what is visual communication design? keynote

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!Paul Vickers / Ecole Bleue 2014-15 !

what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!!!Visual communications is all visible and non verbal, non sonic, communication of ideas and information. !It is how man first indicated his existence, his social identity, his belonging to a group. !How he distinguished ownership, how he marked the objects he created and made. !Visual communications is iconographic signs, symbols, pictograms, logotypes - images that represent ideas.


what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!!!!Visual communications existed as pictograms and symbols for centuries before writing and letterforms appeared. Man’s first form of communication. !Cave paintings from 40 000 (Cantabria Spain) to 17 000 (Lascaux France) years ago show man’s mark on the world, attesting to his existence, communicating a message about his culture. !Heraldic arms communicated personal identity in the chaos of the battlefield. !Monograms, from the Greek ‘a single line’ were a form of signature before men could write their names in full. !

what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!!!!Farmers have used marks on wood, cattle earmarks and branding for centuries.

!Stonemasons, carpenters, silversmiths, iron founders and printers all used marks to identify their work.

!The combination of images and writing created visual languages that can communicate anything.

!Todays brands and visual identities are the contemporary expression of the idea of marking, ownership and

identity, of communication and expression.

!Visual communication is a universal language crossing boundaries and speaking to the world.

!Cave paintings from 40 000 (Cantabria Spain) to 17 000 (Lascaux France) years ago, show man’s first mark on

the world, his need to demonstrate his existence, to leave a trace.

They are the first evidence of his identity and the precursor of our visual world, of graphics, of logos, of brands.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The very first visual communications

!Sumerian Cuneiform script, the first writing system, 4 000 BC - 2 000 AD, developed in Mesopotamia

(today’s Irak) using a reed to inscribe clay tablets. Originally based on pictorial representation, it initially had

1 000 characters but was simplified by the late Bronze Age to around 400 characters.

Read from left to right. Millions were produced only 100 000 have been read.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The invention of writing systems

!Egyptian hieroglyphics, 3 000 BC - 400 AD developed from Sumerian Cuneiform script.

Images and symbols create a visual language, again the precursors of symbols and icons.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design


!The Rosetta Stone, 196 BC produced on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The decree appears in three scripts:

the upper text is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the middle portion Demotic script, and the lowest Ancient

Greek. The three identical texts provide the key to understand the Egyptian hieroglyphs.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!Phoenician alphabet 1 000 BC. Eventually replaced by the Greek alphabet.

Pictorial icons are replaced by purely graphic letters constructed of lines, strokes and circles.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The picture becomes a graphic letterform

!The Romans developed the Latin alphabet, upper case only, that we use today.

Originally with 23 characters, the J, U & W were missing. The Z was added as an afterthought at the end.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Roman uppercase or capitals

!The arrival of the lowercase alphabet evolved from a cursive script in the 4th century and was combined with

the use of ink on parchment manuscript instead of a sharp tool on clay or stone.

The more cursive script led to the formation of the lowercase letters we use today.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Invention of lowercase

!Roman amphora marks: images and type create the worlds first logotypes: amphora logos indicated the

producers name, origin and product descriptions - the worlds first packaging design in the modern sense.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Images & type combined in the first logotypes

!Monograms, from the Greek ‘a single line’ were a form of signature before men could write their names

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Royal monograms

!Stonemasons, carpenters, pottery makers, silversmiths, iron founders and printers all used marks to identify their

work, a guarantee of origin and authenticity.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!Since the beginning of time and throughout the world man has had a need to leave a trace of his presence,

to represent his or other life forms, to mark his name. To say ‘I was here’.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!American Native Indian rock carved symbols are used to tell a message in a culture without a written language.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!Heraldic arms communicated personal identity and national allegiance in the chaos of the medieval battlefield,

indicating friend and foe and hopefully helping you to stay alive. Man has always used symbols and colours to

indicate his identity.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Heraldic arms

!As craftsmen formed into Guilds, they developed increasingly sophisticated symbols and signs to identify

their activities, products and their place of work or shops.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The first corporate symbols

!Gutenberg and the invention of movable type and letterpress printing.

The beginning of printed mass communications.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The advent of movable type and printing


!Typography’s evolution from 100 AD to today via Gutenberg (printing), Garamond and Baskerville to the

sans serif typefaces of Caslon from 1800 forwards.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design



!Helvetica created in the 1950’s, Arial by Monotype in 1980’s. Today 1.5 million typefaces are available to the designer.

Every typeface communicates a different emotion and feel, and is used for a specific purpose and message.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!Type families: Serif & Sans-serif, type terminology and typeface anatomy, Upper case and lowercase,

ascenders and descenders.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Type terms and families

!Typography Insight, iPad & iPhone app with all the fundamentals of typography at your fingertips.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!Type can be anything, anything can be type. All forms of communication are imaginable.

Hamad, the largest typeface in the world - 1 000m high letters, 3km long word.

iQ font, when driving becomes writing for Toyota. A typeface drawn with a Toyota car.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!The C19th and C20th with the development of industry and commerce saw the creation of the first

company logos, symbols and publicity to draw attention to the manufacturers and their products in an

increasingly competitive market.

Initially figurative and illustrative, they gradually evolved to become more symbolic and more visually powerful.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

C20th company logotypes

!With developing manufacturing came the need to communicate the qualities of products and companies through

print, typography, packaging, labelling and signs. The first advertising agencies were formed, William Taylor in 1786,

James White in 1800, in London. They launched the visual communications business that we know today.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!The Bauhaus. The invention of the design school as we know it today.

