welcome! we are glad you are here. if you would like to join ......2020/02/09  · you are welcome...

Post on 04-Oct-2020






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12969 C R . C , O 44026

Welcome! We are glad you are here. If you would like to join the parish, or if you are not Catholic and have questions and would like to learn about the

Notes from Father Tom…

Catholic Charities: This weekend \ is the kickoff for our annual Catholic Charites Appeal. Catholic Charities does such great work in our diocese. People in this eight county area are given hope because people care and express that care through pledges to Catholic Charities. I remember when I was growing up my dad would visit all the Catholics on our street as part of the annual Catholic Charities campaign. My dad did not socialize all that much but he believed this was important and so he did it. It is still important and people in Geauga County are among the beneficiaries. I will be speaking at all the Masses. We will play the tape since DVD’s are too hard to see in a bright church.

Last week I mentioned Bishop Perez’ appointment as Archbishop of Philadelphia. I explained a little about the difference between a bishop and an archbishop. This week, I have posted a map on the bulletin board that might help too. The United States is divided into regions. Ohio and Michigan are in Region VI. There are two archdioceses in this region, Cincinnati and Detroit. Every five years every bishop goes to Rome where he meets with the Holy Father and presents reports to the various worldwide church offices. Region VI bishops were in Rome in December for this visit.

Southern Italy and Sicily. An information meeting with Mitchell Mack of Collette is this Thursday, February 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Room at the Parish Office Building. Mitch will give an overview of the trip which is October 10-21, 2020. I am going. I have never been south of Rome. We will have pizza at the meeting so you can plan your eating schedule accordingly.

† S Sir 15:15-20; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34; 1 Cor 2:6-10;

Mt 5:17-37 [20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37]

Saturday, F 15, 2020 4:00 p.m. Dolores Ratajczak Celebrant: Father Sweany

Sunday, F 16, 2020 9:00 a.m. Celebrants Choice Celebrant: Father Sweany 11:00 a.m. Celebrants Choice Celebrant: Father Sweany

† F S Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5;Mt5:13-16

Sunday, F 9, 2020



4:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. 8:00 am 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Sunday Masses & Noon 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. LifeTeen Monday thru Thursday Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. Weekday Masses 6:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. Saturday 8:15 a.m. Saturday 3:00 - 3:30 p.m. Confessions Monday 7:15-7:45 p.m. Saturday 3:30-4:15 p.m. 440-729-9575 Information 440-461-0066 www.stanselm.org www.stfrancisgm.org

Monday, F 10, 2020~ 7:30 a.m. James Drockton 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 132:6-7, 8-10;Mk 6:53-56 St. Scholastica

Tuesday, F 11, 2020~ 7:30 a.m. Sam Orefice 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 84:3-5, 10-11; Mk 7:1-13 Our Lady of Lourdes; World Day of the Sick

Wednesday, F 12, 2020 ~ 7:30 a.m. Robert Weir 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Ps 37:5-6, 30-31, 39-40; Mk 7:14-23

Thursday, F 13, 2020 ~ 7:30 a.m. Giuseppe DelBalso 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Ps 106:3-4, 35-37, 40; Mk 7:24-30

Friday, F 14, 2020~ 8:30 a.m. Donna Veres 1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19; Ps 81:10-11ab, 12-15; Mk 7:31-37 Ss. Cyril and Methodius; Valentine’s Day

During the 9:00 a.m. Mass ~ Ages 3-5 yrs. old

Join us in the classroom next to the South door of school.

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Vigil: Saturday 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:00—3:30 p.m.


Wednesday 8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

PARISH OFFICE Web Site: stanselm.org email: anselmst@aol.com

Phone: 440-729-9575 Fax: 440-729-9103

SAINT ANSELM CATHOLIC SCHOOL Early Childhood Education (Preschool)

K-Grade 8 Web Site: http://stanselmschool.org/ Phone: 440-729-7806

PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) Grades 1 - 5: Saturday: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Grades 6 - 8: Sunday: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Phone: During PSR hours: 440-729-0481

All other times: 440-729-9575

MINISTRY TO THE SICK We regularly visit the homebound, the hospitalized and minister to the

terminally ill. Please contact the parish office so that we may help.


Please call the parish office.

STAFF Fr. Thomas M. Sweany, Pastor


Deacon Bob Kovach 440-729-9575

Sister Noel Marra, O.S.U. Director of Religious Education 440-729-5120

Sr. Denise Marie Vlna, O.S.U. Pastoral Associate 440-729-5124


Miss Susan Pohly, Principal 440-729-7806, Ext. 325

Mr. David Fuller, Coordinator of Liturgical Music 440-729-9575

Notes from the Principal...

