wheel tracks december 2012

Post on 11-Sep-2014






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“Wheel Tracks” is the official monthly publication for Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts (VAE) by the VAAS. Wheel Tracks is a monthly newsletter published in print and electronically for the public and it’s membership in ten states and two provinces. The newsletter began in May 1953.


Officer Jones….

"You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign here."

2]... Events…. “What’s Next”.

3]…VAE Holiday Gathering info

@ JP’s Restaurant in Essex.

4]…Mary Tours China

& Click and clack? 5]…Redneck Technology &

Did You Know in 1922.

6]… A Request from Belgium.

7]…Mr. Luo wants an American car.

8]...Dave’s Garage, Preventative Maintenance

& Stewart Fuel Systems Part 1.

9]... Take a Note….Ohhhh.

10]…The Correct Critique.

11]…November Treasurer’s Report

13]… Our Annual Meeting @ VTC

16]...Our Mobil Museum

The Official Monthly Publication of Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts by The Vermont Antique Automobile Society

December 2012 Year 59 #12

ErniE ClErihEw’s 1963 Austin Mini ……rEAd his story on pAgE 6

Merry Christmas VAE…….Say Goodbye to 2012...Hello 2013

WHEEL TRACKS….vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 2

Mission Statement: The Vermont Antique Automobile

Society is a tax free 501c3

organization dedicated to the

preservation, protection,

promotion and appreciation of

automotive history and


Wheel Tracks is a monthly newsletter published in print and electronically for the public, and for the VAE and VAAS membership in ten states and two Canadian provinces.

Your editor and other authors are made aware of some new products, services or information that they feel may have value to VAE’s membership. These products, serv ices or informationals are not an endorsement by the VAE unless otherwise noted. The opinions are solely those of the particular article’s author.

***Contact Us At***


***Our Website Is***



Chairman, Wendell Noble, 802-893-2232


President- Dave Sander,802-434-8418


1st. Vice President & Activities Chair-

Jim Sears 802-482-2698


2nd. Vice-President& Assistant Activity Chair-

Robert Lalancette 802-849-2692


Treasurer- Dick Wheatley 802-879-9455


Recording Secretary- Bill Sander,

802-644-5487, sander@pshift.com

Tom McHugh Exp. 2012– 802-862-1733

Les Skinner Exp. 2012 -802-485-8150

Chris Barbieri Exp. 2013 –802-223-3104


Audit……….Leo Laferriere, Doris Bailey,

Jim Sears

Futures……Gael Boardman,

Spencer Halstead, Gary Fiske

Membership Recruiting..

Chris Barbieri, Carol Lavallee

Hal Boardman, Rick Hamilton

Nominating.. Conception Conti,

Gary Olney, Bob Guinn

Transition Bylaws.. Andy Barnett, Fred

Cook, Doris Bailey,

Chris Barbieri

VAAS Directors Gael Boardman, Chairman

Lloyd Davis, Vice Chairman

Jan Sander, Secretary

Dick Wheatley, Treasurer

Andy Barnett

Bob Chase

Leo Laferriere

MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT TEAM Membership Secretary (Ex-Officio)

Christina McCaffrey

89 Ledge Road

Burlington VT 05401-4140

VAE membership@gmail.com


VAE Show Chairs/Board Ex-Officio Antique and Classic Car Meet (Stowe)

Bob Chase, Chair, 802-253-4897

Duane Leach, Co-Chair, 802-849-6174

Wheel Tracks Editor (Ex-Officio)

Gary Fiske 802-933-7780

cell 802-363-1642


2503 Duffy Hill Road

Enosburg Falls, Vermont 05450

Clark & Isabelle Wright

Burma Shave editors

Edi Fiske

Wheel Tracks proof-reader

Sunshine Chair

Christina McCaffrey 802-862-3133


EvEnts… whAt’s nExt ?

November 22nd. Happy Thanksgiving

December 2nd. @ 1PM. The VAE monthly

meet and Holiday Party at JP’s restaurant in


January 12th...11AM to 2PM at St. Leo’s

Hall in Waterbury, VT. The annual VAE

Pot Luck and Memorabilia Meet.

January 2013



When the Pennsylvania police stopped them. Why? Was it the 4– lane highway they were on ?

Or maybe the high rate of speed.

These folks were out on a leisurely

Saturday daytrip in their Franklin

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 3

From The President David Sander

This is my final Presidents column as VAE President for 2012. I am having a hard time trying to

understand how this year has gone by so fast. When I was elected to be your president, I had two goals

for the year. The first goal was to make every member feel welcomed at VAE events, and the second

goal was to increase exposure for the VAE.

Fortunately, I believe both of these goals have been met. I wish I could take full credit, but I can't. This

work happened due to the efforts and hard work of dedicated VAE members.

The VAE presence at the Champlain Bridge dedication and the new “Spring Show” in Grand Isle has

both gone a long way toward increasing the exposure of the VAE. The coverage of the bridge dedication

was covered well by the media. The Associated Press picked up the story, and it was on the front page of newspapers from coast to coast.

The VAE door magnets were prominently mounted on the doors of the lead cars, and were quite visible in the media pictures.

Our web site traffic picked up immediately after the bridge event, and I would like to think that this event was at least partially responsible

for that uptick.

I had fears of another rain out at Stowe. The weather was not good the Thursday and Friday of the show week. Fortunately, with a lot of

hard work, well planned contingency plans and a little good luck, the show was a success. We are finishing the year in the black financially,

and have money set aside for the eventual rain out at Stowe.

