumarket, a reward will be generated for users to cash out. This reward can be cashed out as MXNP or mined as Frucoins at current market value. The only currency accepted to lease plant sites will be Frucoin, and every paid Frucoin will be burned when the leasing smart contract starts. Conclusion (Fast overview of subjects) Providing an optimal environment, with sustainable growing technology, superior visibility, and a dynamic and easy to use remote farming platform we aim to help contribute to the development of a more sustainable and efficient agricultural industry worldwide.

Frumarket www.frumarket.org

Intro to Frumarket and Business Model Frumarket is the platform that connects farms with the people. It uses an innovative business model that equitably distributes workflow, resulting in a real everybody wins environment.

Frumarket is the result of the effort of the community. First, it involves Vendors as they are responsible for delivering fresh products on time. Then we have the collaboration of Distributions Centers where In & Out logistics occurs. As soon as an order is ready, the system will alert the nearest delivery trucker, and he would need to pick up the order and deliver it to the Frustores. Frustores are neighborhood fruit stores in charge of delivering fresh produce to the table of their neighbors. Quality Protocols Frumarket has robust quality protocols. Produce passes through three different quality inspections before we deliver to final users. Every step is written in our Blockchain, bringing full transparency to this process. First, Vendors deliver to a Distribution Center, as soon as the Receiver starts the quality inspection the vendor will be notified and can access a live feed of this process. These features make it very transparent and corruption-free. If the vendor couldn't access the live feed, he will be able to access a copy of the video for further review. The second Quality Inspection occurs when the product gets delivered to Frustores. This inspection will not have a live feed. However, a video is recorded to provide full transparency. The last quality inspection will be while an order gets picked from shelves, just before we packed them on the Frubags. The last QR code is attached to the bag to finalize the packing process. Final users can scan the QR code to see all the details about their order with full transparency using blockchain technology. Vendors Vendors are a vital part of this project as they are responsible for providing everyone with fresh agricultural products. They will set the price of products, and the system will automatically add the percentage required to complete the supply chain process. Frumarket website and applications will reflect the updated price. The system will divide the money between everyone involved in the supply chain of Frumarket. Vendors will get paid twice a week to generate a partial direct sale. This payment strategy tries to remake a debit transaction for vendors. Getting directly to the final customer and getting paid at the moment. Farmers Market and local products To have an active community, we need to respect everyone and accept only Vendors from the local farmers market to reactivate their local economies. Also, we will prioritize all products grown or produced in local communities. Automated Requisitions Vendors will have a unique application that will serve as a bridge between Frustores, Distribution Centers, and Vendors.

Every day between 19:00-20:00 hrs Vendors will receive a notification on their mobile. This notification has the next day's order to deliver between 5:00-8:00 hrs. Android/IOS App with push up notifications and live quality inspections. Vendors will have a specific application that they download on their phones to receive pushup notifications of order status as well as a live review of quality inspections. RPC’s The packaging is one of the primary sources of contamination in the produce business. Moreover, to make Frumarket a more sustainable organization, we replace carton and disposable plastic with Returnable Plastic Crates. Returnable or reusable packaging transportation devices are used to store or transport goods. The RPC arrives at the Frustores, where contents are processed into Frubags. Then the RPC has to be returned to the Distribution Centers for its sanitization and further reuse. Down the line, customers will receive their orders in a Frubag. Users are entitled to one bag for using their account. This Frubag needs to fulfill a reuse cycle for your next order. If an account is missing its Frubag, a new one will be billed for the user to receive his order. The user now starts the reuse process again, or he can keep it for personal use. Distribution Centers In the distribution centers, we are responsible for receiving products from vendors and proceed with the first quality inspection. After completing this process, we place a QR Code on the crates to keep track of inventory movements and all information regarding this product. Now produce is sent to an exact location in our warehouse where the out-logistics process starts by fulfilling wholesale orders.

Quality Inspection #1 The first thing we do as we receive the products is a live quality inspection for transparency and food safety concerns. SKU Barcode Assignation We assign a unique SKU QR code to every crate that we receive in our Distribution Centers. In this code, you will find all the information regarding the product inside the crate, for example, the live feed of quality inspection #1, the breed, or the production region. In & Out Logistics We do not stock any products. We believe that being inside a Farmers Market has its benefits, and the best of it is having fresh produce daily. All our products are delivered every morning, and everything gets delivered on the same day either to our Frustores or to commercial users. Commercial Picking & Packing In the Distribution Centers, we process orders of over 400 kgs. We pick and pack different products depending on the order. Here we handle only wholesale orders because we use full crates as inventory for all supply chain steps, in contrast to Frustores where residential pick and packing occurs.


The Frustores are the community network of neighborhood fruit stores that provide fresh fruits and vegetables directly to the consumers. Using the Frumarket interphase and an algorithm to assign orders to the nearest available Frustore, the user orders and receives fresh produce delivered to their homes.

