western living - ab, jan/feb 2015

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Western Living magazine entertains readers on the subject of home design, food and wine, and travel and leisure. As Canada's largest regional magazine, Western Living invites readers to stretch their imaginations about living in the West: we share what intrigues, surprises and thrills us about people, places, homes, gardens, food and adventure from Winnipeg to Victoria and everywhere in-between.



The West Lives Here

Plus Warming Winter Salads Top Lighting Trends










Y / FE
















Double Issue!

Cover.ABSK.Final_N.indd 1 2014-12-18 10:05 AM

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Vancouver • Coquitlam • Kamloops • Penticton • Edmonton • Calgary • Saskatoon • Brandon • Winnipeg

RobinsonJF15FP_lt.indd 1 2014-12-16 4:12 PM

W e s t e r n l i v i n g . ca ja n ua ry/ f e b r ua ry 2 0 15 | 3

White Out Interior designer Stephanie Brown creates a cool, calm space with rich natural materials and bright whites. Story page 52.



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january/february 2015a l b e rta // vo lu m e 41 // nu m b e r 1

Designers at Home34 Princes of bel-airea california-inspired calgary home was the perfect space for interior designer Paul lavoie to work his magic.

44 The Curated Lifecalgary designer Douglas cridland’s condo is inspired by a carefully curated collection of art.

52 bright Movesinterior designer stephanie brown transforms her vancouver condo into a white and gold stunner.

Due West9 The Goodsthe coolest new people, places and products from across the West.

12 48 Hours in Canmorethis rocky Mountain jewel makes for a perfect weekend of food with a view.

14 My neighbourhoodDean Prodan spends a lot of time in nelson: after all, he owns the local ski hill.

16 best in Showthe season’s best lighting channels indus-trial chic with cogs, wires and bare bulbs.

food84 Salad Daysit’s been a few months since we’ve visited a summer-fresh farmers’ market, but that doesn’t mean that your salads have to suffer.

Plus94 Sourcesshop the looks you see in these pages.

98 Trade Secretsa monochromatic gallery wall is anything but boring, thanks to this smart tip from calgary designer erica cook.

Contents.AB.FINAL.indd 3 14-12-16 11:01 AM

4 | W E S T E R N L I V I N G . CA JA N UA RY/ F E B R UA RY 2 0 15

WESTERN LIVING MAGAZINE is published 10 times a year by TC • Western Media Group Inc. Printed in Canada by TC • Transcontinental, LGM-Coronet, 737 Moray St., Winnipeg, Man. R3J 3S9. Return unde-liverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Dept., Ste. 560, 2608 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. V6H 3V3. Subscriptions (including GST): Canada $39.99 for one year; U.S.A. $59.99 for one year. Distributed free in areas of Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. All reproduction requests must be made to COPIBEC (paper reproductions), 800-717-2022, or CEDROM-SNi (electronic reproductions), 800-563-5665. The publisher cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. This publica-tion is indexed in the Canadian Magazine Index and the Canadian Periodical Index, and is available online in the Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database. ISSN 1920-0668 (British Columbia edi-tion), ISSN 1920-065X (Alberta), ISSN 1920-0676 (Manitoba/Saskatchewan). Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #40064924.

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Stacey McLachlan ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Jenny ReedCONTRIBUTING EDITORS Amanda Ross, Nicole Sjöstedt, Jim Sutherland, Julie Van RosendaalCITY EDITORS Karen Ashbee (Calgary), Tina Faiz(Edmonton), Jennifer Jacoby-Smith(Regina, Saskatoon), SheloraSheldan (Victoria) EDITORIAL INTERNS Joanna Finlay, Chelsea Pratt ART INTERN Connie HoolePHOTO INTERNS Jackie DivesEMAIL wlmail@westernlivingmagazine.com WESTERNLIVING.CAONLINE EDITOR Stacey McLachlanONLINE COORDINATOR

Rachel Morten



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Masthead.AB.FINAL.indd 4 14-12-15 4:25 PM

W e s t e r n l i v i n g . ca m ay 2 0 14 | 5

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Peter Jost, master goldsmith and owner of the Goldschmiede

Studio, feels the German term Kunsthandwerk best describes his artful approach to fi ne, handcrafted jewellery. Through careful craftsmanship he creates timeless yet contemporary designs that maintain their desirability for a lifetime and longer. He believes that more and more people share these values, protecting the future of his trade and supporting the creation of wearable treasures.

How do you manage to design custom pieces that are simultaneously timeless and contemporary?“There is a trend with jewellery these days to add as many sparkling gemstones as possible into every available surface area. This often weakens the structure, destroys the clean, pleasant aesthetic and makes maintenance diffi cult and repair impossible—the sparkle is left at the jewellery store! The investment in smart, creative and well-executed custom design is so worthwhile. My clients come back 25 years later with the same positive reactions about their jewellery because the pieces I designed to suit them, suit them forever.”

What is the most common misconception about custom goldsmith designs?“People think that limited edition items or custom creations from a goldsmith are more expensive, but with a modest production-overhead their mark-up is usually lower. Jewellery is meant to capture or create a unique memory; a purpose lost in mass-produced items. In my studio I work closely with clients, learning their stories in order to help them select or design the most meaningful piece on any budget. I want to make people happy and use the trade I have studied to express the full potential of our planet’s metals and minerals. The bonus in my work is that I get the chance to improve myself through these relationships.”


The Goldschmiede StudioCalgary AB 403.228.1066peterjost.ca jostp@telus.net

Created by the Western Living advertising department in partnership with The Goldschmiede Studio.

All that glitters...

In order to serve you better, Peter recommends booking an appointment

Located in the heart of Kensington

GoldschmiedeJANFEB15TTV_sc.indd 1 14-12-17 2:17 PMMasthead.AB.FINAL.indd 5 2014-12-17 4:51 PM

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Editor’s Note

a n i c k a Q u i n // e d i t o r -i n- c h i e f // a Q u i n@ W e s t e r n l i v i n g m a g a z i n e .c o m

Green Design on these dark winter nights, i think back a

few months to my “summer of salad,” when i revisited a youth spent gardening with my mom and working in a local nursery by digging my first community garden plot. it didn’t take long to reawaken that dormant muscle memory, and soon i was hauling in baskets full of the dozen varieties of vegetables i’d planted in spring.

growing my own vegetables meant i also had the best salads of my life: spicy mustard greens, sweet butter lettuce, crunchy black kale and succulent heir-loom tomatoes were literally on my plate three times a day (yes, even breakfast), and i felt better for it.

then came fall and winter, and my greens have shifted to the kind meant to be cooked and relegated to the side dish—which was a big part of my motiva-

tion for recruiting julie van rosendaal to develop a winter salads feature for us (“salad days,” page 84). her story has got me embracing the best of winter produce, from beautiful beets and asian root veg-etables to a lovely brussels sprouts and boursin salad that’s on my to-do list for this weekend’s dinner. (these tasty cold-season vegetables are a more-than-fair substitute while i wait for my mustard greens to return.)

this issue also brings our second annual designers at home feature—an inside look

at designers’ own spaces that immediately became one of my favourites when we launched it last year. When a designer is their own client, just how wild do they get? as designer Paul lavoie, whose gorgeous mid-century home is fea-tured in this issue (“Princes of bel-aire,” page 34), explains, “i like something that makes you scratch your head and think, why?” their homes have inspired me to be a little braver in my own design choices—and i hope they spark some new ideas in you, too.

When a designer is their own client, just how wild do they get? “I like something that makes you scratch your head and think, why?”

Behind the Scenes Food stylist Juno Kim preps a gorgeous roasted beet salad for our winter salads feature, “Salad Days,” page 84.

EditorsNote.AB.FINAL.indd 6 2014-12-18 1:31 PM

CountryFunitureJF14FP_lt.indd 1 2014-12-05 12:34 PM

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Entry Set: Rocky Mountain Hardware Maddox Entry in White Bronze Light

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BanburyLaneJANFEB15FP_sc.indd 1 14-12-12 2:39 PM

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P E O P L E // P L A C E S // S T Y L E // C U L T U R E // S H O P P I N G // E V E N T S // O P E N I N G S


Manitobah Mukluks pairs aboriginal traditions with modern innovation.

The Shoe-In

Though Manitobah Mukluks has been around since 2007, in the past

� ve years the Winnipeg-based company has seen unprecedented growth—Fortune magazine even named it one of the fastest-growing Canadian companies of 2014. We can see why: the beautifully designed moccasins and boots are made with high-quality leathers and furs, many of them dyed vibrant hues inspired by nature or ki� ed out with meticulous beadwork. But the traditional cra� s-manship is supplemented with surprisingly high-tech materials—many of the art-embossed soles are cra� ed from high-performance Vibram rubber.

Even a� er accolades from the fash-ion media (InStyle, Elle, O Magazine), what brings founder Sean McCormick the most joy is the company’s com-munity initiatives. “Every step of the way, every time we get a li� le bigger, it allows us to make a bigger impact in our community,” he says. Manito-bah Mukluks’ Storyboot Project, for example, partners elders and artisans to design and produce handcra� ed mukluks, with all proceeds going straight back to the creators.“It’s about keeping the culture and art alive.”—Joanna Finlay

FootlooseSean McCormick wears a cozy pair of mukluks in a natural hue, though vibrantcolours like salmon arepopular, too.

DueWestOpener.AB.FINAL.indd 9 14-12-12 3:23 PM

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New in storesacross the West

Hot Buys

Due West / / THE GOODS

Girl’s Best Friend The Edmonton-made lambskin Kimder A4 Katelin bag ($280) con-verts in a snap (well, in a few clips of the chain, if we’re getting techni-cal) from a messenger bag to a clutch. Bamboo Ballroom, Edmonton, bambooballroom.ca

Sofa So Good There’s something charmingly disparate about the simple Sancal REW sofa (from $3,900)—the saturated colours are pure playful-ness, but the smart angles and stark silhouette are serious design through and through. Pomp and Circumstance, Calgary, pompandcircumstance.ca

Ballroom, Edmonton, bambooballroom.ca

Key to Happiness Slip any of the four coloured key chain into the magnetic slots of BoConcept’s Hanger key rack ($49) and breathe a sigh of relief that you won’t have to frantically hunt for it tomorrow morning. BoConcept, Calgary, boconcept.com


Should sustainable design bethe standard for architects?Sustainability is just part of good design; it shouldn’t be a gimmick. We’re striving for regeneration—for us, that means try-ing to understand the natural context of the environment and the systems in which we build, so that we can address some of the negative consequences of unchecked development. And there’s a lot we can learn from the past: one of those things is the hu-man scale with which cities were built. Not just at the scale of cra� and detailing, but also the scale of how people lived together in neighbourhoods and cities.

Nick SullyPrincipal at Shape Architecture

Shape Architecture was a recent winner of two City of Vancouver 2014 Urban Design Awards for Outstanding Sustainable Designand Architectural Design Excellence. shape-arch.ca

Goods.AB.FINAL.indd 10 14-12-10 4:05 PM

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LegendJANFEB15FP_sc.indd 1 14-12-17 3:45 PM

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Canmore, PleaseThis Rocky Mountain jewel makes for a perfect keeping-it-real weekend of food with a view.

Peak Freshness Canmore has late-ly become known as much for its food as its outdoor activities, with hot spots like Paintbox (top left), Murrieta’s (top right) and Communitea (bottom right) leading the charge.

FRIDAYIf only the most historically rich hotel in town were also the loveliest; alas, a night at the 125-year-old Canmore Hotel (canmorehotel.com) involves sharing a bathroom with strang-ers. At $45 per night (no reservation required—in fact, you can’t even make one), the “Ho” is the cheapest place in town by far but, as the front desk clerks are apt to tell you, “the price re� ects the quality of the room.” Instead, head to their pub for a beer and a night of live musical entertain-ment, then give in to more luxurious digs at one of those gigantic earth-toned condo units on the east side of town. While the Blackstone Lodge

If Ban� is your staid rich uncle prone to furs and bourbon in pricey

hotel lounges, Canmore is an adorable cousin in a Patagonia pu� vest with a penchant for cra� beer. The former is cozy, but the la� er is more fun and knows how to eat. Cosmopolitan eating and drinking establishments abound in Canmore, with plenty of options for working up an appetite that don’t necessarily involve skiing.

