what's possible information pack

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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My mind was opened to What's Possible in my teenage years, living in Berlin at the

very time the wall came down. At the age of 13, I heard the inspirational speeches,

stepped through a newly-made hole in the wall, saw the crosses of those who had

died in the quest for freedom and experienced the seemingly impossible transformation

made real through courage, determination, belief and cooperation. That commitment

and passion opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of the human spirit. I firmly

believe that with great vision, inspiring leadership and passionate engagement of

others, in business and in life, we can conquer the world.

My mission is to help people and the teams within which they operate to be the best

they can possibly be: to create people and teams that are devoted to their company,

their customer and to each other. To do this, I have a passion for engaging individuals

at their most fundamental level - their 'authentic self' - and helping them to align their

own beliefs, wants and needs to the team and company culture, values and mission.

My belief is that unless people are listened to, informed, appreciated and engaged in

this way, no imposed actions can ever reach their full performance potential. I work

with people at all levels to share my passion for engagement and ensure the drive,

belief, behaviours and communication necessary to create/maintain a winning culture.

From my earlier management career in the service-led world of hospitality and retail

through to my later roles in Learning & Development, facilitation and team/leadership

consultancy, I gained not only a sound commercial and service background at the

sharp end of business, but also a deep understanding of the power of culture and

workforce engagement within a customer-centric environment. I had great successes

within major customer-facing companies including Starbucks and Asda, developing

team culture; designing and delivering many successful and creative development and

change programmes for all levels; liaising and consulting at a senior level, building

relationships with clients and stakeholders, plus managing budgets and ROI measures.

My success in these roles, plus my desire to transform people and businesses on a

wider scale, led me to set up my own business, What's Possible. Using our unique

methodology, our simple 10-step 'Service School' concept and our fundamental Be-Do-

Have engagement formula, (described further later in this pack), I have involved a

network of fellow specialists and consultants, delivering fantastic results for the likes of

Customer First, Genesis Housing, and Truphone. Our work for Genesis won national

acclaim in 2012, while in 2014 our major international contract for Truphone received 4

international Customer Service awards, plus numerous compliments and testimonials

from those whose working lives we have transformed.

For myself and those I work with, Service is a passion and a way of life. We understand it,

we live it and we love it. Our purpose is to engage others though our passsion and expertise

and help Service Organisations to soar! Our methods are caring, creative, empathetic,

motivational and supportive, and yet when it comes to the end goal of Service Excellence,

we are tough, fearless, challenging and completely determined.

We don't want you to see us as 'experts', 'trainers'

or 'external providers'. We love to work with your

teams and leaders from the inside, as trusted

advisors, as coaches and as mentors. We prefer to

become embedded into your business, to really

hear, discuss and understand what's going on with

your people and your business, and from there to

build solutions that address everyone's needs.

We don't judge. We have no preconceived opinions.

We build a picture of the issues from listening

deeply to everyone involved, and if this is not the

prettiest of pictures, we're not frightened to tell some

very harsh truths. We are not afraid of creating that

'crucible' - the rock-bottom melting pot from which

we can create better cultures, better people and

better teams.

When dealing with people, we know that one size

does not fit all! Some consultancies employ rigid

models, set structures and pre-written modules that

purport to solve issues "by the book".

That is not how we work!

Besides a few very simple frameworks and trusted

tools, everything we do is tailor-made from scratch

for your specific situation and goals. We prefer to

work with you to develop one-off programmes and

materials that you can truly call your own, rather than

delivering packaged solutions. We find that teams

feel more ownership towards what they have helped

to create, and we believe that culture, engagement

and communication can never truly be transformed

by imposed 'solutions'. You may gain lip-service but

not the true commitment that we aim to create.

From there, we help them to understand the

Company, the Culture, their Colleagues and the

Customer and work out how they can gain

fulfillment for themselves through their work

environment. We help people to align their own

values, beliefs and needs with the business and

the customer, and yes, some people may even

leave, if it becomes obvious that they can never

work wholeheartedly in your organisation.

BE-DO-HAVE It's a tried and tested model, but our point of difference - and the foundation of

our success - is in our deep belief in the 'Be' stage. We work with people to help them

understand themselves first: who they truly are, what they need from life and work, what lies at

their very soul. We have had great success in breaking down communication and trust barriers

and really getting to the heart of how people feel, by creating a safe, empathetic, ego-free

environment to encourage self-analysis, honesty and positivity.

