what is the myobuddy and what does it do: the myobuddy is an orbital percussive massager. it...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Our product is innovative because:  It acts upon the largest organ in the human body; the fascia  According to the Consensus committee on fascia Nomenclature,  “Fascia is a sheath or any number of dissectible aggregations of connective tissue that forms beneath the skin to attach, enclose and separate muscle sand other internal organs” Sept  Fascial structures form a network that surrounds and perforates the whole body and all the organs, and is organized in many different ways into pockets and chambers and connects everything with everything else. The different concentrations of this same form (fascia) as seen in ligaments and capusular thickening, etc, can be understood as local adjustments of a coherent network held in differentiated localized tension that is consistent with the global, structure-wide tension of the human organism. (Schleip, et al 2012)  Schleip, Findley, Chaitow, Huijing. Fascia, The Tensional Network of the Human Body. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2012 ISBN#  Healthy fascia is critical for optimal muscle function  Fascia acts to distribute force created by muscular effort. Our muscles do not act alone, so, having a healthy fascial system is critical to healthy muscle function.  Applied intervention to the layers of the skin has effects deeper into layers of all connective tissue. Dr Jean Claude Guimberteau showed on film how he can pull on the dermis at outer-most layer, and directional force is transmitted to all deeper layers of fascia and muscle below. Strolling Under the Skin,  Other resource; Jean-Claude Guimberteau, Architecture of Human Living Fascia. Handspring Publishing, Edinburugh,  Comfort  Creates gentle heating in the area  Temperature Effects on Fascia, Dr. Werner Klingler  Chapter 7.18 pages  “Temperature increase in fascia leads to reduced stiffness and more rapid elongation of the tissue, which in part can be attributed to a higher extensibility of collagen (Lehmann et al. 1970, Bass et al. 2007, Huang et al. 2009) In other words, there is a heat-induced fascial relaxation.  “Inversely, passive cooling leads to an increase in stiffness (Muraoka et al. 2005)  Effectiveness  the MyoBuddy is better than just foam rolling or other forms of SMR because it encorporates percussion, vibration as well as friction to make many changes to the first layers, and then to the much deeper layers of our fascial system.  Use of percussive massage device to re-educate and re set possibly overly sensitized peripheral sensory organs. When we over use our muscles, sometimes the sensory organs get stuck in the “open” position, allowing a constant barrage of nociception in to the central nervous system.  Application of the PMD in the affected areas can act to desensitize the central component of this dysfunctional sensory loop  Portable and lightweight  Digitally controlled


What is the MyoBuddy and what does it do: The MyoBuddy is an orbital percussive massager. It provides the next level of Exercise Preparation and post-exercise Recovery. Dr Robert Schliep, at the FRC in Washington DC announced that new research shows DOMS probably comes from fascial nociception NOT from chemicals in the muscles! So, applied intervention from the MyoBuddy that keeps the fascial system healthy, will reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Fascia is a sensory organ that regulates speed and forceso rhythmic movement is important. The MyoBuddy can be used while areas are being moved, stretched, contracted or relaxed. This facilitates normalization of the fascial as well as the muscular system. (FRC is the Fascia Research Congress) Our product is innovative because: It acts upon the largest organ in the human body; the fascia According to the Consensus committee on fascia Nomenclature, Fascia is a sheath or any number of dissectible aggregations of connective tissue that forms beneath the skin to attach, enclose and separate muscle sand other internal organs Sept Fascial structures form a network that surrounds and perforates the whole body and all the organs, and is organized in many different ways into pockets and chambers and connects everything with everything else. The different concentrations of this same form (fascia) as seen in ligaments and capusular thickening, etc, can be understood as local adjustments of a coherent network held in differentiated localized tension that is consistent with the global, structure-wide tension of the human organism. (Schleip, et al 2012) Schleip, Findley, Chaitow, Huijing. Fascia, The Tensional Network of the Human Body. