what are we learning about developing great one-page profiles? max neill michelle livesley charlotte...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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What are we learning about developing great one-page profiles? Max Neill Michelle Livesley Charlotte Sweeney Slide 2 100 one-page profiles Slide 3 1000 one-page profiles for NHS change day Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Just Garnish? Slide 7 Talk about examples of where a One Page profile has made a difference in somebodys life. What about examples of where a One Page Profile has made no difference at all? So what made the difference? Slide 8 Slide 9 Trainers Take One Page Profiles Seriously: Use them in your own life and work Share your own 1PP with the people you support Share your 1pp with families Slide 10 Slide 11 Common Errors: 1.Assuming that if its important to others, it must be important to the person 2.Being too brief or vague, so that words and phrases can be misinterpreted. privacy, independence 3.Listing totally basic things: Food, shelter, clothing: Maslows hierarchy of needs should be taken as read unless theres a good reason otherwise 4.Focussing on presentation at the expense of content Slide 12 Slide 13 Who are the most important people in your life? 1 People Slide 14 Slide 15 What would be your best and worst day? 2 Best and worst Slide 16 Slide 17 What do you usually do during week day evenings? TV programmes, hobbies, interests, people you see, places you go? 3 I usually I always Slide 18 Slide 19 What makes you feel better when you are stressed, unhappy or upset? 4 Well-being Slide 20 Slide 21 What would you never leave home without (in your bag, or pockets) 5 Money and possessions... Slide 22 What would your family or best friend say they love and admire about you? 6 Achievements and appreciations Slide 23 Slide 24 Slide 25 https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=fnaKnVWFh44 Slide 26 What Questions ensure QUALITY In One Page Profiles? Slide 27 Is it detailed? Will someone else know what to do? Slide 28 Is it Specific? Who? When? Where? How Often? How Much? Beware of big open Maslows hierarchy of needs type words: Be more specific! Pin it down! Slide 29 Could you use it? Slide 30 Is it aspirational? Slide 31 How detailed is this one page profile? Will someone know what to do? How specific is this one page profile? Does it avoid vague words and catch-all stock service phrases? Is this one page practical? Does it achieve its purpose? Does this one page profile lead toward positive change, or does it simply describe the status quo? Slide 32 Is it clear? Just the beginning Slide 33 How do we support people and organisations to consistently write good one page profiles that make a difference in peoples lives?

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