what wcci meant to me

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Dr. Piyush Swami's opening remarks during the 16th World Conference


What Has WCCI Meant to Me?

Piyush Swami (8/20/2014)

Intellectual (MIND)

Global Peace through Education is not only possible but it is the only way to sustain peace and happiness over long period of time

Impediments to peace and development have two things in common. These are: IGNORANCE and PREJUDICE

MIND (contd.)

No country can be happy or remain prosperous in this world if they deliberately suppress half of their population’s right to education AND active participation in the life of the country.

We are stewards of nature and our actions can have catastrophic consequences for life on this planet.

Emotional Approach (HEART)

Respect for Human Rights is nested in Love we feel for each other irrespective of the origin or inclinations of the persons involved.


Social Development

Great world-wide network of professional educators who are committed, concerned and caring individuals

Made the phrase “world is getting smaller” real for me.

Fun and Sense of Accomplishment

When you do something successfully with others, it is a lot of fun and the sense of accomplishment exceeds the measurable.

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