I am still looking for nominations for the VAE Restoration award. Please let me know of any restorations that are being finished this


It has been an honor to serve as your president this past year. I truly appreciate all the kind words I have received, and I was truly blessed

to have all the talent, enthusiasm, hard work and dedication of our membership throughout the past year.

Thank you, and be well.


Report Alvin Ward of

St. Albans

reports that his

wife Barbara has

returned home from the hospital

after having a heart attach. She is

recovering fine. This is their 67th

year of marriage.

Mrs. Norma Unsworth passed away

on Sunday, November 4th. There was

a service in Florida, and as with Ray

there will be a service in Vermont

next spring/summer.

From Your Editor Gary Fiske

Here is the last Wheel Tracks issue of 2012….2013 here we come! Our

Mobile Museum, in my view, is our “2013 fast forward” big step. I can’t wait

to see what the membership creates on those 6 wheels.

You will see a brand new slate of officers on page 2 next month. Please

don’t let them live in a vacuum this next year. Let them know what is

important to you, help them make good decisions for our car club. As we

venture further into the non-profit world there are many new things to learn.

If you can remember back to January of 2012 there were a few changes with Wheel Tracks and the

reports I have heard are, mostly, all positive. The new ‘friendly paper’ that it is printed on and color are

two of the big items. Increasing our mailings from around 200 to 500 is probably the 2nd big item.

I have this thing with Januarys, maybe its because my birthday is that month or maybe its because the

month is just boring. Anyway….. I have a few changes coming next month, some I know about now and

some I haven’t thought of yet. Some guidance from you would be welcomed. What do you want to see

more of? What would you like me to dump? You have my ear… I have this idea for the ‘cross-word’

folks and there are a few folks I plan to ping on for new column ideas. Then there is the idea of going to a

50 page, all color, slick hard covered publication with a mailing list of 2000. Scared you, didn’t I Gene?

Holiday Gathering Sunday December 2nd 1:00pm Jp’s rEstAurAnt & dEli 39 River Road, Essex Jct., VT

This year our Holiday Party will be at JP’s Restaurant & Deli. We will be

ordering from the menu and they also have daily specials. Don’t forget an item for the gift exchange. Locating that special gift, like Elvis

last year, may not be easy, but could make a special memory for all of us.

Make your reservations with Jim Sears 802-598-1663 or packardsu8@netscape.net

November and December are difficult months for our less fortunate friends and neighbors. So please remember to bring a food item or

two to these meetings for a local food shelf.

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 4

The Softer Side A Column Shared &Written by Marnita Leach (The Cookie),

Mary Noble (Left) & Nancy Olney (Right)

It seemed appropriate to give the “softer side” of our trip to China, observations I noticed, such as the flowers, which were every-

where possible and all trimmed and lovingly cared for. One example was a wall of flowers in an elaborate pattern composed of plants in

individual pots and somehow set into it; apparently this is a standard planting technique for flower beds as well, at least the ones we saw.

There were few overweight Chinese as the majority walk or bicycle everywhere. They need to be agile, as cars, trucks, buses, motorcy-

cles, scooters, motorized bicycles with a rickshaw setup for passengers, all competing nonstop for spaces in traffic, and pedestrians do

not have priority. As Chris told us, “Look four ways twice” before trying to cross a street! The other part of the street scene is vendors

trying to sell passersby everything imaginable, “very cheap” and they are eager to haggle, in fact almost insist on it. These folks are also

present at every tourist attraction; the walk up to the Great Wall was lined with them. Meals, ordered by our translator with input from

us, were placed, dish after dish, on a huge lazy-susan in the middle of the table. They included lots of tofu, spicy or not, always bok choy,

cabbage or swiss chard, a fish and/or meat dish, then rice, and last, soup (it is impolite to fill your soup bowl to the top) and fruit – usu-

ally watermelon. Then came the challenge to master chop sticks in order to get the food to one’s plate, not to mention in your mouth –

there were spoons for the soup! Speaking of food, we went to a “wet market” where vegetables and fruits were displayed. The meat sec-

tion was piles of meat – pork, chicken, beef – to be picked over by buyers – a big pyramid of hamburg that was picked up by hand and

placed in a plastic bag to be weighed. It was a little shocking as we are used to everything being packaged and in a cooler, but we learned

that food is purchased every day, taken home and eaten right away. I stayed away from where the live chickens were, with customers

waiting. There were fish, eel, shrimp, clams, crab, etc., swimming around in tanks. Back on the sidewalk there were, besides “very cheap”

sellers, street cleaners, mostly women, using what looked like a witches broom made of twigs to sweep up any bit of debris – a lot of cig-

arette butts, despite “No Naked Flames” signs. There were bicycles passing by with huge loads of cardboard folded for recycling and

laundry was hung from racks attached to apartment house balconies. We visited temples which were crowded with people burning in-

cense, bowing and praying to Buddha as well as patting the heads of big reddish fish which is believed to bring good fortune, and leaving

money in and on the various statues of gods. There are many rituals and traditions the Chinese observe. One last thing to mention were

the ladies rooms away from hotels – the “facility” is a porcelain basin set into the floor, no hand holds, and paper goes into a wastebas-

ket. Enough about that! The Chinese people seemed genuinely anxious to try to talk with us Americans, which was gratifying, and their

work ethic is to be admired. For someone who originally said no way she would go to China, it was an extraordinary trip, largely thanks to

Chris Barbieri’s great organizing, choice of guides, introducing us to new Chinese foods, sights, and all with a fun group of VAE members.

Marnita is taking this month off...watch for her recipe in January

FroM thE ‘CookiE’ At thE stowE show by Marnita Leach

****Mary Tours China****

“Reader chooses cars over wife” Taken from the ‘Click & Clack’ website in August.

