what is depth of focus of camera lens? · field in movie-making – pinhole camera depth of field...

Post on 10-Oct-2020






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What is depth of focus of camera lens?•  Depth of focus

–  Range of lens-to-cameraback distances for which one image is tolerably sharp (reasonably in focus)

•  Infinite for pinhole camera •  image is always in focus •  ≈ one ray connects each object pt to

image pt–  For lens-camera depth of focus

depends on •  lens diameter, •  focal length and •  object distance

–  Circle of confusion •  locus of rays that focus to pt elsewhere•  If diameter of circle of confusion is

small enough blur is tolerable–  Lens with smaller diameter has

larger depth of focus•  More like a pinhole (image is dimmer)


fcircles of�confusion

image�blurry here�

but �tolerable

depth of focus

smaller�circle of�


missing ray


What is depth of field of a lens?

•  Depth of field –  related to depth of focus–  maximum separation distance

(along axis) between two objects such that both objects are tolerably sharp (in reasonably good focus)

–  Deep focus: term for large depth of field in movie-making

–  Pinhole camera depth of field is ∞ •  all objects in focus at all lens-to-

camera-back distances.

•  Smaller lens opening (aperture) ⇒ –  larger depth of field but–  dimmer image

•  Wide angle lenses generally have more depth of field than telephotos

Depth of�field

diameter ofcircle of confusion�

(maximum tolerable blur)


Circles of confusion


A camera is focused by changing the distance between the lens and the film or CCD at the back of the camera

•  xi in lens eqn is distance between lens and back of the camera (where image is recorded) •  1/f = 1/xo + 1/xi

•  Suppose you take a picture of your friend using a camera with a lens of focal length f = 1 cm •  The friend is a distance xo = 100cm

from the camera lens•  For what value of xi is the image at

the back of the camera in focus?a)  The value obtained by solving

the lens eqn for xib)  100 cmc)  Roughly the same as the focal

length, f

•  Given: f = 1 cm, xo = 100 cm•  Find: image distance, xi•  1/f = 1/xo + 1/xi•  1/1 = 1/100 + 1/xi•  1 - 0.01 = 1/xi•  0.99 = 1/xi•  xi = 1/0.99 = 1.01 cm–  Both (a) and (c) are both correct

•  When take picture of object a distance xo away from camera which is much larger than the focal length, f, the image distance, xi, will always be a number very close to f•  This is because rays from distant

object are almost parallel and therefore go through the focal point!!

•  Can also see from lens equation4

What are apertures, f-numbers and stops?

•  Diameter of lens aperture can be reduced by using diaphragm.–  Largest aperture is full diameter of

lens–  Smaller apertures are called stops

•  Aperture is measured by f-number: focal length of lens divided by diameter of aperture:–  f-number (or f-stop) = f/d–  Large f-number means small lens


•  What is f-number (f-stop) of same lens when diaphragm reduces dia-meter of lens from 10 mm to 5 mm?

40 mm focal�length lens

at full aperture�of diameter d = 10 mm

40 mm focal�length lens

with aperture�of diameter�d = 5 mm

10f-number = -

f = 4 ( = f/4)

a) f/2, b) f/4, c) f/6, d) f/8, e) f/10

10 5


Camera exposure is related to Poynting flux carried by light wave.

•  Wave energy density and flux of wave energy density ∝ E2

–  Flux of energy density =•  Poynting flux

[velocity×energy-density – �(m/s)×J/m3]

•  Intensity �[power/m2 - watts/m]

•  When brighter (more intense) light enters your eye–  Electric force field of light is

stronger (more photons)–  More absorption in your retina

(back of eye)

rays converge here

electric force fields add here


Lens with larger aperture lets more light energy reach image pts. at back of camera �

(where CCD records image)•  Larger aperture lens brings

more rays from each object pt. to corresponding image pt.

•  Pinhole only lets "one" ray from real nose converge at image nose. –  Image is dim (not intense)

•  Small aperture lens lets a few more rays from nose converge to image nose. –  Brighter image

•  Large aperture lens allows more rays from nose to con-verge to image nose. –  Image even brighter–  Why do we squint in bright light?


Small aperture lens

Large aperture lenswith same focal lengthas smaller aperture lens


Light is more intense when there is more energy per unit area.

•  Intensity of light (Poynting flux) = energy per second per unit area

•  Power = energy per second (watts)

•  Intensity = power divided by area–  Power from 60 watt light bulb same as

move away but intensity decreases–  Alex sees intensity (power reaching his

eye = intensity times his eye area) •  Intensity ∝ 1/r2

–  r = distance from center of light bulb to your eye

–  Intensity falls off as square of the distance

–  Star seems dim!–  Camera flash sometimes can't supply

enough light?