Residential Picking & Packing In the Frustores is where we store a small amount of inventory. This stock will be sold in the next two days, making our products the freshest produce available in the online market. As soon as we get an order, the picker will get pinged with it and start picking every item in the order. As soon as this process completes, the picker delivers the goods in an adjacent area where a packer is waiting for the order so he can work with it and pack everything naked on the locally made Frubags. Last Quality Inspection Just before packing everything on the Frubag, the packer must perform a new quality inspection for every product before packing it. This inspection is also recorded for transparency and traceability purposes. Zero Waste We believe in the concept of Circular Economy and zero waste; we will implement a compost bin for every Frustore. With this, every organic waste that we accumulate will get transformed into compost and sold to local farmers. Mobile Apps and Site Frumarket's platform will allow users to buy fruits directly from the farmers market, reducing the communication gap and contributing in the full farm to fork traceability process. Frumarket stores this data on the Fruchain for transparency objectives. We will have native Android and IOS apps as well as a user-friendly website for customers to buy their weekly goods.

Distribution Logistics App To achieve this semi-automation of the supply chain process, we must have a platform for transport companies, truck, or any other vehicle owner to register and provide logistic deliveries either for commercial or residential users.

Commercial Trucks deliveries work platform Small trucks or big trucks? It doesn't matter what size truck you have. In our Commercial Delivery App, all drivers who own a commercial-sized vehicle and want to deliver with us will need to follow the step by step instructions and register in our user-friendly FruDelivery App. The FruDelivery app would automatically decide if you are a commercial or a residential driver depending on the vehicle you register. After that, drivers will get a push notification when there is a service to attend. Residential Deliveries work platform If you have a small car, you can help us with residential deliveries. Depending on the distance and availability, the deliverer will get picked and pinged as soon as someone requests his help.

If you have a bicycle or you want to deliver on your own feet, you can help us too. Your green efforts to work in residential deliveries and better rewarded, we try to encourage people to exercise and be healthy.

MXNP Wallet MXNP - Mexican Peso

It’s a stablecoin attached to Mexican Peso, and it's being developed primarily for Fruture and its users, to have a way to interact financially with everyone in the world and avoid expensive international fees. This token is being created using the Stellar Consensus Protocol and is going to work within the decentralized Stellar network. The primary purpose of this Token is to provide access to financial services to the members of Fruture. We are using MXNP a Digital form of Mexican Peso that can travel anywhere in the world for a few cents in just seconds. According to the research performed by BBVA Research, in 2018 in Mexico, 47.1% of the population between 18 and 70 years have at least one bank account. Also, informal saving methods reach up to 63.2% of the people, and this means risking all their savings. Fortunately, there is good news, last year (2018) 7.9 million people got access to digital bank accounts through their smartphones. It is estimated that bankization in Mexico will grow up to 60% by 2026. According to BMI Research. Token Usage - The first use case of this token will be in the Frumarket and will function as an internal paper trail to follow the money and have total transparency in our administration. In the second phase of the project and as soon as we have our Savings Cooperative set up and ready, users will use it for different financial services offered through Fruex. Launch - Estimated for Q3 2019 Referral/Sales Team There is no better sales team than a happy customer. There is no more successful marketing campaign than the word of mouth strategy. That’s why we decided to include you in our team. The Frumarket platform will provide users with a unique referral code that works an identifier. You need to share this code with your family, peers, or anyone that might benefit from the use of the platform. This new user has to register in our platform and insert your code. If they complete this process correctly, every time they spend something in Frumarket, you will be rewarded with 1% of the amount paid by their referrals. To be an active referral user, you must finish the KYC process under your Frumarket account. Sometimes users might go through rough patches, that is why we decided to separate referral program into four different categories. Un referred new customers will add that 1% to a pool. This pool will be rewarded to active referral users, depending on their category.

Category requisites

● Bronze $200 in rewards, equivalent to $20,000 MXNP in total referral sales. ● Silver: $500 ● Gold: $900 ● Diamond: $1500

Active referral user’s categories:

● Bronze x1.5 counts for pool ● Silver x2.5 counts for pool ● Gold x4 counts for pool ● Diamond x5 counts for pool

The total amount of money collected in the pool will be divided between the active referrals user (To be an active referral user, you must receive at least $20 MXNP in rewards per week) and depending on your category is the number of counts you represent. Conclusion Frumarket will provide digital tools, distributed workflows, and opportunities. These opportunities help communities reactivate their local economy while having a reduced ecological impact on every day consumed produce.

Fruture Chain

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a tool that provides full traceability and transparency, but besides that, it has enhanced security. This technology uses a time-framed ledger where all data is stored, but instead of having one central authority which validates the information being registered, it relies on its users to generate validation on this new data. For users to be able to confirm if this new data is valid, they must have a copy of the ledger and verify if the pending information corresponds. Once a user validates this data, it communicates with its peers to see what's their decision on it to generate consensus. Once consensus is achieved, the new information gets written on the blockchain permanently. Benefits As all users have a copy of this timed database, it provides full transparency and traceability on its logs. To be able to modify any previous information on it, all users have to agree on it. By this means any attempt to counterfeit information on the ledger, will require an unreachable amount of computing power and electricity, to deceive all of its users.

