what i"m proud of!

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Things that

I am proud of!

I was in the top 3 for selling chocolate bars, to help raise money for my Elementary school. I was happy to have sold many boxes of chocolates to many different customers and was proud to have made a difference and receiving a Tasmanian Devil on a snowboard plush doll as a reward.

This is a picture of one of my co-workers that I had to work with during my Co-Op at Sights & Sounds in Elliot Lake , Ontario. It was a Retail store that was selling games and renting movies. They were all really friendly towards me and kept saying that i did a good job working for them. It was a pleasure working with them and there was definitely some fun moments. As a reward, they gave me a certificate for me to spent it on any video game in the store.

One of most proud moments in my life is, having the opportunity to visit different places that I have never been to. I usually go with family as a vacation. But hopefully, in the future when I become successful, I can go out traveling on my own someday. It will be a lot of fun for sure!

I have done many things that are fun, that have kept me from being bored and having nothing to do. I love to discover new things to try out and adding it to the list of endless things that I have done up to this point.

Life is so much more enjoyable when you can share it with your friends and family. I was lucky enough to find a group as fun loving and lively as they are. I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. Its really how you make your world go around.

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