Draw imaginary sphere whose radius, r = distance from your eye to center of light bulb


•  Intensity of light is same everywhere on sphere = power divided by area of sphere

Area of sphere ∝ r2 so intensity ∝ r-28

Light energy reaching film each second is proportional to the AREA of lens

•  Light energy/s ∝ lens area, A•  A ∝ d2

•  d ∝ √A

•  If A is doubled by what factor does d increase?a)  √2b)  2c)  4


diameter of lens = dd

Area of lens = A = π(d/2)2



More light energy reaches ccd when lens f-stop is lower number (lower number means larger area)

•  f-stop = (focal length)/d–  f-stop at right has diameter d = 5 so f-

stop is 40/5 = 8

•  Double diameter, d from 5 to 10 mm–  New f-stop is 40/2d = 4–  New area of aperture, A, increases by

factor 4–  Lets in 4 times amount of �

light energy/s (since energy ∝ Area)

•  To double energy reaching CCD: –  Multiply old diameter, d, by √2–  New area is doubled because √22 = 2–  New f-stop ∝1/(√2d) decreased by

factor of 1/√2 from f/8 to f/5.6

40 mm lensat full aperture�2d = 10 mm


f = 40 mm lenswith aperture�

d = 5 mm


40/d = f/8 40/(2d)�= f/4

Area�= π ·(d/2)2 �

= 6.25 mm2

Area�= π·(2d/2)2�= 25 mm2 �

(4x energy �as at f/8)

40/(√2·d) �= f/5.6

Area = �π ·(√2·d/2)2 �= 12.5 mm2�

(2x energy�as at f/8)

new diameter �= √2·d mm= 7.1 mm



Sequence of f-stops which each let in twice the light energy per sec

•  f/22•  f/16•  f/11•  f/8•  f/5.6•  f/4•  f/2.8•  f/2•  f/1.4

•  Smaller f-stops mean larger diameters, less depth of field, larger aperture areas and more light energy gets to CCD•  f-stop or f-number�

= (focal length)/(lens diameter)•  Each f-stop down list

•  has diameter, d, larger by factor √2 than the previous stop

•  has aperture area (∝d2) larger by factor 2

•  Lets in twice the light energy � (energy ∝ area)



A light wave continues to deliver energy as long as the wave keeps moving into an eye or a lens

•  You get more of a sunburn if the suns rays hit your skin longer–  Each second more light energy

hits your skin•  Less light energy goes into

your your eye if you open and close it again quickly

•  More light arrives at CCD at back of a camera when shutter is left open longer–  Image gets brighter if shutter is

left open longer


Sequence of shutter speeds in which each faster speed lets in half the light energy

•  1/15 sec•  1/30 sec•  1/60 sec•  1/125 sec•  1/250 sec•  1/500 sec•  1/1000 sec•  1/2000 sec

Faster speeds, better able to�stop (freeze) fast motion�but give darker image


What is meant by exposure of a picture?

•  Exposure at CCD is proportional to total light energy falling on CCD during time shutter is left open

•  Intensity of light on CCD = energy delivered per second divided by AREA of CCD

•  Exposure ∝ light intensity × time interval shutter is open–  Exposure depends on both f-

stop (controls intensity) and –  shutter speed (time shutter is

left open)


•  1/15 sec•  1/30 sec•  1/60 sec•  1/125 sec•  1/250 sec•  1/500 sec•  1/1000 sec•  1/2000 sec•  1/4000 sec

Equivalent combinations of f/stops and shutter speeds (which deliver the same energy to the film or CCD). All give same


•  f/22•  f/16•  f/11•  f/8•  f/5.6•  f/4•  f/2.8•  f/2•  f/1.4

•  Large depth of field because of small aperture, –  but slow shutter speed near

top of list may give motion blur

•  Fast shutter speed but small depth of field near bottom of list due to large apertures.–  but image may be out of

focus due to small depth of field

Twice the energy gets in each second

Half the time for energy to get in 15

Different exposures correspond to different alignments of sequence of f-stops and sequence of shutter speeds

•  f/22•  f/16•  f/11•  f/8•  f/5.6•  f/4•  f/2.8•  f/2•  f/1.4

•  1/15 sec•  1/30 sec•  1/60 sec•  1/125 sec•  1/250 sec•  1/500 sec•  1/1000 sec•  1/2000 sec•  1/4000 sec

•  f/22•  f/16•  f/11•  f/8•  f/5.6•  f/4•  f/2.8•  f/2•  f/1.4

•  1/15 sec•  1/30 sec•  1/60 sec•  1/125 sec•  1/250 sec•  1/500 sec•  1/1000 sec•  1/2000 sec•  1/4000 sec

Which exposure lets in more light?16

More detailed examples of equivalent exposures

Exposure time 1/250 sec 1/125 sec 1/60 sec 1/30 sec

f-number f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16

Diameter of 28mm lens

5 mm 3.5mm 2.5mm 1.75mm

Area of aperture of 28 mm lens

20 mm2 10 mm2 5 mm2 2.5 mm2

Light intensity reaching film (arb units)

500 250 120 60

Exposure (arb. units) 2 2 2 2


How we can understand the concept of intensity in terms of the images from pinhole cameras.