Blockchain and DLT

Blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which link to one another using cryptography. Distributed ledger technology is a consensus of shared and synchronized digital data geographically spread across multiple data sites or users. At a given time, all the new added information gets transformed into a block; that block of data has to be verified by its users before being added to the chain. All users can automatically validate this addition and by those means confirm that it is legitimate, this helps to generate an automated consensus among users.

Every block on the chain gets encrypted at both ends. By this means, any piece of information, in a block, is encrypted with its previous and will contribute to encrypt the next block. Any given modification to the chain will affect all the blocks that precede it. For example, if any portion of the chain is changed to benefit someone, this modified chain will get rejected by the rest of the users, and the hack will be a failure. Fruture Chain will be composed by gathering different types of data and storing them securely and transparently. This information includes:

● Different growth environment variables ● Growth milestones for crops ● Location (Production/Distribution/Consumption) ● Finished produce weight ● User transactions ● Frufarms transactions

This Blockchain will be a private blockchain where only members will have access to the information on it. To be able to gain access to the information on the blockchain, you will need to have at least one Frucoin in your wallet. Smart Contracts Smart contracts run in the core of blockchain, providing the same security as blockchain does. They are used as a usual contract; it will let you exchange property, money, or anything valuable, but transparently and securely without an intermediary. Smart contracts are pieces of code that execute business logic. They facilitate three things:

● Store rules ● Verify rules ● Execute rules

These three features help smart contracts run without the intervention of an intermediary who can manipulate the outcome of the agreement; this provides trust to both parties or as many involved in the deal. We will use smart contracts to provide trust between parties in cases like plant site leasing or land leasing for Frufarm location owners.

Frucoin Frucoin is the token offered on the Fruture ICO. This token will have different use cases, but the most important at least ideologically speaking, is that it allows you to become a member of the Fruture Cooperative. In the Fruture blockchain, we will simulate a cooperative with members from all around the globe. This cooperative will get coded in a Smart Contract, and by having one token in your wallet, it automatically changes your status to a cooperationist. With this, you acquire both benefits and obligations. Being a Cooperationist

Cooperative According to the University of California

“A cooperative is a private business organization that is owned and controlled by the people who use its products, supplies, or services. Although cooperatives vary in type and membership size, all were formed to meet the specific objectives of members, and are structured to adapt to member's changing needs. Cooperatives are formed by individuals who coordinate among themselves (horizontal coordination) to achieve vertical integration in their business activities.

Although people have been working together for their mutual benefit throughout human history, the cooperative form of business organization began during the Industrial Revolution. Cooperatives were useful for promoting the interests of the less powerful members of society. Farmers, producers, workers, and consumers found that they could accomplish more collectively than they could individually.”

We believe we are at the beginning of the 4th industrial revolution and as weird as it sounds, we are still promoting the same interests than in the first revolution. Fortunately, we have better technology today, and with the help of the Internet of Things, 5G, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Blockchain Technology, we will be able to disrupt the agricultural sector. Also, to communicate the cooperative values, we will use social media and share our content to every corner of the world. This way, we will have a stronger impact on society.

Today, more than ever, it is essential to coordinate ourselves and work collectively to achieve our vision and stop world hunger.

History & Background The earliest cooperatives appeared in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, during the Industrial Revolution. As people moved from farms into the growing cities, they had to rely on stores to feed their families because they could no longer grow their food. Working people had very little control over the quality of their food or living conditions. Those with money gained more and more power over those without resources. Early co-ops were set up as a way to protect the interests of the less powerful members of society—workers, consumers, farmers, and producers.

In England, consumers were frustrated by the abuses of store owners, many of whom adulterated products to increase their profits. In many cases, workers’ wages were paid in company chits—credit that could be used only at the company’s stores. The average consumer

had very few choices and little control. (Karen Zimbelman, History of Co-ops www.strongertogether.coop)


There exist no precise estimates on the importance of cooperatives in the new millennium. However, the United Nations guesstimates that the "cooperative movement" had over 800 million members at the beginning of the new millennium and provided for about 100 million jobs. Also, over the last 150 years, cooperatives have spread to over 100 countries. Cooperatives are of great importance in both developed and less developed economies. Cooperatives are of significance in both the free-market-oriented economies, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States and the more statist market economies of Continental Europe.

About half of the world's agricultural output is marketed by cooperatives, which speaks to the significance of marketing cooperatives. Overall, it is in the agricultural sector that cooperatives of various types remain dominant. In the financial sector, credit unions encompass about 120 million members in 87 countries. Especially in emerging countries, cooperatives provide important micro-credit services. (Altman, Morris. 2009. History and Theory of Cooperatives.)

Two hundred eighty million people work in cooperatives today; this means a total of 10% of the world's employed population.