(blackstonelodge.ca) and Stoneridge Resort (stoneridgeresort.ca) may be the sorts of places one might sidestep if seeking an idiosyncratic experi-ence, here, these � t the bill: comfort-able, walkable to downtown and in view of the Three Sisters peaks. Rates vary depending on the level of rustic-luxe you seek. Blackstone Lodge is polished and family-friendly (but no dogs), with suites starting at $170 for a hotel room and $899 for a four-bedroom penthouse. Turn on the � replace and spend what’s le� of your evening playing board games in your suite. (The front desk will lend you Cranium or a surprisingly challeng-ing puppy jigsaw puzzle.)


Canmore, Please

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saturdayNo secret to locals hungry for virtuous yet wickedly deli-cious breakfasts of warm apple crumble topped with organic house-made granola, Com-munitea (thecommunitea.ca) is a low-on-the-radar national treasure of intimate coffee-house musicality. This is where the likes of Ron Sexsmith and Whitehorse stop to play a set after selling out larger venues in Calgary the night before; go for breakfast, and head back later in the day to rock out with an indie band and a mug of Earl Grey. After breakfast, you’re pretty much obligated to do something sweaty with a mountain view. If snowboarding at nearby Nakiska or Norquay isn’t your bag, walk west down Main Street until it dead-ends in a residential cul-de-sac. You’ll see a marked footpath on your left; head up toward the river, take a right and enjoy a stroll across the Bow River on a scenic old trestle bridge and into the trees.

Once you’ve walked off break-fast, you’ll want to head back down Main Street, where Curly Wurly bars and 10-kilo boxes of Blue Whales beckon from the Olde Tyme Candy Shoppe (oldetymecandyshoppe.com). Another block up is the fantastic Gingerella (gingerellashoes .com)—a shoe store with few equals in the province.

If you book ahead, you can spend the rest of your day cook-ing and eating at the Paintbox Lodge (paintboxlodge.com), a bou-tique hotel owned by Olympic and World Cup ski-race couple Sara Renner and Thomas Grandi. Winter classes in the lodge’s Miele kitchen, known as “the Box,” include Classic French Bistro, Indian, favou-rites from The Skoki Cookbook and a hands-on tutorial on how

to “Eat Like an Olympian.”Otherwise, if you like Mur-

rieta’s (murrietas.ca) in Cal-gary, you’ll love it in Canmore: vaulted ceilings and mountain views plus Brome Lake duck breast. Friendly, fun and meaty, Gaucho Brazilian Barbecue (brazilianbbq.ca) will dispel any lingering misconceptions that you’ve stumbled into an earnest hippie-granola mountain town. Churrasco-style skewers as long as ski poles will likewise dispel any misconceptions that you’d have room for dessert.

sundayNothing works up an appetite like traversing hip-deep powder on snowshoes. Start at Rum-mel Lake, 40 kilometres south of Canmore in Spray Valley Provincial Park (get directions at albertaparks.ca). Five kilome-tres and 400 metres of elevation later, you’ll arrive at Mount Engadine Lodge (mount engadine.com), where $17.50 will buy you space in a comfy chair in front of a stone fireplace and, most importantly, a substantial afternoon tea of cheese, salads, fruit, pastries and whatever else the chef puts out that day. Can-more Nordic Centre (canmore nordic.com), where Olympic cross-country skiers train and the rest of us try to keep up, is a more contained but equally bracing place to work up a winter sweat.

The drive back to Calgary can get a little crowded at the end of the ski day, so grab lunch at the Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company (rockymountainflat bread.ca) with a Genoa salami pizza for the road. (RMFC has sister restaurants in Vancouver.) The Trans-Canada will be wide open—and you’ll be back soon enough.

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14 | W E S T E R N L I V I N G . CA JA N UA RY/ F E B R UA RY 2 0 15

Calgary’s Dean Prodan did what most ski bums dream of doing: he loved a hill so much that he bought it. He and partners Andrew Kyle

and Mitch Putnam took over Nelson’s soul-skiing mecca Whitewater in 2008, and while the locals were cautious at � rst—big-city types have a history of coming to the Kootenays with big ideas—it didn’t take long for folks to get won over by Prodan’s enthusiasm backed by the immediate overhaul of a hill that needed some major love. Here are Dean’s favourite things to do in his home-away-from-home of Nelson.

Kootenay CultureDean Prodan spends a lot of time in Nelson: he owns Whitewater, the local ski hill.

Due West / / MY NELSON, B.C.

The drive to AinsworthHot Springs from Nelsonis just over half an hour.

Just a block off Baker Street is the circa-1898 Hume Hotel, which is a perfect spot for Thursday night live jazz.

For ski touring, it’s tough to beat Ymir Peak. A walk up here is the best way to get outstanding views of the West Kootenays.

When my legs are sore from skiing, I like to take an afternoon to stroll Baker Street. There are so many great outdoor adventure stores, art galleries, boutique shops and cafés that I never get bored.

Knee Deep Glades, on the Glory Ridge side of Whitewater, is one of my favourite spots. The chance to ski through knee-deep powder with no other skiers in sight makes this an inspiringly peaceful spot.

I love Cantina del Centro. Delicious, locally sourced dishes combined with handcrafted tequila and mezcal cocktails makes for a great environment to share ski stories. BBQ lamb tacos from Cantina del Centro are $3—gotta love the Kootenays!

After a hard day of skiing, I love to hit Ainsworth Hot Springs for a soak framed by the majestic views of Kootenay Lake and the nearby towering Purcell Mountains.

MyNeighbourhood.AB.FINAL.indd 14 2014-12-18 1:33 PM

Heart Kitchen & Bath7801 109th Street NW | Edmonton AB T6G 1C6 | 780.433.7801www.heartkitchens.com



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From “back in the day” ... to everyday. The new...


“We can’t wait to hear from you!” —Anicka Quin, Editor-in-Chief


Merged.AB.ads.indd 1 2014-12-19 9:45 AM

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Industrial AgeLighting toughens up and channels industrial chic, calling on cogs, springs, wires, tubes and bare bulbs for stripped-down structure.

Designs Wide OpenThere’s a lighting renais-sance going on, and you’re the da Vinci. More and more lighting manufacturers are developing open-ended de-signs made up of components that you—the end user—put together and stamp with your own signature (the Dallas chandelier [above] is one such

DIY design). Call it co-creation. “It’s more than sim-ply picking a standard-issue light from a catalogue,” says Cheryl Wilkinson of Light-Form. “It’s about actually participating in the design process, ‘playing designer,’ if you will.” Think of it as light-ing sculpture shaped by you.

Task MasterThe portable FollowMe table lamp ($299) recalls old-school work-site lanterns, yet is lumi-nously modern with a white poly-carbonate lampshade and USB port for recharging. marset.com

Metal WorksWith warehouse-chic caged bulbs and a zinc dome that looks as if it were hammered right out of a foundry, the Fracture pendant (from $242) oozes industrial cool. kichler.com

Bare ElementsThe Dallas chandelier’s ($3,300) network of pipe-like arms holds exposed bulbs set in spheres that evoke mottled glass straight from the hot shop. arteriorshome.com

Armed and ReadyThe Anglepoise Type75

articulated table lamp ($330), based on spring technology developed by an automotive engineer, is reinterpreted by

the arbiter of cool, Paul Smith.anglepoise.com

BestinShow.Lighting.AB.FINAL.indd 16 14-12-15 10:29 AM

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See SourceS

Live WireLacquered-black or copper-plated steel wire is worked into symmetrical shapes around a single bulb in the spare-yet-statement-making Ligne Roset Parachute pendant (from $174). ligne-roset.com

Cylindrical CoolPart delicate Chinese lantern and part utilitarian tube, the Gordon (from $669) by Natuzzi is an ethereal yet minimalist take on the floor lamp. int.natuzzi.com

Calgary: 403-452-28811210 - 11th Avenue SW

Edmonton: 780-450-08972950 Edmonton Trail NW f2furnishings.ca

BestinShow.Lighting.AB.FINAL.indd 17 2014-12-17 5:01 PM

once home to cocktail parties and a vibr ant past, a mid-century home gets a second life thanks to designer paul lavoie.

by anicka quinphotographs by martin tessler

Designers at Home

Lavoie.FINAL_N.indd 34 14-12-17 3:58 PM


Sweet Life Designer Paul Lavoie (right) with his hus-band, Doug Olafson, and dog, Edward, poolside in Calgary.

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With its untouched 1961 architecture and archway on the driveway, the “bel-aire shack”—as it was proudly named on a wooden plaque out front—was an unrealized gem in its posh calgary namesake neigh-bourhood. and designer Paul lavoie had long coveted it.

timing, of course, is everything. lavoie and his husband, Doug Olafson, had just sold their own home when a client offered a tip that the owners were thinking of selling—and so lavoie knocked on the door. “the homeowner answered the door in a perfect white pantsuit, with perfect white puffed hair and a perfect poodle under her arm,”

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Head Start The backyard was once covered in asphalt; Lavoie installed the pool and landscaping, along with a 22-foot Nanawall on the house.Of the head sculpture, Lavoie laughs, “a friend teased me that I have a thing for heads.” (You’ll spot heads on many of the furniture pieces throughout.) The fireplace (above) is original, and the perfect spot for a piece by Graham Gillmore.

recalls the designer. “i said, ‘i understand you might be selling,’ and she exhaled a plume of cigarette smoke and said, ‘Darling, i’m packing.’”

While the home held a vintage charm, its 50-something age showed. “it was built by people who spent a lot of time in california in the 1960s,” he says. “they brought that california flavour back to alberta, that mid-century inside-outside lifestyle. We spent so much time in california, i knew what the intention was—i was the perfect person to buy it.”

it was a matter of respecting the integrity of the home, while

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It was a matter of respecting the integrity of the home, while modernizing the design and transforming it into a residence befitting of one of Calgary’s top designers.

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Room To Move The living room is an eclectic mix: mid-cen-tury pieces, including a sofa that Lavoie had recovered, antiques (the gold wingback chairs were purchased from a client) and end tables from William Switzer. The oversize coffee table is custom to the space.

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“The home was built by people who spent a lot of time in California in the 1960s. We spent so much time in California, I knew what the intention was—I was the perfect person to buy it.”

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modernizing the design and transforming it into a residence befitting of one of calgary’s top designers. rickety sliding doors that opened to the magnificent backyard were replaced with a 22-foot disappear-ing nanawall bifold door. the little-used dining room was moved to the front of the home, while the intimate tv lounge—now a favourite hangout—would get the coveted backyard view. (the tv itself glides down into a cabinet when not in use, transforming the space into a mod cocktail room when needed.)

and though mid-century elements still exist—the original white granite fireplace, the handcrafted stainless railing—the furniture is an eclectic mix that lavoie has collected over the years. “it’s your house—you need to take what’s there and embrace it, but you don’t need to live in mid-century land,” he explains. “i like a mix—i like something that makes you scratch your head and think, why?”

to wit, the living room includes a buffet from a flea market in Paris, a pair of chairs from a mid-century shop in Palm springs, and antique gold wingback chairs. graphic artwork from graham gillmore and richard Halliday adorns opposite walls. the neutral palette of golds, ivory and warm woods gets pops of colour from rotating throw pillows, which lavoie changes as the mood strikes.

In The Mood The kitchen cabinetry is made from euca-lyptus wood, stained a rich brown. In the nearby dining room (right), Lavoie panelled one wall in MDF with reveals, creating texture in the room. The chandelier was found in a vintage shop in Palm Springs.

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built-in bookcases on either side of the buffet have a purpose-built space for spare antique chairs. “We pull them out in a big party situa-tion,” says lavoie. “if it’s there, we use it. if it’s a coffee table, we put our feet on it. nothing is too precious.”

upstairs, the master bedroom is cozy in black and white, with a custom, black-velvet-covered bed with a nail-head finish and floor-to-ceiling headboard. the lamps on the nightstands were built by lavoie himself from vases he purchased at eaton’s in the ’80s. “at the time you couldn’t buy a cylinder lamp at the right scale,” he says, “so i made one.”

twin mirrors—gifts from a client—placed on either side of the bed are etched in a Mondrian box pattern. “the mirrors on the nightstands are a signature of ours,” says lavoie. “they’re a nice way to break up a wallpapered wall without putting art on it.”

the nearby laundry room, laughs lavoie, slowly evolved into a puzzle room after he and Doug got hooked on jigsaws after a christmas

Black Magic The master bathroom (above) has gone through two renova-tions—the original floor tile was replaced with these small tiles, which Lavoie says remind him of a mid-century Italian piazza. The master bedroom (right) is their "cozy spot," with a custom black velvet headboard.

