what college degrees are employers looking for

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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When searching for a job, having a college degree matters. According to a recent survey by CareerBuilder, 65% of employers are looking to hire recent college graduates. While having any degree is likely to be a plus in any job interview, some degrees are more valuable on the job market than others.

The most sought-after degree among employers is, unsurprisingly, a business degree. When asked what kind of degree they are looking for, a whopping 38% of hiring businesses said they were hoping to hire recent graduates with a business degree.(1)

After a business degree, a diploma in computer and information sciences is the next most valuable to employers, with 27% saying that they are looking to hire graduates from these majors. As businesses become even more reliant on computers and other high tech hardware, the need for workers with technological knowhow will only increase.

Because of the practical (and valuable) skills that come from training in STEM disciplines, graduates with degrees in those fields tend to be valued highly by employers. This is especially true for recently graduated engineering students – 18% of employers say they are actively looking to hire them.

Graduates with training in financial analysis tend to be highly prized by banks and other finance-based industries. And, in the next few years, a diploma in finance will be even more valuable than usual. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, financial analysis jobs are expected to grow by 16% through 2022 – 5% higher than the national average.(2)

It may surprise some that employers other than school districts would be interested in education majors. But, because many of the abilities that employers prize most highly – interpersonal skills, oral communication, and leadership – are also important to being an educator, having a degree in education can be a valuable asset for job hunters.

Like an education degree, having a degree in communications is a sign to many employers that a job seeker is likely to have skills that will make them valuable employees. When asked which degrees they are looking for, 12% of employers said they were actively seeking communications majors.

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1. http://blog.sfgate.com/gettowork/2015/04/30/most-in-demand-college-majors-of-2015/#photo-629441

2. http://college.usatoday.com/2015/10/22/jobs-2015-best-degrees/

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