what kind of media institution might distribute your media product

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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By Megan Hall


My magazine, Replay, is a pop based music magazine, targeting an audience of females aged 18-25. I have covered stereotypical and main stream aspects of this genre within my magazine, including the promotion of maintaining your appearance of looking good. With also a fashion element towards my magazine. Throughout this study the magazine which has given me the most inspiration would be Billboard. Billboard magazine is an extremely successful music magazine, targeted approximately the same target audience as my magazine demographically through age and gender. The magazine itself generates an average net worth of $1MM+ per year. And with Billboard magazine, …….. Billboard also offers other media platforms of the online website, … Twitter, Facebook, chart, etc. Which is viewed by over 70% of there / magazine readers. The institution of Billboard is the Prometheus .. Global Media, a branch off the Nielson Company, forming in ….. December 2009. However, for my own magazine institution I wish … to chose Bauer Media to publish Replay.


There are many reasons in which I have chosen Bauer Media to publish my magazine. Bauer Media is part of a privately owned publishing group, and the largest in Europe. My magazine is a British brand and therefore would begin its distribution in Europe, so Replay would greatly benefit from this institution geographically. The Bauer group offers over 600 magazines the opportunity to grow worldwide, and also promotes the brand online, within television and radio. A few examples of magazines and media platforms include Q Magazine, POP magazine, and Kiss Radio Station. These brands are all somewhat similar to my own magazine. Although Q doesn’t really have a music genre, it does focus on modern music which includes my music genre of pop. POP magazine is a fashion based magazine published bi-annually in Europe, the fashion theme is a concept of mainstream culture which I have tried to represent within Replay. POP is mainly targeted towards women within the age range of 18-25, which is similar to my magazine. And finally Kiss Radio Station is a very main stream music network achieving 4.434 million listeners per week. Kiss play most current up-to-date pop songs from mainstream artists daily and is known as ‘the beat of the UK’. Making the ……. decision of an intuition to publish my magazine was made clear by Bauer Media’s diversity …… within the industry, the magazines and radio stations which they publish have a very diverse ………. audience branching through rock through pop, which covers Replay’s genre and age range.………. I believe Bauer Media would help to promote my brand as the company are known to be ……… ‘the most influential industry innovators’, which means they should be able to translate my …………… idea of a magazine into a desirable service, which will create the want and value in which ……….. the customers are willing to pay. This appeals towards my magazine as I have chosen ………… a very mainstream genre of music, and promoting the brand through multi-media ………… platforms will give my magazine the best chance to grow and develop into a very ………… successful magazine.


As I have already discussed Bauer is a very large and very successful company. The business itself has influential media brand based connections and has millions of engaged and loyal readers and listeners. They aim to connect the audiences with the content in which they desire through mainstream aspects of modern culture, something I also tried to represent within Replay Magazine.

Due to their great number of influential brands, this advances their sales and listeners over the competitors through print and radio. Due to its success and loyal following, Replay would be at an advantage of promotion and good company reputation of branding when distributed by Bauer. This would be beneficial towards a new magazine starting out, as 7/10 magazines fail within the first four years of publishing. However my magazine stands the greatest chance of being successful when distributed through all the multi-media platforms which are offered by Bauer Media. This includes television, radio and online. Also being a sister company of H Bauer Publishing, as it holds the biggest names in lifestyle magazines including Take a Break selling 602,674 newsstand single copies of 2015.

However, a disadvantage of using a large brand could be the audience may think my magazine is too niche of an audience, as I am only targeting towards women, excluding men from my target audience. However, as the company already distributes magazines using women only as there target audience, including lifestyle magazines such as Take a Break, That’s Life, Spirit and Destiny, etc. I should hope that my magazine may be received positively. Another disadvantage could be the target audience may not want a solely pop based music genre as the Q is quite an alternative genre covering many aspects of music including rock, pop, indie, old-school, etc. And as my magazine only covers pop this could be perceived as not diverse within the company. Using a large brand may also cause a comparison to my magazine and others published by Bauer which, if the audience do not like a certain magazine published by Bauer, they will instinctively dislike mine, which could be critical towards my magazine.


Due to Bauer Media being a very large and well known publishing company, many of their magazines are distributed within shops which are known as mainstream to the public. Including shops such as Tesco's, WHSmiths and Asda which hold a very general and varied audience.

If Bauer Media were to distribute my magazine, as it is a musically and socially mainstream though the music and expectations of society which I have enforced, I would assume it would be sold through the same shops given a time by magazine has expanded and generates buyers for my magazine which means making a realistic profit. As my magazine is just beginning I would try to consider smaller retail before reaching mainstream branding. This could include possibly an online magazine to begin with, with a subscription free. Which will hopefully attract my target audience when promoted through Bauer on radio and television promotion. In which I will gain a loyal following, which will allow me to expand into larger and major retail spaces, including Asda, WHSmiths and Asda, which I mentioned earlier.

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