Help to create a meaningful vision

Define an inspirational culture

Review appropriate systems and processes

Create new recruitment strategies

Develop assessment centres

Design and deliver engagement surveys

Design and deliver leadership surveys

Run listening groups

Assess/develop communications strategies

Write/deliver L&D and change programmes

Create leadership development programmes

Create EI-focussed service training

Coach and mentor individuals and teams

Run Insights/MBTI self awareness


Design & facilitate teambuilding days

Create reward and retention strategies

Create and apply ROI measures

What's Possible is a consultancy that specialises in transforming the people side of business. We are passionate about everything that you see here. Whatever your organisation needs to make these transformations happen, we can help!

What level can we help to


The What's Possible "Service School" This is our term for our simple, 10-point framework,

a proven, award-winning approach to ensuring a

winning Service Culture through enabling and

engaging people at every stage.

1. Set your vision

2. Recruit for emotional intelligence

3. Train rigorously - 6 senses

4. Build your culture programme

5. Reward and re-enforce

6. Enable success - best processes & systems

7. Give back

8. Gain commitment through communication

9. Develop your people

10. Never give up

Whatever we create together becomes

yours outright, not ours. We believe in

enabling and upskilling the people within your

organisation to own and drive any products we

develop for you. And of course we will always

be there to call on when needed.

We have run many successful projects, involving all levels of people

within our clients' organisations, and with stunning results! The list below

outlines what we have done for others: just think what we could do for you!

Philippa Woods, Former L&D Manager, DB Schenker (UK) Ltd Working alongside Colleen is an inspiration: she is certainly not your average consultant! What she has is something that can never be learned from books, courses or conferences: here is someone who genuinely understands people, with an inbuilt intuition and empathy that helps her hone in on the real heart and soul of people's feelings, concerns, hopes and ideas. Somehow, she simply 'unlocks' people. The desire to help the business and its people is very clearly genuine and it is obviously a deep-seated passion. Where Colleen has the edge over others in her field is that she really 'gets' the link between business performance and the human psyche. Within minutes of talking to her, you understand where you've been going wrong all these years! She bridges the trust, communications and understanding gap between organisational levels, and makes us all realise that we're on the same side. What I appreciate is the way everything is taken back to basics - the senior leadership is challenged to confront fundamental flaws in engagement, communications, systems, and people processes, and individuals are encouraged to get underneath what they need to do, and examine who they need to be - for themselves and for the organisation, Employees then know that the company cares for and appreciates them, and they in turn feel like a vital part of the business - and act accordingly. After working with Colleen, I now strongly believe that any Culture/Engagement Consultant who fails to strip everything back to this level is completely missing the point! Colleen is not concerned if she's seen as different and unconventional, she doesn't try to intellectualise what she does, or impress with gimmicks, and it's refreshing to find someone who operates at this level. Everything about the way she works revolves around simplicity and authenticity. People listen to her, understand her and trust her. She is a brave, tough and challenging person, very experienced in the People field, full of positivity and creative ideas, with a healthy dose of hard-line commerciality thrown in. Everyone she works with becomes infected with her energy and belief.....cynics beware! I would wholeheartedly recommend Colleen's

business to anyone brave enough to discover and fix what's really wrong with their organisation!

Testimonials and recognition

Maria Corrons, Group Customer Service Manager, Truphone

We have always been a customer centric company. But it wasn’t until about 2 years ago when Colleen Horne join us in the Customer Service department that we absolutely turn the whole Customer Service organisation to a new level – so high that it was recognised as being the Best Customer Service and Best Contact Centre in the world. Colleen was the pillar in creating our culture, INSPIRE. This culture is aligned with our company vision and what has helped us transform the department, and the organisation as a whole. She helped me design a new recruitment way – instead of interviews, why not assessment centres? She helped me design the whole assessment to make it fun and interactive, but getting what I needed from the candidates. It is not just about having the foundation, but about ensuring you have the right people in the Management Team, with the appropriate tools and knowledge. In order for that to happen, Colleen did a separate project specifically for all my team leaders that contain the below:

Individual pack with ‘Thank you’ cards, recognition stickers, badges with our Culture principles on it,

etc. We, the leadership team, use those boxes to help us praise and motivate our people.

Colleen took us for a Management day out, where we had to learn how to create fire, create our own

shelter and we slept all night in it. It was a hard day, but the learnings we took as a team were

outstanding and brought us together as a team.

So, what has actually been achieved with what Colleen did for us:

Our Customer Service engagement is at 4.2/5. Our managers have learnt how to make the most of

their people through positivity, making it the best place to work.

