westchester county board of health timeline · 2013. 4. 15. · health january 1976 establishes...

Post on 12-Oct-2020






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Westchester County Board of Health Timeline

January 7, 1930 First meeting

of theWestchester

CountyBoard of Health


September 1959 Promulgatesfirst habitable

building standards

January 1973 The entire

population ofWestchester

comes under thejurisdiction of

the health dept.

July 1979Bans smoking inlibraries, schools,

hospitals and publicexhibition halls

October 1985Work places and

theatres to provide nonsmoking areas

April 1987-Sets 10-day rabies quarantine

-Establishes Case Reportingand Monitoring for TB, STDand communicable diseases

May 1987Regulates exhaust and

ventilation emissions andprohibits release of

contaminants toimprove air quality

January 1990Establishes water

pollution standardsand controls

March 1992 Establishes

Children's SummerCamp regulations

June 1994Requires lead

testing for children up to72 months old

Feb. 1995600th meeting

of theBoard of Health

July 1996Bans smoking

in public placesand smokingsections inrestaurants

February 1997Establishes

minimum housingstandards

June 1999 Sets

Petroleum BulkStorage regulations

July 2001Sets

licensing standardsand reporting

requirements for septic system contractors

and septage collectors

March 2003 BOH charged with

enforcing new countylaw that bans work-

place smoking

June 2006BOH to enforcenew county lawthat regulates

the use of tanning salons

by minors

December 2007Bans restaurant use of cooking

oils that containtransfat

November 2008Requires

restaurants topost a food allergy

notification onmenus and menu


October 2010BOH charged with

enforcing new county law thatrequires chain

restaurants to postcalorie counts

December 2012Requires supervision

for minors at hotel pools

April 2013800th meeting ofthe WestchesterCounty Board of


January 1976Establishes food

safety regulations

September 1959Regulates Milk

Safety - Milk mustbe properly

labeled, have asealed cap and all

dairies that dobusiness in the

county must com-ply with NY StateSanitary Codes.

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