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How would you describe your personal style? A giant mix of anything that appeals to me—thus becom-ing its own theme. My home is a journey marked by the items I’ve collected.Name an up-and-coming design trend you’re most excited about. Colour. . . colour. . . colour!In your opinion, what are the key ingredients for a perfect night in? Being with my husband and my dog.What’s your favourite piece? The buffet we bought at a Paris flea market. It’s not just the best piece of furniture; it’s a priceless memory.What’s an item that’s still on your wish list for the house? An antique area carpet.What’s one design trick you often come back to? Mirror the unexpected, like the backs of closets or book-cases. It always adds depth.What three things are always in your fridge? Cheese, wine and Diet Coke, of course!What’s on your nightstand? A picture of Doug and me on holidays—great memory.What are three of your favourite design stores in town? Kit, For Living and Rubaiyat.What do you like most about living and working in the West? The people. The attitude that anything is possible.


vacation. “it all started in Palm springs,” he says. “We’d have one on the table and sit around the fireplace. the best conversations happen while you’re working on a jigsaw puzzle.”

great conversations also happen poolside in the backyard, where he and Olafson spend most of the summer. lavoie saved the unusual assortment of trees that had been planted over the years—includ-ing scotch pines—and installed a pool and over a hundred white rose bushes to create a horseshoe of florals around the space. the biggest change, however, was ripping up the asphalt pad that had covered most of the yard. “i’d asked the first homeowner about it, and she said, ‘Dar-ling, when you have a party, you need a place to dance,’” he laughs. “it’s a north-facing yard, so i thought i’d never go outside myself. but the house has been designed in such a way, the roof is so low-slung, that it’s always sunny, it’s always hot.

“it’s perfect,” he says with a smile.

Lavoie.FINAL.indd 43 14-12-16 11:41 AM

Art House Designer Douglas Cridland’s home in Calgary’s Eau Claire neighbourhood is full of personal moments like this one: collections of artifacts picked up on his travels, paired with a lifelong art collection.

Designers at Home

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Designers at Home THE CURATED LIFE



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The penthouse is designed around this formidable art collection, which he started when he was just 16 and spending the summer in Inuvik. “Everyone else was buying buckskin jackets,” he says, “and I was buying Inuit prints and soapstone carvings.”

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hen Douglas crid-land travels, he doesn’t take photos. instead, his memories take the form of objets d’art he’s picked up along the way—pieces, from a puppet head he found in Prague to a roman bust from Pompeii—that now surround him in his calgary condo. the penthouse, in the downtown neighbourhood of eau claire, is designed around this formidable col-lection, which he started when he was just 16 and spending the summer in inuvik. “everyone else was buying buckskin jackets,” he says, “and i was buying inuit prints and soapstone carvings.”

that early love of art, paired with a keen inter-est in colour, texture and scale, has turned into a 45-year-strong career in interior design. through-out, he’s remained in calgary, held here by its

WRoom With A View Cridland is mainly in this space in the eve-nings, so he opted for a richer, moodier colour palette. The furniture has been collected over time, and includes quirky antler stools and a classic Platner chair.

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Cridland has lived in both spacious houses and cozy condos, and he cherishes and casts off pieces with the same aplomb.

youthful energy and relatively blank slate in terms of architecture—a city that gives him a refreshing freedom to create bold designs.

giving and taking are the marks of a successful designer, as is embracing change. and cridland switches it up often, be it a sofa or a living space. He’s lived in both spacious houses and cozy condos, and he cherishes and casts off pieces with the same aplomb. a biedermeier chest that he once thought he’d never part with (featured in a past issue of Western Living) has since been let go, while his lat-est object of desire, a carlo scarpa table, has pride of place in the bedroom.

His carefully curated collection (his rule is sim-ple: live with what you love) is currently amassed

in an intimate iteration of his living space. “i like the freedom that the smaller jewel-box condo gives me,” says cridland. “i can showcase specific things in a dramatic sense without having to spread them over 6,000 square feet.”

cridland gutted the 2,188-square-foot condo, taking the space from two bedrooms to an airier and more striking one. the ceiling height ranges from nine feet to 19 in the library, a two-storey volume that’s taller than it is wide. it’s cridland’s favourite room, with its odd proportions and dark panels juxtaposed with floor-to-ceiling windows that illuminate his books and curios.

the effect achieved is both calm and dramatic. “i like to think of it as a very city, new york-y kind of

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Smart Modern Daniel Popescu takes a moment in the entry. A simple materials palette is used through­out: warm cherry in the great room, and durable basalt flooring for where people kick off their snowy boots. Cedar on the exter­ior (top left) weathers naturally.

Treasure Hunter Pieces from Cridland’s travels are dotted through the home, as well as an art collec­tion put together over a lifetime. In the dining area, a human figure by Alexander Caldwell overlooks guests seat­ed at the table (above far left, back wall). The kitchen sparkles at night thanks to its

gold tiled backsplash (above left).Comfy bar stools make the penin­sula the place to be for breakfast. The library (above right) features double­height, 19­foot ceilings. Woman on a Yellow Floor by Max­well Bates is Cridland’s prized posesssion (left), and holds a place of honour in the entranceway.

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feel,” says cridland. “i’ve always been more inter-ested in nighttime residences for myself because that’s when i spend the most time at home.” as such, the space is moody and dark, with a wall colour that’s a rich charcoal green (the c2 paint is Wildwood). and while the view of calgary’s cityscape, from skyscrapers to the Peace bridge, is fabulous anytime, cridland is partial to its night vista. “i like the sparkle of the lights, the signs on the buildings and the massing of architecture,” he explains. “i think nighttime architecture is some-times prettier than daytime architecture—it’s a little more forgiving.”

set against that view, a lifetime of art is every-where, even in the bathroom, where a figurine sits

between the sinks in front of the window. cridland likes to play with the context of his art. “i’m fasci-nated with three-dimensional sculptures,” he says. “i can place them against glass and get a piece of art into the skyscape.”

experimentation and change is a constant for cridland, much like his art. He straddles con-temporary and classical design and mixes high and low decor, from that $12,000 scarpa table to the Paris-flea-market-find table in the living room. art, whether $80,000 or $800, is what grounds it all. “that’s what i love most in my life, more than furniture or a set of boffi kitchen cabi-nets. i like art that, to me, is the individuality of my style.”

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How would you describe your personal style? Classic with a contemporary edge.In your opinion, what are the key ingredients for a perfect night in? Good food, good wine, good sex. :)What’s your favourite piece? A mid-century credenza I bought in L.A. It’s a French piece, it’s pure sculpture and classic, and it sits well. I use Platner chairs often, but it is one of my all-time favourite things. What’s an item that’s still on your wish list? A full-time valet. What’s one design trick you often come back to?I think there is a strong trend toward collecting good mid-century art—the X genera-tion has a great eye.What three things are always in your fridge? A big selection of mus-tards, homemade jams and bagels.What’s on your nightstand? My current read: the Jo Nesbø novel The Snowman.What are three of your favourite design stores in town? Domicile, Kit and Robert Sweep.What do you like most about living and working in the West? I have always lived here. It is my home, and I love the fact that Western Canadians are open-minded and have a contemporary sense of de-sign. It’s been great to help Calgary grow and evolve in the design industry.


Smart Modern The vintage glass Carlo Scarpa table in the master bedroom (above left) is Cridland’s latest prized acquisition. The black armchairs are from William Switzer, and the bed and striped footstools were custom designed by Cridland. The plaid carpet that runs throughout the bedroom and the mas-

ter bath (above) adds a touch of the unexpect-ed (and something warm underfoot in the mornings). Being lo-cated at the penthouse also offers natural privacy, so windows are unobstructed in the bathroom—and the perfect spot for yet another sculpture that Cridland picked up on his travels.

Cridland.FINAL.indd 51 14-12-16 10:16 AM

the clas-sic Whistler cabin gets a modern and family-friend-ly update With a nod to scandina-vian design. and family-

by anicka quinphotographs by martin tessler

Designers at Home

vancouver interior designer stephanie broWn tr ansforms a ’70s condo into a White and gold stunner.

by SteVen ScHellinGphotographs by janis nicolay

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Designers at Home Designers at Home BRIGHT MOVES

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L ike many Calgary transplants, when interior designer Stephanie Brown moved to Vancouver three years ago, she assumed her coastal-living fantasy would include a pad in the beachside neighbourhood of Kitsilano, one just the right size for her and Jas-mine, her black-and-white rescue cat.

Then she met her partner, John Stimac, and found herself part of a blended family that included his goldendoodle, Sophie. Ultimately, square footage trumped geography and Brown purchased a 900-square-foot condo on a quiet cul-de-sac in the city's Arbutus Village. Built on a former golf course in the mid-1970s, the planned community of brown-brick apartment blocks and wood-framed townhomes was constructed for empty nesters who were looking to downsize from their historic mansions but were equally deter-mined to stay in the neighbourhood.

For almost a year, she lived in the space—with its stippled ceilings, 1970s shag carpet, papered walls and walled-in kitchen—while she and Stimac, a contractor, renovated his bachelor townhouse across town. “I still don’t remember why his place got to go first,” she says jokingly of the Townhouse 15 project that won her an Interior Designers Insti-tute of British Columbia Award of Merit in 2013. “But then living here in this space really allowed me to envision what I wanted to do with it. John and I make a good team—it’s like a hobby for us.”

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Into The White Though there are many white accents in design-er Stephanie Brown's home, a mix of textures keeps the space looking anything but plain: a marble-topped table from The Cross is mixed with tufted leather chairs from Restoration Hardware

(opposite), and in the living room, monochro-matic Chinese screens bring sculptural interest to the wall (this page)—though Brown broke her own rule when she first painted the cherry-wood screens white. "I always tell my clients, 'You can't paint the wood!'" she laughs.

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“I just love gold on white,” Brown says. “It mimics what’s happening in fashion and I think it will always be a classic combination.”

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for her own space, brown chose a light, airy and decidedly feminine theme, in contrast to the dark, masculine decor of the previous townhouse project. the wall separating the foyer from the natural light of the west-facing living room windows was the first to go. the demolition also revealed her first major obstacle: a metal telephone conduit that ran through the building from top to bottom. she didn’t want or need a home phone, although the building’s entry system is dependent on a land line.

brown’s solution was to encase the phone lines inside a three-foot-wide dividing wall that plays double duty. On the foyer side, the wall features a floor-to-ceiling mirror flanked by sconces. On the reverse, recessed shelves, also flanked by identi-cal sconces, are perfectly centred to the inch on the combined living and dining room. “i’m a slave to symmetry,” brown says with a smile—though she admits she was still determined to keep the open, natural beach feeling she had pursued from cal-gary to vancouver. to that end, walls were painted in a pure white with accents of golden-sheened grasscloth. a few feet from the generous entry hallway were requisitioned to create a glassed-in

Midas Touch White marble kitchen countertops and a glass tile backsplash (opposite) provide an elegant blank slate for future design experi-ments. Gold drawer pulls from Anthro-pologie and a gold faucet from Robinson Lighting and Bath

act as glamorous ac-cents. Golden touches pop up elsewhere in Brown's home, too: an accent wall decked out in gold-flecked wallpa-per elevates a simple work station (top right) and provides a pretty backdrop for a gallery of treasured white-framed photographs.

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Off The Wall Brown lined the wall behind the headboard with Ikea mirrors to increase the light in the small space (right). For the feature wall in the bathroom (below), she selected an angular chevron pattern that contrasts the oval free-standing tub.

How would you describe your personal style? It’s an eclectic mix, but there’s a formula to it. I start with a bright, open and modern backdrop. Then I add random things I love: art, textiles, furniture and sculptural pieces. They could be splurges or flea-market bargains, modern or traditional, it doesn’t matter. It seems the things that speak to me all coexist nicely together.What are the key ingredi-ents for a perfect night in? A relaxing bubble bath, mak-ing dinner with my partner, then settling in for a Netflix marathon. All with wine. What’s your favourite piece? My bed. I love the tradition-al, feminine lines of it.What’s an item that’s still on your wish list? A shagreen-clad tray for the coffee table. I love the textural quality, and it would help corral other objects.What’s one design trick you often come back to? Open shelving in the kitchen. It’s nice having dishes and cookware ready at hand, and it helps break up the monotonous look of upper cabinets.What three things are always in your fridge? Sparkling water, prosciutto and cheese.What are three of your favourite design stores in town? Peridot, The Cross and Provide.What do you like most about living and working in the West? The year-round green spaces and amazing views make it special. It’s inspir-ing to have the ocean and mountains at my doorstep, especially as a born-and-raised prairie girl. Here, we embrace indoor-outdoor living to a greater degree, and let stunning views be the star of the home.


spa tub and standing shower, complete with a two-toned grey marble tile feature wall in a chevron pattern and brushed gold fixtures.

