welcome to the dat minyan! lighting shabbat hukat...2017/05/27  · 1559 — king ferdinand i expels...

Post on 13-Aug-2020






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D’var Torah with Rabbi Wein The unraveling of the destiny of the generation of Jews that left Egypt reaches its climax in the Torah reading of this week. All of the leaders of the people will not bring them to the promised land of Israel. This is true not only of the leaders of the individual tribes in the desert but even Moshe and Aharon are doomed not to witness the conquest and settlement of the Land of Israel.

The will of Heaven in this area, as in almost all other areas of life and history, remains inscrutable to us ordinary humans. We do not comprehend the punishment of Moshe and its apparent severity. Commentators to the Torah have labored along and hard over the centuries to attempt to explain this mystery but it must be admitted, that in spite of their brilliant insights, the mystery still remains.

We are left, as always, amazed and in awe at the judgment of Heaven. We are bound to accept that judgment even if it is beyond our realm of comprehension. Moshe will make numerous attempts to mitigate this decision but Heaven will not waiver in its enforcement.

This week's Torah reading generally deals with laws and commandments that are beyond comprehension, such as the ritual involving the red heifer. The punishment meted out to Moshe also fits into this category of laws and commandments from Heaven that are beyond human understanding. So there is this thread of mystery that combines to make up the contents of the Torah reading of this week.

Aside from delving into the mysterious ways that Heaven deals with our world and with us as individuals, the main task that lies before us is how to continue and strengthen ourselves physically and spiritually no matter what the results of Heaven’s judgment are.

(Continued on page 4)

Welcome to the DAT Minyan! Shabbat Chukat

July 1, 2017 - 7 Tammuz, 5777 Joseph Friedman, Rabbi | David Fishman, President

Candle Lighting


8:13pm 9:20pm

Shabbat Schedule

Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during

the service.


6:45 pm: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv (Shema should be recited after 9:21 pm)


Parasha: Page 838 / Haftarah: Page 1187

Kiddush this week is sponsored by Mervyn and Ann Lifschitz in honor of their daughter Naomi

and in appreciation of the community’s support during the past year

7:30 am: Hashkama Minyan

8:30 am: Tefillah Warm-up with Ellyn Hutt

9:00 am: Shacharit

6:00 pm: SHAWL, for women only, sponsored by Seth and Chaya Parkoff in honor of their daughters Yael and Maya, who are this week’s presenters and will be discussing “Iggeret HaRamban: Nachmanides’ Guide to Living an Ethical Life”

6:45 pm: HS Boys Gemara w/ Zev Narrowe at DAT

7:00 pm: Shabbat Afternoon Class with Rabbi Friedman, presenting “Humility vs. Self-Esteem”

8:00 pm: Mincha

Seudah Shlisheet this week is sponsored by the shul

9:20 pm: Maariv / Havdalah


Weekday Schedule


Sunday, Tuesday (Independence Day): 8:00 am

Monday, Wednesday-Friday: 6:35 am


Sunday—Thursday: 6:45 pm

Friday: 6:40 pm

DAT Minyan is a dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages and dedicated to meaningful personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education, and Religious Zionism.

DAT Minyan - 6825 E. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80224 - 720-941-0479 - www.datminyan.org

Learning Opportunities @ the DAT Minyan

• Kitzur Shulchan Aruch: Daily, after Shacharit

• Mishnayot: Daily, between Mincha and Maariv

• Nefesh HaChaim: Sat & Sun, after Maariv

• Women’s Tuesday Parsha Class: 10:00 am at the DAT Minyan offices at BMH-BJ (call for directions)


Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the service.

The DAT Minyan wishes to acknowledge the following milestones* of our members in the coming week:

*These details were obtained from the DAT Minyan database, which contains information provided by the members when they joined. We apologize for any omissions or mistakes. For corrections or additions, please log on to your account and provide the information, or contact

the synagogue office at 720-941-0479.

