what is open office and its advantages over ms office

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Name - Amandeep Singh Class - C.S.E. 2nd Shift ( 2011-2015 ) Batch Roll no. 115339 Group - N2


OpenOffice : What it is ?

Free Open Source Software.

Developed by Sun Microsystems Ltd.

Databases, Documents, presentations,

spreadsheets etc.

Its main components:

OpenOffice.org Impress

OpenOffice.org Writer

OpenOffice.org Calc

About Openoffice-Impress

How to create presentation?

About Openoffice-Impress

An example..

About Openoffice-Writer

Standard toolbar

Formatting toolbar


Status bar

How to create a text document?

About Openoffice-Writer

An example..

About OpenOffice-Calc

Standard toolbar

Formatting toolbar

Formula bar

Column & Row headers

How to create a spreadsheet?

About OpenOffice-Calc

Few examples...

Few examples...

Few examples...

Similarly, there are a lots of tools under OpenOffice.org......

That was how to use..

But the Question is.. why to use..?

Here's the answer...

Open-Source Applications are Free. Updates to Open-Source Applications are Also Free. Open-Source Code is Always Free, like Speech. Open-Source Tends to Use Open Standards.

It is recommended over MS-Office.. why??

OpenOffice offers better support for older computers than the latest version of Microsoft Office

1.System Support:

Graph Showing System Support -

Similar and easy to use. Looser licensing requirements

2.Usability, Training, and Support

3.Sharing Documents with Friends and Neighbours

uses open standards for its native files Writer and Calc users can share documents

with Microsoft users

4.Security Secure as used with Linux, as less chances for

viruses Moreover, security issues are shared.

Writer features and benefits that Word 2003 doesn't have:

Creating PDFs. Simplicity. HTML Production. File Size.

Calc features and benefits that Excel 2003 doesn't have:

Creating PDFs. Interface Details.

One-click pdf-export

Now.. lets ask some questions.. to ourselves..

Do we get Microsoft Office for free?

Once bought, do we have its Ownership ?

Are we satisfied..?


Even we buy, do we get its source code..?

The answer is ......


Here's the solution...

Any query?

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