welcome to the foundation stage! 16 th september 2015

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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WELCOME TO THE FOUNDATION STAGE! 16 th September 2015 TONIGHTS MEETING To help you to understand the curriculum that your child will be covering in the Foundation Stage. To understand how we teach in the Foundation Stage. To identify the key ways in which you can help your child at home and in school. To answer any questions you might have about the Foundation Stage or life here at White Waltham Academy. FOUNDATION STAGE.. WHO WILL BE WORKING WITH YOUR CHILD? MISS RUTH FIELD MISS EMILY COLE MISS LOUISE BRUNSDEN MS MICHELLE WHEELER MRS LOUISE WARD-GITTOS WHAT IS THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE? THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE (EYFS) SETS STANDARDS FOR THE LEARNING, DEVELOPMENT AND CARE OF CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO 5 YEARS OLD. The 7 areas of learning and development Assessments that will tell you about your childs progress through the EYFS Expected levels that your child should reach at age 5, usually the end of the reception year; these expectations are called the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) PRIME AREAS OF LEARNING CHILDREN SHOULD MOSTLY DEVELOP THE 3 PRIME AREAS FIRST. THESE ARE: COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE LISTENING AND ATTENTION, UNDERSTANDING, SPEAKING PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT MOVING AND HANDLING, HEALTH AND SAFE CARE PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SELF CONFIDENCE AND SELF AWARENESS, MANAGING FEELINGS AND BEHAVIOUR, MAKING RELATIONSHIPS SPECIFIC AREAS OF LEARNING LITERACY READING AND WRITING MATHEMATICS NUMBERS, SHAPE SPACE AND MEASURE UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES, THE WORLD, TECHNOLOGY EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN EXPLORING AND USING MEDIA AND MATERIALS, BEING IMAGINATIVE Expressive arts and Design Making a dinosaur dance using different movements. Making pictures with handprints, fingerprints and footprints using dinosaur toys. Making music by clapping syllables in childrens and dinosaurs names and make into patterns over a steady beat. Using Dinosaur puppets for role play. Make dinosaur eggs from paper mache. Exploring different textures to represent dinosaur features. Making winter pictures using collage materials. Make exploding volcano and link to Guy Fawkes night Draw dinosaur skeletons with white chalk on black paper and using cotton buds. Create salt dough Christmas decorations. Make Christmas cards. Decorate Christmas tree. Performing in the Nativity. Understanding of the World We will be talking about how the world has change since the dinosaur era. Talking about our homes, families and places that we go to. Labelling body parts and dinosaurs. Talking about different animals from today and in the past and comparing environments and habitats. Creating dinosaur maps for our special dinosaur day. Children to collect 3 special objects to put in a treasure boxes and talk about to the class. Physical Development This term we will be focusing on both gross and fine motor skills. Dancing like dinosaurs. Moving like dinosaurs going under and over equipment. Using a range of small tools for play dough, paper and arts and crafts. Dinosaur games. Digging, scraping and chipping fossils in the garden. Focusing on developing pencil grip. Developing independence with class room routines e.g. taking off coats, toileting, lunchtime. Mathematical Development We will be focusing on counting, recognising numbers and exploring different shapes. Singing number songs and rhymes about dinosaurs. Counting and sorting sets of dinosaurs. Comparing and recording different data. Measuring ourselves and lengths and heights of dinosaurs. Number recognition games. Communication, Language and Literacy This term we will be focusing on developing speaking and listening skills. Recognising and writing our name. Singing rhymes and songs. Listening and responding to dinosaur stories. Discussing our favourite stories and objects from home. Starting to learn letter sounds and blending the sounds together to read simple words. Personal, Social Development Settling into school and becoming familiar with peers and teachers. Becoming familiar with the golden rules and expectations of school life. Looking after the class dinosaur and caring for the environment. Talking about our feelings and dealing with new emotions. FOUNDATION TOPICS THIS YEAR Dinosaurs Traditional Tales Cinderella Traditional Tales Three little pigs Around the world in 80 days Around the world in 80 days A TYPICAL DAY IN FOUNDATION. 8.30am Come in and find locker and self register Choose activities before Register Register and look at the visual timetable Teacher input Activities and teacher focused tasks Tidy up and Snack Time Phonics lesson Lunch Teacher input Activities and teacher focused tasks Tidy up and Milk/water Time /story Coats/bags for home time /club time HOW WILL WE KEEP YOU INFORMED? TALK TO YOU ! KEY WORKERS LEARNING JOURNAL TAPESTRY PARENT PARTNERSHIP BOOKS WEBSITEOR TEXT PARENT EVENINGS WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HOW CAN YOU HELP? FRIENDLY FRIDAYS MYSTERY READER SPECIAL SKILLS PTA HOME LEARNING ACTIVITIES OTHER MATTERS WE WILL START TO HAVE PE LESSONS IN THE SUMMER TERM ALL SCHOOL LETTERS GO HOME ON A FRIDAY LUNCHBOXES WHAT EXACTLY IS BUSY BEE OF THE DAY? WANT MORE INFORMATION? MISS FIELD!!!! AND FINALLY

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