In return, our employee turnover has decreased by 15%

Our NPS was at 15% when she joined. It is currently at 62% for 2014

Being awarded best Customer Service and Best Contact Centre in the World

Colleen has not only transformed our Customer Service department and our organisation (everyone else in the business comes and takes part in the 'Fun Fridays' that she developed, and wears our INSPIRE bands). She has absolutely transformed all of our lives personally. Colleen knows how to absolutely make the most of what every individual is good at, making you believe in what you are capable and steering you to ensure you achieve it. I have never known a person with such ferocity and belief in what she does. She is the most creative, intuitive, good listener person that I have ever met. She built trust with everyone she worked on, because she radiates trust in everything she does – she absolutely leads by example. If you are interested in transforming your organisation into a profitable one, an organisation that people will love and be proud of, there is no-one out there better than Colleen to do that for you. It is definitely a decision you would never regret.

Frea O’Brien, Former CEO of Customer First UK Ltd

I brought Colleen to work with Customer First UK for a year from July 2011 to July 2012.

At the time, I was CEO of Customer First UK, the awarding body for the national standard for customer service. The Company was going through business critical changes at the time, which put into question the future of the business that had been historically dependent on public funding. However in the post-recession climate, the future depended on creating an independent commercial business model, with subsequent culture change implications for the ‘way we do things around here.’

With Colleen’s extensive background in customer service and having worked for world class leading service brands like Starbucks, I intuitively recognised that Colleen was the person to guide us through culture change that would ensure the organisation was authentic as a leader in service standards and subsequently developed a culture of ‘being of service’ where each person would bring their ‘best Self’ to the work place.

Colleen guided the team to reshape the Company Purpose and Values. Once these were clarified a 6 month programme was developed for all team members, which would go on to serve as the induction programme for all new people joining the organisation. The 6 month programme stimulated deep transformative change within each team member as they connected with the values of Worth. Integrity, Respect, Recognition and Pride. The self awareness led to improved employee and customer relationships.

The outcomes of this transformational culture change included:

Strengthening of a team that was faced with possible redundancy and business closure. The team stayed together throughout this year.

Financial sustainability as the company stabilized finances and created a profitable independent business for the first time in its history. In particular I credit the value of ‘Worth’ for being a significant contributor to this.

Improved employee moral as self worth scores shifted an average increase of 27% at the end of the 6 month journey.

Brand authenticity as we hosted a national conference called ‘Loving the Customer’ where we stood alongside other brands including Waitrose, Butlins, Yorkshire Water, champions of customer and employee engagement

Colleen brought tremendous personal gifts to guide this groundbreaking change. Deep listening and empathy to get to the root of individuals fears, blocks and how to blast through them fearlessly. Highly intuitive creative development to create a pioneering culture change programme. An ability to challenge and unlock a person’s highest potential. Crucially, we were able to build a deep level of trust with Colleen, to hold this space for deep personal and organisational change The trust was enabled through Colleen, herself, leading by example and her own authenticity which created a role model for the team to be inspired by.

If you’re genuine about creating a pioneering organisation and a brand synonymous with connection, trust and prosperity, Colleen is the go-to person for bridging this and making it happen.

Maria Perez – Asia Pac Customer Service Operations Manager

What’s Possible teams with the Truphone Asia-Pacific Customer Service Leadership team. Colleen worked with me in developing Truphone’s Asia Pacific Customer Service Leadership team and agents. She was our Employee Experience Manager at that time whilst I am managing Customer Service operations in our Philippines and Hong Kong Sites. She guided me and my team to recognise our strengths and build strong bonds. She has personally helped me in many aspects, both personally and in business. With her expertise at building high trust and high engagement within teams, she has aided us in building tribal codes that helped us align everyone who are with us and have those who are not passionate about what we do, leave at their own accord. Her effort and expertise has helped my team become more confident and stand for what we know is right, leaving us with only the most dedicated bunch of people who are able to support and move the business forward. This ultimately gave me a very high performing, self-motivated and culturally aligned workforce in the Asia Pacific Region. Today, Colleen continues to help me harness me and my team’s capabilities through our personal heart sessions. Colleen is a very special person who has earned our trust and respect. We hold her in a very special place of confidence and trust. She operates at a high level of integrity and love which resonates in the teams she helps build. I will always be grateful for the wonderful personal gifts that she shared and will continue to build on the things we have created together. If you are looking for a long-term transformation of bonds and chemistry within your organization, I highly recommend you to partner with Colleen. I tell you, she can do magic!

A very proud moment...... In 2014, our 2-year contract with Truphone was rewarded with 4 international Customer Service Awards. Well done to everyone we worked with to make this happen!

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