what is a good supplement for arthritis and joint pain?

Post on 13-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Joint pain or arthritis is a common health issue seen in people of old age and can be cure with the right treatment. Using Rumoxil capsule and Rumoxil oil, which are known for their anti-inflammatory ingredients is a natural cure for arthritis joint pain.


• Joint pain or arthritis is a common health problem seen

in people of old age and can be cure with the right


• Today, you can find various remedies for treating joint


• Choosing herbal remedies as solution will reduce the risk

of side effects and will cure the problem by acting on the

main cause.

• What is a good supplement for arthritis?

• Boswella, filled with anti-inflammatory characteristics is a

natural solution for arthritis pain.

• This herbal cure has been in use since ancient times for

treating an array of health issues like joint pain and

stiffness in joint.

• According to studies, it is seen that boswellic acid found

in boswellia prevents the formation of leukotrienes, which

are responsible for swelling.

• It enhances the flexibility in joint and nourishes the

tissues in a natural way.

• Besides treating arthritis joint pain, the extracts of

boswellia is also used to treat colitis.

• Cherry, which is a common fruit available in market, is a

natural remedy for arthritis.

• In order to get relief from the pain of gout, people are

recommended to consume cherry fruit everyday in their


• One can also treat the condition of arthritis by drinking

cherry syrup made of boiled cherries.

• According to studies, this fruit is one of the best sources

of potassium and magnesium.

• It helps in reducing the inflammation and improves the

strength of joints to improve their flexibility.

• Consumption of dandelion root extract, which is an

active ingredient found in herbal medicines is a best

natural treatment for joint pain.

• These days, dandelion root is easily available in the

market in the form of powders, extracts and tinctures.

• This herbal supplement has been in use since many

years for treating an array of health problems like

osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

• Other health advantages of having this herbal

supplement in diet are, it promotes digestion, enhances

blood circulation and purifies skin cells.

• Devil’s claw, containing multiple health advantages is a natural

cure for arthritis.

• This herbal remedy is popular for analgesic, anti-arthritic and

anti-inflammatory properties.

• Regular addition of this herb in your diet reduces pain related

to osteoarthritis and improves the mobility of joints.

• According to studies, extracts of devil’s claw is a great source

of raffiinose, iron, phosphorus, manganese and acetoside.

• For better results, it is recommended to take this capsule

regularly for at least three to four months

• Enhancing the mobility of joints, curing aches and leg

cramps are the other important advantages of using these


• Using Rumoxil capsule and oil, which are

known for their anti-inflammatory ingredients is

a natural cure for arthritis joint pain.

• These products are made out of a mixture of

herbs like suranjan, rasna and guggul.

• People suffering from arthritis are

recommended to take Rumoxil capsule two

times in a day.

• For better results, it is recommended to take

this capsule regularly for at least three to four


• Enhancing the mobility of joints, curing aches

and leg cramps are the other important

advantages of using these products.

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