what looks like a winner faith and sharing

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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What looks like a winner, isn’t always a

Our God is a God of surprises...

He is the God of the Unexpected!

Thursday Night

First things first…

Friday AM

God created you…he was just warming up when he created the universe!

What looks like a winner…isn’t always a winner!

God is found in history…in our experiences…what is he teaching us?

Where has God surprised you?

Friday PM

Rich young man…

What is a “winner” in your life? What/who is in the way of following Jesus in your life?


Encountering Jesus first and foremost shakes us up…things are not as the seem…in fact they are often completely different than what we expect!

Woman at the well…layers of surprise and unexpectednessFor the apostles…stopping in Samaria…drinking Samaritan water…from a woman!For the woman…she learned little about Jesus in the encounter…she says…come see a man who told me everything about myself!

Remember my Peru story about Dave

Saturday AM

Two types of change

Incremental…one thing leading to another, step by step, growth by addition

Evolutionary change…little appears to be happening over long periods of time and then bursts of growth and change

God is always working, we just don’t see it!

For 4 billion years man could travel as fast as he could run…5000 years ago someone got on a horse and double the speed150 years ago the steam engine train double that speedLast decade a space vehicle travelled 47,000 MPH

What is God doing right now in my life?How do I find out?What makes you happy?What is your passion?Coincidences?Where do we find God?Gentle breezeDreams/ImaginationSilenceDarkness/nightDesertEmmanuel=God is with us!Being v. Doing

“I come from God.I belong to God.I am destined for God.God is my first principle,My Sovereign Master,My last end.”--adapted from St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises

”Love is shown more in deeds than words.” St. Ignatius Saturday PM

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon:where there is doubt, faith ;where there is despair, hopewhere there is darkness, lightwhere there is sadness, joyO divine Master,grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;to be understood, as to understand;to be loved, as to love;for it is in giving that we receive,it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


Nkosi's mantra is something which every global citizen, not only South Africans,

should follow:

"Do all you can, with what you have, in the time you

have, in the place you are." - Nkosi Johnson

Thank you! God bless you! Peace be with you!

Sunday9:45am Closing liturgy: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Zechariah 12,10-11 – they will look on the one whom they have pierced

Galatians 3,26-29 – you who have been baptized have put on Christ

Luke 9,18-24 – you are the Messiah sent by God; the Son of Man will suffer much

Homily – Rich Clark

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