Refuah Shelayma Please include the following names in your prayers. May each be granted a Refuah Shelayma. Names are kept on the list until the next Rosh Chodesh. Help us keep the list accurate by verifying the necessary details each month on the Cholim Document

at https://goo.gl/aeyJG2.

Ariella Bracha bat Sarah Ariella Leah bas Yael Meira Avraham Ben Mirel Avraham Shalom ben Henna Ayelet bas Aliza Yaffa Baruch Getzel ha Cohen ben Esther Benyamin ben Bryna Blooma Chana bas Esther Malka Borukh ben Eydya Bryna bas Menucha Carmel ben Tirtza Chaim Tuvia ben Dina Chana Yetta bat Bryna Chaya Chanah Elisheva Rivka bat Sarah Chaya Miriam bat Shoshana Chaya Orah Bat Sarah Chaya Rochel bas Miriam Chaya Sarah bat Tzirel Devorah Leah bat Chanah Dinah bat Chayala Doniel ben Chana Dovid en Ita Sheva Dovid ben Leah Eliakim Chaim ben Rivka Eliyahu Chaim ha Cohen ben Sara Rifka Ephraim Ben Henna

Eunice bat Sarah Feigie bat Sarah Gitel Sarah bat Ita Golda Guy Chaim ben Rita Hadassh Bat Fruma Rahel Hillel David ben Ahuva Miriam Hillel Yerachmiel ben Ariella Ida bat Esa Ita Sheiva bas Udyah Kalia bat Miriam Laizer ben Yaffa Leah bat Sarah Leah Devora Kivitiya bat Chaya Leya bat Sara Lyudmila bat Roza Malka bat Sarah Menachem Yitzchak ben Yisraela Michael ben Leah Miriam Tova Chaya bat Chanah Moshe Feivel ben Rose Naftali Yisroel ben Yisraela Nataniel ben Elisheva Nechama bat Chaya Noa Shani bat Chaya Bracha Raphael Yotam ben Efrat Rina bat Lea

Sara Chana bat Shaina Sarah Shoshanna bat Sarah Shaina Meryl Bat Rivka Shashi bat Batya Baila Shira Chana bat Sara Shirley Hasia bat Devorah Shlomo ben Penina Shoshanna bat Liora Shoshanna Bat Smadar Shoshanna Miriam bat Chanah Shulamit Leah bat Chava Tirtza bat Sarah Tirtza Chana bat Malka Tomas ben Galit Tziporah Rut bat Cissie Tzvi Gershon ben Shaindel Shaina Raizel Yaakov Mordechai ben Chana Yaakov Roni ben Margolit Yehudit bat Leah Yona Malka bat Pola Yonatan Zeev ben Netaa Yosef ben Malka Zev ben Yehudis Ziporah Sarah Mirrel bat Miriam

This Day In Jewish History - Jul 1 / 7 Tammuz 1559 — King Ferdinand I expels Jews from Romania and the Jewish Quarter of Prague is burned and looted. 1859 — Alexander II issues a decree returning Jewish children under the age of 20 who were drafted into military

institutions in czarist Russia with the intention that the conditions in which they were placed would force them to adopt Christianity (the Cantonist movement). His ordered exempted them from service until they reached 20 years of age.

1938 — President Franklin D. Roosevelt initiates an international conference at Evian, France, with 32 world leaders to discuss the problem of Jewish refugees. Unfortunately, little is accomplished, prompting Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s future first President, to say, “The world seemed to be divided into two parts — those places where the Jews could not live, and those where they could not enter.”

1965 — Moshe Sharett, second Prime Minister of Israel, dies at the age of 71, after serving a two-year term of office. Sharett was one of the signatories of Israel’s Declaration of Establishment and became Israel’s first Minister of Foreign Affairs, a position he held from 1948 — 1956, when he resigned and left political life. Originally from the Ukraine, Sharett’s family moved to Palestine in 1906 and helped establish what would eventually become the city of Tel Aviv.