White appliances, cabinets and a porcelain sink were installed in the newly opened kitchen for a feeling of space and openness. some of the brass drawer pulls are modelled on nautical rope ties, while others have white bone handles. “i just love gold on white,” brown says. “it mimics what’s hap-pening in fashion and i think it will always be a classic combination.”

in the living room, the feature piece is a vintage glass-topped table supported by four brass mounts attached to faux elephant tusks—an online find from Miami. three chinese window screens hang on the main living room wall. they were origi-nally dark cherry red, and brown “hemmed and hawed” for weeks about painting them white.

“it’s funny because i say to so many of my cli-ents, ‘you can’t paint the wood! Don’t touch the original wood!’” she laughs. “but i eventually con-vinced myself that the screens were better suited as sculptural elements that played on light and shadow. now i can’t believe i ever hesitated!”

Brown.FINAL.indd 58 14-12-16 3:36 PM

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Get READYfor the

of a LifetimeFrom cycling past vineyards to snorkelling through coral tunnels, these scenic destinations boast mild to wild outdoor activities.











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4:32:16 PM

DiscoverAmerica.ca 5

Explore Red Rock Country in UtahBest for: Road Trippers

Utah is a place that’s practically synonymous with the outdoors. With so much to see and do, the state is perfect for road trips. Most visitors fly into Salt Lake City, which boasts the dining, lodging and arts and cultural pursuits usually reserved for large urban centres, but with the vibe of a mountain town. A scenic drive three hours southeast to Vernal winds past both desert and forest. Once there, outdoor enthusiasts can explore three state parks and see the dramatic petroglyphs on canyon walls left behind by ancient cultures.

Farther south lies Cache Valley, considered the scenic route to both Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks. Keep driving south, and you’ll be greeted by spectacular mountain vistas and eventually reach Bryce Canyon Country, home to the famous rock spires known as “hoodoos.” Mountain bike trails here wind through canyons and meadows with mountains as the backdrop. You can also hike or fish at Panguitch Lake. Whatever you choose, chances are good you will spot wildlife, including bighorn sheep and an abundance of birds.

Nearby Kane County boasts more scenic wonders and a chance to go river rafting. Utah’s most diverse national park, Zion is one of the USA’s most celebrated. A top attraction here is Kolob Arch, one of the world’s

Delicate Arch is a 65-metre-tall freestanding arch made of sandstone in Arches National Park near Moab, Utah.


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BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 5 14-12-05 10:10 AM

Discover th is land, l ike never before.6



largest freestanding arches. With a little luck, you’ve got some energy left because this is the head of the Grand Canyon region, a great jumping-o� point for exploring the North Rim.

Multi-sport Fun in OregonBest for: A New Adventure Each Day

Oregon’s Mount Hood and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area comprise a region seemingly designed for the singular purpose of outdoor recreation. The winds that blow through the

Columbia River gorge have made the area famous for windsurfi ng, sailing and hang-gliding, while Mount Hood itself is high on the bucket list of avid climbers and hikers.

You don’t have to be an adrenaline junkie to enjoy a taste of Oregonian adventure, though. The state’s lakes and rivers are perfect for paddling and swimming, especially during spring and summer. In the historic gateway town of Troutdale, there are restaurants, hotels and historical museums to explore. Nearby Crown Point is home to 11 waterfalls, and the Three Sisters Wilderness Area is home to more than a dozen glaciers.

Evenings are perfect for tasting hand-crafted beers and spirits or soaking in the hot tubs found at many cabins as well as at the WPA-built Timberline Lodge, which overlooks Mount Hood and all its splendour.















14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 6 11/18/2014 4:33:11 PM

Riding Waves in Hawai‘iBest for: Surf Culture Fans

If you’ve ever been curious about what it feels like to ride a wave, Waik ¯ Beach on the island of O'ahu is the place to fi nd out. The water temperature stays betweens 20 and 27 degrees Celsius throughout the winter, and gentle breaks keep swells at beginner-friendly heights. Waik ¯ is also home to plenty of surf schools. Choose from group or solo lessons, and you’ll be “hanging 10” in no time. Of course, you could just lounge on the sand on the island’s famous North Shore and let the pros show you how it’s done.

Few leave O'ahu without hiking to the 230-metre Diamond Head Crater, one of Hawai‘i’s most famous landmarks. The trail winds through dark, underground tunnels and military bunkers, but the panoramic views that greet you at the top are well worth it.

Switch gears and explore the only o� cial state residence of royalty in the USA at downtown Honolulu’s Iolani Palace, home of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s last two monarchs. Several historic sites and museums surround the palace, making it easy to spend a day exploring the heritage of the Hawaiian people.

14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 7BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 6 14-12-05 10:11 AM






4:33:11 PM

DiscoverAmerica.ca 7


Riding Waves in Hawai‘iBest for: Surf Culture Fans

If you’ve ever been curious about what it feels like to ride a wave, WaikI kI Beach on the island of O'ahu is the place to fi nd out. The water temperature stays betweens 20 and 27 degrees Celsius throughout the winter, and gentle breaks keep swells at beginner-friendly heights. WaikI kI is also home to plenty of surf schools. Choose from group or solo lessons, and you’ll be “hanging 10” in no time. Of course, you could just lounge on the sand on the island’s famous North Shore and let the pros show you how it’s done.

Few leave O'ahu without hiking to the 230-metre Diamond Head Crater, one of Hawai‘i’s most famous landmarks. The trail winds through dark, underground tunnels and military bunkers, but the panoramic views that greet you at the top are well worth it.

Switch gears and explore the only o� cial state residence of royalty in the USA at downtown Honolulu’s Iolani Palace, home of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s last two monarchs. Several historic sites and museums surround the palace, making it easy to spend a day exploring the heritage of the Hawaiian people.

From top left: Canoeing the Three Sisters Wilderness in Oregon; WaikIkI Beach is one of Hawai‘i‘s top surf spots; Iolani Palace in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, is now a museum.

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BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 7 14-12-05 10:11 AM

Discover th is land, l ike never before.8

Bike the Wine Trails in California Best for: Self-Guided Cyclists

Northern California’s pastoral landscapes are postcard-perfect. The region is home to Napa and Sonoma, both world-famous wine areas dotted with manicured vineyards that tempt visitors to stop in for a tasting. Forests are filled with soaring redwoods. Spas beckon with relaxing indulgences, invigorating guided hikes and peaceful meditations. And, of course, there’s the Pacific Ocean, alternately soothing and dramatic, each day revealing a new side of its personality.

You won’t want to miss any of these prized vistas, so exploring on bicycle makes perfect sense. Cruise past the hot springs of Calistoga. The charming towns of Healdsburg (Sonoma County) and St. Helena, (Napa Valley) entice cyclists with restaurants where fresh, California cuisine

Left to right: Bicycling is a great way to explore the vineyards in Sonoma, California; Snorkelling in the U.S. Virgin Islands, you may spot stingrays; river-rafting in Tennessee is sure to give you a rush of adrenaline.

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meditations. alternately

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dominates menus. Sample award-winning pinot noir from the Carneros region. Pedal past Bodega Bay, and enjoy the mix of surf culture and sophistication, all rolled into one dynami destination.

Underwater Treasures in the U.S. Virgin IslandsBest for: Water Lovers

For some of the best snorkelling and diving in the USA, many folks point to the trio of islands that make up the U.S. Virgin Islands. St. Thomas is the most populous, home to the bustling town of Charlotte Amalie, fi lled with shops and cafés. But the real magic lies underwater, including in an o� shore area known as Cow and Calf Rocks. Here, the reefs and coral tunnels that wind through caves make for fantastic diving.

A short ferry ride away is sister island St. John, two-thirds of which is a national park. It boasts a self-guided snorkelling trail in Trunk Bay, where submerged signs identify species of coral and fi sh. St. John’s version of downtown, Cruz Bay is beloved for its live music and fresh local seafood. Danish-infl uenced St. Croix is the jumping-o� point for Buck Island, home to a whopping 250 species of fi sh, sponges and other marine life. Wherever you go in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the weather is bound to be good. The islands have an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius in winter, so park your parka and pack your fl ip fl ops.


sonomacounty.com DiscoverAmerica.ca/napavalley

White-water Rafting in Eastern TennesseeBest for: Adrenaline Junkies

For a serious rush, nothing beats the thrill of white-water rafting. Eastern Tennessee is known as a top spot for the sport, with multiple rivers providing experiences that range from mild to wild. Rivers are categorized as Class I through V, with I representing fl at water perfect for beginners, and V reserved for the most adventurous and experienced rafters. Even if you’ve never rafted before, most fi rst-timers can navigate Class II and even III rivers with a guide and the right equipment (this part of the state is fi lled with outfi tters). Plan to visit during the summer. The dams aren’t released until late May though some continue releasing water past September and into the fall. The experience is so invigorating, it’s worth the wait!

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14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 9 11/18/2014 4:34:22 PM


BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 9 14-12-05 10:11 AM

Discover th is land, l ike never before.10


Cedar CityFind your gateway to outdoor adventure and national parks here.

Hop o� the interstate onto a stunning Scenic Byway loop to travel three scenic byways to the wildfl ower-carpeted Cedar Breaks National Monument. Discover that Southern Utah’s slot canyons are not just for extreme adventurers by enjoying a moderate, family-friendly hike to Kanarraville Falls, just 10 minutes south of Cedar City. Come to “Festival City U.S.A.” year ‘round for street festivals, bike touring races, the award-winning Shakespeare Theater Festival and even a sheep parade. The area is close to Zion and Bryce Canyon national parks.


Come to Utah and discover an amazing vacation destination with natural wonders, cultural gems and a warm welcome from locals.

nhmu.Utah.eduVisitSaltLake.com VisitTempleSquare.com

Temple SquareThe headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the No. 1 visitor attraction in Salt Lake.

Salt LakeUtah's capital city is the gateway to the West, where endless urban experiences are just hours from 21 national parks and monuments.

Natural History Museum of UtahA world-class natural history museum in Salt Lake with an impressive collection of newly discovered dinosaur species.

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LoganStay and play on the scenic route to Yellowstone and Grand Teton parks.

Just 132 km north of Salt Lake, the Logan Canyon National Scenic Byway takes you on a 45-minute road trip through stunning forests and limestone cli� s, along the winding Logan River to beautiful Bear Lake, all on the way to Grand Teton National Park. Stay in Logan and explore art galleries, the historic downtown, award-winning theatre, festivals, a living history museum and a food tour to round out the fun. Try mountain biking, canoeing, fl y fi shing, bird watching, hiking, rock climbing, skiing, snowmobiling or even taking a sleigh ride through an elk herd. Your adventure awaits.


KanabIn the middle of 10 of the greatest scenic wonders in the U.S. lies Kanab, Utah.

Find the perfect base camp here for exploring, hiking, boating and back-country adventures. Kanab is only 30 minutes from Zion National Park, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park; 60 minutes from Lake Powell and “The Wave” (a stunning rock formation); and 90 minutes from the Grand Canyon North Rim and Bryce Canyon. Boat and fi sh on Lake Powell, ride a mule into the Grand Canyon from the quiet North Rim, visit a bu� alo ranch and explore caves and rock arches.



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Discover th is land, l ike never before.12


DinosaurlandVisit Vernal, the only place in the world where you can see the “Wall of Bones.”

At Dinosaur National Monument, see and touch more than 1,500 partially exposed dinosaur bones in their original resting place. View Native American petroglyphs dating from 1 to 1200 A.D. at Dry Fork Canyon. Hike, bike and fi sh in three state parks. Take a family fl oat trip on the Green River. See bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, rare golden eagles, falcons and other species in one of the most wildlife-rich areas in the nation, boasting fi ve state and national wildlife refuges. Enjoy stunning views when you take a drive on one of fi ve scenic byways.


VisitZionCanyon.com BryceCanyonCountry.com

St. George/ZionHere, sunny skies and a cool, dry climate are great for hiking the slot canyons and freestanding arches of Zion National Park. In the adjacent town of Springdale, you can fi nd shops, cafes and hotels. St. George and Snow Canyon State Park are also nearby.

Bryce CanyonAn outdoor playground, Bryce Canyon Country is home to portions of three national parks, three state parks and two national scenic byways. Hike, ride a mountain bike, drive an ATV or ride horseback through other-worldly rock formations to spectacular mountain vistas.