Dear Tom and Ray: I collect cars from companies that have gone out of business. So far, I have six

beauties from the 50s. My wife says, “Get rid of them or I will get rid of you”. What should I do? I love

these cars more than my wife and I am willing to move out and find a 5-car garage somewhere and just

sleep on a cot with the cars. Please advise, Ron.

Tom: I don’t know what you want from us, Ron. I think you’ve answered your own question.

Ray: You love your old cars more than you love your wife. That’s kind of pathetic, but at least your

honest with yourself.

Tom: So, our advice is to keep turning the pages of today’s paper until you get to apartment listings, and

look for the studio apartment with a five-car garage.

Ray: That’ll be your temporary housing. When your wife gets the cars in the divorce and sells them for

scrap metal, you can move into a more comfortable one-bedroom.

Tom: Or perhaps you’ll think better of this plan and consider a compromise, like storing the cars “off site” and visiting them when you’re

lonely. Good luck, Ron

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 5

Did You Know in 1922… By Gene Fodor

…..Production shot up to 2,274185 cars and 269,991

trucks increasing production by almost 25 percent.

…. William S. Knudsen became Vice-President of

operations at Chevrolet.

… Jimmy Murphy in a Murphy Special won the Indy 500

averaging 94.48 mph.

… An Oldsmobile set a record traveling 1000 miles in

15 hours.

… Balloon tires and air cleaners were introduced.

… Ford bought Lincoln Motor Co. at receiver’s sale and

began production of higher priced cars.

… Durant bought Locomobile and Mason.

… The Rickenbacker was introduced with four

wheel brakes.

… The General Motors building was completed in


… Charles M. Schwab gained control of Stutz.

… Several cars were introduced with gasoline gauges on

the instrument panel.

… 52 new makes were introduced, the only name

remaining is Briggs and Stratton.

Jimmy Murphy’s Murphy Special

( a modified Duesenberg)

The 1922 Rickenbacker, named after the flying ace

Eddie Rickenbacker

This is Gene Fodor’s last “Did You Know”

Thank You Gene for your great column.

New Advances in RT (Redneck Technology)

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 6

My 1963 Austin Mini by Ernie Clerihew

Following WWII, the British auto industry was under the mandate of "Export or

Die". As a result, the most popular imported cars in the States after the War were

British. According to Ward's Auto World, the British had a 96% share of the U.S.

imported car market in 1952. Today it is less than 1%. Popular post-war British

cars were the MG TD and the Jaguar XK120. When most "car people" think of

British cars, sports cars come to mind. Indeed, at the British Invasion of Stowe car

show, Austin Healeys, MGs and Triumphs are the most popular entries among the

hundreds of cars that show up.

But the highest volume product ever made by the British auto industry was the

Mini. With 5,387,862 units produced from 1959 to 2000, the Mini outlasted several

of its corporate owners. Though Minis were never imported in great numbers to the

U.S., they were highly innovative when introduced and set the style of transverse engine

design for practically all front-wheel drive cars that followed. The concept was exceptional:

a practical sub-compact car 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, 4 feet tall that would seat 4 adults. Over

80% of the car's volume is for its occupants. Its 10" wheels are located at the corners of the

body. Originally called the Austin Seven, the car came equipped with a 38 h.p. 4 cylinder en-

gine of 850cc. capacity. By 1964, some were factory-modified with a 1275 cc, 78 h.p. engine by Formula I car designer John Cooper. Thus

was born the Austin Cooper, aka Austin Mini Cooper. These cars went on to win rugged European rallys with boring regularity in the

1960s, including the Monte Carlo Rally in 3 separate years. A highly modified Mini from New Zealand recently clocked over 200 mph at


Most Mini enthusiasts don’t recognize the current BMW-made Mini offering as a "proper" Mini: It weighs almost twice as much and is a

full 2 feet longer. It is available in styles that are even heavier and longer yet. That being said, the new Mini is a car better suited for

American conditions than the original Mini ever was. In standard form, the old Minis suffered from the usual British car maladies:

overheating, leaking oil, weak engine internals, poorly shifting transmissions and generally poor quality control. But an old Mini is so light

and small that it can corner at frightening speeds if you keep your right foot into it. It has been described as a go-cart on steroids, with (as the

Brits would say) cheeky good looks to boot.

I bought my Austin Mini around 1977, but family responsibilities kept me from getting it on the road until the late 1990s. I had wanted

one since I was a kid in the 1960s. Knowing the mechanical shortcomings of the original car, I knew I was fated to perform an engine

swap. The Japanese small car field could provide the powerplant needed to make my Mini a durable highway performer. Equipped with a

tape measure, I checked the junkyards for a donor vehicle with an engine/transmission of suitable size, such that I wouldn't have to cut

the Mini body. I found such a front-wheel drive power unit in a 1993 Geo Metro. I was a bit wary at first since this car has a computer on

board to control the fuel injection system. But then I reasoned that it's only wiring and I should not fear. I was right - with a factory wiring

schematic I could tell where each wire had to go and it all worked out well.

This Geo Metro engine is made by Suzuki and it is "the Little Engine that Could". It is a 3 cylinder, 993 cc. 55 h.p. unit coupled to a 5

speed transmission that shifts as smooth as silk and weighs 100 pounds less than the original 38 h.p. engine. My car weighs in at just under

1300 pounds without the driver. The powerplant swap necessitated some tricky surgery on the front subframe but it, too, went well. My Mini

looks absolutely stock. But its a sleeper that will elicit a loud chirp from the front wheels when you shift into 2nd gear with a little extra

throttle. Its a blast to drive. A recent 210 mile trip was accomplished using 4.1 gallons of regular gas. Prius owners, eat your hearts out!

