what is seo and why is it important in 2020?

Post on 04-Feb-2020






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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become widely accepted as a digital marketing strategy because of its effectiveness and trust factor on Google. People use it on a daily basis to search out what they're trying to find. By ranking high on search engines, your business can build trust and credibility along with your audience or potential customers.


What is SEO and why is it important in 2020?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become widely accepted as a digital

marketing strategy because of its effectiveness and trust factor on Google. People use it on a

daily basis to search out what they're trying to find. By ranking high on search engines, your

business can build trust and credibility along with your audience or potential customers.

The digital marketing has changed dramatically over the past few years but SEO still remains an

effective and most significant marketing strategy. whereas there are several benefits to a

decent SEO strategy

Succeeding in organic search nowadays requires optimizing for a combination of factors that

search engines consider vital – technical, on-page and off-page

What is SEO ?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, that is the process of optimizing your web site and

increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your web site through organic search

engine results.

All major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo have primary search results, where web

pages and other content like videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what

the search engine considers most relevant to users. Payment isn’t concerned, as it is with paid

search ads.

To understand the true meaning of SEO, let's break that definition down and look at the


• Quality of traffic :

You can attract all the visitors within the world, Quality traffic is an outcome of providing the

right content and experience to visitors .

Quality traffic depends on the relevancy of website content, in simple terms visitor landed on

your website should be interested in your content or service you provided. Irrelevant traffic not

help you to increase your conversion and sale.

• Quantity of traffic:

Both quantity and quality of traffic are vital for a business or blog website. High quantities of

traffic mean brand awareness and online visibility on search engine. High quality traffic means a

higher ratio of conversions and sales.

• Organic results:

Organic traffic is used for referring to the visitors that land on your website as a result of unpaid

search results. Organic traffic is the opposite of paid traffic, which defines the visits generated by

paid ads.

Visitors who are considered organic find your website after using a search engine like Google or

Bing, so they are not referred by any other website.

How Google web search works ?

Google order their search results for the most part based upon relevancy and authority of

pages it's crawled and included in its web index, to a user’s query to provide the best answer.

Google uses over two hundred signals in ordering their search results and SEO encompasses

technical and creative activities to influence and improve a number of those best-known signals.

It’s usually helpful to not focus too much on individual ranking signals and appearance at the

wider goal of Google, to provide the most effective answers for its users.

SEO, therefore, involves ensuring a website is accessible, technically sound, uses words that

people type into the search engines, and provides an excellent user experience,

with helpful and high quality, professional content that helps answers the user’s query.

Search engines have 3 primary functions:

All search engines work using a three phase approach to managing, ranking and returning search

results. however, a lot of people don't have any idea what's happening behind that search

box when they type in their search queries.

1. Crawl:

Web crawlers go by several names, including spiders, robots, and bots, what they do — they

crawl across the world Wide web to index pages for search engines.

They’re always trying to find discoverable links on pages and jotting them down on their map

once they understand their features.

However, if you've got a new web site without links connecting your pages to others, you

can ask search engines to crawl your website by submitting your URL on Google Search


Web crawlers, while they’re on the page, gather info about the page like the copy and meta tags.

Then, the crawlers store the pages in the index therefore Google’s algorithm can sort them for

their contained words to later fetch and rank for users.

2. Index:

Store and organize the content found throughout the crawling process. Once a page is in

the index, it’s in the running to be displayed as a result to relevant queries.

Search engines process and store data they find in an index, a huge database of all the content

they’ve discovered and see adequate to serve up to searchers.


When somebody performs a search, search engines scan their index for highly relevant

content and then orders that content in the hopes of solving the searcher's query.

This ordering of search results by relevance is known as ranking. In general, you can assume

that the higher a web site is ranked, the more relevant the search engine believes that web site is

to the query.

It’s possible to block search engine crawlers from part or all of your web site, or instruct search

engines to avoid storing certain pages in their index. whereas there can be reasons for doing this,

if you want your content found by searchers, you have got to initial first it’s accessible to

crawlers and is index able. Otherwise, it’s as good as invisible.

How to do SEO?

SEO involves technical and creative activities that are usually grouped into ‘On page SEO’ and

‘Off page SEO’. This terminology is quite dated, however it's helpful to understand, as it splits

practices that can be performed on a web site, and away from a web site.

These activities need expertise, often from multiple people as the skillsets needed to carry them

out at a high level, are quite different – but they'll also be learned. the other option is to hire a

professional SEO agency, or SEO consultant to help in areas needed.

