what do we call a first hand account? primary source

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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What do we call a first hand account?

Primary source

What was the name for goods traded from the

colonies to Britain as part of the triangular trade?

Raw materials

What was traded from the colonies to Africa as part of

the triangular trade?

Guns, gunpowder, rum, cloth, tools

Who founded Rhode Island for religious freedom?

Roger Williams

Is a primary or secondary source more reliable?


What did Britain gain after the Treaty of Paris (1763) at the end of the French and

Indian War?They gained France’s land in North America

including Canada.

What was the colonists reaction to the Townshend


They boycotted, harassed tax officials, made their

own goods such as liberty tea

Physical Regions Map

Physical Regions Map

A – Pacific Coast RegionB - Rocky Mountain Region

C- Interior PlainsD – Appalachian Mountain Region

E – Coastal Plains Region

What was Benjamin Franklin’s plan to make a

government for the 13 colonies during the French

and Indian War called?Albany Plan of Union

Is a journal a primary or secondary source?


What was the name for goods traded from Britain to the colonies as part of the

triangular trade?Manufactured goods

Name 3 ways colonists protested against British


Petitions (Olive Branch Petition, riots, boycotts,

Sons of Liberty, hangings in effigy, tarring and


What act closed the port of Boston, limited town

meetings to 1 a year in Massachusetts and passed a

new Quartering Act?

Intolerable Acts (1774)

Is a textbook a primary or secondary source?


What was the phrase colonists said to protest the fact that no colonists were a

member of Parliament?“No taxation without


What do we call the average weather over a period of 20 -30 years for a given location?


What do we call what it looks like outside right now? It

could be snowing or sunny.


What do we call the people who find information for


Social scientists

What are the main clues archaeologists study?


What colony was founded as a home for debtors?


How did the first people get to the Americas?

Across a land bridge during the last ice age

What 2 areas did the land bridge connect during the

last ice age?

Siberia (Asia) to Alaska

What do we call areas that look the same?

Physical regions

What Son of Liberty in Boston warned the

minutemen that the British were coming to Lexington

and Concord?Paul Revere

What was the name for the series of acts passed in the 1660’s by England to control

colonial trade?Navigation Acts

What did the Iroquois call themselves?

Haudenosaunee (People of the Longhouse)

British soldiers were sent to protect the frontier after the

Proclamation of 1763. Where did they stay?

In coastal cities

What do we call the total way of life of a group of people?


Give one example of how the Iroquois used their

environment.•Longhouses from the

forests•Animals from the forests•Water for transportation•Fertile soil for farming

What was the name given the 5 Iroquois tribes formed

by Hiawatha?

Iroquois Confederacy

What is a sachem

Iroquois name for chief

What were a group of related Iroquois tribes called?


What was the main job of Iroquois women?

•Selected Iroquois chiefs•In charge of Iroquois


How did the Iroquois tell time?

Nature and the seasons

What was the name for the waterway through or around

North America that many early explorers were looking

for? (it didn’t exist)

Northwest Passage

What colony did the Pilgrims settle for religious freedom?


Who was the persuasive speaker from Virginia during

the time period before the Revolutionary War?

Patrick Henry

What European country controlled Florida, Mexico,

and Central America?


What European country controlled Canada and the St. Lawrence River Valley?


What European country originally controlled New

York state?

The Netherlands (the Dutch)

What was the biggest area of conflict between white

settlers and Native Americans?


A - Missouri RiverB - Mississippi River

C - Ohio RiverD - St. Lawrence RiverE - Rio Grande River

What was the exchange of goods and ideas between the

New World and Old World called?

Columbian Exchange

What was the biggest negative of the Columbian


Diseases which killed many Native Americans.

What were laws called which were designed to control the

behavior of slaves?

Slave codes

What religious group came to the Massachusetts Bay

Colony in 1620 searching for religious freedom?


What religious group controlled the church and

government of Massachusetts Bay early in

the colony’s history?


What was the religious group in Pennsylvania called that

believed that all people were equal in God’s eyes?


What was the first permanent English colony in North

America called?

Jamestown (1607)

What was the name for the slave trip from Africa to the


Middle passage

What term describes Britain’s practice of trying to get rich by increasing its gold supply and trade at the expense of

the colonies?