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Amelia Island, Florida, is one of the only places in the USA where you can go horseback riding along the Atlantic Ocean.



The 11-mile Ocoee River was the site of the 1996 Olym-pic canoe and kayak competition. Needless to say, this is a challenging river, and you will need a guide. The much calmer Hiwasee River is better suited for beginners. Some of the outfi tters here include fl y-fi shing as part of the experience as the Hiwasee in particular is teeming with rainbow trout.

Tennessee’s Big Pigeon River forms the northern border of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, home to the Appalachian Trail and the ethereal mist that gives this park its name. It’s also close to Cherokee National Forest, which makes the Big Pigeon a great river to try white-water rafting since you can combine a river trip with a visit to both the park and the forest. Nearby you will fi nd the towns of Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, each with plenty of dining and lodging.

Wildlife is abundant in this region, especially black bear, bobcats and white-tailed deer. This area is also known for its canopy tours, which will have you fl ying

on zip lines above the tree tops. Evenings are perfect for sampling Tennessee barbecue and live music. From bluegrass to jazz, this state is known for its tunes.

Horseback riding on the beach in Amelia Island, FloridaBest for: Soft Adventurewith a Great View

Tucked into the northeast corner of Florida, 21-kilometre-long Amelia Island has 400 years of recorded history under eight fl ags, hence its slogan: “The place the French visited, the Spanish developed, the English named, and the Americans tamed.” The family-owned Kelly Seahorse Ranch is one of only a handful that will take you along the sandy beaches of the Atlantic Ocean inside Amelia Island State Park, and the only one endorsed by the Florida Park Service. The 200-acre preserve where your ride begins has wooded trails and wildlife. Children must be at least 13 to ride the horses, which include American Quarter Horses and Walking Horses.

The 50-block historic district known as Fernandina Beach is perfect for those who love to stroll, shop and gaze at charming architecture. Many of the buildings are hundreds of years old and on the National Register of Historic Places, and the town is fi lled with quaint bed and breakfast inns. Horse-drawn carriage rides are not only fun but educational, as most guides provide a narrative of the history of Amelia Island.

Golfers practice their swings at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation, home to 54 championship holes, each one recognized as an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. Teeing o� among marshlands and sand dunes is an unforgettable experience.

Whether it’s nature or history you’re after, this small Florida island has it!

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Discover th is land, l ike never before.14

Macy's Herald Square in New York City boasts 11 stories.

Miami, FloridaMiami’s ample sunshine makes outdoor shopping a dream. Top spots include the pedestrian promenade on Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road, where you can spot the latest trends both in stores and on the fashionistas who fl ock here; the boutiques in downtown’s Mary Brickell Village; and the luxury stores in the Design District, the Village of Merrick Park in Coral Gables and Bal Harbour.


Los Angeles, CaliforniaThe meticulous displays in Rodeo Drive’s luxury boutiques are a treat for the eyes, if not the wallet. The Grove is an outdoor multiplex of storefronts and cafés next to the farmers market, a top spot for celebrity-spotting. Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica is a pedestrian-only shopping mecca just blocks from the ocean, but it’s Venice Beach that wins the title of Most Eclectic. Admittedly touristy, the collection of quirky shops here is as entertaining as the characters who stroll its boardwalk.

DiscoverAmerica.ca/losangelesLas Vegas, NevadaKnown for its glitzy entertainment, Las Vegas has gained a new reputation for its over-the-top shopping. This metropolis in the desert has multi-story indoor malls on the city’s main Strip, as well as plentiful options inside its hotels. The vast selection of stores in The Forum Shops at Caesars, the Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian and The Palazzo, and the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood gives a whole new meaning to the term “hotel gift shop.” For luxury stores, visit The Crystals; to fi nd great bargains, set aside time for the Las Vegas Premium Outlets. The free Shop Las Vegas Passport provides access to gifts and discounts in numerous shops.


Sensational SHOPPING Destinations

Shopping is a favourite activity for vacationers. With so much to see, do and buy in these dynamic destinations, you’ll be happily toting bags full of treasures in no time.

New York City, New YorkIf you can’t fi nd what you’re looking for in Manhattan, you may not fi nd it anywhere. Peruse stylish storefronts on Madison Avenue, many of them famous for their window displays, as well as those on 34th Street, the latter made famous by the block-long Macy’s Herald Square, the company’s 11-story fl agship. Find hipster indie shops (think vintage clothing) in the East Village and trendy retailers such as Topshop in Soho. For the best bargains, you can’t beat the street-side deals in Chinatown.


Houston, TexasIt’s been said that everything’s bigger in Texas, and shopping is no exception. Consider Houston’s Galleria mall. At 750,000 square metres, it’s home to just about every U.S. and international retailer you can think of, as well as two swimming pools and an ice rink. Outlet shoppers fl ock to Katy Mills outlet mall, while streets such as Kirby Drive and Westheimer Road lure boutique hounds who appreciate Texas chic.


DID YOU KNOW? Nearly a quarter of the retail space in the USA is in the Lone Star State, proving that shopping is certainly bigger in Texas!

LAS VEGAS, Over $300 in added value + Best Price Guaranteeon Car Rentals! aircanadavacations.com/discover-america






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Las Vegas, NevadaIndulge all of your senses in Las Vegas.

There’s no place more memorable than Las Vegas, land of dynamic entertainment, world-class shopping and many of the USA’s most celebrated restaurants. Taste the creations of celebrity chefs, paired with fi ne wines from master sommeliers. Stay at luxurious resorts designed as if each were its own sophisticated metropolis. Play in the world’s most famous casinos. Pamper yourself and relax at amazing spas. Discover the latest styles at expansive malls on the main Strip and at boutiques tucked inside glamorous hotels. Explore iconic outdoor attractions nearby, such as Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon National Park.



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Discover th is land, l ike never before.16

Surf’s UpSan Diego, CaliforniaLooking for a waterside show? Start in La Jolla, a wealthy enclave with the air of a European town nestled on cli� s overlooking a blue-green ocean. Stroll through the tony shops and check out the seals that sunbathe in adorable piles in a spot known as the Children’s Pool. Do your own lounging on the 112 km of beaches, where surfi ng reigns as the top sport among locals. Watch the pros at Oceanside Beach, then try your hand at the sport with a lesson from a pro at one of the many surf shops. Not feeling ready?

Bodyboarding, also known as boogie boarding, provides the same rush as surfi ng without requiring you to stand up on the board. Families with young children love Coronado and Buccaneer beaches, both for swimming and enjoying water sports.

Culture fi x: San Diego’s Balboa Park is its cultural heart. Stroll through gardens, explore museums and spend an afternoon watching pandas play at the San Diego Zoo. This 1,200-acre slice of the city is its own walkable world.

Take a hike: The torrey pine is the USA’s rarest, and Torres Pines Natural Preserve does not disappoint. Besides its breathtaking tree line, hikers can forge a

Fun in the Sun

If your idea of vacation includes having sand between your toes, you’ll love these popular USA beach towns.

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path down trails that stretch from high coastal blu� s to sandy beaches. The ocean views on the way are mesmerizing.

Sip and sample: San Diego’s proximity to Mexico and the Baja peninsula means there’s plenty of fl avourful spices and fresh fi sh to be enjoyed wrapped in tortillas. Pair that with the fresh, farm-to-table cuisine California is known for and you’ve got a lively restaurant scene that runs the gamut from beachside cafes to sophisticated dining halls. Pair your meals with delicious California wines for yet another taste of local fl avour.

DiscoverAmerica.ca/sandiegoLeft to right: Surfi ng in San Diego, California, is as common as fi shing in Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Family FunClearwater Beach, FloridaJust fi ve kilometres long and three blocks wide, Clearwater Beach is a coastal community with white-sand beaches whose beauty is rivaled only by its stunning Gulf of Mexico sunsets. It’s also home to plenty of kitschy mom-and-pop shops, cafés and attractions, which is especially fun if you have kids. Where else can you hop aboard Captain Memo’s Pirate Ship as it blasts faux cannons across the bay, adding a dimension of sound to the salty air? Lounge on wide beaches perfect for sandcastle-building, or play in the water – plenty of watercraft including Jet Skis and kayaks are available. At night, join the celebration known as Sunsets at Pier 60. The fi shing pier fi lls with street performers and artists displaying skills that range from juggling to fi re-breathing. On weekends, free family movies are often shown at the Gulf-front park next to the pier, perfect for picnic dinners.

Getting around: Florida Free Rides are electric golf carts that whiz you around for nothing more than a tip. The old-fashioned Jolley Trolley runs the length of the beach and to downtown and nearby communities such as Tarpon Springs. You can also rent a surrey bike and pedal along the Beach Walk, a winding promenade fl anked by palm trees.

Famous resident: Winter, a bottle-nosed dolphin made famous in the movie Dolphin Tale, put Clearwater Marine Aquarium on the map. About fi ve minutes from Clearwater Beach on your way toward the mainland, it’s a great place to learn about local ecosystems and fauna.

Save the date: The annual Sugar Sand Festival, held April 17-26, 2015, is like the grand prix of sand-sculpting.





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BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 17 14-12-05 10:13 AM

Discover th is land, l ike never before.18

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Mount Washington ResortBuilt in 1902 by industrialist Joseph Stickney, this Renaissance-style hotel was host to the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944. The signing of the formal documents took place in the Gold Room, now preserved as a historic site.

The Omni Grove Park InnExperience over 100 years of history steeped in luxury at The Omni Grove Park Inn, in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the South’s best-loved resorts, built in 1913 with granite stones mined from Sunset Mountain, the resort provides majestic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Omni Bedford Springs ResortThis sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

© 2014 Historic Hotels of America® All Rights Reserved.

Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Shoreham HotelSince 1930, this Washington, DC institution has hosted inaugural balls for every president from FDR to Bill Clinton. To celebrate its ties to America’s highest o� ce, the hotel’s presidential suites each bear the name of one of our great leaders.

Omni Severin HotelFor more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

This sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Parker HouseLocated in the heart of downtown, directly along the Freedom Trail and within walking distance to all of Boston’s major attractions, this hotel is symbolic to Boston’s rich history and culture since 1855 and is in the ideal location to experience the city.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

Omni La Mansión del RioNestled along the historic River Walk in downtown San Antonio, where history comes alive. Designated as a historical treasure by the Texas Historical Commission and the San Antonio Conservation Society, this hotel, built in 1852, includes 338 comfortably appointed guest rooms and suites and the award-winning Las Canarias restaurant.

Omni William Penn HotelPittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Mount Washington ResortBuilt in 1902 by industrialist Joseph Stickney, this Renaissance-style hotel was host to the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944. The signing of the formal documents took place in the Gold Room, now preserved as a historic site.

The Omni Grove Park InnExperience over 100 years of history steeped in luxury at The Omni Grove Park Inn, in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the South’s best-loved resorts, built in 1913 with granite stones mined from Sunset Mountain, the resort provides majestic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Omni Bedford Springs ResortThis sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

© 2014 Historic Hotels of America® All Rights Reserved.

Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Shoreham HotelSince 1930, this Washington, DC institution has hosted inaugural balls for every president from FDR to Bill Clinton. To celebrate its ties to America’s highest o� ce, the hotel’s presidential suites each bear the name of one of our great leaders.

Omni Severin HotelFor more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

This sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Parker HouseLocated in the heart of downtown, directly along the Freedom Trail and within walking distance to all of Boston’s major attractions, this hotel is symbolic to Boston’s rich history and culture since 1855 and is in the ideal location to experience the city.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

Omni La Mansión del RioNestled along the historic River Walk in downtown San Antonio, where history comes alive. Designated as a historical treasure by the Texas Historical Commission and the San Antonio Conservation Society, this hotel, built in 1852, includes 338 comfortably appointed guest rooms and suites and the award-winning Las Canarias restaurant.

Omni William Penn HotelPittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 18 11/18/2014 4:41:30 PM

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Mount Washington ResortBuilt in 1902 by industrialist Joseph Stickney, this Renaissance-style hotel was host to the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944. The signing of the formal documents took place in the Gold Room, now preserved as a historic site.

The Omni Grove Park InnExperience over 100 years of history steeped in luxury at The Omni Grove Park Inn, in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the South’s best-loved resorts, built in 1913 with granite stones mined from Sunset Mountain, the resort provides majestic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Omni Bedford Springs ResortThis sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

© 2014 Historic Hotels of America® All Rights Reserved.