On Wednesday, January 29th, finalists from grades 4-8 competed in our St. Anselm School Spelling Bee. Congratulations to Michael Keresztesy,

Christiana Paul, Elizabeth DeChellis, Kristian Knott, Kyle Pudelski, Lochlan McKissick, Brady Burich, Mateo Paul , Michael Velotta and Sam Gordon. All of our finalists tried their best, articulating each letter of the challenging words. By Round 12 Christiana and Mateo were head to head in a vigorous battle of back and forth challenging words. This exciting event finally ended in Round 38 with Mateo out-spelling his sister. Congratulations to all of our finalists. Their enthusiasm truly made this an exciting and entertaining event. Mateo now moves on to the Geauga County Spelling Bee. We will keep you posted on his progress

F 2, 2020……………………..$11,209.75

Online Giving Offertory………………………………...$5,494.00 Education & Development.……………..$1,458.00 Food Pantry………………………………...$85.00 Support A Student………………………… $25.00

Vacation Bible School June 23-28, 2020

Ages 4 to finishing 4th grade More information to come!

† F S

S . A A H B S , M 7

5:00 . . K H

SAS Parent Club would be honored with your presence and support!

Enjoy Girls’ Night Out with 12 chances to win ONE or MORE designer items!

Tickets are $40.00 each and include entrance to the event, dinner and non-alcoholic drinks and

12 chances to win one of the designer items.

Choose to play 50/50, Sideboard Raffle and Penny Raffle for even more chances to win

beautiful hand selected accessories.

Please contact Kelly Baeslach at SAShandbagbash@gmail.com for more info.

(Flyers are on the desk in the baptistery)

Handbag Bash 2020 Saturday, March 7th

at 5:00 p.m. St. Anselm School

In Kelly Hall

S . A A H B ~ S , M 7

For tickets, please return this form along with your check to the school or parish office. (Please make checks payable to St. Anselm Parent Club.)

Purchaser’s Name_______________________________________________#of Tickets___________ Email:____________________________________________Phone #__________________________ Name of Attendees MUST include a name for EACH ticket ordered (Please print.) Attendee:__________________________________Attendee:________________________________ Attendee:__________________________________Attendee:________________________________ Attendee:__________________________________Attendee:________________________________ Attendee:__________________________________Attendee:________________________________ __Please hold my ticket at the door for pick up the night of the event. __I will pick up my tickets at the school office prior to the event.

H . S W 2020 https://saintjohncathedral.com/concerts

Cathedral of St John the Evangelist; 1007 Superior Ave; Cleveland 44114.

FREE, (no tickets, no reservations) Free secure parking: Cathedral garage & lot, Rockwell & E 9th Street. February 21, Friday at 7:30 p.m. | Schola Antiqua of Chicago | Michael Alan Anderson, director.

SAINT ANSELM FALL GALA 2020 Planning is about to begin! Join us for our first meeting on Wednesday, February 12th 6:30 p.m. at the school. Everyone is welcome to join! See what the Gala is all about or discover ways you can help!

Drop in at the meeting or contact Michelle Ferrando at ferrandomichelle@yahoo.com for more information.

W M E invites you to give your spouse the gifts of time and love the next get-away weekend is Feb. 14-16, 2020 at Hampton Inn, Grove City, PA. The weekend includes all meals, including a romantic Saturday dinner, and ends with a special Mass on Sunday afternoon. Application fee is $75 and financial help is available. Here's a quote from a recent couple: "Our Marriage Encounter Weekend was, without qualification, the most fantastic and moving experience of our lives". Follow in the footsteps of more than 2 million couples around the world and find out for yourselves. For more info call 330-305-9963 or visit www.WWME.org

S I S T You are welcome to join us for a trip to Sicily and Southern Italy October 10-21, 2020. We start in Palermo, Sicily and end in Rome. Collette is doing the trip. Some of us went to Ireland and some to Fatima, Lourdes and Barcelona with Collette. Their tours are well planned with great tour guides. It is $4,449 per person, double occupancy. I have been to Rome but never south of Rome. It includes the Amalfi Coast.

There will be a meeting Thursday, February 13th, in the Hospitality Room at 6:30 p.m. with Mitchell Mack with Collette. Josephine Petkovsek at Travel Encounters 440 557 9021 will also answer questions.

Brochures are in the baptistery.

