what is a hearing aid

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Hearing aid is a very small electronic device worn behind or in the ear.People having problems to hear sound properly wear these pieces.These pieces help in making the sound louder and clearer in both noisy as well as quiet situations.

What is a Hearing Aid?

Hearing Aid History• When hearing aid was first made, it was a big, horn shaped trumpet with a huge, open piece at one end which collected the sound. Gradually the trumpet tapered into thin tube, which funneled sound into ear.

• In 1990s, the hearing aids became digital

• Development of these modern devices wouldn’t have been possible without Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison.

Different Parts of a Hearing Aid



• Speaker/receiver •Battery

Different Styles of Hearing Aids

•In the ear

•In the canal

•Behind the ear

•Completely in the canal •Behind the ear open fit

Different kinds of hearings aids in Bulleen are available. But before buying one go to an audiologist for a hearing screening check-up to identify what type of problem you have and how serious it is.


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