where will you wake up?

Post on 29-Jul-2016






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Where Will You Wake Up?By Greg Rosenthal

This travelogue is meant to inspire people to travel and to not be afraid to start new and unknown adventures in life. So �rst, I ask the question, “Where will you wake up?” to excite people with the unknown. The illustration for the cover is something most have experienced, looking out the window of a plane as you travel from one location to the next, not know what lies ahead, but excited to arrive.

Five years ago I up and moved to Sweden, as this was the �rst time �ying outside the United States, a surge of excitement ran through me, and felt like a drug I couldn't get enough of. Ever since that day �ying to Sweden not know what the future holds for me in a foreign land, I devoted every minute, every cent, every ounce of energy I could to traveling and seeing something new that this world has to o�er. Along my journey I've had the pleasure of explored 15 di�erent countries, set foot on four conti-nents, and lived as a resident in three countries. I hope these illustrations can inspire you to get out and see something new and explore the unknown.

Where will you wake up?

Where will youwake up?

Greg Rosenthal

As I mentioned before my �rst adventure was to Uppsala Sweden where I signed my �rst professional contract as a soccer player. My Agent at the time was from Sweden, and called me up on a Wednesday asking if I would be willing to come to Sweden to play, and that Friday I was on my �rst international �ight. Arriving in Arlanda Stockholm I had to make the train 30 minute train ride to Uppsala. I remember approaching the city of Uppsala and seeing a huge castle and an even bigger Cathedral, and this was almost a couple miles out. When I arrive at the train station my �rst thought was to �nd the castle, so I took my luggage and walked. I created this illustrations because it was one of the �rst time I saw something so european It hit me how far away from home I was.

Uppsala Sweden

Valkommen!Uppsala Sweden

This illustration was created from a memory I had when my soccer team Sweden traveled just outside of Aiya Napa in Cyprus. My team had been training in the cold, dark winter of Sweden for almost four months prior to this trip. We were ready for a get away to somewhere warm and sunny to say the least. Most of my time was spent training but the free time I got I explored as much as I could. One afternoon o� from training I walked down the coast line and came across an Awesome rock arch formation, and just sat and watch the waves come in for almost an hour. This illustrations represents a very peaceful moment that was well needed and deserved.

Aiya Napa Cyprus

This illustration shows why Barcelona is my favorite city. Walking down a calm beach towards the W hotel, that is shaped like a space ship, with a warm Mediterranean breeze across my face. The sun is slowly fading behind the horizon, as the temperature lowers, you start to miss the warmth of the sun. With a clear sky the stars slowly com into focus. The soothing sound of wave rolling in and out as you walk the edge of the water.

Barcelona Spain


The beautiful streets, building, and canals of Amsterdam have two very di�erent personalities depending on the light you view them in. The two personalities are so vastly di�erent one would believe they were in a completely di�erent city. During the night everything is illuminated by red lights, seeing only the silhouettes with red edges. This illustration was inspired from sitting on the canals brick wall dangling are feet as we stare into the red light.

Amsterdam Netherlands

Amsterdam Netherlands

This illustration explains itself, as you can see these are the Egyptian pyramids just outside of Cairo. I was reluctant to travel and see the pyramids, as I have seen them in various ways throughout my life, and I think we all have. But, I decided if I was in Egypt and didn't see them I would being upset with myself, so I made the trip out to see them. As we approached you could see the pyramids from a far distance. I was amazed with the enormous size of these structures and could but help think of the feet it was to construct such a thing in the period they were built. They truly were magni�cent, and it was totally worth the trip.

Cairo Egypt

Cairo Egypt

This illustration was created base of a memory of standing on the edge of a cli� looking down the coast of sheer drop o�s, seeing the full a�ect of mother natures forces. Wind and waves crashing into the cli�s, violently shaping the face of the cli� with every moment. Astonished with the height and sharpness of the cli�s, I tried to recreate the rows of cli�s down the coastline.

Cliffs of Moher Ireland

Cliffs of MoherIreland

I moved out to New Zealand to work as a soccer coach at a football academy called Ole football Academy, and ended up staying there for just over a year. This illustration was created from memory, as I woke up to this outside my window for almost 365 days.

Porirua New Zealand

Kia Ora!Porirua

New Zealand

This illustration is a typical view out the window as your driving, with grazing sheep, beautiful snow covered mountains and a sunny blue sky. I wanted to illustrate a view when the actual travel is taking place. It seemed like every time I looked out the window I saw this when road tripping in New Zealand.

