what kind of media intitution might distribute your product

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

Product DistributorMy media product would be distributed by the

BAUER media group as a specialist magazine. From my research, I found that all but one large

magazine publisher publishes a bass guitar magazine. The only magazine publisher that did

not publish this type of magazine was Bauer. Bauer publishes guitar magazines such as

‘Kerrang’, however not a bass guitar magazine. My magazine will be aimed at mainly bass guitar players and therefore as mentioned before will be

a specialist magazine for a niche audience.

Where would your product be sold?

My magazine is likely to be sold in a Music Shop or in a corner shop, because it will be easy to access, however it will not be sold in large supermarkets because it will

not be a main music magazine.

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