what matters most

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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What Matters Most. The questions you need to answer R. Greg Bohrer Marketing Manager Precision Door Service. Voyages of Discovery. Voyages of Discovery. Where Now?. Where Want to Be?. Questions sailors must ask:. Mission. How Get There?. When Know Arrive?. Focus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What Matters MostThe questions you need to answer

R. Greg Bohrer Marketing Manager

Precision Door Service

Voyages of Discovery

Voyages of Discovery


Where Now?

Where Want to Be?

How Get


When Know


Questions sailors must ask:

FocusWe are time-crunched, info-overloaded, constantly-stressed • Companies are losing focus

– We focus on too many things

• Nothing has really changed– We’ve lost sight of why it matters

FocusFocus on your Purpose/Mission• Why in the beginning you launched your business,

your project • Find your North Star• Visualize it

• Start with Why• Simon Sinek


• “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Where are You Now?• Observe

• Gather the relevant information• What do you see?• What is our current position - as of now...

• Assess how the winds are changing before setting sail.

• Anchor to good decision-making• Easiest one to ignore under time pressure

Where are You Now?• Research

• Most companies have an incomplete or even wrong understanding of who

their customers are, how they perceive current interactions, and what they want and need in the future. - Forrester Research

• Less than half use data for Customer Insights• Cannot take a guess on data• Your Data:

• Sales data metrics – competitive info  

• Resources• Internal data, Marshall Marketing, Scarborough,

Pew, NRF, Forrester, AMEX, US Census, Blogs

Where are You Now?• Questions we ask ourselves

• Who is our competition? • What are they developing?

• How do we keep customers from using us? • What do we do that is unique?• Is it sustainable?• Are we really who we say we are?

• Why?

Where are You Now?

“Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there”.

Will Rogers

Where Do You Want to Be?• Orient

• Process information and position yourself for a decision.

• What are the implications?• Identify opportunities and create alternatives

• What are others doing?• “Never interrupt your enemy when he is

making a mistake.” Napoleon

Where Do You Want to Be?Research & Ask Why• Look back where you’ve been.

– Where would that course take you? – Does that align with your North Star?

• Will narrowing or expanding your focus create a promising opportunity?– Precision – Home Street - CoinStar

• Challenge your assumptions


Where Want to Be

Where Now


Difference = Opportunity


Gap analysis• Decisions are Choice Between Alternatives• What are the missing's?

Where Do You Want to Be?• Decide on your course of Action• Choose between available alternatives. • Articulate what you won’t do• The Tie Breaker question:

– If overnight your biggest problem/issue was solved: What would you do differently tomorrow? What’s the first sign that you see or notice when the problem is gone?

• Visualize it.

How Will You Get There?

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do”.


How Will You Get There?Act• Focus on the gap.• No perfect answers.• Identify any barriers. • Narrow options. • Don’t play it safe

How Will You Get There?Act• Commit to them.• Clarify the target• Identify tools that can be used on each barrier.• Customers should be your guide• Don’t Assume• Start moving.• Adjust.

How Will You Get There?

" We cannot direct the wind…. But we can

adjust the sails." Bertha


How Will You Get There?Adjust• Narrow Focus• Partnerships

• Match Media to Message

• Focus on what works• Don’t Assume• Results:

– Average of 10-12% growth each year for the past 3 years


• If you or your team are more visual in nature.

• Patti Dobrowolski’s book Drawing Solutions

Patti Dobrowolski

How Will You Know When You Arrive?• What is your finish line?

– Can you measure progress toward it– KPI’s– Analytics– Call Tracking

How Will You Know When You Arrive?• Call Tracking

How Will You Know When You Arrive?

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

Albert Einstein.

Key to Success• Rinse and repeat• There is no finish line – Only beginnings • Celebrate• Go back to step one

– Where are you now? – Where do you want to be?– How will you get there?– How will you know when you arrive?

What Matters Most?

" The important thing is to never stop questioning."

Albert Einstein.


Where Now?

Where Want to Be?

How Get


When Know


Thank You

R. Greg Bohrer Precision Door Service


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