Taopo New Zealand

TaopoNew Zealand

This was just a road side stop on a two week road trip across New Zealand. My family came out to visit me in New Zealand for christmas and we all took an adventure together. We were just getting ready to call it quits on the driving when my brother spotted this beach with huge bubbles in the sand, so we pulled over and investigated. What was an unplanned stop became one of my most memorable sceneries in the South Island of New Zealand.

Moeraki Boulders New Zealand

Moeraki BouldersNew Zealand

This illustration was created to remind me of an emotional transition in my life. Playing soccer in Wellington New Zealand, and had just su�ered a career ending injury. Feeling vulnerable and defeated, in a very dark and unfamiliar place. With a million thoughts racing through my head, the weight of my situation hit me. I frantically awoke a couple mornings later feeling drained, alone, and pain, as I gazed out the window. Before my troubles could resurface, a magni�cent sunrise emerged, swallowing me hole. This un�ltered, pure beauty, provided me light in a pivotal moment. All my stress slowly faded, rescuing me from reality. That was the exact moment I realize everything's going to be Okay. This peace is very close to home for me, as I lived in Wellington I had some ups and downs, but the natural beauty Wellington o�ered me from day to day will forever be in my heart.

Middle Earth

Middle Earth

WellingtonNew Zealand

This illustration was inspired by a beautiful moon lit beach of Anchorage Bay, as my two brothers and I were unwinding by a �re. Exhausted from our 9 mile journey through the Abel Tasman trail of New Zealand, we �nally reached our check point, set up camp, ate super, and had a beer. Before we all hit the sack we were drawn to the bright glow of the full moon, so we ventured out to the beach and gazed for a while before bed.

Abel Tasman

Abel TasmanNew Zealand

This light house stand facing east on the outer most part of New Zealand's northern island. The structure itself my not be impressive but the surrounding area around it is simply magni�cent. As you stare out into the Paci�c Ocean scale comes into a�ect, thoughts of how large this ocean really is in regards to your present location. Not a landmass in sight for miles.

Castlepoint New Zealand

CastlePointNew Zealand

Living in New Zealand for just over a year I was able to travel around from city to city. Arriving in Auckland city you can see the Sky tower from miles away. As the tower is the city of Auckland's main land mark I knew I had to get a closer look. This illustration is my view late on a Saturday night after exploring the city all day.

Sky Tower Auckland New Zealand

AucklandNew Zealand

When I was living in Wellington New Zealand I was playing for a Team called Exodus Team Wellington that competed in the Oceanic Champions league. This tournament took place in Suva Fiji, and went on for a month, so I was able to spend a month in Fiji. Now, Suva is not a topical picture of what one thinks of when they hear Fiji. This city was the complete opposite of a Fijian resort with white sanded beaches, clear water, and Tiki huts. With that being said, I always try and �nd the good thing a place has to o�er, and I found it one evening after training, just before the sun went down. On the bus ride home I looked out and saw the natural beauty suva had to o�er.

Suva Fiji



As you walk the streets of St. Paul Minnesota, night or day, it's inevitable you will come across a large “1st” up in the sky. Having three sides and well lit up you can see it from any angle. This historic 1st sign has become a symbol that represents St. Paul. When ever I'm traveling back home to St,. Paul It's always a pleasant greeting from the 1st Bank sign.

St. Paul Minnesota

1stSt. Paul 1st Bank


Minnehaha Falls has always been a place for me to get away from the city life in St. Paul. Looking up at the falls as hundreds of gallons �ow over the top, lets me forget about everything else and just be in the present

Minnehaha Falls Minnesota

Minnehaha FallsMinnesota

I make a trip up north �ve hours from St. Paul Minnesota every year to canoe, �sh, and hike. This illustration was inspired by the early mornings spent out on the water �shing. Just before sunrise the loons are out and about, the water is as calm as can be, the fog is starting to evaporate, silhouettes are starting to reveal themselves, and the �sh are waiting for their warms on a hook. I have had the pleasure of seeing this scene almost every time I've traveled up north to the Boundary Water in Northern Minnesota.

Boundary Waters minnesota

Boundary WatersMinnesota

The walker arts Center in Minneapolis Minnesota has one of the biggest spoon and cherry sculpture, and if viewed from the right vantage you can see the city skyline in the distance. I used to make trips here as a child and never really understood what I was looking at, but always thought it was a site to see.

Minneapolis Minnesota


This is an illustration of a location that splits the twin cities of Minnesota St. Paul and Minneapolis, a place where two cities connect. This has become a landmark representing half way, or mid point from one down town to the other. I bike by this tower all the time and never really appreciated it esthetic appeal.

Witches Tower Minnesota

Whitches TowerMinnesota

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