He lit

A match To check

Gas Tank They call




4 feet

4 feet

Notice in back window… “Actual Size”





Wanted…..My name is Eric De Taeye and I'm a VAE member since a few years and I have a request to the fellow VAE members. I live

and work in Belgium and I come to Vermont twice a year. This winter I would like to buy a used pick up truck and register it so that I can use

it next summer. I've been looking and exploring all kinds of internet sites and it always comes to the same. Everything I find is completely

restored (and very expensive) or vehicles that need a lot of work or are located too far away.

The pick up I'm looking for should be from the seventies and be able to use as a daily driver (in the summer) so 2 wheel drive is OK. It needs

to have a full bench and a long bed and automatic. I would prefer a Ford F100 but a Chevy is Ok. I don't mind if there is a scratch or some

minor repair as long as there is no rust (difficult in New England).I will be there starting January 17th and will go back home February 15th

So if there are members that have such a vehicle please contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Eric De Taeye ... eric.de.taeye@gmail.com

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 7

VAE Meeting Minutes……... 15 September 2012…...Place: Home of Gene Fodor, South Hero VT….Time: 9: 20 AM

The meeting was called to order by 1st vice president, Jim Sears at 9: 20 am. Jim thanked the Fodor’s, for hosting the meeting.

The club presented a birthday cake and song for Gene’s birthday.

The minutes of the August meeting of the VAE, as published in Wheel Tracks, was considered for approval. Dick Wheatley made a move

to accept, Fred Cook seconded. The minutes were accepted unanimously.

The treasurer’s report as published in Wheel Tracks was considered for approval. Wendell Noble made a motion to accept, seconded by

Gene Towne. The report passed unanimousley.

Bylaws committee, no report. Futures committee, no report. Membership committee, no report. Sunshine committee, no report

Nominating committee, information on next year’s officers is listed in Wheel Tracks.

Activities committee: The Ann Gypsum tour is scheduled for October 6, 2012. Information in Wheel Tracks.

Gene Fodor reported on a car show at Apple Island Resort on October 6, 2012.

The VAE annual meeting is set for November 3, 2012 at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. Fred Cook reported that the college has

a new and enlarged auto facility -3 x present space- located 2/10 of a mile North of the college in the Catamount commercial park. Fred

also reported our annual donation of $6000 to VTC. Reservations for Nov. 3rd go to Jim Sears. We will meet in Judd Hall at 11:15 AM.,

same place as last year. Wendell Noble reported the availability of VAE tour banners for $20 each

There are 3 VT. Strong license plates left from the original lot of 100 purchased by the VAE. The plates are $25 each

Gale Boardman updated the members on the VAAS plans to expand the youth program to all 16 career / technical centers in VT. The

VAAS is also researching a car club in NJ that is developing a car museum under the IRS 501-C3 requirements.

The appreciation dinner is scheduled for Sunday, October 21, 2012 at the Commodores Inn. Bill Sander will be sending out invitations.

The next meeting of the VAE directors is on Monday, September 17, 2012 at the Williston, VT. library. All are invited.

Gale Boardman indicated that a donation of $1000 will be made today to the Champlain Valley Museum..

The VAE Stowe show critique will be on September 19, 2012, 6 pm. at the Commodores Inn.

Unfinished Business: Dick Wheatley reported a net profit of between $25,000 & $30,000 from the VAE Stowe show.

New Business:

Wendell Noble and Charlie Thompson gave a presentation on “History of Road Transportation in VT.” on September 5, 2012 at the

Milton VT Historical Society.

Fred Cook reported that the Skinners, Les & Phyllis, are moving to a mobile home and are auctioning off some items. Call Phyllis

for information.

No further business discussed, Respectively submitted, Gene Napoliello, VAE member

The Beijing Museum of Classic Cars Our VAE entourage just returned from a wonderful visit to China. Of course we saw the usual

points of interest that one must see, like Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Summer

Palace and the Great Wall. However, for us auto enthusiasts, the high point of the trip was our

discovery of a hidden treasure of China. It was difficult for our driver to find it, but our visit to

the Beijing Museum of Classic Cars was well worth his efforts. You might ask what sort of

antique cars you could expect to find in China. The only cars we have been aware of in China

in recent times are the big parade cars carrying Party bigwigs on festive occasions of state.

Well, that is what we found. The museum is privately run by Mr. Luo Wen You. Although he

has 160 cars and trucks from all over the world, prominent among them are the black Red Flag

limousines, each with a fascinating story and pictorial background. Mr. Luo exhibited great

delight in being visited by a group of American car enthusiasts. Although he spoke no English,

he was anxious to escort us through his collection and tell the story of each car through our

interpreter. One eye- catching car was a 1971 Ford station wagon. Although he had to grope

for the name of it’s user, he finally came up with the name, Henry Kissinger. This was the car

Kissinger used while in China in preparation for Richard Nixon’s famous visit. Among the rows of Red Flag limos sporting Chinese flags,

one U.S. flag stood out. That was Nixon’s car during his visit in 1972. As our museum tour went on, more fascinating history unfolded.

Official state cars with bullet holes from assassination attempts, U.S., Russian and Chinese military vehicles from WWII forward, each with

it’s own story. We still are a bit puzzled as to how Mr. Luo came to acquire this amazing collection. Due in no small part to the language

barrier, Mr. Luo himself remains somewhat of an enigma to us. What we did learn is that we have made a new and fascinating friend. We

promised to stay in touch and help him with one more acquisition. He very much wants an early 1960’s vintage American car (or two) with

big fins, like maybe a Cadillac. The Beijing Classic Car Museum is a

“must see” for any tourist in China with the least interest in political or au-

tomotive history. And while you are there, give our best to Mr. Luo.