Three dimensional design, graphic design and architecture taught under one roof with a central design philosophy.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The first design school

!The evolution of the logotype: from figurative and illustrative towards symbolic and abstract. Logotypes are in

constant evolution, so as to always be at the forefront, contemporary and relevant to society.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Evolution of logotypes

!The C20th has seen an explosion of visual communications and graphic design linked to new forms of

communications and print production: letterpress & lithographic printing, silkscreen and offset.

The advent of commercial photography, type design and the close relationship between developments in the arts

& sciences have all impacted visual communications.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

C20th communication explosion

!The power of visual communications, logotypes and symbols cannot be underestimated.

They are used to communicate ideas, values, beliefs, political parties, protests, human rights campaigns…

They unite millions of people around a common cause more effectively than a complex manifesto.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The power of symbols

!A monogram is a logotype created with the letters of a name interlinked together to create a unique design.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The monogram

!Today the design industry and visual communications are omnipresent in every part of the world and every industry,

communicating messages and information for countries, governments, NGO’s, companies, businesses, services,

cultural events and individuals in every conceivable domain and activity.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Visual communications today

!Visual communications is primarily the communication of a message about a person, an organisation, a company,

an activity or a product. Collectively these different forms of identity are called brands.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Visual communications today: brands

!A brand can be a symbol or a logotype. A symbol is an image, a visual that expresses an idea plus a name.

A logotype is the combination of a logo or picture and type, a word, into a single brand mark, the word is the image.


!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Symbol vs logotype

!The pictogram and icon are a shorthand language for communicating activities, sports and providing directional

information that crosses language barriers, as in airports and Olympic sports events.


!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design


!The poster, one of the first expressions in print of an organisations activities. It remains an important communication

tool in the on-line age, on city poster hoardings, bus shelters and underground stations.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design


!Business stationary: letterheads, business cards, labels, badges, pens, folders, tickets…

iPads’s and associated collateral material.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Letterheads and business cards

!Brochures, leaflets, booklets and printed supports.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Printed materials

!Page layout, editorial design, text/headline/legend/pagination/contents/notes/captions.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Layout and editorial design

!Book covers design, thesis or ‘memoires’, internship reports…


!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design


!Information graphics is statistical information made visible and easy to understand, universally recognisable.


!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Information made visible

!Packaging for derivative products, food & beverages is part of a global design project for a business, boutique,

shop, restaurant, hotel etc. Packaging protects the product,communicates about it and facilitates transport.


!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Packaging design

!A two dimensional logotype or brand, becomes three dimensional when it is used as a sign, on a shop front or in a

three diminutional space, an exhibition or a stand. How the logotype works in 3D, its materials and construction are

an expression of global design. How it functions day & night, illuminated and not, are important considerations.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The logotype in 3D

!The projecting sign acts like a flag, it projects out from the building facade and enables one to identify the shop,

restaurant or company from down the street. The projecting sign has to work with the facade sign, that is flat on

the front elevation of a building. Together they enable a view of the activity from down and across the street.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

The projecting sign

!Directional and way finding signage is a visual language of symbols and words for orientation in the urban

environment, roads, airports, metro systems and mass event venues, olympics sites etc.

The objective is functionality, universality and efficient communication of directional information.


!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design


!Building facades, shop fronts, exhibition spaces are all an expression of global design and the meeting point

of visual communications, architecture and interior deign.

A building can be thought of as a volume and simultaneously as a graphic statement.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Architecture as visual communication

!Interior design is also an expression of 3D space design, volume and visual communications.

A space is imagined in terms of functionality and circulation as well as a graphic expression of an idea.

Shapes, lines, volumes and lighting create repetition, pattern and a visual impression that makes a space unique.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Interior design as visual communication

!Environmental design combines visual communications with space and place.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Environmental design as visual communication

!Product, furniture and three dimensional design as visual communications. Every product and 3D design has a form,

a line, a name, a brand, and is as much a piece of visual communication as a product or an object.

Products are also packaged, promoted with posters and catalogues, exhibited in expos, salons and retail

environments. All these represent opportunities for global design, of thinking of the product in its context.


!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

3D design as visual communication

!Web design takes two dimensional communication from print to screen and from static to interactive and into

the fourth dimension: as well as text and visuals, we can work with video, animation, sound & music.

The brand ceases to be static and becomes dynamic.

symbol logotype

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Web design

The dynamic interactive logotype. Nordkyn, a wild region in the north of Norway, has a dynamic brand identity that

morphs and changes subject to the prevailing wind direction, speed, humidity and temperature.

Climatic data is fed to a computer that transforms this information into graphic form.

The logotype is in constant evolution - a perfect expression of this wild and rugged region.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Interactive logotype design

!Icon design for mobile applications, when an idea must be communicated at 120 x 120 pixels.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Icon design

!Design Guidelines: a document that demonstrates how the brand or logotype works, in 2D & 3D, in colour & B&W,

its typefaces, colour palette and its use and application on different supports.

The guidelines enable the correct deployment of the brand by different users in different domains.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Design guidelines

!Global Design is a discipline and a philosophy where all forms and media: 2D & 3D are designed and inspired

by a central, transversal concept and idea which impacts everything that the organisation does and creates.

Apple expresses global design well in that everything that it makes and does has a clearly coherent design thinking

behind its realisations, whether it be its products, its software, its stores, its communications.

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

Global design

what is visual communications design? its everything…

!what is visual communications design? the role of visual communications in global design

!Paul Vickers / Ecole Bleue 2014-15 !

!© All images, logotypes and visuals are copyright of their creators, designers and companies. !

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