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2012 ISBN# Healthy fascia is critical for optimal muscle function Fascia acts to distribute force created by muscular effort. Our muscles do not act alone, so, having a healthy fascial system is critical to healthy muscle function. Applied intervention to the layers of the skin has effects deeper into layers of all connective tissue. Dr Jean Claude Guimberteau showed on film how he can pull on the dermis at outer-most layer, and directional force is transmitted to all deeper layers of fascia and muscle below. Strolling Under the Skin, Other resource; Jean-Claude Guimberteau, Architecture of Human Living Fascia. Handspring Publishing, Edinburugh, Comfort Creates gentle heating in the area Temperature Effects on Fascia, Dr. Werner Klingler Chapter 7.18 pages Temperature increase in fascia leads to reduced stiffness and more rapid elongation of the tissue, which in part can be attributed to a higher extensibility of collagen (Lehmann et al. 1970, Bass et al. 2007, Huang et al. 2009) In other words, there is a heat-induced fascial relaxation. Inversely, passive cooling leads to an increase in stiffness (Muraoka et al. 2005) Effectiveness the MyoBuddy is better than just foam rolling or other forms of SMR because it encorporates percussion, vibration as well as friction to make many changes to the first layers, and then to the much deeper layers of our fascial system. Use of percussive massage device to re-educate and re set possibly overly sensitized peripheral sensory organs. When we over use our muscles, sometimes the sensory organs get stuck in the open position, allowing a constant barrage of nociception in to the central nervous system. Application of the PMD in the affected areas can act to desensitize the central component of this dysfunctional sensory loop Portable and lightweight Digitally controlled Science and Safety Provides stimuli of the proprioceptive system (our sense of where we are in space) Dr Robert Schliep (FRC 2015), There are nerves in our fascia and these influence our brain. If the fascia becomes too dense or dried out, pain or weakness can occur. If we manually work with the fascia, Dr Schliep says yes, we can increase the moisture in it through our applied interventions of massage or pressure. This in turn will create and allow stronger integration of the fascial / muscle relationship. The MyoBuddy is the best intervention to meet this critically important need. Accelerates the repair of soft tissue Exercise and recovery implications To be healthy, our tissues need to be between over loaded and under loaded, in a gentle state of healthy light tension due to response of strengthening and coordinated movement. For people who have chronic unnecessary tension, the tissue dysfunction increases exponentially and leads to reduction in strength and pain. Getting the tissue to relax is critical to allow the sarcomeres a complete return to normal resting length and load. The MyoBuddy can speed up the time it takes to return to fully relaxed state by providing sensory distraction to the outer layers, which in turn allows deeper muscle fibers to relax faster. For some athletes, they never fully recover to relaxed state and over time, lose strength and coordination., The myobudyd can prevent this from happening. Increases blood flow, allowing for tissue repair Dr Siegfried Mense, In research he also found efferent fibers around blood vesselsprobably acting as vasoconstrictors. so fascia can also create pain by vaso constricting and causing local or broad ischemia in surrounding tissues. The MB, creates vasodialation through friction and percussion, reducing the negative effects of ischemia. Ischemia; reduction in local blood and extra cellular circulation, Relaxes connective tissue and fascia Epimyseal fascia (as in the quad muscles) helps to ensure excellent motor coordination. Unhealthy fascia can reduce the function of the surrounding muscles. Dr Carla Stecco Deep fascia assists in proprioception When spasm, stiffness or restriction are present, will assist in normalizing dysfunctional muscle fibers Minimal effect needed by the part of the operator Be cautious of loose clothing and long hair The MyoBuddy is best used: By yourself With a partner With the assistance of a professional The MyoBuddy can be purchased: At booth 515 Show SPECIAL $ Online $ Complete training to be online soon MyoBuddy; In Conclusionjust the beginning.. Restriction in the Fascial System has a huge impact on muscle function, all people are susceptible to myofascial dysfunction, fascial restriction and these in turn impair our ability to move freely and strongly. Practitioner or self -provided treatment techniques including the MYoBuddy percussive massage device are critical to healthy soft tissue and for eliminating fascial restrictions. There is a whole 3-dimensional network of interconnected fascial structures. The old school of thinking about specific layers or a nylon stocking of fascia like a bag is OUT A complete and interdependent dynamic relationship exists within the facial/ muscular matrix and the myobuddy helps to support health in this system.

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