what makes silicon valley unique?

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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A 20 minute overview of Silicon Valley, how it operates, and what makes it unique. Originally presented to Danish startups at Innovation Center Denmark and to the Danish Technical University (DTU).


What makes Silicon Valley Unique?

my background• Came to USA in '82 to study Biophysics at Brandeis


• Moved to SV in '86 to join startup

• Worked at 5 startups in 25 years

• Two went public

• Two were acquired

• One went spectacularly out of business

• Ran my own e-health company for 5 years (GeneEd)

• Transitioned from research to development, support, sales & business development.

• Currently at Designit, focusing on design and innovation

features of Silicon Valley

• Strong science & engineering culture. Very strong networking culture.

• Also a strong business culture ("go big or go home")

• Close to a meritocratic society ("you are only as good as the code you cut")

• High tolerance for risk (pain!)

• Also a lot of hype & fluff ("in the short-run, technology is over-hyped; in the long run it's under-hyped")

• Very international but very parochial at the same time


valley is DARWINIAN EVOLUTION in real-time

• Throw lots of ideas at the wall and see what sticks

• "I see 5000 companies and fund 5 of them." Marc Andreessen

• Relentless and hyper-competitive

• As soon as a niche exists, it is filled. (Sometimes, even when there is no niche, it is filled!)

• Great ideas are a dime-a-dozen; great execution is rare

words of wisdom• "It's better to win the deal then to win the


• "Hire slow, fire fast."

• "As a founder, you are always selling." (To investors, customers, partners and your own employees.)

• "Better to have a small piece of a big pie, then no pie at all."

• "The valley is littered with the ashes of great technology companies with no sales & marketing"

• "A great team can rescue a bad idea; a bad team will kill a great idea."

• "There are no original good ideas; only bad ones."

tales from the front

•Meeting a VC in the check-in line for a flight from SFO to Amsterdam

•Cold-calling the President of Pfizer

•Closing a $1.7MM deal with Astra-Zeneca (Lund, Sweden)

in conclusion

• Silicon Valley scales companies from anywhere in the world

• The streets are not "paved with gold" (though there is plenty of capital available)

• Everyone is looking for "the next big thing"

• SV can be a launch-pad for sales into China, India, Japan, Korea, etc.

• It requires tremendous, sustained effort, but the rewards are worth it and the culture is addictive!

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