On page SEO:

On-page SEO is vital is important it helps search engines understand your web site and its

content, as well as identify whether or not it's relevant to a searcher’s query.

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and

earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and html source

code of a page that can be optimized.

“If you create an impressive web site, it'll definitely awesome ranking. “

Some useful SEO Techniques:

Focusing on on-page SEO will increase the probability that your off-page SEO strategy are going

to be successful. Link building with a crappy web site is a terribly tough job. nobody wants to

link to articles that are badly written or boring.

• Keyword research :

Analyzing the types of words and frequency used by prospective customers to search out a

brands services or products. Understanding their intent and a user’s expectations from their


• Technical Auditing :

Ensuring the web site can be crawled and indexed, is correctly geo-targeted, and is free from

errors or user experience barriers.

• On Page optimization:

Improving the web site structure, internal navigation, on-page alignment and

content relevancy to help priorities key areas and target relevant search phrases.

• User experience:

Ensuring content shows expertise, authority and trust, is simple to use, fast, and ultimately

provides the most effective possible experience to users against the competition.

Google takes into consideration several off-page factors when deciding if and where to rank web

pages. Links are one of those factors, however there are several others.

Off page SEO :

Off page optimization is defined as the technique that helps the web site to improve its ranking

on the search engine results page. These factors functions outside the boundaries of the

web pages. These ranking factors aren't directly controlled by the publisher. Off-

page optimization basically deals in link building for SEO.

Off page SEO is a long term and time consuming process. It includes acquiring backlinks to your

webpage from the authority sites, Social media and Social bookmarking. Off page factors work

in the background to improve the search rankings.

Unlike on-page SEO, Off-page SEO refers to activities you can perform outside the boundaries

of your web site. the most important are:

• Link Building:

It is one of the most famous ways of doing off page optimization. Link building is defined as

building external links along with your website. the main aim is to get as much links or

votes you'll be able to rank higher than your competitors.

• Blog Directories:

These are directories like yellow pages that links the entry back to a web site.

• Forum signatures:

By commenting on forums, individuals were obtaining a link back to their web site as they used

to leave links in their signatures.

• Comment link:

Just as in forum signatures, where you leave a link in your signature when you comment on any

other’s blog to get a link back, here, rather than writing your name you write keywords in

the comment. for example, instead of writing ‘Comment by Joe’ you write ‘comment

by where to shop for dogs’ or one thing of that kind.

• Article directories:

If you publish your article in the article directories, you'll get a backlink to your web

site. mainly directories accept only original content, however there is some

directories that accepts article which are reworded or spanned.

• Shared content directories:

In shared content directories, websites like hub pages or info barrel permits you to publish your

content and in return, you can add links favoring your web site.

• Link exchange schemes:

This is an interesting way to build links. The scheme talks about getting in touch with the

webmasters of different websites and exchange links, i.e. linking web site ‘X’ to web site ‘Y’

and in return web site ‘Y’ would link to web site ‘X’. there's another complex technique which is

by exchanging links with three, i.e. linking web site ‘X’ from web site ‘Y’ and web site ‘Y’

links to another web site.

• Social Media Marketing

Another way of building links is by engaging your web site on social media platforms. it's a

great way to attract traffic. The links that you see on social media generally typically no-follow

links, however this doesn't indicate that those links don't have any value.

Mentioning your brand on social media platforms will drive a hell lot of traffic. Go straight with

your strategy and web site, you'll undoubtedly ranking on search engine result pages.

• Social Bookmarking:

This is another good way of promoting and attracting huge traffic to your web site. this can be

done by promoting your blogs on famous websites like, Reddit, ScoopIt, digg, StumbleUpon etc.

The content is updated on such sites, which is appreciated by Search engines.

• Guest Blogging:

We know the fact that by curating new, unique, compelling content, building up new

links can drive traffic to your web site. Blogging is a way to attract traffic with bare cost. By

posting comments on different websites will allow you to add links within the comments section.

The links will be crawled by the search engines leading to driving traffic to your web site.


Implementing strong, quality SEO on brand’s web site and digital properties always going

to beneficial to that brand and its marketing efforts.

Its considered a “new age” marketing techniques however it’s critical to brands web presence in

this day and age, especially as available data and rivaling competition still increase and grow.

VUBALsoft Solution is result oriented SEO and digital marketing service provider company,

We can help you to grow your business online.

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