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Mount Washington ResortBuilt in 1902 by industrialist Joseph Stickney, this Renaissance-style hotel was host to the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944. The signing of the formal documents took place in the Gold Room, now preserved as a historic site.

The Omni Grove Park InnExperience over 100 years of history steeped in luxury at The Omni Grove Park Inn, in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the South’s best-loved resorts, built in 1913 with granite stones mined from Sunset Mountain, the resort provides majestic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Omni Bedford Springs ResortThis sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

© 2014 Historic Hotels of America® All Rights Reserved.

14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 19BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 18 14-12-05 10:13 AM

Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Shoreham HotelSince 1930, this Washington, DC institution has hosted inaugural balls for every president from FDR to Bill Clinton. To celebrate its ties to America’s highest o� ce, the hotel’s presidential suites each bear the name of one of our great leaders.

Omni Severin HotelFor more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

This sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Parker HouseLocated in the heart of downtown, directly along the Freedom Trail and within walking distance to all of Boston’s major attractions, this hotel is symbolic to Boston’s rich history and culture since 1855 and is in the ideal location to experience the city.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

Omni La Mansión del RioNestled along the historic River Walk in downtown San Antonio, where history comes alive. Designated as a historical treasure by the Texas Historical Commission and the San Antonio Conservation Society, this hotel, built in 1852, includes 338 comfortably appointed guest rooms and suites and the award-winning Las Canarias restaurant.

Omni William Penn HotelPittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Mount Washington ResortBuilt in 1902 by industrialist Joseph Stickney, this Renaissance-style hotel was host to the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944. The signing of the formal documents took place in the Gold Room, now preserved as a historic site.

The Omni Grove Park InnExperience over 100 years of history steeped in luxury at The Omni Grove Park Inn, in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the South’s best-loved resorts, built in 1913 with granite stones mined from Sunset Mountain, the resort provides majestic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Omni Bedford Springs ResortThis sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

© 2014 Historic Hotels of America® All Rights Reserved.

Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Shoreham HotelSince 1930, this Washington, DC institution has hosted inaugural balls for every president from FDR to Bill Clinton. To celebrate its ties to America’s highest o� ce, the hotel’s presidential suites each bear the name of one of our great leaders.

Omni Severin HotelFor more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

This sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Parker HouseLocated in the heart of downtown, directly along the Freedom Trail and within walking distance to all of Boston’s major attractions, this hotel is symbolic to Boston’s rich history and culture since 1855 and is in the ideal location to experience the city.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

Omni La Mansión del RioNestled along the historic River Walk in downtown San Antonio, where history comes alive. Designated as a historical treasure by the Texas Historical Commission and the San Antonio Conservation Society, this hotel, built in 1852, includes 338 comfortably appointed guest rooms and suites and the award-winning Las Canarias restaurant.

Omni William Penn HotelPittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Mount Washington ResortBuilt in 1902 by industrialist Joseph Stickney, this Renaissance-style hotel was host to the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944. The signing of the formal documents took place in the Gold Room, now preserved as a historic site.

The Omni Grove Park InnExperience over 100 years of history steeped in luxury at The Omni Grove Park Inn, in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the South’s best-loved resorts, built in 1913 with granite stones mined from Sunset Mountain, the resort provides majestic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Omni Bedford Springs ResortThis sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

© 2014 Historic Hotels of America® All Rights Reserved.

Amazing accommodations, rich in history and so much more. Learn more at HistoricHotels.org/Canada


11/18/2014 4:41:30 PM

DiscoverAmerica.ca 19

For more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Pittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Shoreham HotelSince 1930, this Washington, DC institution has hosted inaugural balls for every president from FDR to Bill Clinton. To celebrate its ties to America’s highest o� ce, the hotel’s presidential suites each bear the name of one of our great leaders.

Omni Severin HotelFor more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

This sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Parker HouseLocated in the heart of downtown, directly along the Freedom Trail and within walking distance to all of Boston’s major attractions, this hotel is symbolic to Boston’s rich history and culture since 1855 and is in the ideal location to experience the city.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

Omni La Mansión del RioNestled along the historic River Walk in downtown San Antonio, where history comes alive. Designated as a historical treasure by the Texas Historical Commission and the San Antonio Conservation Society, this hotel, built in 1852, includes 338 comfortably appointed guest rooms and suites and the award-winning Las Canarias restaurant.

Omni William Penn HotelPittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

For more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Pittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

Omni San Francisco HotelBuilt in 1926 and located in the heart of downtown, this Nob Hill hotel is located right on the cable car line and is only a short walk to Union Square, the San Francisco neighborhood that has become a mecca for high-end shopping and art galleries.

Omni Shoreham HotelSince 1930, this Washington, DC institution has hosted inaugural balls for every president from FDR to Bill Clinton. To celebrate its ties to America’s highest o� ce, the hotel’s presidential suites each bear the name of one of our great leaders.

Omni Severin HotelFor more than 100 years, this hotel has stood as the longest-running luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and o� ers the elegant grandeur of the early 1900s with modern amenities and personalized service for our guests.

This sprawling 2,200-acre resort has been welcoming guests and making history for more than 200 years where eight mineral springs gained fame as a mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy continues at the world-class Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treatments with mineral waters, and a magnifi cently restored golf course.

Omni Royal OrleansFor over 50 years, this world-class hotel, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, naturally attracts presidents and leaders from all fi elds. It’s been a gathering place for the famous; from The Rolling Stones and Robert Redford to Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman.

Omni Parker HouseLocated in the heart of downtown, directly along the Freedom Trail and within walking distance to all of Boston’s major attractions, this hotel is symbolic to Boston’s rich history and culture since 1855 and is in the ideal location to experience the city.

Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mount WashingtonBuilt as a private home in 1896 and fi rst opened to guests in 1907, the inn was once the distinguished headquarters for the Conference Secretariat during the 44-nation Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

Omni Berkshire PlaceBuilt in 1926 by Warren & Wetmore, this historic landmark hotel in the heart of New York City allows you to experience the sophistication of an Upper East Side residence with an enviable location in the heart of midtown Manhattan at 52nd and Madison Avenue.

Omni La Mansión del RioNestled along the historic River Walk in downtown San Antonio, where history comes alive. Designated as a historical treasure by the Texas Historical Commission and the San Antonio Conservation Society, this hotel, built in 1852, includes 338 comfortably appointed guest rooms and suites and the award-winning Las Canarias restaurant.

Omni William Penn HotelPittsburgh’s premier hotel since 1916 features a blend of classic elegance and modern sophistication. The hotel plays a starring role in the city, hosting movie stars, politicians, heads of state and leaders of business.

The Omni Homestead ResortExperience the Southern hospitality and elegant charm that have made The Omni Homestead Resort a premier destination for 22 U.S. presidents dating back to 1766. This designated National Historic Landmark boasts more than 2,000 acres of timeless comforts and modern amenities all under one roof. Our Hot Springs, Virginia accommodations are the perfect getaway for business and leisure travel.

14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 19 11/18/2014 4:41:57 PM


BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 19 14-12-05 10:13 AM

Discover th is land, l ike never before.20

A Taste of NostalgiaMyrtle Beach, South CarolinaMyrtle Beach is a classic beach town with nostalgic qualities that seem to come to life when you stroll its famous Boardwalk. Nearly two kilometres long, it stretches alongside the Atlantic Ocean and features a bu� et of family fun. You can pick up an ice cream cone or saltwater ta� y from one of the many shops and cafés, play arcade games or take a ride on the SkyWheel Ferris wheel.

Waterside fun: With nearly 100 kilometres of beautiful beaches, Myrtle Beach is the ideal place to try sports such as kayaking and parasailing. Dolphin tours are also popular.

Tee o� : There are more than 100 championship golf courses in and around Myrtle Beach, making the area one of the top places to play golf in the Southeast.

Fast cars: At Myrtle Beach Speedway, you can drive a real NASCAR stock car and experience the thrill of racing alongside a professional driver.

Charming CharlestonJust two and a half hours south of Myrtle Beach lies one of the most unique coastal cities in the USA. Charleston, South Carolina, is a delight for the senses. The rustle of palm fronds, the aroma of Lowcountry cuisine and the beauty of the city’s ornate architecture are just some of the sensations that will stay with you long after you visit. Architectural styles that range from Georgian to Queen Anne, formal gardens and romantic wrought-iron balconies make walking tours popular. If you love water, there are more than 140 kilometres of coastline to explore, including barrier islands and pristine beaches. Chances are you’ll discover plenty of nature trails and bicycle paths. In Charleston, both are as common as fishing guides and golf pros.



Quartz washed down from the Appalachian Mountains keeps the sand in Gulf Shores, Alabama, perfect for sand-sculpting.

Seafoodand Southern HospitalityGulf Shores and Orange Beach, AlabamaGulf Shores and Orange Beach are small seaside cities that together comprise 50 kilometres of some of the prettiest beaches in the USA, thanks to quartz that washed down from the Appalachian Mountains thousands of years ago. Gulf Shores is known for having several championship golf courses, while Orange Beach has a slightly more pronounced nautical air, evident in its plentiful fi shing and boating opportunities. Tee o� in the morning before the sun heats up, then spend the afternoon on a dolphin-watching cruise or deep-sea fi shing adventure. Many restaurants are happy to grill your fresh catch for dinner – not a surprise, given that the area is one of the pillars of the American seafood industry. At night, see who’s playing at the Wharf, a 10,000-seat amphitheatre.

Surprising superlatives: The area is home to the largest charter fi shing fl eet and the largest pier on the Gulf Coast, as well as one of the largest artifi cial reefs in the USA.

Living history: Explore the battle-scarred remains at Fort Morgan State Historic Site, then take the ferry across Mobile Bay to Dauphin Island to see its sister fortress, Fort Gaines. Both were important sites during several American battles, including the War of 1812.


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14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 20 11/18/2014 4:42:26 PM 14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.inddBrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 20 14-12-05 10:14 AM


4:42:26 PM

DiscoverAmerica.ca 21

San DiegoWelcome to the heart and soul of sunny Southern California.

Home to 112 km of coastline and stunning beaches, San Diego is the USA’s eighth-largest city. Take your time exploring the walkable downtown and historic Gaslamp Quarter, the San Diego Zoo, and the many museums and gardens of Balboa Park.For great vistas and a taste of history, discover the birthplace of California at the historic Cabrillo National Monument overlooking the Pacifi c Ocean. Watch surfers at Windansea Beach or take your family for a swim at Coronado Beach. Stroll and shop in the tony Village of La Jolla. Taste craft beers, fresh seafood, farm-to-table cuisine and the distinctive Cali-Baja fl avours.


Photos top to bottom: Torrey Pines State Beach, San Diego skyline, Resort Fun


14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 21 11/18/2014 4:42:52 PM


BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 21 14-12-05 10:14 AM

Discover th is land, l ike never before.22

Follow the light!

FLORIDABuilt in 1890, the Port Boca Grande Lighthouse & Museum in the beach town of Boca Grande was used to watch for German U-boats during World War II. Today, it’s a museum that’s open to the public. Its setting in Gasparilla Island State Park is breathtaking.

DiscoverAmerica.ca/ fortmyers-sanibel

OREGONThe 1894 Heceta Head Lighthouse in Yachats, Oregon, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Nestled in a state park near the coastal towns of Yachats and Cannon Beach, the lighthouse has a charming bed and breakfast on site.


CALIFORNIATucked along scenic Highway 1 between Carmel and Big Sur, Point Sur Lighthouse was built in 1889. It’s considered a historic landmark in one of the most picturesque parts of the USA, especially if you love road trips.


Love the coast? Then chances are you love lighthouses, too. Not only do they feature dramatic views if you climb to the top, they also provide a peek into a destination’s storied past. Consider a coastal road trip to some of the following beautiful lighthouses.

HAWAI‘IBuilt in 1909 on a 183-metre cliff overlooking one of the most popular bodysurfing beaches in the world, Makapuu Point Lighthouse is a stunning must-see on Oahu’s easternmost coast.


WISCONSINWisconsin is home to more than 30 lighthouses. Door County, a popular vacation destination, includes 11 of the prettiest and most visited, each with its own architectural style and history. Explore Cana Island Lighthouse, one of the region’s most photographed structures, or the easily accessed Eagle Bluff Lighthouse. Make time to explore the artists’ colonies, wineries and nature trails that draw millions of visitors to this region each year.