Neil Dobro, Phoenix Harris, Jennifer Jacobson, Sruli Jankovic, Sammy Mogyoros, Sara Rotbart, Nechama Rubin, Esther Zalkin, Aaron Zazulia

Mickey and Barbara Silberman — 24 years

David and Jessica Zalkin — 11 years


Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the service.

COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Camp Cuties, a half-day backyard summer camp program in Hilltop for toddlers, runs from July 5th to July 28th, by

Racheli and Shifra Swinkin of Ramat Beit Shemesh, granddaughters of Nahum and Susie Swinkin. Cost is $300 for the entire session. To register or for more information, please email racheli.swinkin@gmail.com .

The Ladies Auxiliary of Yeshiva Toras Chaim cordially invites you to spend a delightful afternoon at the Annual Rose Garden Donor Luncheon, honoring as our “Roses of the Year”, Mrs. Clara Elefant and Mrs. Goldie Kasztl. The “Distinguished Friendship Award” will be presented to Mrs. Linda Gershater. Please join us in honoring these wonderful women on Monday July 10, 2017, at 11:45 a.m. at the YTC MB Glassman Social Hall. Please call the Yeshiva at 303.629.8200 or email ytcinfo@ytc.edu with your reservation.

Jewish National Fund Mountain States invites the community to a program on Tuesday, August 15th, with Lt. Colonel (Res.) Tiran Attia, Director of Special in Uniform, a unique program which integrates young men and women with disabilities into the Israel Defense Forces. The program takes place at Temple Sinai, 3509 S. Glencoe St., at 7:00 pm. This is a free program but an RSVP is required by August 9th at jnf.org/denvertiran17 or by calling 303-573-7095 ext.968.

This month’s Golden Tassel Club is sponsored by Seth and Chaya Parkoff in honor of their 26th wedding anniversary.

Thank-you to all of those who contribute to our Shabbat services by signing up to help with our weekly leining. We remain in need of continued help with this and all able-lainers are encouraged to please volunteer! In addition, with a goal of expanding our roster of Haftarah readers, we have now opened up the weekly Haftarah portions for sign-up as well. The sign-up website is www.datminyan.org/laining. Please contact Steve Hutt for questions and additional information.

Looking for a way to make your donation to the shul really go the distance? We can use your Frequent Flyer miles to fly in our Scholars in Residence, saving the shul a great deal of money! Please contact the synagogue office to make a mileage donation.

Your help in maintaining the order of our DAT Minyan davening space is most appreciated. With seating sometimes challenging, please utilize the tables in the hallway for your tallit bags and other items that may require storage during davening. Please make every effort to retrieve these items after davening and motzei Shabbat. The tables are removed after Shabbat and we cannot be responsible for items that are left with us. Similarly, we thank you for helping us by returning chumashim and siddurim to the bookshelves from which you found them at the conclusion of davening.

Expanding our resources of prayer books is always a great opportunity to help our shul and honor someone special. In addition to daily siddurim, we are currently hoping to add 30 new Kinnot siddurim for use on Tisha B’Av. To sponsor the purchase of these siddurim, at $25.00 per book, please contact the shul office at 720-941-0479. We would love to have our complete new set of Kinnot siddurim here by Tisha B’Av, which is only a month away.

Rabbi Friedman will be away from July 2nd to July 17th. For emergencies only, he will be reachable by text.

SHAWL, our Shabbat women’s learning group, will hold its next Book Club meeting on July 15th. The featured book for discussion is “An Officer and a Spy,” a historical fictional novel by author Robert Harris about the Dreyfus Affair and anti-Semitism in France prior to WWI.

Rabbi Tuvia Negreann, a Denver native, is an expert Sofer specializing in writing and checking Mezuzot, Tefillin, and Megilot. For a testimonial of his services, feel free to speak with Aryeh Fischer as Rabbi Negreann served as the Sofer for Ezra Fischer’s Tefillin. Rabbi Negreann’s contact information is 720-271-5555 or tnegreann@gmail.com.

