what stops customers complaining to you

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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What stops customers

complaining (to you)@canhoto


© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

My name is Ana Canhoto.

I am a marketing

academic, teaching and

researching the role of

digital technology and

digital information on

customer management –

for instance, to develop

better customer insight, or

to improve customer

service.© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

You wish customers had only good things to

say about your company.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

You wish customers had only good things to

say about your company.

But, sometimes, things will go wrong, and

customers complain.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

You wish customers had only good things to

say about your company.

But, sometimes, things will go wrong, and

customers complain. They talk about you

on their social media updates.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

You wish customers had only good things to

say about your company.

But, sometimes, things will go wrong, and

customers complain. They talk about you

on their social media updates. They write

blog posts.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

You wish customers had only good things to

say about your company.

But, sometimes, things will go wrong, and

customers complain. They talk about you

on their social media updates. They write

blog posts. Some even make videos.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

You wish customers had only good things to

say about your company.

But, sometimes, things will go wrong, and

customers complain. They talk about you

on their social media updates. They write

blog posts. Some even make videos.

And the worst part is that these comments

will stay online, influencing future

customers, long after the initial problem has

been solved.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

When something goes wrong, you

really want customers to complain

directly to you.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

When something goes wrong, you

really want customers to complain

directly to you.

So… what’s stopping them?

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

I am going to show you the

3 most common barriersstopping customers from

complaining directly to you.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015


© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

First, put yourself in your customer’s

shoes. Your customer is frustrated


© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

First, put yourself in your customer’s

shoes. Your customer is frustrated


- s/he got the wrong product,

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

First, put yourself in your customer’s

shoes. Your customer is frustrated


- s/he got the wrong product,

- it took too long for that meal to


© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

First, put yourself in your customer’s

shoes. Your customer is frustrated


- s/he got the wrong product,

- it took too long for that meal to


- or that gadget broke down, already.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Why would they put themselves

through the hassle of filling out a long

and complicated form, calling an

expensive number or waiting for the

relevant manager to be available?

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Why would they put themselves

through the hassle of filling out a long

and complicated form, calling an

expensive number or waiting for the

relevant manager to be available?

This is the first barrier…

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Complaining is


Dissatisfied customers will not

contact you if complaining is, frankly,

a pain.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Complaining is


Dissatisfied customers will not

contact you if complaining is, frankly,

a pain.

So, take the first step. Reach out to

your customer.© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Ask them whether they are

happy with their purchase, use

feedback cards, subscribe to a

customer feedback service,


© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Ask them whether they are

happy with their purchase, use

feedback cards, subscribe to a

customer feedback service,


Just make sure that you are

asking the right questions, or the

feedback received will be

useless.© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Complaining is


Customers need to have clarity about

where and how to log their complaint.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Complaining is


Customers need to have clarity about

where and how to log their complaint.

So, let them know how to reach you.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Have the contact details

clearly displayed in your

website, your social media

channels, and your product



© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

FAQs pages on your website can be helpful and cost effective.

But they can also be very frustrating.

Make it really easy for customers to find the contacts to your customer support team via the search box in your website.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Complaining is subjective

Not all consumption experiences

are the same and, so, not all

customers complain for the same


© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Complaining is subjective

Not all consumption experiences are the same and, so, not all customers complain for the same reason.

Research shows that the reason for complaining influences how customers complain. So, you need to have multiple ways of capturing complaints

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Dissatisfied customers may

contact you for one of two


• to get compensation, or

• to vent their frustration.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Customers seeking compensation prefer interactive channels such as:

• Face-to-face

• Telephone

• Web-chats

• Or other forms of direct interaction with you.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Conversely, customers who

want to express their frustration

prefer remote channels like:

• Letters

• E-mails

• Or feedback cards.

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Let’s recall what we


© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

These are the 3 barriers stopping

unhappy customers from complaining to

you, directly:

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

Barrier So…

It prolongs an

unpleasant experience.

You need to take the first step.

They don’t know where

or how to reach you.

Make it super easy to find you.

Your channels do not

meet their needs or


Provide interactive channels for

customers seeking compensation,

and remote channels for

customers wishing to vent their


Want to know more?

Join the discussion at:

• www.anacanhoto.com

• @canhoto

© Ana Isabel Canhoto 2015

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