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14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 22 11/18/2014 4:43:36 PM







14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.inddBrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 22 14-12-05 10:14 AM


DiscoverAmerica.ca 21


Learn more or buy at citypass.com

AtlantaBostonChicago HoustonNew York CityPhiladelphiaSan FranciscoSeattleSouthern CaliforniaTampa Bay


America’s great cities don’t have to come with a big price tag. One tip for making your U.S. holiday more a ordable: CityPASS ticket booklets, saving you up to 50 percent o the combined admission to a destination’s top attractions.

With a 95 percent customer approval rating, CityPASS is the best way to see these 10 U.S. destinations: New York City, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Southern California and Tampa Bay.

Because each booklet contains actual admission tickets, CityPASS travelers bypass the main-entrance ticket line at most attractions, thereby saving time as well as money.

Valid for nine consecutive days (14 days for Southern California), CityPASS booklets allow plenty of time to see the best attractions. The booklets can be purchased online at citypass.com or at any of the included attractions.

14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-E_Winter.indd 21 10/29/2014 7:50:43 AM






























4:43:36 PM

DiscoverAmerica.ca 23

DiscoverAmerica.ca 21


Learn more or buy at citypass.com

AtlantaBostonChicago HoustonNew York CityPhiladelphiaSan FranciscoSeattleSouthern CaliforniaTampa Bay


America’s great cities don’t have to come with a big price tag. One tip for making your U.S. holiday more a ordable: CityPASS ticket booklets, saving you up to 50 percent o the combined admission to a destination’s top attractions.

With a 95 percent customer approval rating, CityPASS is the best way to see these 10 U.S. destinations: New York City, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Southern California and Tampa Bay.

Because each booklet contains actual admission tickets, CityPASS travelers bypass the main-entrance ticket line at most attractions, thereby saving time as well as money.

Valid for nine consecutive days (14 days for Southern California), CityPASS booklets allow plenty of time to see the best attractions. The booklets can be purchased online at citypass.com or at any of the included attractions.

14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-E_Winter.indd 21 10/29/2014 7:50:43 AM

14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 23 11/18/2014 4:43:54 PM


BrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 23 14-12-05 10:15 AM

Explore the USA

Front Cover: La Jolla, California (Andreas Hub/laif)

Back Cover, clockwise from top: Amelia Island, Florida (Amelia Island CVB); Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (VisitMyrtleBeach.com); Sonoma County, California (Sonoma County Tourism)

Winter is here, and it's the perfect time to plan an escape to the USA. In this issue you will fi nd inspiring ideas for holidays to sunny destinations where sandy beaches are the star attraction and seaside towns teem with cafes and shops. Do coastal road trips sound fun to you? Our list of beautiful lighthouses might prompt you to plan your next one. If you love to shop, you'll love the stylish urban centres highlighted here. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the many activities available in Florida as well as several destinations known for their outstanding arts and culture scene.

Once you're o  enjoying your holiday, share it with us! Plan your holiday using the interactive map on DiscoverAmerica.com/roadtrips and share it with your family and friends — you will unlock a free music download. While there, check out cool pictures, helpful articles and amazing video about the USA’s great outdoors, fun road trips and more. Share your unique USA travel stories on social media using the hashtag #DiscoverAmerica.

Facebook.com/DiscoverAmerica @DiscoverUSAca #DiscoverAmericaFacebook.com/DiscoverAmerica #


14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.indd 24 11/18/2014 4:44:56 PM

Front Cover: La Jolla, California (Andreas Hub/laif)

Back Cover, clockwise from top: Amelia Island, Florida (Amelia Island CVB); Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (VisitMyrtleBeach.com); Sonoma County, California (Sonoma County Tourism)

14_BrandUSA_IN_CA-W_Winter_WesternLiving.inddBrandUSAJANFEB15.indd 24 14-12-05 10:09 AM

EDITOR’S PICK: GORGEOUS HANDMADE BOWLSFind our why editor-in-chief Anicka Quin is swooning over these unique Kawa bowls.

THE BEST WINE YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OFYou’ve never had a Bobal like this—because you’ve probably never had a Bobal. Food editor Neal McLennan reviews his favourite new varietal.



A simple dish that can be whipped up

on a whim, food writer Gwendolyn

Richards shares a recipe from her

new citrus-centric cookbook, Pucker.

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WL0115.AB083.indd 1 2014-12-17 5:25 PM

84 | W e s t e r n l i v i n g . ca ja n ua ry/ f e b r ua ry 2 0 15


WinterSalads.AB.FINAL.N.indd 84 14-12-17 9:37 AM

W E S T E R N L I V I N G . CA JA N UA RY/ F E B R UA RY 2 0 15 | 85

photographs by LUIS VALDIZON styling by JUNO KIM


Food & Wine / / WINTER SA LA DS

WinterSalads.AB.FINAL.N.indd 85 14-12-17 9:38 AM

86 | W e s t e r n l i v i n g . ca ja n ua ry/ f e b r ua ry 2 0 15

Roasted Potato and Brussels Sprout Salad with Bacon and BoursinSee recipe page 88

WinterSalads.AB.FINAL.indd 86 14-12-15 9:43 AM

Roasted Beet and Squash Salad with Arugula, Goat Cheese and Candied PecansSee recipe page 88

WinterSalads.AB.FINAL.indd 87 14-12-15 9:43 AM

88 | W e s t e r n l i v i n g . ca ja n ua ry/ f e b r ua ry 2 0 15

Food & Wine / / winter salads

Roasted Potato and Brussels Sprout Salad with Bacon and BoursinServeS 4 to 6

crisp roasted potatoes make a more flavourful, defined salad than those that have been boiled; creamy bour-sin melts just enough to coat them while they’re still warm. if you like, substitute a crumbled blue cheese, which will soften and add bursts of saltiness to complement the bacon and potatoes.

4–6 slices bacon4 medium thin-skinned potatoes

(red or Yukon gold), dicedCanola or olive oil, for cooking5–8 large Brussels sprouts½ pkg. (75 g) pepper or

garlic and fine herbs BoursinSalt, to taste

Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil or parchment. Lay bacon strips on the prepared sheet and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until crisp. remove from sheet and set aside; crumble once they’re cool enough to handle.

Spread potatoes out in a single layer on the sheet, rolling them around to coat in the bacon drippings. Drizzle with a little oil and sprinkle with salt; shake the pan to coat the potatoes well.

roast for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring once or twice, until potatoes are tender and golden. Meanwhile, cut the Brussels sprouts in half lengthwise and slice thinly, discarding the stem ends. Sprinkle over the potatoes, stir to combine and return to oven for 5 minutes, or until bright green and wilted.

transfer to a bowl and crumble in the Boursin; gently stir to combine, allowing the cheese to coat the potatoes. Season with salt, stir in the bacon and serve immediately.

Roasted Beet and Squash Salad with Arugula, Goat Cheese and Candied PecansServeS 4 to 6

roasted beets are classic winter salad fare; butternut squash makes a delicious pairing. if you like, you can choose only golden beets (peeled and diced) and cook them along with the squash rather than roasting them whole alongside.

1 small butternut squash1 small head garlic, halved crosswiseCanola or olive oil, for cookingSalt and freshly ground black pepper1 red beet1 golden beet1 tbsp butter½ cup pecan or walnut halves1 tbsp brown sugarPinch saltFresh arugula or baby spinach4 oz soft goat cheese

vinaigrette¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil3 tbsp balsamic vinegar1 tsp grainy mustard1 tsp honey

Preheat oven to 425˚F. Wrap beets in foil and place directly on oven rack.

Cut the neck off the butternut squash and peel and cut into ½-inch pieces. (if you like, scoop out the seeds and peel the round end and dice that, too.) Spread out in a single layer on a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet. add garlic and drizzle everything with oil; shake the pan or toss with your hands to coat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place the pan in oven alongside the beets.

roast for 30 minutes, or until squash is tender and golden. remove from oven and set aside to cool. When beets are cool enough to handle, peel the skin with your fingers and cut into wedges.

Meanwhile, heat butter in a small skillet set over medium-high heat and add the pecans. Shake the pan and toast until golden. Sprinkle with brown sugar and salt and stir until it melts; remove from heat, cool and, if you like, chop coarsely.

to make the dressing, shake all ingredi-ents up in a jar or whisk in a small bowl.

arrange greens on a platter and top with roasted squash, beets, goat cheese and candied nuts. Drizzle with vinaigrette and toss gently; serve immediately.

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Asian Root Vegetable SlawServeS 6

this crunchy, brightly coloured slaw makes the most of sweet, nutty root veggies, which are rarely served raw. celeriac root is rough and knobby on the outside, crunchy and white within.

Slaw1 celeriac root, peeled and thinly

julienned or coarsely grated1 golden beet, peeled and thinly julienned

or coarsely grated1 parsnip, peeled and thinly julienned or

coarsely grated1 large carrot, peeled and thinly julienned

or coarsely grated1 apple, thinly julienned¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro,

plus a few sprigs for garnish

DreSSing¼ cup canola or olive oil¼ cup soy sauce¼ cup rice vinegar2 tbsp brown sugar1 tbsp grated fresh ginger1–2 garlic cloves, crushed1 tsp sesame oil

Combine all veggies in a bowl, along with apple and cilantro. To make the dressing, shake all ingredients up in a jar, or whisk together in a medium bowl. Drizzle over the slaw and toss to coat.

Serve immediately. (To make ahead, dress the root vegetables and refrigerate, reserving the apple and cilantro to add before serving.)

JulienningThis technique is a classic knife skill, but can be accomplished much faster with a food processor or a mandoline.

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Spiced Roasted Cauli� ower and Quinoa TabboulehSERVES 6 TO 8

Classic tabbouleh is all about the parsley—in this salad those clas-sic elements are paired with mildly spiced, roasted cauli� ower. For a more streamlined version, roughly chop half a small head of cauli� ower and add to the salad raw.

½ cup dry quinoaCanola or olive oil, for cooking1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed1 small head caulifl ower,

broken into fl orets1 tsp chili powder½ tsp cuminSalt and freshly ground black pepper½ to 1 cup loosely packed chopped

fresh parsley¼ cup chopped fresh mint (optional)¼ small purple onion, fi nely choppedExtra-virgin olive oilFresh lemon juice

Preheat oven to 425˚F. Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Rinse quinoa in a fi ne sieve, pour into the pot and cook for 12 minutes, or until tender and there is no longer a white spot in the middle of each seed. Drain well in the sieve and return to pot; cover with a tea towel and set aside to cool. Transfer to a bowl.

Meanwhile, add garlic to the oil in a small ramekin, swirl it around and let it stand for a few minutes while you separate the caulifl ower into fl orets and spread out in a single layer on a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle caulifl ower with the garlic-infused oil, sprinkle with chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper, toss with your hands to coat well and roast for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring once or twice, or until tender and golden.

Let cool on the sheet, then scrape into the bowl with the quinoa, along with any oil that accumulated on the bottom of the pan. Add parsley, mint and green onion, drizzle with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper, adjust the olive oil and lemon to your taste, and serve immediately.

BOWLED OVERAll the work making these perfect recipes will be for naught if you serve them in your boring old salad bowl. The key to making a salad the star of the show is to present it with the same pomp and circumstance you would accord a typical main course. Here we sourced the exquisite po� ery of Janaki Larsen (who also owns Vancouver’s beloved Le Marché St. George). The clean lines perfectly highlight the food, but they also have he� that’s be� � ing a hearty o� ering for the cold winter months.

WinterSalads.AB.FINAL.indd 90 14-12-15 9:43 AM

See SourceS

3 parts oil Extra-virgin olive oil will have a stronger flavour than regular olive oil or something more neutral, like canola; if you decide to use something stronger, like sesame or nut oils, use them sparingly—up to a third of the quantity of oil, or to your taste.

Get DressedThe perfect vinaigrette is simple.

There is an art to a perfectly dressed salad, but homemade vinaigrette is just a shake away. Even kids—and those with limited cooking skills—can be tasked with pouring oil and vinegar into a jar and shaking it up.

A simple, basic vinaigrette is no more than oil and vinegar, although additions like mustard, minced shallot and salt and pepper are common. Often, other acids (like lemon juice) are swapped for some or all of the vinegar, but beyond that vir-tually anything goes. Here’s a basic ratio to play with—no recipe required.

EmulsifiEr Oil and vinegar need help staying together; a spoonful of mustard, honey, real mayon-naise, finely grated fresh or mashed roasted garlic or even a spoon-ful of miso will help emulsify the two.

swEEtEnEr Add a spoonful of sugar or a drizzle of honey or maple syrup if you like to sweeten the pot.

flavourings Fresh or roasted garlic, fresh ginger, fresh or dried herbs, curry paste, Worcestershire sauce, freshly ground black pep-per, sriracha—use what you like.

add-ins Minced onion or shallot, crumbled feta, grated Parmesan, chopped capers with a bit of their brine, minced sun-dried tomatoes with a splash of the oil they’re packed in, olive or anchovy paste—raid the door of your fridge.

salt To taste.

