what is stroke? summary, exercise & guidelines

Post on 02-Jun-2015



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Here is a summary of Stroke from Exercise For Health: Risk Factors, Exercise & Guidelines


StrokeExercise For Health.

Q: What is stroke?

A: A stroke is the rapid loss of

neurological function following a failure

of the blood flow to the brain, resulting

either from a blood flow restriction

(ischemia) or from a haemorrhage

Q: What is transientischemic attack?

A: A transient ischemic attack is very similar to

an ischemic stroke - it involves neurological

dysfunction following a failure of the blood

flow to the brain but does not involve

infarction. Symptoms typically resolve quickly

Q: What are the riskfactors for stroke?

A: Risk factors include: coronary artery disease,

hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, atrial

fibrillation, obesity, type II diabetes, increasing age,

smoking, sedentary behavior, alcohol intake, chronic

kidney disease, low ankle-brachial index, and certain

personality types (e.g. extraversion and non-

conscientious behaviour)

Q: Does exercise reducestroke incidence andstroke risk factors?

A: Both physical activity and exercise

are correlated with a reduced stroke

risk in both male and female

populations of various ages

Q: Can exercise be used inthe treatment of non-

disabling stroke?

A: Exercise programs are feasible, well-tolerated

and are associated with improvement in exercise

capacity and functional ability in individuals suffering

non-disabling stroke. Exercise also appears effective

for reducing depressive symptoms post-stroke.

Tailored home exercise seems optimal for increasing

physical activity levels in stroke survivors

Q: What are rehabilitationneeds after mild-disabling


A: The physical qualities required by

individuals who experience a stroke that

leads to some disablement include: motor

control, prevention of falls, walking, stairs,

and resistance to fatigue

Q: Can exercise be usedfor rehabilitation in mild-

disabling stroke?

A: Task-specific circuit training may be

effective for improving walking ability post-

stroke as well as balance and gait and for

strengthening a lower paretic limb, while

aerobic exercise may be effective for

increasing stair-climbing ability

Q: What are evidence-based recommendationsfor exercise post-stroke?

A: Current guidelines recommend that

rehabilitation therapy start as early as

possible post-stroke (once medical stability

is reached) and should be directed towards

re-establishing an optimal level of

functional independence

For more information:www.exercise-for-health.com/stroke

Exercise For Health.

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