welcome webinar round 1

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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Innovation Collaborative

An initiative of the

Welcome to the Innovation Collaborative

Introductions National Network Overview Innovation Collaborative

Overview Training and Support Plan Coaching Process Mentoring Process Evaluation Process

National Network Contacts

Stephen RiceDirector, Organizational Learning971-634-1205srice@gatewaytocollege.org

Jennifer AlkezweenyManager, Project DEgree Training & Partner Support971-634-1524jalkezweeny@gatewaytocollege.org

Gaylen BrannonInstructional Coach503-752-2934gaylenbrannon@yahoo.com

Innovation Collaborative Round 1

Chattahoochee Technical College

Community College of Philadelphia

Hinds Community College Mesa Community College Pima Community College Scottsdale Community


Summary of National Network Programs

Two education models focused on reengaging high school dropouts and college freshmen unprepared for college level work.

Programs located in 34 community and technical colleges in 19 states. (Innovation Collaborative brings us to 39 colleges in 20 states.)

We create and replicate innovative programs, build partnerships, influence systems, conduct research, effect policy and regulatory changes, provide customized consulting services, and ongoing training, technical assistance, and professional development.

Gateway to College helps high school dropouts (ages 16-21) and students on the verge of dropping out to earn a high school diploma while also earning college credits.

Project DEgree helps underprepared college students (ages 18-26) accelerate their progress through developmental education and on to transfer-level college courses and on to a degree.

Gateway to College National Network

The Innovation Collaborative Objectives

Pilot strategies for effectively scaling innovations in developmental education

Provide training and support for faculty to act as catalysts of change and innovation in developmental education

Implement and sustain learning communities for institutional impact

Provide a forum for academic and student services to identify new ways to collaborate for students’ benefit

The Need for Solutions

Studies estimate that 40% to 70% of entering public two-year institutions need at least one remedial course—and many get stuck there Chronicle of Higher Education study, April 2009

In college with high enrollments of low-income and minority students:*72% needed one DE math course but only 23% “made it out”*Less than half who aspired to earn an AA, or transfer to a 4-year institution did so within 6 years Chronicle of Higher Education study, April 2009

Institutional Goals from the application

Implement learning communities in a scaffolded framework Put into practice promising ways of delivering DE Increase retention and improve student success Coordinated, interdisciplinary approach to student success Encourage innovation and creative approaches Distinguish needs of underprepared students Alternative scheduling options/less time between class meetings Restructure the content of the life skills course Pursue new instructional design Systemic change (in courses, learning support, and professional


Essential Elements and Core Commitments

Intentional Collaboration Integrated Leadership Innovative Teaching and Learning Holistic Student Support

Full document found here

GtCNN Principles of Teaching and Learning

Integrated, Outcomes-based Curriculum and Instruction

Rigor Relationships - Collaborative, Inclusive Learning

Communities Relevance - Project-based, Active Learning Constructing Meaning Personal Growth Assessment

The Innovation Collaborative Outcomes

Learning Communities grounded in the GtCNN Principles of Teaching and Learning

Link courses together as a learning community Create integrated, outcomes-based curriculum Use Blooms Taxonomy to create rigorous assignments Employ solution focused techniques to build student/faculty

relationships and help students practice higher order thinking skills to solve their own problems

Use a project-based learning pedagogy to actively engage students in work relevant to their lives and careers.

Create performance tasks that provide evidence that the student is capable of achieving the intended outcome(s).

ExampleDriving Question: How does education change my life story and allow us to contribute to social change in our community? Read a novel (not yet selected) about those who come from similar backgrounds as

the students, and who have achieved success through education Reading Have/Be/Do essay: At your greatest success, what will you have, what will you be

doing and who will you be? Student Development Subcultures in school and in life instruction/exploration Sociology Help a classmate organize his/her notebook/study materials. Write a

compare/contrast essay about the before and after of the organization English Final Project to Answer the Driving Question: Create a personal expression through

any medium (e.g. art, poetry, writing, film) conveying your response to the driving question that demonstrates integrative thinking using what you’ve learned from Reading, English, Student Development and Sociology. English

Public Presentation: End of term celebration with food. Student expressions answering the driving question will be displayed in the Student Commons, and the community services booklet will be placed on the college website and be made available in print to incoming PDE students.

Let’s Discuss!

Scottsdale Community College

Pima Community College

Hinds Community College

Chattahoochee Technical College

Mesa Community College

Community College of Philadelphia

Integrated Design ChecklistCriteria Absent Developing Adequate Well-Developed

Substantial w/ worthwhile big ideas and a relevant, contemporary questionFocused on curricular trouble spots

Demonstrating horizontal integration- across at least 2 subjects or courses

Demonstrating vertical integration-reaching ahead to what’s next for studentsIncluding at least 2 assignments w 2/ products/term w/evident integration of concepts and skills from each course

Requiring the rigor of college level workUtilizing active & collaborative learningIncluding a plan for making work publicIncluding an assessment tool for evaluating evidence of student learning and integrative thinking

The Innovation Collaborative Outcomes

Faculty Communities of Practice (CoP) Work effectively as a CoP Meet regularly as a faculty team Use protocols to collaboratively examine own work and the

work of students, discuss best practices, and progress toward instructional goals

Use instructional coaching techniques to mentor and support faculty colleagues joining the Collaborative

Let’s Discuss!

