what do you know about child development? make a list at your tables of everything you know about...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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What do you know about Child Development?

• Make a list at your tables of everything you know about child development

• Pick someone to share one thing with the class• We will go around the circle until all of the ideas are shared.

Setting up our Notebooks

• Put a name sticker on your notebook (notebooks are supplied in class) and include the number that is next to your name on the seating chart.• Insert at least fifteen sheets of paper.• Create a table of contents on page 1:

Page No

Date Topic Page No

Date Topic

Nature vs. Nurture

• Divide Page 2 in half down 8 lines. • Side one title: Nature Side two title: Nurture• What about you comes from nature and what comes from nurture?

Write the things you think of in the columns. Be prepared to share with the class.• On the lower section of page 2, draw a self portrait and label at least

twenty things about yourself with either an Na (Nature) or an Nu (Nurture) next to the item. Please include things like sports, personality traits, hobbies

Article Response –Page 3 Feb 5

• Read the article: What forms your personality. Start with Reader 1 • After Reader 1 finishes, decide what the best quote from the section

is-complete the chart on the next page.• Reader 2 goes next, and so on.• The final section is read by a volunteer in your group.• Be prepared to have your article response read aloud to the class.

The article, “What Forms Your Personality,” explores the idea that_________________________

Paragraph 1 “Direct Quote”The author states that, ”________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”

Paragraph 1 Student response:From this quote, I learned________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2 “Direct Quote”“______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”Is an important point.

Paragraph 2 Student Response This quote explains________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 3 “Direct Quote”Cultural values , “______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”

Paragraph 3 Student Response This fact helps me to understand___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 4 “Direct Quote”The text states that, “_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”

Paragraph 4 Student Response This information made clear to me____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 5 “Direct Quote”The article closes by claiming, “_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”

Paragraph 5 Student Response Reading this made me realize______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary-Feb 5 Illustrate in color p.4 and 5

• Automatic: Done without intention or thought • Genetics: Inherited traits • Neurotransmitters: Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals that transmit signals across a synapse from

one neuron (brain cell) to another 'target' neuron• Serotonin: Serotonin is a chemical created by the human body that works as a neurotransmitter. It is regarded

by some researchers as a chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance, and that a deficit of serotonin leads to depression.

• Dopamine: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers. Dopamine also helps regulate movement and emotional responses

• window of opportunity: The time when the body and mind are most available for learning a task or developing a skill

• Teachable moment: The ideal moment to learn something-for example,” don’t run” is more memorable directly after a child falls down.

• Encompass: Surround or include• Nature: What we are and who we are based on our genetic inheritance• Nurture: What we are and who we are based on our environment and our upbringing.• Predispose: What we are most available to take in.

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