Above...Mr. Luo and his new American


Left… “The Boys” waving to the masses from

Mau Tse Tung’s car.

Right… Mr. Luo’s business card

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 8

Dave’s Garage by Dave Sander

This column is a Q & A column with you asking me questions and after researching the answer I will reply.

Any questions ‘automotive’ is fare game, I might not know the answer but hopefully I will find someone who does know.

Please send all inquiries to dasander@aol.com or 32 Turkey Hill Road, Richmond VT 05477

"Alternative" Preventative Maintenance

I recently embarked on the task of winterizing my vehicles. I realized that my Subaru still has the original alternator, and it has 195,000

miles on it. I have never had an alternator last this long. When I brought the car in for an inspection, I asked the guy how often they replaced

alternators on Subarus. He said they replace a few. I asked him how many miles do they last. He told me they can go at anywhere between

80,000 and 150-160,000. Hum. I called Auto Electric in Williston and asked them how long this particular alternator lasts. They said they

seem to last between 100,000 and 150,000 miles. I asked what wears out, and they said the basic wear items- brushes and bearings, but the rest

of the alternator holds up well. I asked what it would cost to recondition a working alternator and was quoted between $50 and $80.

I priced re- manufactured alternators and saw prices starting in the range of $150.00 and quickly going up well past $200.00 (not including

the core charge).

I removed the alternator and decided to bring it in. The first thing I noticed is that when I spun the pulley, the bearings sounded rough.

Auto Electric replaced the bearings, brushes and the regulator. The brushes were almost completely gone, and the bearings made noise. Final

cost was $80, or less than half what it would have cost to buy a re-manufactured alternator. This remedy also avoided a potential road side

break down and unplanned down time.

Penetrating fluid update:

Recently I recommended a mixture of acetone and ATF as an alternate penetrating oil, and I stated that I would try it and report back with

my findings. I have done a lot of work recently, work involving removing very rusted nuts and bolts, pressing out frozen bearings, freeing

heavily rusted frozen parking brakes, and removing brake bleeder nipples and hydraulic fittings.

I am happy to report that this home brewed concoction has worked very well, exceeding my expectations. The only down side is that the

ATF and acetone do not like to remain in suspension, so I have to shake my oil can before each use. The fluid needs to be kept in a sealed

container, as acetone evaporates quickly.

I hope you try it, and have as much success as I have had.

This is a 2-part series

On Stewart Systems.

Part 2 in January

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 9

Nice Ford, wouldn't you agree? I understand it might be for sale,

give me a call and I will ‘point you in the right direction’. There

might also be an early Metz for sale too. This car and the Willys

pictured below had

not seen the daylight

for more that 25

years until they

were reluctantly

pulled from their

sleep in southern

Vermont last week.

That was not a test

on page 11 in last month’s Wheel Tracks…..but it was interesting

that only two members caught the mistake! Somehow, we will not go

into details, last years Stowe Show critique got re-published. So this

month you will find this year’s critique on page 10 (continued on

page 12). If you want an education on how to conduct the largest car

show in New England, you need to read the critique. Amazing the

work involved and the details that are handled... all by volunteers.

Charlie Thompson and Wendell Noble had a new gig with their

Transportation Road Show. They were so successful with their talk of

“Early Auto Travel in Vermont” at the Milton Historical Society

earlier this year, that the Richmond Historical Society asked them to

stop by. The show was a total success on the 10th of November. I

understand the Green Mountain Folklore Society is talking to Charlie

and Wendell’s agent as we speak...errr, write. It is a great show, I saw

part of it in Milton, I imagine it would fit perfectly on our Mobile


Our presence has been requested again at Knight Point State

Park again next summer. Robert Peterson, the regional manager has

told us the car show this last summer was a complete success. Many

VAEers put a lot of work into getting the show together, it’s great

when they ask you back.

Have you ever made notes for later reference then not been able

to figure them out? Maybe that is one of the hazards of this

‘editor- job’. I have some really great notes but I don’t know what

they mean. There is something really neat about a 1930 Studebaker

but I don’t know what it is. There is a note about a junk-yard in

Washa, NY (underlined) that I have no clue about..

Then the note to “not forget to ask Gael….important!” (underlined).

I need to remember to ask Gael about that, he might be able to help.

VAE Gossip by GCF

If your VAE membership ends this year, you are slated to

get the above reminder card in your mailbox.

Please help us by paying your dues. We know there were times

in the past when paying dues half-way into the next year

worked…..for the member…..but you can’t believe the extra

work for the volunteers who process the paperwork.

Lets get a jump on 2013

A new Roster will be published soon.

Please check out your listing for accuracy

And send any changes to our

Member Secretary

Christina Mc Caffery

Pictured above is Gene and Lucille Napoliello presenting a

VAE gift of $1500.00 to Executive Director of

Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, Ted Kessler.

For more than two decades Camp Ta-Kum-Ta has provided a

safe, loving place where children from Vermont and New York

who have, or have had cancer can play, swim, share, and heal.

In short, Camp T-K-T is where kids go to reclaim a childhood

robbed by cancer.

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 10

Stowe Show Critique at Commodores Inn, Stowe

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

After a delicious buffet was enjoyed by all, the meeting was opened by Bob Chase, who welcomed all present. He stated that gen-

erally everyone seemed pleased with the show. The Fire Department had reported that Saturday was not a very good day, financial-

ly, for them, probably due to weather reports.