Philosophy Three principles uniquely characterize a cooperative organization:

● The User-Owned Principle: The people who own and finance the cooperative are those who use the cooperative. (Frucoin owners *Wallets with at least one Frucoin)

● The User-Control Principle: The people who control the cooperative are those who use the co-op. They democratically elect a board of directors. The board sets the overall operating policies, approves the annual budget, oversees its operation, and distributes the benefits derived from the use of the cooperative to members. (Fruture Team)

● The User-Benefit Principle: The cooperative's sole purpose is to provide and distribute benefits to its users based on their role. While the goal of agricultural cooperatives is not to generate a return on investment, they, like all businesses, must cover costs and generate capital to cover expansion and unforeseen emergencies.

The Statement of Cooperative Identity, adopted in 1995, contains seven cooperative principles that are more socially-minded:

● Voluntary and Open Membership

● Democratic Member Control

● Member Economic Participation

● Autonomy and Independence

● Education, Training, and Information

● Cooperation Among Cooperatives

● Concern for Community

Different Cooperatives

Agricultural Cooperative

Agricultural cooperatives are user-owned and user-controlled businesses from which benefits are derived and distributed equitably on the basis of use.

From the farm to the kitchen table, agricultural cooperatives are present in nearly every stage of the food and fiber industries and have been a part of U.S. agriculture for more than a century. Today, there are more than 3,000 agricultural cooperatives in the U.S., with 2.8 million memberships, a total net income of nearly $1.2 billion and a net business volume of more than $96 billion.

Marketing, supply, and service cooperatives are the most common types of agricultural cooperatives organized in the United States.

Marketing cooperatives assemble, pack, process, and sell members' products in both domestic and foreign markets. The level of service provided depends on member needs and the product.

Supply cooperatives purchase products and services for their members. They make large-scale purchases of fuel, seed, fertilizers, and crop protectants and pass their cost-savings on to members.

Service cooperatives provide members with specialized services, such as ginning, hulling, and horticultural advice, which are usually not economical for an individual farmer to obtain.

Additionally, there are bargaining cooperatives, which are often called bargaining associations. They bargain or negotiate with processors and other first handlers for better prices and terms of trade for their producer-members.

Today's agricultural cooperatives, large and small, are an essential part of the global market. They have formed marketing agencies-in-common to export their products jointly, and continue to serve their members by looking for growth opportunities and the use of new technologies. The mission of cooperatives, however, always remains the same--to serve members. (http://sfp.ucdavis.edu/cooperatives/what_is/#ag)

Credit Unions

A credit union is a member-owned, non-profit, financial cooperative organized by consumers to encourage savings and to obtain loans at the lowest possible cost. Its members share a common bond such as having the same occupation or employer, belonging to the same association or religious group, or living in the same community. Members elect a board of directors on a one-member-one-vote basis.

Credit unions developed at a time when banks were not very interested in the consumer market, especially in small deposits and loans typically needed by working-class people.

Community Development Credit Unions are credit unions organized in predominantly low-income communities. In addition to providing for consumer needs, they have an explicit mission of

community reinvestment and revitalization. They offer financing for housing acquisition and rehabilitation or small businesses, both privately and cooperatively owned. CDCUs were developed in response to findings that traditional financial institutions take out more capital from low-income communities than they put in. (http://sfp.ucdavis.edu/cooperatives/what_is/#ag)

Food cooperatives

Food cooperatives are one type of consumer cooperative. They range from multi-outlet supermarkets to small buying clubs with a few members. They are formed by consumers to obtain lower prices and greater control over product range and quality. Many cooperative supermarkets began as small buying clubs and developed into storefront cooperatives as membership increased.

In addition to traditional economic benefits associated with cooperative food purchasing, these cooperatives often emphasize nutritional quality and the politics of production and distribution.

A board of directors governs food cooperatives, elected by the members on a one-member-one-vote basis. Volunteer work by members is not a requirement of membership, but some members do volunteer time to their cooperative. (http://sfp.ucdavis.edu/cooperatives/what_is/#ag)

Worker cooperatives

A worker cooperative is a business owned by the workers. The cooperative form of organization allows ordinary people to combine their energy, capital, and skills to gain steady employment and income, participate in the ownership and management of their business, and share the profits made from their investment and labor.

Historically, worker cooperatives date back to the 1790s in the U.S. and the 1760s in England. They are found all over the world. The cooperative form of organization can be applied to any business area, including manufacturing, services, shipbuilding, food products, restaurants, computer software, engineering, reforestation, construction, and many other industries.

Worker cooperatives are unique both as cooperatives and businesses. Workers participate directly in decisions that affect them in their workplace as well as those that determine the growth and success of the business. Worker cooperatives provide worker-members with employment and income along with the ownership and control of the enterprise. Through their ownership and control, the worker-members receive a fair share of the profits and control over the way their work is organized, performed, and managed.


As you can see, there are different types of cooperatives. However, you might be able to notice, in Fruture, we are a combination of Cooperatives and Technology. We are respecting traditional principles of cooperatives, but we will adopt new technologies that will help develop this Utopian society.

