what mobileppt

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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What is Mobile?Intro to Mobile Technology: Section 1

Mobile in a Minute

Mobile technology is any electronic device that doesn’t require the use of a landline

Currently there are 10 countries with +100 million mobile subscriptions. USA is #3 behind China and India.

The standard mobile device, which began as a two-way pager, will soon be the most popular tool worldwide for internet browsing.

Impact and Importance

Usage - 1 in 8 page views are from mobile devices (comScore 2012)

Search - mobile searches to exceed desktop search in 2015 (eMarketer)

Apps - approx. 1/3 consumers prefer apps over a mobile browser for retail experience (Adobe)

Mobile Shopping and Revenue

Shopping - 79% smartphone users use their phones to help with purchases (Google 2010)

39% in-store purchase abandonments were influenced by smartphones (Motorola)

Revenue - $24.66 Billion in Mobile Retail sales for 2012

$13.86 Billion from Tablets alone

Streaming Video via Mobile

“Streaming video has crossed an inflection point and it’s now a necessary channel for both consumers as well as broadcasters, brands and media companies around the world” – Jay Fulcher CEO Ooyala

Two thirds of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video by 2016 (Cisco)

Video attracts 2-3 times as many monthly visitors, doubles time on site, and has a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines. (MarketingSherpa)

Tablet and Mobile Video viewing doubled in 2012 (Ooyala)

Let’s Go!

All Industry trends point to dramatically increased mobile activity in:

- Social Media

- Email


- Video Streaming

- Ecommerce

The Shoutz MEP Program provides you with the necessary tools to excel in the ever-changing mobile environment.

Section 1 Complete. Nice job!

Next Section: Mobile Apps & Widgets

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