what makes silicon valley different?

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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What makes Silicon Valley Different?

10 Oct, 2014

The original sketch for Twitter, circa 2000. The original sketch for Square

In Silicon Valley great ideas can be freely discussed & shared

Source : http://drawingdownthevision.com/tag/square/

In Silicon Valley Investing and Funding is a shared risk management The world is full of back stabbing and cut throating except Silicon Valley.

In Silicon Valley you have to learn how to work as team You trust others and you have to be trustworthy at the same time.

Silicon Valley is small place where everybody gets to know every body eventually You have to build your personal network and professional and personal reputation

Silicon Valley helps those who help others You go out and pay it forward

Silicon Valley listens to others how weird it may sounds You get to listen to other as well

In Silicon Valley, Just Do it & Reiterate if it is proved wrong Lean Startup is all about speed and reiteration so called lean and pivoting

Silicon Valley is mostly about people not just technology Don’t you get it? Stubborn, Selfish and Ego centric guy won’t survive even a genius…

Innovative, creative & open minded people makes Silicon Valley different Those people are get connected as well…

Why am I making this presentation?

I got soliciting spam mail from UK,

UAE & other state of US stating that they

can invest to our project or business in

Silicon Valley for about 10% ROI with 2.5%

interest rate.

Silicon Valley is all about Venture Capital

and funding where equity dilution & shared

risk is business practice.

How come those screwed up old school

oil money makes jokes on Silicon Valley


I just laughed at the spams, marked them as

spam and delete them permanently…

Tel: 408-519-2267

eMail: jayhah7@gmail.com

3003 N. 1st Street, Suite 221

San Jose, CA 95134, USA

It’s time to think flexible!

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