Benefits 1. Be a member of the Fruture Cooperative. 2. As a member, you have one vote, and you have the right to use it freely when it is


3. Access to all platforms and services of Fruture. 4. Get rewards from the different programs that we have. 5. Cooperate with our farms. 6. Discount token if used as payment for fees in our Exchange. 7. Discounts on Frumarket Products 8. Access to free content of the Fruacademy


1. Be an active member of the Cooperative 2. Vote every time you are requested to 3. Inform yourself on our blog and official media channels about what is happening in the

cooperative. 4. Educate yourself about Cooperative values and ideology 5. Promote cooperative view

Utility Token The Frucoin will have many use cases, and they will increase with time, but the first main use cases will be the following:

Access to Fruniverse To be an active member of the Fruture's Cooperative and have access to all the benefits, you must have at least one Frucoin in your wallet. Vote for future projects One of the main goals of cooperatives is to have democratic governance, and that's why the active members of Fruture will decide every next project. 8% of Frufarms production will be rewarded to Frucoin Owners. On Fruture we care a lot in our supporters, that’s why 8 % of Frufarms production reward will be distributed to the Frucoin owners. 2% of Frufarms production will be rewarded to Fruwallet owners. In Fruture, we understand the challenges of our times, and we are determined to overcome them. One of the main issues that we will face shortly is unemployment caused by automation. That's why we will have our own Universal Basic Income (UBI). UBI in Fruture will be equivalent to 2% of the total plant sites in Frufarms, and the reward will be equally distributed among all Fruwallet owners. This will ensure a basic income for every user in our Cooperative. Who knows, but with time, we believe that we can defeat world hunger with that 2% we need to keep the hard work and build a Global Cooperative. 10% Peer Verifier reward Peer Verifier is an essential part of our blockchain. Why, because they are the computers in charge of processing and verifying all the transactions in our ledger. So that's why we need to reward them. The reward will be distributed to Peers

automatically when we sell the crops that grow in a section that is assigned to Validators.

Rules: to qualify and receive your reward tokens you must fulfill these criteria.

1. Online 12 Hours - The Peer must be online for at least 12 hours a day. 1. Collateral Amount - To run a Peer Verifier, you must have separated the

collateral amount, which in this case is 1,200 Frucoin.

Plant Site Leasing In the Frufarm platform, you will be able to lease plant sites and get a reward every time your site is ready to harvest. The only way you can sign a smart contract related to this service will be with Frucoin. Discount for Exchange Fees Remember we have Fruex, which is our exchange that provides the platform users a way to interchange your tokens with other tokens. Typically these transactions have a network/platform fee, but if you use Frucoin to pay for the fee, you will get a discount. Discount on Frumarket Platform The way we are going to connect farmers with families and restaurants is through the Frumarket. The Frumarket is an online platform that offers you the possibility to visit the local farmers market without being physically there. If you use Frucoin to pay for your order, you will get a discount on your total balance. Fruacademy & Incubator As a Cooperative, our primary purpose is to promote education and invest in social /cultural activities. Which in the long run, help achieve wellness among our communities. That's why we have our Fruacademy and Incubator program, which helps us develop and find entrepreneurs from all around the world. Entrepreneurs who complete the incubation program will graduate and have a Demo Day followed by a private sale. To buy in the early stages of this ICO's, you will need to pay with Frucoin.

Fruture Hyperledger Base Working Flow

Introduction: The diagram shows the system flow for the working of Fab token, Plantation sites, and IoT base data on the Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain network. Hyperledger Fabric allows us to create a channel that contains the information of the Assets in the chain code that runs on the channel. The channel comprises different Identities that includes Orderer Peer, Organization peer, and all of these identities have their own Certificate Authority (CA). How it works:

The data form the IoT sensors through the gateway having a peer in Hyperledger Fabric called the IoT Peer contains the data of IoT sensors. The IoT peer won't be able to add the data as long as it not verified from the proposal payload. Once it is verifying check passes, the data will broadcast on the channel. So it creates the chain of information by IoT sensing, now the chain code runs on the channel and has the information about the plantation sites, Form data by IoT and Fab Token. The plantation site and the Fab Token information is visible in the Channel to all the identities.

Important Terms: Membership Service Provider: The MSP identifies which Root Certificate Authorities (CA) and Intermediate CA's are trusted by the network. The MSP identifies what roles actors in an organization can play in the network. Orderer: Orderer receives the transaction and signs the transaction with the CA (Validation).

Tokenomics Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 Frucoin Pre Sale: 1,000,000 Frucoin at $10MXNP

Pre Sale Referrals 2%: 20,000 Frucoin Pre Register MTY 2%: 20,000 Frucoin

Mining New Coins through Real Farming

New coins will be mined in equivalence to the Proof of Production Algorithm. The plant site owner will decide after each harvest if they want to receive their rewards in Frucoin or MXNP; this allows the community to choose what coin to mine.

Seed and Peer Verifier Rewards 10% of Frufarms production yields will be used as a reward for being part of the community and have at least one Frucoin in your wallet. 10% of Frufarms production yields will be used as a reward for Peer Verifier, Peer Verifier owners are users in charge of running a trusted peer for transaction verification. Each Peer Verifier will need to be a holder of 1,200 Frucoins. A total of 20% will be distributed out as Frucoins or MXNP, and Frufarms will decide that.