The Finance report is with Dick Wheatley who could not attend. Les Skinner reported that they learned that the wrapped packets

of bills needed to be counted twice to be sure they contained what their label said. The overall total taken in was roughly $104,000.

There are still outstanding bills to be paid, especially in advertising. With $36,000 in projected bills, it may come to about


Publicity headed by Chris Barbieri, came in within the budgeted amount. Announcements were begun around September 1, with

print media (car related magazines, etc.) already out. On the Monday prior to the show, on-air announcements were begun for free,

e.g., WCAX did a long interview as did WDEV with Chris. Announcement and information about the Show were placed in “Seven

Days”, rather than the Burlington Free Press; also “The World”, “Times Argus”. WDEV gave a lot of coverage for a low price, did

not charge for doing the parade and the street dance, which was not rained on. The Bugatti’s came as a special event and attracted

a lot of attention. The Morrisville paper had a special insert about the show, thanks to a major effort by Fred Cook.

Sponsorship income was $6,349.00, with seven major sponsors, twenty-two class sponsors, five silver and six in-kind sponsors, like

Coca Cola, Interstate Tire, Riverside Tractor, etc. It was suggested that it might be a good idea to hire a professional fund raiser

for next year. Bob Chase reported.

Pre-Registration was headed by Heather Maclay who reported that pre-registrations were about the same as last year, perhaps a

bit more.

Registration: Laurel Barbieri. She received appreciative comments from participants about the added benches, roaming drink

carts and the port-a-pot at the top of the hill. Requests for next year included making the print larger in registration forms and it

was pointed out that the list of classes differed in the brochure and the paper. Laurel would like the forms made smaller to make it

easier for handling during registration. It was suggested that the classes list be blown up and be posted at the booth in several

places. July 15 should remain as the deadline for registrations.

Flea Market: Tom McHugh. Vendors down slightly from last year; $1,103 was taken in. Tom would like it clearly shown in the

brochure that July 1 is the cutoff date to register.

Car Corral: Ray Tomlinson had expressed concern that the road is too narrow into the car corral. Duane and Bob said they were

looking into widening it. $3,875.00 was brought in, down about $900.00 from last year. To prevent golf carts and cars from getting

into car corral at night, it was suggested that a sign be posted with specific hours of entry and have it be enforced. Another

suggestion from Don Rayta was to put up saw horses with “Closed until 8 a.m.” posted on them.

Parade: Bill and Dave Sander, John Mahnker. The parade was well received with many people waving and applauding along the way.

Bill reported that broadcasting instructions from the Courtesy Booth at the field worked well with volunteers lining up cars. It

would be better if police could keep the cars moving along faster to avoid idling and overheating of cars. Maybe have the Chief of

Police lead the cars and keep them moving.

Fashion Show: Jan Sander. There were fewer participants than usual and it was a scramble to have those. Jan will write an

article for “Wheel Tracks” to encourage participation. A place to change clothes would be a good addition and Jan would like to

have an insert in the registration packet about the show as well. Gael Boardman suggested having a vendor who sells vintage

clothing in the flea market.

Judging: Leo Laferriere. Six hundred cars registered for the Show; there were 700 in 2011. There were 100 no shows. Two

hundred seventy-nine wanted cars judged – 172 were judged. Judging instructions were provided at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday with

nearly 100 attending. Eight young people were awarded ribbons in the Lego, Matchbox, etc., games. More publicity is needed for

these events. Sixty packets were not picked up. Leo stated that a faster printer is badly needed, and more help is needed in

processing the score sheets. The judging manual needs to be updated. No winners should be announced until all cars have been

judged and judges should not take more than 10 minutes a car to decide on their choice. Generally, the judging went well.

Souvenir Shop: Ray and Julie Greenia. $3,465 was taken in, $2.00 less than the best year, 2009. People would like pockets on the

tee shirts. Sweatshirts would be a good addition, with emblem on the front, and jackets with emblem on the back. Hats for

children sold well, as did the denim aprons. There are many key chains that need to be eliminated somehow – suggestions invited.

Attendees expressed the usual unhappiness with flea market vendors and cars leaving early on Sunday.

Announcing and Activities: Gael Boardman and John Mahnker. A ramp is needed for the Junior judging activities and more

publicity for the events. At future Stowe Show meetings, suggestions for other activities would be appreciated.

Vermont Crafters: Hal Boardman. Ten crafters signed up with two not showing up. The tent worked well and crafters seemed

happy. They plan to get together to set specific hours and some may want separate tents. More boards are needed for people to

sit on.

Awards: Bob Lalancette. Bob was working alone on short notice with not much information, so feels he could have done better, but

he did it. He would recommend that those being judged should be asked to stay until judging is completed.

(Stowe Show Critique continued on page 12)

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Continued on page 12

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Continues from page 11

(Stowe Show Critique continued from page 10) Gate and Parking: Randy Cary. Randy could not attend, but has a report to be presented at the October 17th Stowe Show

meeting at the Commodores Inn.

Trophies and Field Setup: Duane Leach. There were over 50 trophies left over, which represents a lot of wasted money – the

plaques can be removed and reused hopefully. The field setup went well with good help from volunteers. More help is really needed

for takedown Sunday afternoon.

Printing: Bill Sander. Bill would like to get a really early start on preparing brochures. He asked that anyone with pictures of

the Show, please send them to him. Bob asked if he would up the number of brochures, some with and some without inserts. Laurel

asked that “Rain or Shine” be returned to brochure.

Clothing: Andy Barnett. Andy will try to set up a time for East Coast Printers rep, Dennis, to be present at a Stowe Show meeting

and show what they can offer.

