what is type two diabetes? summary, exercise & guidelines

Post on 19-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Here's a summary of type two diabetes from Exercise For Health: A review of the literature regarding risk factors, exercise & guidelines


Type 2 diabetesExercise For Health.

Q: What is type IIdiabetes?

A: Type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a condition

characterized by chronically elevated blood glucose

(hyperglycaemia) due to inadequate insulin

secretion relative to the needs of the body

Q: What are the riskfactors for T2DM?

A: The main risk factors for developing T2DM are:

being overweight or obesity, having a high body

mass index (BMI), following a sedentary lifestyle,

having a high waist-to-hip ratio and being of

advanced age

Q: Is aerobic exerciseuseful for the treatment of


A: Aerobic exercise in T2DM has beneficial effects on

cardiorespiratory fitness and lipid levels. Aerobic

exercise can improve long term glucose control and

short term glucose and insulin responses, although

the improvement in glucose tolerance appears to

drop substantially within 3 days. Greater intensity

and volume of aerobic exercise may correlate with

greater improvements in acute glycemic responses

Q: Is resistance traininguseful for the treatment of


A: Resistance-training can increase muscle strength

and lean mass, and reduce subcutaneous and

visceral fat in T2DM. Resistance-training may also

improve glucose disposal, insulin response and long

term glycemic control, as well as improving these

outcomes in conjunction with weight loss

Q: Is combined traininguseful for the treatment of


A: Combined training offers additional benefits to

either aerobic or resistance exercise alone in terms

of improved long term glycemic control, body

composition and lipid profiles

Q: What are the currentguidelines for exercise inthe treatment of T2DM?

A: Exercise interventions to help treat T2DM should

revolve around combined modality aerobic and

resistance exercise between 120 – 210 minutes per

week dependant on exercise intensity should be and

tailored to specific comorbidities and risk of injury

For more information:www.exercise-for-health.com/diabetes

Exercise For Health.

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