what is the oldest world what is the biggest world how

Post on 20-Feb-2022






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What is the oldest world religion?

What is the biggest world religion?

How many times are Muslims supposed to pray in a day?

Give an example of a rule that religious people might follow.

What is the Jewish place of worship?

What is a multi-faith society?

What is the youngest world religion?

Who is Guru Nanak? What is the name of theeternal living Guru?

Last lesson

New lesson

What do you know?

Monday, 25 January 2021

Learning Intention“Who are the Sikhs?”

I can…

How do I know I have achieved today’s LO’s?

(What do I know now? What has today’s lesson taught me?)

All: Have knowledge of the origins of Sikhism (including Guru Nanak), the symbol of the Sikhism, the main Holy Scripture and the place of worship for Sikh as well as the importance of the five Ks to Sikhs.

Most: Research further into the faith and offer opinions about the practices whilst providing developed reasons for your opinions.

Some:Evaluate how religion unites believers and supports

the community.


Recap of last week’s lesson

1) Who is Guru Nanak?

2) What is the name Sikhs

3) State one of the events that happened

during the life Guru Nanak

4) What did you find interesting about last

week’s lesson

5) Have you got any questions from the last



What do Sikhs Believe?

• Sikhs believe in one God – Waheguru

• They believe in equality of the human race

• They also believe in service to others – Sewa

• Sikhs believe in life after death - reincarnation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXhV3dMxSzE(My life my religion)


He was born in 1666 He created the Khalsa (The Pure Ones) in

1699. The special clothes that Sikhs wear, the 5Ks, date from this

time. Just before Guru Gobind Singh died he said that there would

be no more human Gurus, instead the future Guru would be a book.

The book - the Guru Granth Sahib would contain all of the Sikh

teachings and beliefs.

• Do you think that we can learn a lot from books? Give reasons

to explain your answer


https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zfpkq6f(A young Sikh introduces a Sikh place of worship - Shepherds Bush gurdwara.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2LbTwwGsAY(My life my religion)

The GURU GRANTH SAHIB is the Sikh holy

book. To Sikhs, it is more than just a book. It

is the actual Word of God and is considered to

be the modern day equivalent of the living

Guru. It plays a central role in many areas of

a Sikh’s life. It is treated with outmost

respect as the book regarded as a living Guru.


• The Queen

• The Pope

• Priest /Vicar

• Prime minister

• Parents / Grand parents

• Teachers

The Pope carried in a religious procession

A ThroneA King’s bedchamber

The Queen’s bodyguard

Examples showing status/respect of important people.

Bowing to show recognition of authority

Nana Wiafe Akenten III, in festival celebrations

About the Guru Granth Sahib

Every copy of the book has exactly the same number of pages, 1430 in total. Every page of the book is the same in every copy.

The original copy of the book still exists and it is from this that every copy is


The book is written in a special version of Punjabi called

Gurmukhi (which was invented by the second guru).

The book has a bed with silk sheets.

Carried in procession Lifted high with an armed guard

Sat on a golden throneWorshippers bow before it

Can you spot the


The Guru Granth Sahib has 1430pages. Every copy has the same texton every page.

The book is written in a special form of Punjabi called Gurmurkhi, which means ‘the mouth of the Guru.’

The book contains hymns, prayers and sayings rather than stories. Many of the hymns are sung during worship.

Everyday, the religious teachers in Amritsar publish a randomly chosen text from the book for meditation. This is called a Hukamnama.

Some more facts…..

Stick the picture you have been given of the Guru Granth Sahib on a page in your book.

Now, combine all the information you have learned today. Write a subtitle The Guru

Granth Sahib and explain what Sikhs believe about their holy book, how they treat it,

and what this treatment symbolises.


How is the Guru Granth Sahib

is treated?

Why is it treated in this way?

Put under a canopy

Worshipper bow to the

book when they

go into the Gurdwara

Facts about the Guru Granth sahib. (write down at least Four facts about the book)

What is the Guru Granth Sahib and why is it


Other interesting facts


Today, Sikhs who wish to become members of the Khalsa show their

commitment and dedication by taking part in the Amrit Sanskar ceremony.

This ceremony initiates them into the Khalsa.

The five Ks

The five Ks are five items that are worn on the body. They can be

considered a uniform for Amritdhari Sikhs, also called ‘Khalsa Sikhs’.

These Sikhs outwardly show their commitment to the Sikh faith to

others. However, many Sahajdhari Sikhs (Sikhs who have not gone

through the Amrit Sanskar ceremony) often wear some or all of the five

Ks too.


(The formation of the Khalsa)

•Design a story board to show the events of Baisakhi

1699 when the Khalsa was formed.

Use the key words below to help you in your task.

Independent Work

Vaisakhi Vocabulary

Guru Gobind Rai Khalsa harvest crowd

Guru Gobind

SinghPanj Piare Amrit 1699

Singh Beloved 5 sword robes

Kaur Anandpur blood turban

Punjab India tent sacrifice

You can write a recount of the Vaisakhi story.OR

You can write a newspaper report.

Bhai Daya Singh, Bhai Dharam Singh,Bhai Himmat Singh, Bhai Mohkam Singh, Bhai Sahib Singh

What are the 5Ks and why are they so important to many Sikhs?

Task: Watch the clip about The 5ks Draw arrows

into your booklet to match the key terms with the

correct picture and explanation.

Click here for the video You can also

watch another one here

Draw and label the Five Ks in your exercise book.

You must explain the importance of each item


• Question: Can you think of any other religions that wear special

items? Explain below.

• Can you think of 10 reasons why Sikhs wear the 5ks?

What reason do you think is the most important?

Does your School uniform remind you of the values of the TTS?


Watch the videos and use the information to answer the questions

1. Describe the Gurdwara in your words. Identify and explain at least three

important facts about the Gurdwara (eg the four entrances, the flag, raised

platform etc)

2. Why is it important to serve others?

3. In what ways can you help/serve/ support others?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IcNDjN1Gfc


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjHfAuq1K8E(The Gurdwara | Religious Studies – My Life, My Religion: Sikhism)



1) Why do you think that it is so important to look out for our community?

2) Do you do anything for your community?

3) What else could you do for your community?

Sewa means ‘selfless service’. It involves acting selflessly and helping others in a

variety of ways, without any reward or personal gain. It is a way of life for many Sikhs

and is part of their daily routine.

Sewa is a way of life for Sikhs and is part of their daily routine. Sikhs believe that

sewa is an act of service towards God (Waheguru) and, therefore, that it will lead them

to become gurmukh .

Review your learning

I can…

How do I know I have achieved today’s LO’s?

(What do I know now? What has today’s lesson taught me?)

All: Have knowledge of the origins of Sikhism (including Guru Nanak), the symbol of the Sikhism, the main Holy Scripture and the place of worship for Sikh as well as the importance of the five Ks to Sikhs.

Most: Research further into the faith and offer opinions about the practices whilst providing developed reasons for your opinions.

Some:Evaluate how religion unites believers and

supports the community.

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