1 part vinEgar Red or white wine vinegar is classic; experiment with cider, balsamic, sherry or rice vinegar, depending on the flavour you’re going for, or substitute lemon, lime or orange juice.

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Food & Wine / / winter salads

2010 Tesch Riesling Unplugged ($20) With his modern labels, sim-ple classification and flinty, austere, bone-dry approach to riesling, Martin Tesch is the poster child for modern German winemak-ers (and he loves heavy metal music to boot). He is also seemingly inca-pable of making a bad bottle of wine.

The King of the Winter Whitesyour new year’s resolution? More riesling.

it wasn’t that long ago that there were two types of people: those who equated the phrase “german ries-ling” with black tower and those who equated it with blue nun. serious wine geeks generally stayed away from these sickly sweet concoctions. but the grape’s stock has soared of late, and while the regions of alsace and australia’s clare valley are frequently given the lion’s share of the credit, it’s worthwhile to remember that it’s the rhine where the grape was born, and it’s still here where it reaches its highest calling. and, thanks to resid-ual prejudice left over from the bad old days, it remains the single best value wine for ageability. any of these three bottles will mature in a genteel manner—spend a few dollars more and you’ll find yourself with a wonder that can take a decade plus in your cellar—easy. Or you can just drink them now—even easier.— Neal McLennan

2011 St. Urbans- Hof Ockfen Bockstein ($32) This wine’s little brother just landed on the Wine Spectator Top 100, but this ultra-low-alcohol, single-vineyard offering has even more sweet citrus, peaches and apricots, with an acidity that makes it very cellarable—squirrel a case away for a future reward.

2011 Dr. Pauly Bergweiler ($19) This is a dry take on the grape, but there are waves of ripe pears and apricot that make this a delicious example of why everyone should be drinking three bottles of riesling for every one of sauvignon blanc. Its dryness pairs well with food, its fruit with spice—so keep a bottle handy.

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The following listings are a guide to local retailers but may not be comprehen-sive. For complete listings, visit the manufacturer’s website.

INDUSTRIAL AGEPAGE 16 Fracture pendant, Robinson Lighting and Bath Cen-tre, across the West, rlrbc.com. Anglepoise Type 75 articulated desk lamp, Provide, Vancouver, 604-632-0095, providehome.com. Ligne Roset Parachute pendant, Le Belle Arti, Calgary, 403-234-9700, lebellearti.com; Dwell Modern, Edmonton, 780-488-6464, dwellmodern.ca. Gordon by Natuzzi, Sandy’s Furniture, Coquitlam, B.C., 604-520-0800, sandysfurniture.ca. FollowMe table lamp, Light-Form, Calgary, 403-508-9980; Edmonton, 780-413-9898, lightform.ca. Dallas chandelier, Vivid Concepts, Calgary, 403-233-7738; Edmonton, 780-488-0797, vividconcepts.ca.

PRINCES OF BEL-AIREPAGE 34-43 Designer, Paul Lavoie Interior Design, Calgary, 403-229-1504, paullavoiedesign.com.

PAGE 34 SITTING ROOM Chairs, William Switzer, Vancouver, 844-255-5911, williamswitzer.com. Sofa, ottoman, Paul Lavoie Interior Design, Calgary, 403-229-1504, paullavoiedesign.com.

PAGES 37-39 LIVING ROOM Benches, end tables, William Switzer, Vancouver, 844-255-5911, williamswitzer.com. Gold chairs, cream coloured side chairs, sofa, buffet, vintage. Custom coffee table, Paul Lavoie Interior Design, Calgary, 403-229-1504, paullavoiedesign.com.

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PAGE 41 DINING ROOM Table andchairs, William Switzer, Vancouver, 844-255-5911, williamswitzer.com.

PAGE 43 BEDROOM Night stands, gold chair, William Switzer, Vancouver, 844-255-5911, williamswitzer.com. Bed, stool, Paul Lavoie Interior Design, Calgary, 403-229-1504, paullavoiedesign.com. Mirrors, lamps, vintage.

BRIGHT MOVESPAGES 52-58 Designer, Stephanie Brown, Vancouver, 604-568-8960, stephaniebrowninc.com.

PAGE 52 HALLWAY White painting by Zoe Pawlak, The Cross Décor and Design, Vancouver, 604-689-2900, thecrossdesign.com. Wood chair,designer’s own. Custom purple pillow, Stephanie Brown, Vancouver, 604-568-8960, stephaniebrowninc.com.

PAGE 54 DINING AREA Table, The Cross Décor and Design, Vancouver, 604-689-2900, thecrossdesign.com. Chairs, Restoration Hardware, Calgary, 403-271-2122; Edmonton, 780-435-0505, restorationhardware.com. Hang-ing lamp, Y Lighting, online, ylighting.com. Wood bowl, Provide, Vancouver, 604-632-0095, providehome.com. Two lamps on wall, Robinson Lighting and Bath, across the West, rlrbc.com. Plant pot, designer’s own. Buddha sculpture, Hinchcliff and Lee, Calgary, 403-263-0383, hinchcliffandlee.com. Wallpaper behind shelves, Crown Wallpaper, Vancouver, 604-736-4541, crownwallpaper.com.

PAGE 55 LIVING ROOM White Chinese screens, Oriental Gallery, Vancouver, 604-569-3638, orientalgallery.ca. Custom sofa, custom sofa pillows,

Stephanie Brown, Vancouver, 604-568-8960, stephaniebrowninc.com. Throw on sofa, rock sculpture on coffee table, The Cross Décor and Design, Vancou-ver, 604-689-2900, thecrossdesign.com. Rug, table beneath TV, West Elm, Vancouver, 604-733-6730, westelm.com. Coffee table top, vin-tage. Coffee table legs, 1st Dibs, online, 1stdibs.com. Glass square vase, Home Sense, across the West, homesense.ca. Coffee table books, designer’s own.

PAGE 56 KITCHEN White fl ower vases, cabinetry, black bowl, Ikea, across the West, ikea.ca. Cabinet handles, Anthropologie, across the West, anthropologie.com. Marble counter-tops, J&D Stoneworks, Vancouver, 604-252-9700, jdstoneworks.com. Mor-tar and pestle, silver salt and pepper shakers, black teapot, designer’s own. Gold sink faucet, Robinson Lighting and Bath, across the West, rlrbc.com. White plates/bowls, Crate and Barrel, across the West, crateandbarrel.ca.

PAGE 57 WORKSPACE Desk, white picture frames, Ikea, across the West, ikea.ca. Chair, Restoration Hardware, Vancouver, 604-731-3918; Calgary, 403-271-2122; Edmonton, 780-435-0505, restorationhardware.com. Lamp, Y Lighting, online, ylighting.com. White picture frames, HomeSense, across the West, homesense.ca. Empire State Building wallpaper, Crown Wallpaper, Vancouver, 604-736-4541, crownwallpaper.com.

PAGE 58 BEDROOM Curtains, Fabu-lous Furnishings, Burnaby, 604-782-3467, fabulousfurnishings.ca. Chandelier, geometric painting, basket under side tables, cabinet, wood on

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96 | W e s t e r n l i v i n g . ca ja n ua ry/ f e b r ua ry 2 0 15


top of cabinet, designer’s own. Duvet, Hudson’s Bay, across the West, thebay.com. Custom pillows, Stephanie Brown, Van-couver, 604-568-8960, stephaniebrowninc.com. Side tables, West Elm, Vancouver, 604-733-6730, westelm.com. Vase on side tables, HomeSense, across the West, homesense.ca. Candles on side table, The Cross Décor and Design, Vancouver, 604-689-2900, thecrossdesign .com. Wall lights, mirrors, Ikea, across the West, ikea.ca. Zebra rug, Vanville Leather, Vancouver, 604-730-9894, vanvilleleather .com.

PAGE 58 BATHROOM Faucet/shower, sink, bathtub, Robinson Lighting and Bath, across the West, rlrbc.com. Glass vase, HomeSense, across the West, homesense.ca. Glass hanging lights, Y Lighting, online, ylighting.com. Portrait, by Rich-ard Bernadin, The Print Atelier, theprintatelier.com. Chevron wall tile behind bathtub, Creek-side Tile, Vancouver, 604-876-4900, creeksidetile.com. Blue stool, Chintz and Co., Vancouver, 604-689-2022, chintz.com.

THE CURATED LIFEPAGES 44-51 Designer, Douglas Cridland Interior Design, Calgary, 403-228-0636, dcid.net.

PAGES 46 & 47 SITTING AREA Grey armchairs, William Switzer, Vancouver, 604-255-5911, williamswitzer.com. Custom sofa, Douglas Cridland Interior Design, Calgary, 403-228-0636, dcid.net. Custom grey and white area rug, Satia Art and Floor, Vancouver, 604-925-2030, satia .com. Knoll basket chair, Kit, Cal-gary, 403-508-2533, kitinterior objects.com; Inspired Home Interiors, Edmonton, 780-482-6040, inspiredhomes.ca. Antler footstools, Panache Antiques and Objets d’Art, Vancouver, 604-732-1206, panacheantiques .com.

PAGE 49 DINING AREA Custom dining table, Douglas Crid-land Interior Design, Calgary, 403-228-0636, dcid.net. Dining chairs, William Switzer, Vancou-ver, 604-255-5911, williamswitzer .com. Oversized black pendant

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light, The Lighting Centre, Cal-gary, 403-245-3396, lightcentre.ca.

PAGE 49 KITCHEN Black pendant lamps, The Lighting Centre, Calgary, 403-245-3396, lightcentre.ca.

PAGE 50 BEDROOM Plaid carpet, Colin Campbell, Calgary, 403-245-9222, colin-campbell.ca; Designers Library, Edmonton, 780-489-4002, designerslibrary.ca. Black armchairs, William Switzer, Vancouver, 604-255-5911, williamswitzer.com. Tozai Home hourglass side table, Chintz and Company, Calgary, 403-245-3449, Edmonton, 780-428-8181, chintz.com. Custom nightstands, fabric headboard, striped footstools, Douglas Cridland Interior Design, Calgary, 403-228-0636, dcid.net. Vintage Carlo Scarpa glass table, Kit Interior Objects, Calgary, 403-508-2533, kitinteriorobjects.com; Dwell Modern, Edmonton, 780-488-6464, dwellmodern.ca.

PAGE 51 BATHROOM Kohler faucets, sinks, showerhead,Robinson Lighting and Bath Cen-tre, across the West, rlrbc.com. Countertop, Alberta Marble and Tile, Calgary, 403-287-0944, albertamarble.com.

SALAD DAYSPAGES 84-92 Janaki Larsen pottery, Malfatti glass, Andrea Brugi olive wood spoons, Le Marché St. George, Vancouver, 604-565-5107, marchestgeorge.com.

TRADE SECRETS PAGE 98 Designer, Moth Design, Erica Cook, Calgary, 403-473-2665, moth-design.com.

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Sources.AB.FINAL_N1.indd 97 2014-12-18 2:17 PM

98 | W e s t e r n l i v i n g . ca ja n ua ry/ f e b r ua ry 2 0 15

Mix in meaningful objects among your framed artwork for a gallery wall full of stories.“I’ve always been a proponent of incorporating things that have meaning into people’s homes,” says Calgary designer Erica Cook. “You need to layer in things that have personal meaning so that the space has soul.” To create a gallery wall for her own living room, she mixed in sculptural objects—a faux horsehead to represent her family’s love of all things equestrian, an antique mailbag her son found on the playground—within her collection of neatly framed prints and original sketches. Though the variety of sizes and shapes could seem chaotic, a grounding colour palette (black and white, featuring a duo of refinished vintage chairs) showcases Cook’s memories in visual harmony.

Think outside the frame.


Erica Cook


Calgary, Alberta


Artsy Chic

Trade Secrets


ey A



TradeSecrets.AB.FINAL.indd 98 14-12-12 3:35 PM

Date: December 16, 2014 Western Living Mag

Lobby sofa, design Cedric Ragot

G3 cocktails and end tables, design Johan Lindsten

Mecano foor lamp, design Alessio Bassan





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CactusClubJF14FP_lt.indd 1 2014-12-15 11:09 AM

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