Food: Marnita Leach. Marnita cannot do the food for workers next year – that was three meals a day for about ten days, supplies

purchased by her and then food prepared by her. The possibility exists that with help she might continue. Chris Barbieri

suggested that a sponsorship setup to provide food be instigated next year.

Open Forum/Comments: It was suggested that golf carts be leased to alleviate having to store them. There should be a separate

setup for where the money is counted away from the trailer, possibly by the worker’s station. The judge’s ramp should be made

permanent. Sam Kaiser reported seeing golf carts bumping into people. Golf carts should be only for the handicapped, plus drivers

should slow down at the very least. Another suggestion was to have show people bring trailers with cars on them into flea market,

rather than have it done by sellers – would help keep the field in better shape and have less confusion about parking. All of the

issues discussed will be further discussed at future Stowe Show meetings.

……………………………………………………………...Critique ended at about 9:30 p.m.

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 13

VAE Meeting Minutes from the Annual Meeting at VTC

The 2012 Annual Meeting of the VAE took place on Saturday, November 3, 2012, at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. Following

a tour of the Automotive Technology facility, and lunch, VTC President Dr. Philip Conroy opened the program with a few short remarks.

Gael Boardman then presented the VAE-VAAS scholarship check to the VTC Financial Aid Director, Catherine McCullough. Cathy

then thanked the club, and also spoke briefly about the Auto Tech Program. Robert Palmer, Director of the Program, then spoke. Two of the

scholarship recipients were present, and thanked the Club.

David Sander opened the Business Meeting at 1:30, and began by thanking those members who brought their cars to the opening of the

new Champlain Bridge. The publicity from that event gave the Club a lot of positive visibility, locally and nationally. David then turned the

Meeting over to Gael Boardman, to conduct the VAAS Annual Meeting. The minutes of that Meeting are printed separately.

The VAAS Meeting concluded at 2:48, and the VAE Meeting was reconvened by President David Sander.

Secretary’s Report: Dick Wheatley moved to accept the minutes of the last Annual Meeting, as printed in Wheel Tracks. This was

seconded by Wendell Noble, and passed unanimously.

Nominating Committee: Wendell Noble made the motion to accept the slate of Officers recommended by the Committee, with the

exception of the At Large Directors, for whom there are more candidates than positions. There were no nominations from the floor, and the

motion to accept the officers for the ensuing year was passed unanimously. These Officers are: Chairman, David Sander; President: Jim

Sears; First Vice President: Bob Lalancette; Second Vice President: Dan Noyes; Treasurer: Dick Wheatly; Recording Secretary: Bill

Sander. There were three candidates for the two vacancies on the Board of Directors, Gene Fodor, Don Rayta, and Les Skinner. Bill Sander

moved that the two year term be given to the nominee who receives the highest number of votes, and the one year term to the nominee

finishing second. While ballots were being counted, the Gypson tour results were described by Gael Boardman. Bill Sander was the winner.

The two year Board position was won by Les Skinner. There was an initial tie for the one year position between Gene Fodor and Don Rayta.

In the runoff, Gene Fodor was the winner.

Budget: The Budget suggested by the Board was presented to the group. Duane Leach outlined plans to acquire two storage trailers, and

possibly update the golf cart fleet. It was moved by Andy Barnett, and seconded by Chris Barbieri, to approve the Budget as proposed. An

amendment to add up to $700 for a digital projector was made, seconded, and approved. The Budget as amended was passed unanimously.

The Budget is printed separately in Wheel Tracks. Andy Barnett moved to leave the existing dues structure in place for next year. This was

properly seconded and passed unanimously.

New Business: Chris Barbieri mentioned that Chevrolet was founded 101 years ago on this date, and the first auto show was on this date

in 1900. Chris moved that the VAE-VAAS explore the possibility of cooperating with the Beijing Auto Museum in China. Wendell Noble

seconded the Motion, which passed unanimously. Don Rayta moved to include the budgets and minutes of the prior annual meeting in the

November Wheel Tracks. Failing a second, the Motion died. Don then moved to have reminder dues renewal postcards sent out after the

Annual Meeting. Gary Fiske

informed him that this was already

in progress, so Don withdrew his

Motion. Gael Boardman moved that

we spend up to $10,000 to purchase,

and equip the Mobile Museum Bus

(a Bluebird School Bus for

$3500.00, plus related expenses).

This was seconded by Don Rayta.

After some discussion, this passed,

with one dissenting vote.

The Meeting was adjourned at

3:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Sander, Recording Secretary

Pictured on left are two 2012 VTC auto tech students, Joaqua and Brittany, who have received VAE scholarships.

Pictured below is a part view of VTC’s new Automotive Technology Program digs called the Catamount Facility.

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 14

Contact: Christina McCaffrey (Member Secretary)

89 Ledge Road

Burlington, Vermont 05401-4140 Or

Go to vtauto.org

And click onto

“Join VAE”

For Only $100 per year Your Business Card can be here and on our website….vtauto.org Every Day of the Year

Tour Banners

For Sale

Sturdy cotton

With ties.


“Your Car Will

Wear it Softly” Gene Fodor, 802-372-9146


FOR SALE…..1923 HUDSON Super-Six Speedster in very

good condition. New WW tires, double sidemounts, wind

wings, new side curtains, two bumpers, Aermore klaxon on

exhaust, dog-bone mo-

tometer and spare parts.

Price is in the 20,000 $. A

RARE car with the well

known Hudson super-six

engine. The car is now in

the USA, but after No-

vember 15th, it will be in

Montreal. Info:


Jim Sears (left) presents the 2012 Gypson award to Bill Sander

WHEEL TRACKS.. vtauto.org December 2012 PAGE 15

December Bumper Sticker...

