wesley umc the we sl e y i n qu irer 1322 w. broadway blvd ... color.pdf · april 30, 2017 anne...

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Prayer Concerns: Barbara Jonson, Jerry Greer’s sister Judy, Anna Mae Cain’s daughter-in-law Dee, Michal Lucito, Francis Johnston’s daughter-in-law Patty, the Warren & Cheryl Preuitt family, Doris Koffman’s granddaughter Charlotte, Peggy Kelley, DeWayne Duncan, and Katy Holbert.

Wesley UMC 1322 W. Broadway Blvd.

Sedalia, Missouri, 65301-5302 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:45


We Wan t To Know

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Sedalia, MO

RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Leading People to an Active Faith in Christ The Rev. Dennis Harper, Pastor

Telephone Number: 660.826.4502 dharper@wesleyofsedalia.com Fax Number: 660.826.7604 Kevin Holbert, Youth & Education Coordinator, and Choir Director office@wesleyofsedalia.com Sarah Myers, Youth Ministry Intern Wesleyofsedalia.com Vicki Herrick, Office Manager April 30, 2017 Anne Tempel, Pianist,Organist, Bell Choir,Wesley Angels Director

John Knox, Custodian

from the youth front… sunday will be here soon and the youth have prepared a wonderful service for you. they will be speaking on how the ingredients of oatmeal cookies are reflected in the bible. you may ask why oatmeal cookies, because sunday is national oatmeal cookie day. i have heard what the youth will speak about and am very impressed. you don’t want to miss this time of worship. we are looking forward to assisting with vacation bible school the last week of june and our summer mission trip to kentucky where we will be doing construction projects to help the needy of that area. we also look forward to our time together, especially our time of spiritual growth. we grow in our faith walk more during our week long mission trips than we do any other time of the year. thank you for making these trips possible. your support is greatly appreciated. in christ, kevin holbert, youth director

Richard Barnier II is serving in Afghanistan in the Army. He has invited us to collect travel size hygiene items. They will be put in plastic baggies and sent to Rich so he can pass them out to folks that come into the store. Rich is serving as a chaplain’s assistant, and by handing out these items it gives him or the chaplain an opportunity to check in with soldiers and serve them the best they can. There is a basket by the main entrance, feel free to put the items there, and Jennifer, Rich’s mother, will get them to him. Thank you for your help with this.


Sunday, April 30 Donovan Schnicker YOUTH SUNDAY

8:30 & 10:45.a.m. — Worship Services 9:30 a.m. — Sunday School 10:00 a.m. — Wesley Angels Practice 1:00 & 6:00 p.m. — Spring of Life Church Gathers/San./FH

Monday, May 1 Doris Green 6:00 p.m. — Show Me Sound Practices/FH

Tuesday, May 2 Margaret Dugan 12:00 noon — Communal Prayer Time/Chapel

Wednesday, May 3 Faye Hunton 5:45 p.m. — Wesley Bell Choir Practice/Sanctuary 6:00 p.m. — Wesley Faithful Men Practice/Room 206 7:00 p.m. — Staff-Parish Committee/Classroom 7:00 p.m. — Chancel Choir Practice/Sanctuary 7:00 p.m. — Spring of Life Prayer Group Chapel/SS Rooms

Thursday, May 4 John Homan 11:30 a.m. — UM Women/Best Western

Friday, May 5 Robert Flinn 6:00 p.m. — Family Game Night/FH 7:00 p.m. — Spring of Life Church Gathers/Sanctuary

Saturday, May 6 Jerry Young

Sunday, May 7 Lloyd Knox 8:30 & 10:45.a.m. — Worship Services with Communion 10:45.a.m. — Chancel Choir Performs 9:30 a.m. — Sunday School 10:00 a.m. — Wesley Angels Practice 1:00 & 6:00 p.m. — Spring of Life Church Gathers/San./FH

Monday, May 8 Charles Brandhorst 5:00 p.m. — Finance Committee/Room 206 6:00 p.m. — Show Me Sound Practices /FH 6:00 p.m. — Church Council/Room 206

Tuesday, May 9 Natalie Smith 12:00 noon — Communal Prayer Time/Chapel Wednesday, May 10 Judith Moore

5:00 p.m. — Worship Committee/Library 5:45 p.m. — Wesley Bell Choir Practice/Sanctuary 6:00 p.m. — Wesley Faithful Men Practice/Room 206 7:00 p.m. — Chancel Choir Practice/Sanctuary 7:00 p.m. — Spring of Life Prayer Group Meets

Thursday, May 11 Thelma Kraft 9:00 a.m. — Library Committee/Library 7:00 p.m. — FOCUS/Library 7:00 p.m. — Great Rivers Boy Scout Ldrs/FH

Friday, May 12 Dean Vannoy 7:00 p.m. — Spring of Life Church Gathers/Sanctuary

Saturday, May 13 Stephen Poort 10:00 a.m. — Show Me Sound Planning/FH 6:00 p.m. — Spring of Life-Prayer Vigil/FH

April 30 Lynn Shafer

May 1 Pamela Crafton

Darin Stoll Dillon Watterson

Hannah Watterson

May 2 Lillian Esselman

May 3 Cara Chappelle

May 6 Jeff Brandhorst

May 7 Misty Bolds

Julie Lightfoot

May 10 Carey Gutjahr

George Harvey Grant Moore

Joseph Waddle

May 12 Daniel Marshall

Brandon Morrison Alexis Templeton

May 13 Marion Thomas Dean Vannoy

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


May 10

Robert & Donna Burke

Faithfulness Affirmed Worship April 16 200 April 23 118 Church School April 16 62 April 23 62 Tithing Commitment April 16 $4,852.84 April 23 $3,151.15