Scottsdale Community College

Pima Community College

Hinds Community College

Chattahoochee Technical College

Mesa Community College

Community College of Philadelphia

The Innovation Collaborative Outcomes

Systems Approach to Institutional Change Develop and implement a strategy for integrating learning

communities into their college’s advising and registration system Use a systems approach to identify institutional barriers that

limit student persistence Draft a plan for addressing identified institutional barriers

The Innovation Collaborative Design

Start-Up Team• Academic Leader• Student Services Leader• 4 faculty (student success and developmental education

course pairings)

Scaled-Up Team• Start-Up Team• 4 new faculty (course pairings at discretion of the college)

College Team Pairings

Scottsdale Community College

Pima Community College

Hinds Community College

Chattahoochee Technical College

Mesa Community College

Community College of Philadelphia

The Innovation Collaborative Design

•Start-Up Training in Portland

April 2011

•Curriculum Retreat with Start-Up Team on Campus, led by coach

Late Spring 2011

•Launch first 2 learning communities

Fall 2011•Curriculum and Assessment Retreat with Start-Up Team on Campus, led by coach

Late Fall 2011

•Initial Learning Community offered for second time

Spring 2012

•Capstone Training in Portland with Scaled-Up Team

•Start-Up report out, Scaled-Up Training

April 2012

•Curriculum Retreat with Scaled-Up Team on Campus, led by mentors

Late Spring 2012

•Launch learning communities (initial 2 * and new 2)

Fall 2012

•Curriculum and Assessment Retreat with Scaled-Up Team on campus, led by mentors

Late Fall 2012

Participation Requirements

Full-time faculty for Start-Up Team Start-Up faculty willing to take on mentor role of

Scaled-Up team Participation in coaching process, including surveys Participation in trainings/webinars Final report

FAQ for Faculty

How much time will I need to commit?

How will the integrated curriculum respect my course learning outcomes?

How will the coaching process be viewed in relation to my tenure process?

Let’s Discuss!

Scottsdale Community College

Pima Community College

Hinds Community College

Chattahoochee Technical College

Mesa Community College

Community College of Philadelphia

Training and Support PlanTraining Series Dates Times Location Audience

Overview and Faculty Selection Webinar

January 10, 2011 9am-10:30am PST Virtual Designated College Leader

Welcome Webinar Late March, 2011 TBD Virtual Start-up Team

Start-Up Training 2 days, mid-April 2011 8-5pm PST Portland, OR Start-up Team

Support Calls Arranged as needed Duration of Agreement Phone Designated College Leader

Onsite Coaching Visits 2 days April/May/June 2011;2 days Oct/Nov 2011

TBD On site Start-up Team

Design Report Out Webinar August, 2011 Asynchronous Virtual Start-up Team

Keep it Going Webinar December 2011 TBD (60-90 mins) Virtual Start-up Team

Keep it Going Webinar February 2012 TBD (60-90 mins) Virtual Scaled-up Team

Capstone Training 2 days, mid-April 2012 8am-5pm PST Portland, OR Scaled-up Team

Support Calls Arranged as needed Post-capstone through grant end

Phone Start-up Faculty Mentors

Design Report Out Webinar August, 2012 Asynchronous Virtual Scaled-up Team

Keep it Going Webinar November, 2012 TBD (60-90 mins) Virtual Scaled-up Team

** Items highlighted in blue involve all 6 colleges**

Coaching Process

Visit 1: 2 days on campus. Coordinated on college schedule.• Plan integrated curriculum for learning communities• Develop Community of Practice• Plan for the first term

Visit 2: 2 days on campus. Coordinated on college schedule.• Assess learning community work using a

collaborative assessment protocol• Refine integration for next term

Mentoring Process

Learn it, Do it, Teach it…rinse and repeat• Consider process from perspective of facilitator • Make notes for how you’ll lead• Consider what you bring to the table

Evaluation and Reporting

Self-Assessment, pre and post Tracking participation hours Project reports

Next Steps

Leaders:• Read What is Systems Thinking? • Read Designing and Managing Learning

Communities All:• Read the Principles of Teaching and Learning• Read Teaching for Meaningful Learning

Log-In to the Wiki and complete your profile Self-Assessment Start-Up Training in Portland

Scottsdale Community College

Pima Community College

Hinds Community College

Chattahoochee Technical College

Mesa Community College

Community College of Philadelphia

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