Hi Gary,

You can pull my " Duralast Battery For Sale" ad. I

got contacted by a spammer in Tasmania posing as

a buyer. He kept asking for my email address

linked to my paypal account.

Might be worth warning the folks about this. In our

global world, there are always crooks out there,

and now they can reach more people more quickly.

Warn people that if someone wants paypal account

info, they should vet the person by asking for a

phone number, address, etc..

After a few months, it looks like I will not sell this

battery, so I'll keep it as a spare.

Cheers, Rick Reinstein

For Sale... Oil furnace, upright, hot air

exit at the bottom, uses a minimum of

floor space, great for a garage. Miller

Company, model CMF 80-PO, 66,400

BTU with a Wayne burner.

Asking $250. R Martin 802- 862-374 or

roymart@comcast.net 12/12

For Sale...1968 P1800 VOLVO - 83,441 original

miles, 4 speed standard, dk. green exterior and tan

interior, only minor rust on body, extra seats and

dash, garaged. Certified appraisal - $3500

firm...Contact Ray Greenia 802-863-5461. 12/12

For Sale...1970 Dodge Charger 500.

Been in family since new, 318 V-8,

Torqueflite, air, buckets, rally wheels etc.

Mint interior & body, recent repaint in

original light gold metallic. Original black

vinyl top in mint condition. Runs

beautifully with 73,000 miles. Always

garaged. Comes with original owners

manual, window sticker and broadcast

sheet. Prefer to sell to VAE member.

$25,000 neg.

Also still have my 1986 Dodge ES Turbo

convertible. I've owned for over 10 years

and need to free up some garage space.

An Arizona car in excellent all original

condition, never seen a snowflake. Abso-

lutely no rust anywhere, runs great. Just

turned 90,000 miles. Asking $3850


For Sale: Lots of old Motor's Manuals,

flat rate books, etc. $20 each or will deal

on the lot. Jim Beam 750ml 1959 pink

Cadillac decanter. Never opened and still

in original box with all paperwork. These

were issued by Jim Beam Bourbon as

limited collector editions of different cars

in the 1970's and 80's. This one comes

unopened and still full of Jim Beam's

best. $75 obo.

Chris Barbieri 802 / 223-3104

cgeeb99@gmail.com 1/13

For Sale… Home made sand blast cabinet 30 tall x

34 deep x 40wide on 37 inch legs. A finish it

yourself project with some support equipment.

Cheap, inquire at 802-862-6374, Roy Martin

For Sale… Selling

hundreds of items, stop by

and shop. Car tools, new

ww- tires, spark plug clean-

er, Car parts for Caddys &

VWs, garden tools, auto

repair manuals, and the

reproduction pump in the


Conception Conti, Water-

bury 802-244-6476 3/13

For Sale… Enough Model T parts to make close to

“2” vehicles but you have to build them.

2 frames...2 engines...2 cowls.. wheels, rims, tires,

coil boxes...the list goes on and on.

I need the room so I can buy another car!

Gene Towne, Milton, Vermont


FOR SALE… Original car catalogs 1940

-1980, USA, Canada and Europe. All

years and models. Reasonable prices. Sell

as a lot or single items. Ship worldwide.

Gilbert Bureau, Montreal

Info: gbureau@videotron.ca 3/13

Order your VAE name tag like this


Write $7.00 check to:

Phyllis Skinner

PO Box 208

Northfield Falls, VT


Wanted…. A reasonably priced

High-Wheeler auto.

Any condition might be

acceptable if it can be restored.

Call Gary Fiske, Enosburg,VT


Protect your car dur-

ing storage with

either one or both of

these items. A

“Battery Tender Plus

12V@1.25A” bat-

tery charger $30. A

set of 4 “Flatstoppers” for your tires $150. I have

the original packaging and documentation for each.

Both were used 3 times. Please contact Charles

Wolf at 802-253-4734, e-mail cw10631@aol.com

FOR SALE OR SWAP The largest collection of antique car literature in

Québec. 100% original (1890-1980) catalogs,

folders, magazines, books, photos and automobilia.

Valued at over $20,000. Would sell or swap for an

antique car of equal value. Info:

gbureau@videotron.ca 3/13



Coracle 1920-

30's picnic

basket (100%

complete) for

6 persons. A

similar one

recently sold for 2,125 euros at the

Bonham auction in Paris France. Very

rare. Price is $1650US.

Info: bureau@videotron.ca 3/13

Free to a good home:

Compaq PC with keybd, NEC monitor,

internet ready. (No printer)

I need the space. Thanks.

Rick Reinstein 802-363-0605 3/13

December 2012

Bill Erskine, 1998 VAE President

With his 1910 Sears “High Wheeler”


Please Send Dues or Address Changes to:

Christina McCaffrey Membership Secretary

89 Ledge Road

Burlington, VT 05401-4140

Randolph, VT…... The VAE Annual Meeting on Saturday the 3rd of November, 2012. The VAE membership voted to allocate a set amount

of funds to purchase this school bus and to begin the process of creating a “Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts Mobil Museum”.

Thus setting into motion our “Education and Preservation Mandate”

The entire VAE Membership will now

be part of the creation…………..

** What color scheme will our museum

have….inside & out?

** How will the interior be set up to best

represent our ideas & dreams?

** Would a screen print representing

our organization be proper on the

outside…..what should it be?

** Where should our “Mobil Museum”

visit to make the largest impact in our

“Education & Preservation Mandate”?

** Can you see the

words ‘SCHOOL BUS’

In the front?

What should be ‘OUR WORDS’?

top related