what do they want? (national parachute association conference)

Post on 18-Jul-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking



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Neal Ames

Senior Recreation Planner

Queensland Government


Looks at the growing trend of younger people to move away from the structured sporting environment of older generations, towards extreme activities. The use of different active space, including green space in national parks, state forests, local government land and private property, including the explosion of private events such as adventure racing and mountain bike events. How does Government of all levels engage with this new model of participation trend. How do we manage this change and are our current structures set up to accommodate this change.

What the Hell do they want? Generation X and Y’s are having an impact on all aspects of our society and are becoming one of the most unique Leisure consumer groups in history. This presentation will address the changing leisure industry, what motivates specific generations to engage, and how do you keep them engaged.

• “The new generations have grown up in a fast moving, ever-changing society. Consequently they place more value on speed than accuracy”.

• “The age of reason, debate and evidence has been replaced with one of perspective, perception, and experience”.

• “They think in hyperlinks, they multi-task, value speed over accuracy and they absorb information from multiple sources”. – McCrindle Research

Other than brain function, are there other reasons why kids are

disengaging with structured sport?

One of the main reasons, apart from the obvious ones - didn't like the coach, not enough time, too much pressure - is one parents don't want to think about: The car ride home. The car ride home after playing sport can be a game-changer. Whether you are five or 16, the journey from ground to home can be a non-stop parent teaching moment.


Each year, in the US, 20 million children register for baseball, soccer, football, hockey and other competitive sports; about 70 per cent of those will quit by age 13. Also according to the National Alliance for Sports, these kids will never play those sports again. Never.

Fewer of them are attracted to this

More of them are attracted to this

Is there a Downside?

Bowling Alone:Declining Social Capital.

Robert Putnam

Putnam suggests that when activities which deliver a shared sense of identity, like communal bowling, or team sports are allowed to fade into inconsequence or

oblivion, they are replaced only with individualistic pursuits. It is not just the local area that suffers: it is as if the national spirit takes a hit.

Parachuting is viewed as a Recreation and not a sport

Numbers are hard to gauge

Corporate V GovernmentShould we be helping or leaving well

enough alone?

Where to from here (for the X’s and Y’s and even the Z’s)?

•Organised, structured sport environment will remain

•Aging population more demand for more sedentary sports i.e lawn bowls etc

•Aging population will identify more “extreme” past-times such as mountain biking, long distance running (average age at marathons and endurance events is the mid thirties)

•X’s, Y’s and Z’s will be less active but more demanding in their activity

•More reliance on business based OR rather than club or association based activities such as adventure racing, major OR events, extreme carnivals etc.

•A focus on use of private land for OR use.

Thoret said:

The 21st century will not be measured by those that can read and write, but rather by those that can learn, unlearn and relearn.

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