Frucoin burning Proof of Burn As you may know now, users must use Frucoin to pay for the smart leasing contracts they buy. The amount of Frucoin paid in exchange for the smart contract (containing the details of your lease), will be burned (Destroy) and the only way to mine new Frucoin is by selecting it as a reward for your crops.

Frucoin Allocation

Fruwallet In our Fruwallet, you will be able to store not only your Frucoins, but also it will be compatible with major cryptocurrencies.

Multi-Currency Wallet ● Bitcoin ● Ethereum ● Litecoin ● Binance Coin ● MXNP

Payment Function

Using your mobile wallet you will be able to send or receive any payment for a product or a service. You only need to decide which coin to use and the amount you want to send/receive and then share the QR code that will automatically be created for this operation.

Coin transfer

Another feature that you will find in the Fruwallet will be the possibility to transfer funds to a friend straightforward in just seconds without the need for cash or having to visit a Bank. Just go through your contacts select your friend and the amount to transfer.


In Fruture, we are very concerned with security, that's why our wallet includes more than two different security mechanisms to protect our funds. Such as pin code and 2FA verification. Also, to reduce risks, we store all the funds in cold wallets, and no one person alone can get access to it, this is how funds are kept safe. Proof of Production Frufarms will use a different consensus and data validation protocol that we refer to as Proof of Production "PoP". This protocol will include a hybrid permissioned/public blockchain to gather information directly from the farm's Weighing System and share data to anyone who interacts with our network; this process goes with full transparency. All the phases of the plants are recorded, from seedling to harvest, including when it gets collected and sold. The system will automatically deduct growing fees and will provide a reward that can be paid in MXNP or mine Frucoin at current market value.

Fruexchange www.fruex.org

Intro Cryptocurrencies are rushing into the market; global Crypto transaction volumes are continuously increasing. This is due to the crypto-transactions way of working by providing cheaper, faster, and safer transactions between users.

Fruexchange is a digital currency exchange where you register and exchange fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies. Users will be able to access Fruexchange through the website portal or on their mobile phones to keep track of your trades on the go. Fruexchange will provide users a safe, friendly, and easy to use the platform, for novice and advanced traders. Users will have a wallet for them to deposit, exchange, or withdrawal different currencies. These wallets will implement mnemonic/private keys for security and unlocking. Mnemonic phrases consist of a series of 12 to 24 words with the possibility of generating an infinite number of private keys. The private key is the most critical piece of information users must control since this key holds ownership of all the cryptocurrency on the wallet. Each wallet has a unique mnemonic phrase that stores all private keys and it provides the user a secure recovery method, so if by any means a user is unable to access his wallet he will be able to recover his coins. Fruexchange will be developed using industry-leading software and will also aim to provide fair transaction fees for users. As stated before, Security, Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-money Laundry (AML) are three critical aspects that Fruture will harness to provide trust to users.

2FA 2 Factor Authentication helps users provide more security to their account by validating through other methods besides just an account password. 2 Factor Authentication on register & login will be presented in different options:

● by using email verification ● Google Authenticator ● Code by text message.

KYC/AML Compliance Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundry is a must comply to assure that anyone on the platform is here to do legitimate business, and to generate trust between users in the community. To do so, users in our exchange will need to comply with proper identification documents and other validating data. Multi-Currency Exchange Fruexchange will have compatibility with different coins like FRU (under development), MXNP (under development), BTC, LTC, XRP, ETH, EOS, TRX, XMR. Even though at the beginning, not all currencies will be supported, more of them will be added in the near future. These additional crypto pairs will help attract users with different coins and improve interaction through Fruture platforms.

Fruacademy In Fruture, we firmly believe that the only way to evolve into a better civilization is through education. Because it won't matter if we create a user-friendly platform if users can't understand what is a private key. So that's why we are proposing to build a platform and offer different level courses, and we are going to start with the following topics.

● Blockchain ● Finances ● Agricultural Programs

As resources start coming, we will add new content as soon as possible. Here are some examples of the levels and types of courses our platform will have.

Incubation Program It's imperative to have guidance and help if you are trying to enter the entrepreneurship world. We got advice from one of the best incubation programs in Latin America, from Tec de Monterrey Business Incubator. We decided that we need to build a platform for new projects and entrepreneurs that want to change the world with sustainable projects. Our platform will help projects from all around the globe connect with funds to work in the development of DAPP's that will run in our chain.


Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 Frucoin Pre Sale 2019 1,000,000 Frucoin at $10MXNP

Pre Sale Referrals 2%: 20,000 Frucoin Pre Register MTY 2%: 20,000 Frucoin Sale 2020-2021: 100,000,000 Frucoin at $20MXNP Pre Sale

In this phase, we will perform a token sale of 1,000,000 Frucoin at $10MXN, which means a 50% Discount with regular ICO price. With these resources, we will prepare everything for the ICO. We have two scenarios, and it will depend on how much money we collect, how we will spend it. You can find the details below.