CYO T F Registration is now open for Saint Anselm CYO Track and Field. All eligible PSR and school children grades Kindergarten through 8th grade are welcome to join us. Please see the Parish or school websites for registration information or contact Amy Reynolds at 440-759-0713. S A A A Is looking for adults to coach CYO Track and Field teams (Rugrats Team grades K- 2 and Elementary Team grades 3-8). Please contact Amy Reynolds at 440-759-0713 if you are interested.

T 2020 C C A A

Is underway with an in-pew commitment process taking place this weekend. This is not a special collection; rather, the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal represents the chance for all Catholics to make a significant pledge, payable in installments, to Catholic Charities, Diocese of Cleveland in order to support its mission of a society that stands united in its support of the “least among us.” Many parishioners have received a letter from Bishop Perez requesting their support. If you have not received this letter, please respond to the in-pew commitment process today! If you have received the mailing, please respond to it. There is a box on the in-pew envelope to indicate that you have responded by mail. Faces of Hope. Your support of the 2020 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal helps us to carry out the mission that Jesus entrusted to us: I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Please consider a generous gift that will change the lives of the 410,000 who are served each year in Northeast Ohio. Please pray for the success of the Appeal, which provides for essential programs and services in need throughout all eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland. On behalf of the poor and needy of Northeast Ohio, thank you! We invite you to view stories of inspiration and more information at CatholicCommunity. org/2020Appeal. To make a donation today, text CCHOPEto41444or visit CatholicCommunity.org/Donate.

C D C - O W

T P C S which was previously scheduled for November 11, 2019 at St. Anselm Parish, and cancelled due to the weather, has been rescheduled. The new date for this session will be Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 6:30-9:00pm at St. Anselm Parish.

Please note, you will need to contact your primary parish and ask them to re-register you for this session.

S . A F M This month's food collection amounted to approximately 300 lbs. Monetary donations for the food pan-try totaled $1,375 this month. Thanks to all who donated.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 7:00 p.m. Scripture Study Pentecost Rm

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 8:00 a.m. Adoration Chapel 3:00 p.m. Rosary making Pentecost Rm 6:30 p.m. Fall Fundraising Mtg. Staff Rm 7:00 p.m. RCIA Hospitality Rm

Thursday, February 13, 2020 6:25 a.m. Bible Study Hospitality Rm 6:30 p.m. Southern Italy Trip Mtg. Hospitality Rm 7:00 p.m. 7&8th Gr. Student Council Dance Kelly Hall

Friday, February 14, 2020 NO School

Saturday, February 15, 2020 NO PSR Gr. 1-5

Sunday, February 16, 2020 NO PSR Gr. 6-8

9:00 a.m. CLOW Resurrection Rm 9:00 a.m. Faith Starters School 11:00 a.m. CLOW Resurrection Rm

W S A F If you would like to be a member of our parish, please complete this form, and place it in the collection basket

or send it to the parish office and someone from the parish will contact you.

Name_________________________________________________________Phone___________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ Zip________________________

____ I am interested in the marriage annulment process.


Join us in Kelly Hall Sunday, for coffee, donuts and fellowship after the 9:00 a.m. and the 11:00 a.m. Mass

Articles for the February 16th Bulletin must be at the Parish Center by

Monday, February 10th email to bulletins2@aol.com

M ' R Join us for a one-day Men's Retreat on Saturday, February 22nd at St. Mary, Chardon. Men - adults and teens accept Jesus' invitation to "Come Pray With Me". We will gather from 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. A $10 free-will offering will cover a light breakfast and lunch. To register, email Gary Burling: gt2784@roadrunner.com

A F R C The Office of Financial Readiness Program offers Personal Financial Counselors(PFCs) to help you and your family manage finances, resolve financial problems and reach long-term goals such as getting an education, buying a home and planning for retirement. Visit Military OneSource for a wealth of additional financial information: www.militaryonesource.mil/financial-and-legal

B L L F 12, 2020 Luann Sowers, Development Director at Bella Women’s Center, will present “Project S.O.S: Rescuing the Future” at the February 12 Breadth of Life Luncheon. Steering Committee Leader for Project S.O.S., Luann will be sharing the unique model of love, compassion and education that ministers to the hearts of women facing pregnancy decisions and their families and why this is a much needed service in our area.

The luncheon will be held at St. Noel’s Parish Hall in Willoughby Hills from Noon to 2 p.m. Cost is $18 per person which includes chicken noodle soup, lemon chicken tosca, oven roasted potatoes, mixed vegetables and cherry pie. All are welcome. Call Agnes Blackley at 440-729-4619 for reservations.