What was the document called that was signed by the Pilgrim’s

in 1620 guaranteeing representative government for Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Mayflower Compact

What term described the colonial protest method

where colonists refused to buy British goods?


What is it called when people are looked down upon

because they belong to a different race?


What is another name for a lawmaking body or



New England farmers grew just enough to feed their

family. What is the name for this type of farming?


What were people called who agreed to work 4-7 years in exchange for their trip to the

colonies being paid for?Indentured servants

What two colonial regions grew cash crops?

Middle and Southern

What was the poor area next to the Appalachian Mountains called?


• New England Colonies

• Middle Colonies

• Southern Colonies

What was it called when a child learned a craft from a

master craftsman?


What colonial region grew rice, indigo and tobacco?


What was traded from Africa to the West Indies in the

triangular trade?


What colonial region grew wheat, barley and rye?

Middle Colonies

What battle was famous for the “Shot heard ‘round the


Lexington and Concord

What colonial region was known as the breadbasket



What were the 3 reasons for Spanish exploration and

settlement in the New World?

God, gold, and glory

What colonial region had many small villages and

small farms?

New England

What colonial region was all spread out with few cities

and very large farms?


What colonial region contained the city of Boston?

New England

What colonial region contained the city of Charles



What colonial region contained the cities of New

York and Philadelphia?


What colonial region was home to plantations?


What term means the study of the land, plants and animals of a region?


What was the area called in the Southern Colonies where

the rich ruling class lived?


What was the area in the Southern Colonies next to the Atlantic Ocean called?


What colonial region was educated in public schools?

New England

Who was the founder of Georgia?

James Oglethorpe

Who did most of the farm work on Southern


Enslaved Africans

What was the trade route between the colonies, Africa and the West Indies called?

Triangular trade

What act made colonists house and feed British


Quartering Act (1767, 1774)

What act said that colonists could not move west of the Appalachian Mountains?

Proclamation of 1763

What was traded from the West Indies to the colonies in

the triangular trade?

Sugar, rum, molasses, slaves

Who was banished from Massachusetts for

disagreeing with the Puritan leaders of the colony?

Anne Hutchinson

What act lowered the price of tea but cut merchants out of

the tea trade?

Tea Act (1773)

What term means a willingness to allow others to

practice their beliefs?


What act taxed paper documents such as wills,

diplomas and playing cards?

Stamp Act (1765)

Who founded Connecticut?

Thomas Hooker

Where did the French and Indian War begin?

Ohio River Valley

What act punished Boston for the Boston Tea Party?

Intolerable Acts (1774)

What is the name of crops grown to sell for a profit?

Cash crops

What was the most frequently used colonial



What do we call a second hand account?

Secondary source

Who was the Massachusetts leader who defended the British soldiers after the

Boston Massacre?John Adams

Is an autobiography a primary or secondary



Who was the fiery leader of the Sons of Liberty in


Sam Adams

What was the name of the colonial troops at the battle of

Lexington and Concord?


What was the group of men called who organized against

the British before the American Revolution?

Sons of Liberty

What group of Native Americans lived in New York before the Iroquois? They

were enemies of the Iroquois.


A - Appalachian MountainsB - Sierra Nevada

C- Rocky MountainsD - Cascades

Is an encyclopedia a primary or secondary source?


What colonial region had more cities and large farms?


What was the first battle of the Revolutionary War?

Lexington and Concord

Who was the King of England during the period of

time before the American Revolution?

King George III

Is a biography a primary or secondary source?


What do we call goods that are brought into a country?


What colonial region was educated in private schools?


What was the group of women called who organized against the British before the

American Revolution?Daughters of Liberty

Who re-discovered the Americas in 1492?

Christopher Columbus

What did the Iroquois live in?


What do we call goods traded out of a country?


Who was the founder of Pennsylvania?

William Penn

Is a diary a primary or secondary source?


What were the 5 original Iroquois tribes?

Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk – (SCOOM)

What colonial region was educated by tutors?


What colonial region grew corn, beans and squash?

New England

Is a home video a primary or secondary source?



A - Pacific OceanB - Gulf of MexicoC - Atlantic OceanD – Great Lakes D

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