•  Intensity of light is energy/second per unit area (e.g., watts per m2)–  Light is more intense when there

is more energy delivered to each unit area each second

•  How does the intensity change when the image is larger? Is the intensity of light on the film of the telephoto cameraa)  higher, b) lower, c) the same

•  The same light energy is spread over a larger area so the intensity goes down

•  To compensate for this lower intensity cameras use a lens to let in more light than a pinhole can.


Qualitative argument why f-number is defined as f/d. �(focal length divided by lens aperture diameter)

•  Consider two lenses with different focal length but same f-number, say, f/2–  f/2 lens with longer focal length, f, must

have larger diameter, d, by definition �f-number = f/d

–  Larger d brings more rays to each image point

•  If d were not larger, image would be less intense (dimmer, as in pinhole camera)

• Definition f-number = f/d –  guarantees that every f/2 lens gives same

exposure for the same shutter speed–  regardless of whether focal length, f, is small

(wide-angle lens) or large (telephoto lens).• Quantitative proof on next slide

fnew = 60 mm

f/2 lens with focal length 40 mm means �2= 40/d, so lens has diameter d = 20 mm

f/2 lens with focal length 60 mm means �2= 60/d, so lens has diameter d = 30 mm

f = 40 mm

20 mm

30 mm


Quantitative argument why two lenses with same f-numbers give image of Alex with same intensity

•  If fnew= 60 mm lens did not have larger diameter than f = 40 mm lens, the intensity, Iimage of its image would

–  be lower by 1/xi2, where xi is distance from

center of lens to Alex's image–  Object is usually far from lens so rays enter

lens almost parallel and xi ≈ f •  For same d, Iimage decreases as 1/fnew


–  Doubling f2 decreases Iimage by factor 2•  For same f, Iimage increases as d2

–  Doubling d2 increases Iimage by factor 2•  Different focal length lenses only have

same Iimage if d2/f2 is same for both.•  Ratio d2/f2 = 1/(f-number)2

–  If both lenses have same f-number there is no change in image intensity

f = 40 mm

fnew = 60 mm

f/2 lens with f = 40 mm�must have d = 20 mm

f/2 lens with f = 60 mm�must have d = 30 mm

20 mm

30 mm


Common focal lengths, f, of f/2.8 lenses and required diameters for each

Lens focal length, f

35mm 50mm 80mm 105mm 135mm

Max f/stop f/2.8 f/2.8 f/2.8 f/2.8 f/2.8

d = lens diameter = f/(f/stop)

12.5mm 17.9mm 28.6mm 37.5mm 48.2mm


Wide angle and telephoto effects in the pinhole camera only depend on distance from pinhole to film

•  As distance between pinhole and cam-era back increases, image gets larger

– First camera gives wide-angle effect• camera back is covered by image that

includes more than Alex– Longer camera gives telephoto effect

• Alex's image covers entire camera back – Angle between crossed yellow lines smaller in longer camera

– Image alwayss in focus (sharp)

•  Wide angle and telephoto lenses have some similarities to pinhole camera

– Telephoto lenses are long and wide angle lenses are short

•  There are also differences– Lens lets in more light ⇒ brighter image –  f must be different for different image sizes to maintain focus



Digital and 35 mm camera lenses compared (lens may be a zoom lens)

Focal Length of digital

camera lens

Equivalent focal length of 35mm film camera lens

Image appearance

Typical Uses

5.4 mm 35 mm Object looks smaller and farther away.

Wide-angle shots, landscapes, large

buildings, groups of people

7.7 mm 50 mm Object looks about same as what eye sees.

"Normal" shots of people and objects

16.2 mm 105 mm Object is magnified and

appears closer.

Telephoto shots, close-ups


Meaning of ISO on digital cameras•  ISO measures sensitivity of CCD at

image plane–  Formerly a measure of film sensitivity

(film "speed")


•  High ISO number means•  high sensitivity of CCD•  take pictures with less light•  or at smaller f/numbers with greater

depth of field•  However pictures taken at high ISO

have less resolution•  They are pixelated or grainy

Comparison of images


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