C F S With the cold and flu season invading so many of us, please be mindful of others. If you are ill, it is okay to stay at home. You will and can prevent the spread of illness to others by doing so. If you do choose to

attend Mass, and may be carrying germs, shaking others hands at the sign of peace can always be dismissed with a nod of the head and a smile. Let’s all try to stay healthy this season! H M P

In the month of December, Collinwood Food Pantry served 277 adults, 153 seniors, and 123 children for a total of 553 people. The Hot Meals Program served 479 meals. Thank you all...God Bless You.

054150 St Anselm Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629



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T 2




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ConsiderRememberingYour Parish in

Your Will.For further information,

please call the Parish Office.

Heavenly Father, we pray that You will lay your healing hands upon all those who are sick. We beg you to have compassion on all those mentioned below, Amen

For additions to the list or to have a name removed, please call 729-5111 and leave a message or email to bulletins2@aol.com R P ~ J M G

Eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Please remember in your daily prayers these individuals, who have been and are called to the priesthood.

Sunday, February 9, 2020 ~ Father Sweany Wednesday, February 12 ~ John Harwood Seminarians at Borromeo Thursday, February 13 ~ Joseph Herrera, Jr. Monday, February 10 ~ Jeremy Gaugler Friday, February 14 ~ Alexander Kruckemeyer Tuesday, February 11~ Nicholas Grismer Saturday, February 15 ~ Jeffrey Lindholm

Children at St. Jude Hospital Jan Cicchela Wayne L. Clevenger Judy Colasante Josephine Colitto Jerry Collette Hank Collette Tom Collins Buddy Craven Leslie (Hubbell) Davis Nick DiCillo Bill & Beverly Dietrick Dorothy DiLillo Rocco DiLillo Chris Drost Roselyn Dudash Debbie Edelman Louise Ellis Mark Farley Joan Faudree Nancy Ferris Mitchell Fink William Fletcher Peter Frank Steve Fromhercz

Lara Kitko William Knauer Suzie Knotek Brian Knotts Jack Kotheimer Luke Kovacs Madeleine LaMarca Pat & Bob Lane Paula Lanese Anthony Leonardi Chris Livers Isabela Maiewski Jutta Manherz Joe Marra, Sr. Marilyn Martines Bonnie McLaughlin Chuck McLaughlin Bill McNally Sharon Meholovitch Marie Melzer Margaret Meyer Donald Mihelcic Eli Mihelcic John Monaco Joe Morek Lisa Morek

Madeleine LaMarca Schneider Renate Socha Shawn Spenze Ron Spitler Irene Sprenger Carol Stansbury Clara Stenson Eleanor Stumpf Bion St Bernard Teri Szucs Barb Tarajcak Beckham Thompson Johanna Townsend Anthony Trivisonno Cindy Trivisonno Pat Turske Chris Tyers Barb Ulizzi Josefina Ventimiglia Becky Vura Kathy Wanamaker Jason Wardega Shirley Warren Bob Wright

Joan Morgan Elizabeth Mullins Judy Mullins John Nolan Laurie Novak Marilyn Novak Lulu Pawlowski John Peck Jeanette Peters Jaci Pinkston George & Dee Pitko Tony Pizzino Vince Pizzino Lynette Perconti Erica Pritchard Kathleen Roddy Charlie Rogers Flora Romonto Clare Ronnebaum Jack Roznik Marc Sabransky Frank Sak Patricia Serf Frances Sichko Clara Sipp Becky Slusarz Edward Smith

Kim Frost Barrett Gates Frank Gigliotti Jason Graham Joan Gregoric Therese Gregg Miriam Gripp John Gromek Mary Hall Tom Hale Geneva Hamilton Robert Hamilton Deborah Hartshorn Adam Hess Kathy Hogameier Dana Hounshell Gary Hounshell Jeanette Hrisko Michael Hrisko Emily Hun Tiffany Hutchinson Incarcerated people Lorene Jerome Shirley Kall Katie Kane Marval Kear

U.S. Active Military U.S. Veterans Maureen Ahern Patricia Ahern Dale Alexander Peter Amato Mark Andres Tina Arnold Kevin Austin Ruby Azeuedo Kaari Baluja George Bates Carol Barron Victor Bernot Deanna Blair Bobby Thomas Bolt Nancy Boutellier Sally Bovineing Stacie Brower Haley Burgman Mary Jo Buehner Ron Buehner Kellie Burt Kathleen Burton Mary Lou Burton

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