Hard cap - $10,000,000 MXNP

$4,000,000 MXNP - 1st Frufarm >2,400 sqm & Proof of Production Dev

This 2400 sqm of land will be divided into three 800 sqm Greenhouses. Each greenhouse is independent of one to another. Greenhouses are equipped with different types of soilless cultivation infrastructure. Each greenhouse is divided into six sections; four sections will use the designated soilless cultivation system with full LED lighting and automation. The next section is designated for testing and research purposes, and the last section is designated for germination, seedlings, and general workstation. Each greenhouse will use a different technology such as Strawberry Aquaponics Tech, Hydroponic with Substrates, Vertical NFT, Vertical Aeroponics, and Dutch Bucket infrastructures. Natural sunlight passing through the greenhouse is used to grow crops, but it isn't constant throughout the year, that's why each growing technology will be equipped with a complimentary LED lighting system to provide extra light when needed for optimal production. This chart below shows the maximum amount of LED needed, complete darkness, for each type of technology.

Growing Technology

(294.4 SQM total)

Max LED Lighting

Needed (watts per SQM)

LED Power (Watts)

Number of lights

per SQM

Total Amount of LED light System

Strawberry Aquaponics Tech

530 80 7 1,288

Hydroponic with Substrates

530 80 7 1,288

Vertical NFT infrastructure

324 80 4 828

Vertical Aeroponics infrastructure

324 80 4 828

Dutch Bucket infrastructure

530 80 7 1,288

Growing Technology

(368 m2 for each)

Plant site cost Sites per SQM Available Plant sites


Strawberry Aquaponics Tech

$25.58 MXN 39 14,352 $ 365,976.00

Hydroponic with Substrates

$100.13 MXN

7 3,000

$ 322,418.60

Vertical NFT infrastructure

$19.68 MXN 41 18,750 $ 371,164.80

Vertical Aeroponics infrastructure

$9.31 MXN

149 68,400 $ 638,107.40

Dutch Bucket infrastructure

$129.80 MXN 5 2,300 $ 298,540.00

Description Total Area SQM Greenhouse Cost per SQM


Greenhouse & Growing Technology

2,400 SQM $418 MXN $1,003,200

LED Lights 80 Watts 1,870 LED Lamps $800 MXN $1,500,000

Rent 1YR 2,500 SQM $5 MXN/SQM/month $144,000

Nutrients and Seeds $200,000

Land preparation $200,000

Wages 1 YR 4 Persons $10,000 MXN/month $500,000

Reserve Fund $452,800

Total $4,000,000

Total Greenhouse area 100%

Production area 55.2% Traffic area 44.8%

Area in M2 2,400 1,325 1,075

$2,000,000 MXNP - Fruture Blockchain and Platforms

Cost Summary

Description Cost

Blockchain Development $500,000 MXN

UI/UX Development $200,000 MXN

Backend Development $400,000 MXN

Android Development $100,000 MXN

iOS Development $100,000 MXN

Cybersecurity Budget $400,000 MXN

Project Management $200,000 MXN

Servers and Administration $100,000 MXX

Total: $2,000,000.00 MXN

$1,500,000 MXNP - Frumarket Budget

Cost Summary

Description Cost

3 Frustores Prep & Equipment $600,000 MXN

FruDelivery Equipment $150,000 MXN

Initial Inventory $150,000 MXN

Marketing $200,000 MXN

Contingency Fund $400,000 MXN

Total: $1,500,000.00 MXN

$1,000,000 MXNP - Fruex Budget

Cost Summary

Description Cost

Contingency Fund $700,000 MXN

Wages $300,000 MXN

Total: $1,000,000.00 MXN

$1,500,000 MXNP - Salaries and Administration

Cost Summary

Description Cost

8 Persons team 1 year $1,500,000 MXN

Total: $1,500,000.00 MXN

Soft cap - $5,000,000 MXNP

$1,500,000 MXNP - 1st Frufarm > 800 sqm & Proof of Production Dev

Description Total Area SQM Greenhouse Cost per SQM


Greenhouse & Growing Technology

800 SQM $418 MXN $334,400 MXN

LED Lights 80 Watts 750 LED Lamps $800 MXN $600,000 MXN

Rent 1YR 800 SQM $5 MXN/SQM/month $48,000 MXN

Nutrients and Seeds $50,000 MXN

Land preparation $100,000 MXN

Wages 1 YR 2 Persons $10,000 MXN/month $250,000 MXN

Reserve Fund $117,600 MXN

Total $1,500,000

$1,500,000 MXNP - Fruture Blockchain, Fruexchange, and Fruacademy Dev

Cost Summary

Description Cost

Blockchain Development $400,000 MXN

UI/UX Development $150,000 MXN

Backend Development $250,000 MXN

Android Development $75,000 MXN

iOS Development $75,000 MXN

Cybersecurity Budget $300,000 MXN

Project Management $150,000 MXN

Servers and Administration $100,000 MXN

Total: $1,500,000.00 MXN

$1,000,000 MXNP - Frumarket Budget

Cost Summary

Description Cost

2 Frustores Prep & Equipment $400,000 MXN

FruDelivery Equipment $100,000 MXN

Initial Inventory $100,000 MXN

Marketing $150,000 MXN

Contingency Fund $250,000 MXN

Total: $1,000,000.00 MXN

$1,000,000 MXNP - Salaries and Administration

Cost Summary

Description Cost

5 Persons team 1 year $1,000,000 MXN

Total: $1,000,000.00 MXN

Referrals 2%

Our referral program would help anyone who shares his code. The person who shares the code will get 2% of the amount of Frucoins his referral bought. This reward will be paid in Frucoin and will be added to his balance until the token sale is over.

