what you won't find on my resume

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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We all see the formatted information provided by LinkedIn, but here's a bit more information that'll let you see a bit more behind the profile.


First InterviewA little more about Tracey Krska

Current Job Title

Education Specialist


Wadsworth, Ohio. At one point, I lived in Riceville, Tennessee, for a short time but moved back (and the accent is completely gone!)

My first job was

A receptionist at Jack Sommer Chevrolet in Wadsworth, Ohio. I was 17 when I started, and on my second day, a woman paying for her car service tried to scam me into believing that she paid with a $100 bill. Thankfully, my boss had seen that before!

The word that best describes me

Learner; though, it doesn’t stop there. It’s exciting to share new things or new revelations.

Non-profit organizations I am involved in are

The Akron BBB (Better Business Bureau) because I work here, MicroMentor, and my local church with choir and various special music projects.

My all-time favorite book is

Ecclesiastes. It’s all about perspective—a great lesson and encouragement to me when my father passed away.

A great leader is

An active listener and one who seeks to understand between the lines.

My biggest accomplishment is

Graduating with a bachelor’s degree at 53. I thought it was too late for me; but my dad, astonished at my comment said, “Your grandmother went back to school to get her teaching degree when she was 60. She taught until she was over 70!” I signed up the next day.

If I had a super power, it would be

Always having the right words for those who need encouragement or inspiration.

The greatest inventions of the last 10 years are

YouTube and TED Talks. It’s exciting what has been shared visually ever since their inception—life moments, learning modules, and amazing speeches. My favorite TED Talk was on thinking inside the box.

If I weren’t doing this, I would be

Teaching senior adults any and everything about how to use software and the internet.

I’m most proud of

My son, Tyler, who is serving in the U.S. Air Force. He’s not been on any battlefields or front lines, but his dedication and how far he’s grown through giving these years of his life for our country outright inspires me.

My favorite place in the world is

Sitting across the table from any one of my children hearing them recount their day or what they think on a particular topic.

The best piece of advice I’ve received is

Listening is over-talked and under-used. Learn how to actively listen, and you won’t ever have to worry about success.

I hope I always


Success is

One step beyond what you think you can do.

I’m inspired by

Music—right now it’s the Black Keys. Before that, it was Kid President singing, “The World Can Be Better.”

My attitude towards change is

That a day doesn’t go by without it. Jump on the train and go for the ride … I always learn through changes!

The business leader I admire most was

My dad. He exemplified growth and creative thinking through learning and humor.

My next goal is

Working on a new program on first impressions.

If Michael Jordan had quit—He would’ve never made Space Jam. What will be your Space Jam? What will you create that will make the world awesome?

The World Can Be Better … Kid President


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