Steve Bloomberg Shabbat July 15th:

“Defeating the Terror"

Join us on Shabbat, July 15th, when we welcome Steve Bloomberg and his wife Judi to our community. Steve was a native of London before making Aliya in 1982. He and his family were the victims of a terrorist attack in August 2001 when Palestinian gunmen opened fire on the family’s car, resulting in the death of his pregnant wife Techiya, and leaving both him and his daughter Tzippy paralyzed with spinal injuries. He continues to work full-time as an Optical Engineer and married Judi 13 years ago. He is active physically (swimming and hand-bicycling)

and is an advocate for wheel-chair accessibility in Israel. Highly recognized for his presentations regarding his personal experiences of how one can live and be positive despite physical limitations and traumatic experiences, Steve will speak after Musaf and take questions from the congregation.

Rabbi Reuven Taragin and Rabbanit Shani Taragin Shabbat August 4th and 5th

We welcome Rabbi Reuven Taragin and his wife Rabbanit Shani Taragin to the DAT Community on the Shabbat of August 4 — 5 for a series of inspiring presentations. Rabbi Taragin is the Dean of Overseas Students at Yeshivat Hakotel in Jerusalem. He is well- known for his shiurim in Gemara, Tanach and

Machshava, his inspiring talks, signature tisches and the personal advice he gives to talmidim. Shani Taragin is the Coordinator of the Intensive Tanach Track for post-high school students in Midreshet Lindenbaum. She lectures throughout Israel, serves on the first women’s hotline to deal with issues of Jewish law and is currently pursuing her Ph.D in Tanach.


Please help make our prayer service more meaningful by refraining from talking during the service.


Over the past century enormous events have overtaken the Jewish people. All of these events remain mysterious to us. Why did the Holocaust take place? Why did our generation merit the creation of a Jewish state in our ancient homeland of the Land of Israel? How has Torah study ascended to such a lofty level both in spirit and numbers in a generation of assimilation and intermarriage?

All of these questions go to the heart of Jewish existence and society in our time. And to a great extent, they are all questions for which no real answers have ever been provided. But what is clear is that instead of delving intellectually into these issues, we should rather face their consequences and attempt to positively affect opportunities and situations. Complaints and finger pointing over past mistakes will not really help us in our current struggles and challenges.

To a great extent, these attempts at hindsight and rational explanations of what is essentially beyond our understanding are futile and counterproductive. Our task is to build the future and not necessarily to try and explain the inexplicable. We are judged by what we do and accomplish and not by what we attempt to understand or explain. That is really the essential message of the Torah reading of this week.

Shabbat shalom — Rabbi Berel Wein

Rabbi Wein (Continued from page 1)

New Adult Summer Learning Mini-Series

"The World of Halacha" - We are all familiar with the word "Halacha,"

and we use it to quickly describe our daily actions as Jewish people.

• But how does Halacha come to be decided, and by whom?

• What are the major works of Halacha, how did they become so,

and are they sacrosanct?

• How do the pivotal Halachic texts intersect with each other?

• How do I know which one is right for each occasion, and how can

they be mined efficiently?

Explore these and other questions about the inner-workings of the

fascinating process of Halacha in this mini-series with Rabbi Zalesch,

beginning with a co-ed SHAWL on July 8 and continuing with a 4-part

series on Mondays at 7:30 pm at DAT, July 10, 17, 24 and August 7.

$40 for the course, and a lifetime of applicable skills and knowledge.

For more information and to pre-register for this class, please contact

Rabbi Zalesch at rebleib1@gmail.com.

Attention Incoming 8th Graders and Up

We are looking for new Advisors for next years’ groups.

If you are interested in working or subbing, please email Mor at


A huge THANK-YOU to three of our fantastic

Advisors, Zach Brown, Dov Cohen and Zavi Parkoff

for their commitment to our children and the youth


We know many great things will be in your future!

Hatzlacha Rabbah!

Wishing safe travels

to our 17

Summer NCSY participants!

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