Pre-Register 2% MTY

We have separated 20,000 Frucoin for new Frumarket users, and as Frumarket will start in Monterrey, Mexico, we have saved them for people registering from this area. They will receive their first Frucoin for free, and this will grant them access to our platforms and Frumarket service.

ICO Team - 55,000,000 Frucoin Advisors - 1,000,000 Fruture Projects - 50,000,000 Referrals 2% - Up to 2,000,000 Giveaways 1% - Up to 1,000,000

Future Sales

We will have 50,000,000 Frucoin frozen for future projects one in every continent, Fruwallet owners will vote to decide on which continent the next project will take place. Also, after the voting completes, Fruture Team must present three different options depending on regulations and taxes of the countries involved. Fruture Cooperative will vote to decide where the next project will happen; everything will be transparent and using blockchain technology.

The first future sale will begin three years after the initial sale completes. 10,000,000 Frucoin

will be offered, and every three years the same amount of tokens will be sold for a new project. The destination is voted, and this will allow us to have at least one Frufarm in every country in the next 15 years.

Fruture was born, taking into account critical issues of today's food systems and agricultural industry. Merging technology with agriculture will empower every person involved in the process, from producer to consumer. The producer will be able to maximize yields while reducing costs and waste, while consumers will have fresher and healthier products at a reasonable price. Besides the direct benefits, an improved local economy will emerge, aiding in the development of the community and reducing carbon footprint. Roadmap


DappDev LBM Vilma Reciclados PromoGreen Incubadora de Negocios Tec de Monterrey Centro de Emprendimiento Circular Team

Victor Javier Cavazos Founder - CEO Mauricio Daniel Cavazos Co-Founder - CTIO Miguel Angel Cavazos Business Development

Victoria Mariely Gonzalez Rueda Design Humberto Treviño Rodriguez Video Producer Veronica Sanabria Yerena Commercial Sales

Daniel Eugenio Moreno Lopez Frontend Developer Javier Mondragon Mendoza Sustainable Development Miguel Ángel Guerrero Vera Supply Chain Logistics Santiago Rodríguez Leal Isla Content Creator

Oscar Fuentevilla Garza UX Design David Morelos Zaragoza Audiovisual Production

Advisors Juan Manuel Garcia Quiroga Operations Fernando Delgado Vallejo Finances Ricardo Andres Cavazos Quality Control Jessica De la Garza Intellectual Property Eduardo Montemayor Treviño Legal Valeria Treviño Gonzalez Contracts Denise Treviño Gonzalez Marketing César Aguilar Aguilar Farmer Consultant Tadeo Sebastian Better International AgriBusiness Adrian Mendez Valbuena Human Resources Gerardo Villarreal Transportation Logistics Eduardo Sauret Developer Enrique Zamora Automation Patricio Cavazos Supply Chain References

1. Bodor, J., Rose, D., Farley, T., Swalm, C., & Scott, S. (2008). Neighborhood fruit and vegetable

availability and consumption: The role of small food stores in an urban environment. Public Health Nutrition, 11(4), 413-420. doi:10.1017/S1368980007000493

2. https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/circular-economy/concept 3. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/9/11 © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel,

Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

4. https://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/home/plant_growth.html 5. http://www.postharvest.org/RPCs_PEF_White_Paper_13_01.pdf 6. https://www1.wfp.org/zero-hunger 7. http://www.fao.org/3/y4252e/y4252e06.htm 8. FAO. 2017. The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges. Rome.

http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6583e.pdf 9. http://grantham.sheffield.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/A4-sustainable-model-intensive-

agriculture-spread.pdf 10. FAO & IWMI. 2017. Water pollution from agriculture: a global review. Rome.

http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7754e.pdf 11. https://ucanr.edu/sites/placernevadasmallfarms/Farm_Business_Planning/FBP_Risk_Managem

ent/Risk_Management/Production_Risk/#PRResources 12. https://www.bbvaresearch.com/publicaciones/mexico-enif-2018-63-2-usan-ahorro-informal-70-

2-usan-creditos-informales/ 13. https://checkingoutonplastics.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Checking-out-on-plastics.pdf 14. http://sfp.ucdavis.edu/cooperatives/what_is/ 15. https://www.strongertogether.coop/food-coops/history-of-co-ops (Karen Zimbelman) 16. https://www.ica.coop/en/cooperatives/facts-and-figures 17. Altman, Morris. (2009). History and Theory of Cooperatives. 18. FAO. 2011. Global food losses and food waste – Extent, causes, and prevention. Rome

http://www.fao.org/3/a-i2697e.pdf 19. https://futurism.com/images/universal-basic-income-answer-automation

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