what i learned about apis in my first year at google

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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What I learned about APIs in my first year at Google(Protocol Buffers and gRPC)


10 billion+

API callsevery second

What I knew about APIs before I joined Google:

APIs are essential.APIs must be tested to be sure they work.APIs must be designed appropriately for their


Google Cloud Platform

The Fallacies of Distributed Computing

The network is reliable

Latency is zero

Bandwidth is infinite

The network is secure


Topology doesn't change

There is one administrator

Transport cost is zero

The network is homogeneous

There’s this wall.

Conway’s Law: “organizations which design systems... are constrained to produce

designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.”

Cloud platforms can help

us tear down that wall.

10 billion+

API callsevery second

When you do a lot of something, you want to pay attention to it.

You develop a language for describing it.You optimize it.You standardize it.You make it flexible, so it can adapt to changes.

Protocol buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism

for serializing structured data.

Implemented in many languages, sometimes many times...

“Protocol Buffers” means several things

1. A serialization mechanism

2. An interface description language

3. A methodology

Protocol Buffer Serialization

It’s just a stream of bytes

[field_number<<3 + wire_type] [length if necessary] [data]...

$ hexdump /tmp/request.pb

0000000 0a 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f

0a is “0000 1010”, sofield_number = 1

wire_type = 2


syntax = "proto3";

package echo;

service Echo {

rpc Get(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {}

rpc Update(stream EchoRequest) returns (stream EchoResponse) {}


message EchoRequest {

string text = 1;


message EchoResponse {

string text = 1;


The Protocol Buffer methodology

$ protoc echo.proto --go_out=.

$ more echo.pb.go

// Code generated by protoc-gen-go.

// source: echo.proto



A remote procedure call (RPC) framework layered on HTTP/2

Enables client and server applications to communicate transparently

Client “calls” methods on a Server (which may be on a different machine) as if it

were a local service

Makes it easy to build heterogeneous distributed systems

Separate full implementations in C, Java, and Go.

Google Cloud Platform


Java Service

Python Service

GoLang Service

C++ Service

gRPC Service

gRPC Stub

gRPC Stub

gRPC Stub

gRPC Stub

gRPC Service

gRPC Service

gRPC Service

gRPC Stub

Unary (nonstreaming) API

syntax = “proto3”;

message HelloRequest {string name = 1;


message HelloReply {string message = 1;


service HelloService {rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply);


Unary API: Client sends a

request, server sends a


Streaming APIs - 1 (of 3) Client Streaming

syntax = “proto3”;

message Latency {string name = 1;double val = 2;


message Histogram {string name = 1double p99 = 2;double p999 = 3;double avg = 4;


service MetricsService {rpc ReportLateny(stream Latency) returns Histogram;


Client Streaming API: Client

sends multiple messages;

Server sends one response

(Note: Server may choose to send the response

before all the client messages are received)

Streaming APIs - 2 (of 3) Server Streaming

syntax = “proto3”;

message StockRequest {string stocksymbol = 1;


message StockResponse {double price = 1;


service StockTickerService {rpc GetTicker(StockRequest) returns (stream StockResponse);


Server Streaming API: Client

sends one message; Server

sends multiple messages

Streaming APIs - 3 (of 3) Bidirectional Streaming

syntax = “proto3”;

message ChatMessage {string msg = 1;


service ChatService {rpc Chat(stream ChatMessage) returns (stream ChatMessage);


Bidi Streaming API: Client and

Server can send multiple

messages to each other

(Note: Client and server can independently send

messages to each other i.e they do not have to wait

for receiving a client message before sending a


Google Cloud Platform

Some gRPC Adopters

Google Cloud Platform

Netflix deprecated its RPC framework in favor of gRPC:

“Our team has instead building an RPC solution on top of gRPC. We are doing this transition for two main reasons: multi-language support and better extensibility/composability through request interceptors. That’s our current plan moving forward.”


gRPC Adopters

We’re building Swift support for gRPC.

We are working to bring Protocol Buffers and gRPC support into OpenAPI.


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