what women look for in a man's style

Post on 27-Jul-2016






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http://www.williamhenry.com | Want to know what a woman looks for when sizing up a man? Here are seven tips to make sure your style game is up to snuff.


Good news, fellows: you don’t have to be the most naturally handsome guy in the room to

get women to notice you. Of all the things women notice about

men, how a guy dresses is one of the most important.

Here’s what women are looking for in a guy’s

personal style.

This seems obvious, but many guys choose to wear clothes that are baggier than they should be. Even if you’re just wearing jeans and a T-shirt, your clothes should fit well. If you’re not sure what that means, ask the employees at the next store you go clothes shopping at for advice, or get your clothes custom fitted.

You know that old cliché about how much women love shoes? It’s not just their own shoes they care about; women also notice what the men chatting them up have on their feet. And according to most women, they prefer a man in leather loafers or other shoes that say “casual” without also saying “cheap.”

According to a poll in Esquire, women find blue to be the most

flattering color for a man to wear. If blue doesn’t fit into your current color scheme, go with something

that matches your eyes.

The wristwatch may seem like an anachronism in the iPhone era, but it’s still an important fashion accessory for many men’s formal attire, or to pull a look together. Just be sure that your watch is a real man’s watch – no calculator watches, “ironic” kids’ watches, or cheap rubber bands.

Women all have different opinions on which hair length is best, but they

all agree that what matters most is how it’s styled. A man who uses just

enough hair products to keep his hair styled well is the one who looks the best. And if you’re going bald,

don’t try to hide it with a comb-over – it makes you look insecure.

Men make two big mistakes with cologne: not wearing it at all or wearing way too much. Both of these are things that women notice, and they tend not to be fans of either. A spritz or two of a classy scent that goes well with your personal body chemistry is a touch that most women are bound to appreciate.

Women notice men’s clothes, and when a man wears the same thing all the time, they notice that, too. A guy who wears similar outfits over and over again is going to seem boring. Make sure you have a variety of looks in your wardrobe, and that you make use of all of them. Don’t have a huge closet? Choose striking accessories to switch up your appearance.

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• http://www.menshealth.com/style/she-wishes-youd-wear

• http://www.esquire.com/style/mens-fashion/a1434/esq0306guide-111-2/

• http://www.realmenrealstyle.com/women-notice/

• http://www.williamhenry.com/jewelry/on-the-wrist/br7.html

• http://www.williamhenry.com/br5s-mt-br.html

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