what questions to ask at a parents teachers conference

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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What Questions to ask at a PARENTS’-TEACHERS’


Time is limited at a Parents’-Teachers’ Conference – but the Possibilities for your Child’s Improvement could be Unlimited; provided you asked the Right Questions.

Here are some Key Questions that could open up a lot of avenues leading to your child’s betterment.

“Which are the areas where my child is strong; and where could s/he do with some more help, please?”

This question will expect the teacher/s to discuss your child’s performance with you, with the minute details included.

For example: “Your child’s overall performance is quite good; the handwriting, however, could do with some more practice.”

“Is there anything about my child that you would like to bring to my knowledge, please?”

In case the Teacher has noticed something in or about your child that you might or might not have, this is the time to discuss the matter.

It could be a special talent of your child, or a habit, an ambition, a requirement – anything.

Anything about your child is important to you.

“How does my child perform in a group?”

The answer to this question will let you understand how your child can perform with peers, seniors or juniors.

Does your child have strong leadership qualities?

Is your child shy around people of his own age-group?

The answers can help you know a lot more about your child.

“Is there anything I could do to help my child become a better student and person?”

This question can help the Teacher discuss a number of matters related to your child’s education and personality.

The Teacher can also give you some ideas related to your child’s career prospects.

For example: “Your child is good at writing. Reading more books could hone this skill further and help him/her become a writer one day.”

Some short, clear questions can give you a lot of insight into your child’s present and future, through the answers of the teachers.

Do utilize your time at the Parents’-Teachers’ Conference to know more about how your child can progress better.

Only the right leaders can show the right way to Progress.

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