From Our Pastor’s Desk…

Our Lenten season was a great opportunity to worship and study together. Thank you for your support of the Sunday evening worship services and breakfasts that brought us together not only with our Wesley family, but with our United Methodist family and all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Lent is often talked about as a somber, penitent, and reflective time. I experienced some of that during Lent, but it also felt like it was a ramped up time that brought focus to the work of Christ in my life, the church, and community. Now, that we have celebrated Easter, it is my hope that we continue to be aware of how Christ is alive and working within us and even in spite of us. I am making an effort during this Easter season to be more aware of the Holy Spirit working in the world. I am drawn to the scripture passage in Acts 11. The church in Jerusalem is critical of outreach that has been down towards Gentiles. Peter recounts the ways he has seen the Spirit working in the Gentiles he has spent time with and even baptized. Peter’s response is, “If then God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could hinder God?” (Acts 11:17). Invite God to open your heart to possibilities, that the Spirit is moving in your life and maybe in ways you are yet to recognize. One of our goals for 2017 is to have three new small groups. In the last few months we have started a Men’s Breakfast on the last Saturday of the month and the Coffee Club Bible Class during Sunday School. Is the Spirit nudging you to start something new or join a Sunday School class or other group in the church? Are there people in your life that need a church family? Do you have any friends that aren’t part of a church? God is moving within us and inviting us share the good news of Jesus Christ. Let’s take this opportunity to do it! In Christ,



May 5th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. IS GAME NGHT

in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite games and snacks for a

night of fun and fellowship,

Caring Corner John 21: 15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these? Yes, Lord, he said, you know that I love you, Jesus said “Feed my lambs”. Have you ever felt alone and wondered where life was leading you? Most of us have felt this feeling and have had few to share it with. Life has a way of piling up on you before you know it. The busy schedules we keep, don’t allow us time to think or time to act until we are reacting. The Good news is that Jesus has challenged us all to “Feed My Lambs”. We do this by compassionately reaching out to those in need. Stephen Ministry helps you to prepare to do this. Is God calling you to be a shepherd in the form of a Stephen Minister. We have lambs that need to be fed. Will you hear God’s call to be a shepherd. As God Cares – We Care, Pastor Dennis, Kevin and Katy

Items to be collected:



Begin bringing your items on Sunday, May 7th and place them on the tables at the back of the sanctuary. Let’s see how high we can stack them this year!

Workers are needed for the day of the collection as well. Check the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board at the back of

the sanctuary for times and locations!

VBS Galactic Blast June 26 – 30! Be in prayer!

What kids do you need to invite?

How will you be involved? Any questions – Sarah Harper sharperelizabeth@gmail.com

To Our Wesley Church Family Thank you so much for the prayers, cards and the wonderful support you provided Katy and I as well as our extended family. Your loving compassion was felt by all. We appreciate the many who took time out of their busy schedules to support us at Peggy’s memorial service. The dinner was wonderful. Again, thanks for everything. Our love to all of you! Blessings Kevin and Katy Holbert

Thank you for the lovely Easter Lily and for delivering it to us. Also for the Easter card. It was so kind and considerate of you to think of us.! God bless you!! Bob & Kathryn Edwards Wesley Church Family, I certainly appreciated the nice signed Easter card. I slowly read the names and visualized each one with pleasant thoughts. Wesley Church has the reputation as being a friendly and active one. I’m almost 96 years old and happy that I’m a member. Thanks, Mary Jeanette Higdon-Hurt Wesley Church Family, Our most sincere appreciation for all of the support and love at Dan’s passing. Thank you to Pastor Harper for the hospital visit and words of comfort, the kitchen crew who prepared the wonderful meal, and all the prayers and support from you all…our church family! The Dan Tuggle Family

The Church Council set a goal of starting 3 new groups earlier this year, the great news is that 2 have been started: The Men’s Breakfast Group meets to enjoy food & fellowship on the last Saturday of the month. The Coffee Cub Bible Class has also been added, it meets every Sunday at 9:30 in room 105. We are looking for suggestions for the 3rd group (or more). Below are some ideas , mark the box of any you would be interested in, or provide additional suggestions to help us live out our mission of Leading people to an active faith in Christ through fellowship, study and service. Thank you!

□ Fitness Class ie Dance/Aerobics/Yoga/Pilates others that might meet for 8 weeks

□ Puppet Ministry in some form □ Would you be willing to provide leadership or help coordinate?

□ Community Mission ie Quarterly Service Projects

□ Prayer Shawl Ministry/Quilt Ministry

□ Others ( ie working at the Animal Shelter or serving at our local schools) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name/Contact Information: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Meals on Wheels Wesley UMC as a group will be serving Meals on Wheels for the week of May 15-19. Volunteers are needed for each day. Please give this prayerful consideration, if interested fill out below or look for signup sheets outside the sanctuary soon. Name: _________________________________________ Contact Information: _________________________________________

Graduates We will hold Graduate Recognition on May 21. If you have an immediate family member graduating from high school or college please contact the church office (660 826-4502) so they may be included.

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